It is very good of the Troubled gentleman to come and rescue me. I could’ve been forever stuck in this egoorbis.

It is apparent that there is not a great deal of interest here in hanging weight from, or pulling, testicles. Perhaps, it just doesn’t cause enough pain. Start a thread on ‘electricity applied to testicles’ and the whole BB world wants a say. I dare say a ‘testicles mashed by potato masher’ thread might do better still. However, I refuse to be beaten (me and my puns!). I quite like to have a beautiful woman pull me around by the testicles. It’s a very good way of ‘putting her in charge’. Careful ‘threading’ of that charge also allows this situation in public without others knowing. Somehow the uncertainly of ‘when’s she gonna pull’ intensifies the excitement of the scenario. I guess I am alone in this so I will let the matter drop.

PS. This guy did 40Kg