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Thread: Furry Ballbusting

  1. #661
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    Here are a couple of things I've stumbled across in the past few days:

    Unfortunately I'm not making much progress with my own work (too busy), but I'll be back eventually. In the meanwhile, I'm glad to see this thread is alive and well :)

  2. #662
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poiu View Post
    Here are a couple of things I've stumbled across in the past few days:

    Unfortunately I'm not making much progress with my own work (too busy), but I'll be back eventually. In the meanwhile, I'm glad to see this thread is alive and well
    LOL I Like the little "cracked eggs" in the bottom right of the first one. Owie.

  3. #663
    Supreme Poster
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    Nice pics, poiu! Keep looking for them!


  4. #664
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    LOL @ ninja turtle
    Pornography = boring.

  5. #665
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Pornography = boring.

  6. #666
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Pornography = boring.

  7. #667
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    I like the princess story. Any chance we'll see the next part soon?

  8. #668
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by One from the Vaults View Post
    I like the princess story. Any chance we'll see the next part soon?
    You didn't miss Part 2 when I posted it, did you? So far I've posted Part 1, and Part 2! As for Part 3, well, with any luck it will be up before too long! Glad you like it, thanks for asking!

  9. #669
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    hey, look! a thing!

    So: I've got another story for you! It's not the next chapter of Dragon Slaying, sadly (though Lia & co. are currently discussing how to burst one of P'oiu's balls), but it is a continuation/offshoot/whatever of the Pokemon story about the Underground League that I wrote a while back, based on my weird little website. It's a little rushed, but I figured it was better to finish something and post it than to keep on waiting.

    Anyway, if you like ballbusting, Pokemon, or sexy nurses, hopefully you'll find something to like here. Enjoy!


    Ethan looked up from his magazine, glancing left and right to see if there was anyone else in the waiting room, but besides the cute Latias nurse standing at the door and the Dusclops sitting at the sign-in desk, it looked like he was the only one left. The Blastoise set down his copy of Battles Illustrated, climbing heavily to his feet. "Uh…I guess that's me."

    "Mr. Pell, is it?" The female smiled warmly. "Right this way, please."

    "Of course." Ethan followed the nurse into the hallway, unable to resist a glance at the subtle curve of her rear through her tight white uniform. The Blastoise admired the view for a short moment before clearing his throat, ******* his eyes back upwards. "Listen, uh -- I was told I need to come here, but I'm not sure why…"

    "You're new to the League, yes?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder.

    "Yes," he replied.

    "Well, before we can accept you into the League, we need to do a quick physical to make sure you're physically fit enough." She turned a corner, continuing her brisk pace. "It's standard procedure."

    The Blastoise frowned, struggling a bit just to keep up with the fleet-footed female. "B-but I already brought in my latest documents from the Pokecenter -- I had a physical just last week."

    "Ah yes, but the Underground League requires a somewhat…unique skill-set from its participants." The Latias finally came to a stop, grabbing a doorknob. "It's not enough just to be fit -- your body must be prepared for the challenges of an Underground League battle."

    "Oh." Ethan scratched his head. "Uh…okay."

    Rather than say more, the nurse just opened the door, gesturing inwards. "Now you step inside and strip down, and I'll be back in a minute to start the exam, alright?"

    The big Blastoise paused at that thought -- himself, naked, receiving an in-depth "checkup" from the curvy female. And maybe checking out that cute rump in return… "W-wait," he stuttered, "are…are you the one examining me?"

    "Along with my partner, yes." Seeing the look on his face, the Latias giggled. "Oh don't be shy, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Just make yourself comfortable and we'll be in shortly, alright?"

    "Uh…of course," Ethan replied, quickly stepping inside and closing the door before he could embarrass himself any further.

    It only took a few moments for the Blastoise to remove the few articles of clothing he was wearing: his socks and shoes set neatly on the floor, his t-shirt following soon afterwards, with his shorts and boxers completing the set. Nervously the big water-type sat on the edge of the examination table, glancing down at his groin. Not that he was ashamed of what Arceus had given him -- quite the opposite, in fact -- but recently he'd gone through a bit of a dry spell, and that bouncy little Latias chick had already done plenty to get his hormones flowing. Hopefully a nice cold stethoscope to the chest would cool him down a bit; otherwise, things had the potential to get awkward…

    The male looked up with a start as the doorknob turned again, the door opening to reveal a new figure…but one equally worrisome. The Blastoise let out an internal groan as the Ivysaur female stepped into the room, her uniform tight around her hips, a clipboard clasped tightly to her chest. And good thing, too -- that clipboard was the only item that stopped Ethan from openly gawking at the grass-type's rather generous rack. Even so, he could feel a pang of desire go through his body, his turtlehood giving a weak twitch at the sight.

    Then came the Latias girl as well, turning to close the door behind her, giving him another glimpse of that fine behind through the thin cloth of her outfit. Two bangable nurses? Already the male could feel his limp length starting to stiffen, responding to the welcome sight. Keeping his libido in check was going to be an uphill battle, apparently.

    "Well then…Ethan Pell, is it?" The Ivysaur smiled at him. "I'm Dr. Inkberry -- I'll be leading your exam today. Nice to meet you."

    "And I'm Dr. Landsinger," piped up the Latias. "We've met already, of course, but nice to meet you all the same."

    "Uh…pleased to meet you both as well," Ethan replied. It was a bit of a relief to hear both of the females take on a professional tone. It certainly put his nerves more at ease. Maybe it wouldn't be quite so difficult to keep himself under control after all.

    Dr. Inkberry continued, glancing down at her clipboard. "I'm sure you've got places to be this afternoon, so we'll try to make this as quick and painless as we can. Let's see…you've signed the consent forms, so Dr. Landsinger is going to start setting you up on the examination table, but while she's doing that, I'm going to ask you some supplementary questions to fill in the gaps in your physical, alright?"

    "Sounds good," the Blastoise answered, trying to relax as the Latias placed a hand on his chest and ****** him gently onto his back. It was never a very comfortable place for a turtle to be, but after twenty-odd years of doctor's visits, he knew better than to complain or to panic.

    "It looks like we've got most of your basic info already," said the Ivysaur, "but we're going to need more background on your reproductive health -- for legal reasons, mostly. These questions are important, so answer honestly, please."

    "Of course," Ethan replied, allowing Dr. Landsinger to grab one of his wrists and extend his arm to its full length.

    "Good." Dr. Inkberry looked up from her clipboard, giving the water-type a smile. "Then let me start with the basics…it says here you're clean of any sexual diseases, yes?"

    "Yes ma'am."


    "As far as I know."

    "Any hormone imbalances? Low testosterone, anything like that?"

    "Not that I'm aware of, no."

    "Good." The Ivysaur set her clipboard down for a moment, sliding her pencil behind one ear. "I'm just going to examine your testicles quickly and make sure there are no unusual growths…"

    The Blastoise fought the urge to fidget as the female stepped up between his legs, taking hold of his heavy turtle-makers and weighing them in her palm. He let out a long, tense breath as the Ivysaur examined his orbs, checking for any irregularities. At least she's not feeling up the one-eyed monster, Ethan told himself…even though a small part of him wished that she was.

    "Seems like everything's normal," Dr. Inkberry said after a moment, letting the water-type's jewels slip from her grasp. "Nothing to suggest any disease or recent injury."

    "Well that's good news," piped up Dr. Landsinger, just as she finished binding the male's left wrist to the table. "I'd hate to see a big guy like you anything less than healthy."

    That earned a blush from Ethan, but the Ivysaur just shook her head. "Anyway, continuing…have you ever been kicked, punched, or otherwise hit in the testicles?"

    Ethan winced. "Uh, yes."

    The Ivysaur ticked off a box on her clipboard. "And what is the most severe blow you have ever taken to the testicles?"

    "Um." The male blushed, his legs drawing together instinctively as he thought the question over. "I got kneed pretty hard by a Tyranitar chick once…that was bad."

    "How long did that put you out of commission?" asked the Latias, pulling one of the Blastoise's legs aside.

    Ethan frowned, looking down at the dragon-type as she bound his ankle to the examination table. "Well, I was down for probably fifteen minutes or so…and then I was pretty achy for a day or two after."

    "Mmm." Another mark on Dr. Inkberry's clipboard. "And do you have any history of rupture?"

    The male blinked. "Sorry, could you say that again?"

    "Have you ever popped one?" asked the Latias bluntly.

    Ethan's stomach turned at the thought. "Uh, no. I mean, I have 'em both, don't I?"

    "That's true, but just because you've got a full set doesn't mean there hasn't been a rupture." The Ivysaur reached out and took the Blastoise's sac in her hand once more, rolling the twin spunk-makers between her fingers. "Sometimes a ball can be patched back together after it bursts, assuming it hasn't been totally crushed."

    "Oh. R-right." The male looked a little queasy now, and none-too-comfortable with the female examining his heavy pair. "Well that definitely hasn't happened."

    "Good to hear." The female let his turtle-makers slip from her grasp. "And how about sexual activity -- you're sexually active, yes?"


    "And no sexual diseases, we already went over that…" The Ivysaur frowned. "When was the last time you ejaculated?"

    "Uh." Ethan's cheeks burned red. "Th-that's a little personal, isn't it?"

    "It's all part of the standard procedure, sir." The Latias nurse smiled up at him. "Don't worry, this is all private -- there's nothing to be shy about."

    The Blastoise frowned, watching as the female finished binding his other ankle. "Well then. That would be…last night, I guess."

    "With a partner, or solo?"

    "...Solo," admitted the male sheepishly.

    The Latias looked up, her gaze flicking towards the male's limp length. "Well that's a pity," she murmured.

    Dr. Inkberry just nodded. "No shame in that. And just to double-check: as far as you're aware, you have no fertility problems, correct?"

    "No, no issues."

    "I should think not, with a big pair of plums like that." Dr. Landsinger giggled as she locked Ethan's right wrist into the last of the restraints. "And you're a water-type, too -- I'll bet your little swimmers are plenty strong."

    Ethan blushed brightly at her comment -- and his cheeks weren't the only part of his body suffering from an increase in blood flow. If I get out of this examination without popping wood, thought the turtle, then I deserve some kind of medal. And some alone time with a box of tissues.

    But if the two nurses took any notice of the Blastoise's inner conflict, they didn't show it. Instead Dr. Inkberry scribbled a few more notes on her clipboard, then set it aside. "Alright then, we've just got a few more quick tests to do. Jess, the patient is secured?" she asked, moving to examine her male's restraints.

    "Yep!" The dragon-type grinned. "Good luck escaping from that without any help."

    The Ivysaur let out a little chuckle. "Doctor, you're going to scare him with language like that." She turned to Ethan. "Just lie down and try to relax, alright? This might be a little uncomfortable, but it shouldn't take more than a minute or two."

    Ethan frowned. "Sure. Uh…what test is this, exactly?"

    "Oh, just a reproductive health examination. An evaluation of sexual performance and a standard test for testicular integrity."

    "Uh…'testicular integrity'?" the Blastoise echoed uncertainly.

    "Yep! We check whether you've got the balls for the job, basically." Dr. Landsinger grinned, taking hold of his sac. "We need to make sure that your balls won't just explode the first time you take a Mega Kick to the groin."

    "A-and how do you do that?" asked Ethan, increasing concern creeping into his voice.

    "Well, we usually start with manual examination." The Latias grinned, rolling the male's plump turtlemakers between her fingers. "But that's Dr. Inkberry's area of expertise, not mine, so...Doc, you wanna take over?"

    "My pleasure." The Ivysaur smiled down at the male, wrapping her fingers around his left orb. "Now, take a deep breath and think about something pleasant, alright?"

    Ethan opened his mouth to make some kind of protestation -- but before he could even formulate the thought, a pair of vines shot out from the grass-type doctor's shoulders, reaching down to encircle his isolated left nut. For a split second the Blastoise felt a shiver of arousal -- the foreign sensation of being felt up by a pair of tentacles -- but only until the female's snug wrap suddenly tightened around its contents.

    The male's eyes shot wide open and his body tensed as the doctor bore down on his spud with crushing force. Immediately a high-pitched moan came from his throat, his hips twitching instinctively in an attempt to dislodge the gonad-crushing rip. The rubbery sphere squirmed desperately, seeking an escape from the terrible pressure, but it was surrounded on all sides by the Ivysaur's tightly coiled vines, its contents ****** into an ever-shrinking space.

    Meanwhile, Dr. Landsinger just chuckled, watching the turtle's facial expression as his eggs were all but scrambled in the name of health. "Ha, look at him! I swear, no two guys make the same face, but they all react like you just stabbed them in the gut with a rusty spork."

    "Tell me about it." The Ivysaur's brow was furrowed as she carried out her examination, rotating the water-type's jewel in her grip to examine every side. Carefully she pushed and prodded, poking into the heart of the turtle's testicle and earning a shrill squeal in response. "It's not like we're doing any damage -- they way they react, you'd think it was a Snorlax stomping on their spuds."

    "Heh, yeah." Dr. Landsinger grinned. "Speaking of which, did you see that fight last week?"

    "The one against the Dragonite? Yeah, I caught the highlights on Jubilife afterwards. If you ask me, the guy was lucky to get out of there with one nut left." Dr. Inkberry shook her head, looking back down at the spunk-filled nugget squashed between her vines and ignoring the twitching, moaning male it was attached to. "Anyway, the left one seems healthy so far. You wanna start checking the right?"

    "Sure thing," the Latias replied. Gently she lifted the Blastoise's right nut in her fingers, peering at the plump spunk-maker for a moment, a faint blue glow building up around her hand. "Now let's see…"

    Ethan was already lost in his own world of mind-numbing, gut-wrenching pain, his entire universe consumed by the nauseating ache spreading from his mangled left marble…but that did very little to distract him from the agony that suddenly exploded in his right nut. The turtle let out a renewed squawk of male agony as Dr. Landsinger focused her psychic powers on his other gonad, his sizable right nut reshaping itself like putty under the incredible strength of the Latias's psychic examination. Desperately the Blastoise tried to call out, seeking the words to make it all stop -- but even if his vocal cords hadn't already been contorted in a high-pitched moan, the two doctors between his legs didn't seem very concerned about his personal comfort.

    "Honestly, he's got a really nice pair," remarked Dr. Landsinger. "Big, plump, healthy. And he's your standard water-type -- he's gotta be producing spunk by the gallon. I mean, these things are full."

    "Yeah…that should make the last part interesting." The Ivysaur glanced up. "Do you want to take this, or should I?"

    Dr. Landsinger shrugged. "Seems like he's got enough to share. Why not both of us?"

    The grass-type thought for a moment, then shrugged in return. "Sure, I don't see why not. After you, then."

    "With pleasure." The Latias took on an almost predatory look, grinning down at the Blastoise's groin. "I've been looking forward to this ever since you walked in, big boy…"

    In his near-delirious state, Ethan was a bit too distracted to fully process what was going on in front of him, but if he had been paying attention, he might have seen Dr. Landsinger reach out to take hold of his limp length, giving it a few firm strokes. He might have seen her lean in to give a long, slow lick from base to tip, sliding her tongue around the growing beast. He might have seen Dr. Inkberry join in a moment later, watching as she slurped down the first few inches, sucking hungrily on the stiffening rod.

    Unfortunately for Ethan, this hardly registered when compared to the most intimate male agony imaginable -- but even if his brain could hardly process the spectacle before him, his body certainly responded, his thick turtlehood responding to the oral treatment despite the hellish nightmare going on just a few inches below. The male continued to frantically buck his hips, letting loose another long moan -- but with so many wires crossed, it was hard to say whether he was reacting to the pain or the pleasure.

    Regardless, it was only a matter of moments before the Blastoise's body surrendered to the overstimulation. With an agonized squeal the male exploded, a thick blast of seed firing from the end of his cock to spray over the two females servicing him. His flattened orbs throbbed in agony as their sticky contents were practically squeezed out, shot after shot of baby batter arcing through the air to coat the doctors, the examination table, and everything else within a radius of several feet.

    After a few moments (and one final, extra-strong squeeze), the Ivysaur and the Latias relinquished their grip on the male's tortured jewels, allowing the mangled pair to reinflate to an approximation of their usual shape. There was a brief pause as the turtle's member gave a few more twitches, drooling a few last drops of seed, but the silence was interrupted as Ethan let out another ungodly moan, his naked body quivering upon the examination table.

    "You--you've got a sample?" asked Dr. Inkberry, squinting one eye shut against the string of seed that had splattered across the side of her face.

    "Uh, yeah, I think so," laughed the Latias, using a finger to scrape off some of the thick spunk lying in ropes across the chest of her uniform. "Arceus, he came like a geyser, didn't he? The girls in the stadium are gonna love him."

    "Heh…as long as he battles a cocktease, and not a ball-breaker." The Ivysaur looked down at the male's heavy sac. "Though who knows -- with a big pair like his, he might survive for a while before some girl pops one."

    Ethan was far too gone to pay attention to what the females were saying around him…but as soon as his limbs were freed, the Blastoise bent double, hands flying to cover his tortured turtlehood. He hardly even noticed as he rolled onto his side and tumbled off the examination table on to the floor, crumpling into the fetal position.

    "Ohhhh Arceus," the male moaned, his hands clasped tightly between his legs. "Oh dear Arceus, my nuts--!"

    "Heh." The Latias chuckled, watching as the male clutched feebly at his throbbing spuds. "Never gets old."

    "Relax," cooed Dr. Inkberry, unable to suppress a smile herself as the Blastoise let out another deep groan. "The first time's always the worst -- it'll get better from here, I promise. Consider that a warm-up for the League."

    Ethan just let out another incoherent groan in reply. "Oh god…"

    This time the doctor smiled more widely. "Take a few minutes to gather yourself. When you're ready, come down to the receptionist's desk and we'll set you up with your first battle, alright?"

    The Blastoise managed a weak nod, his gut still swimming with nausea as the two doctors began cleaning up the examination room around him. After a while the male summoned enough strength to try moving again, and gradually the water-type managed to work his way to a kneeling position, his body still curling forwards in an instinctive attempt to guard his aching groin. Gingerly the male cradled his swollen eggs in his fingers, trying not to cause any more damage to his already pummeled pair.

    "Oh, and hey -- one more thing."

    With visible effort Ethan ****** his gaze upwards, catching sight of Dr. Landsinger just in time to see the blur of the dragon-type's foot come crashing up between his legs. The Blastoise let out a pained squeak and crumpled to the floor once more, the room forgotten as a fresh round of agony rose up from his family jewels. With a dry croak the male folded into the fetal position, clutching his most sensitive organs in a vain attempt to soothe their throbbing ache.

    The Latias looked down at him, grinning widely. "Welcome to the League, stud."
    And as a bonus for you people, here's a tiny snippet from a much more graphic version of this story that I'll probably never write. (Warning: ball-pulping ahead.)

    The Nidoqueen rolled the rubbery orb between two fingers, giving the Blaziken's nut a firm squeeze to test its integrity. "Left one seems alright." She switched to the male's other testicle, probing it for only a brief moment before frowning. "This one's a goner, though -- it's already ruptured. Pulp it."

    "Yes ma'am," replied the Latias, grinning as she reached down and took over for the doctor. The female gave an experimental squeeze and giggled. "Ooh, yeah, the entire side is cracked open, isn't it? Poor guy. Ah well, at least he's still got one."

    The *********** male didn't give much more than a quiet moan and a leg twitch as the dragon-type gave a firm squeeze, his right testicle flattened between the female's fingers with a quiet squelch. It gave the Latias herself a shiver, though, a quick thrill running up her spine as half the Blaziken's reproductive power was reduced to goo in her grip.

  10. #670
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    Hey Poiu, are you ever gonna get around to adding some of the things I sent to you in suggestions a long while back? It was under the user Tamakeri. It'd be awesome to see the Pokemon site updated some more (humans <3). Thanks again man.

  11. #671
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    Kyore: sorry I've kept you waiting so long, but I'm actually not planning to add any more new characters to the current site. Don't worry, though: I'm working on an updated/new version that will allow people to create their own characters, whether they're humans or furries or aliens or whatever. It probably won't be done before the end of the year, but I'll let y'all know when it's coming. In the meanwhile, hopefully the dozen-odd humans already in the system can keep you entertained

  12. #672
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    That sounds amazing, poiu!! I hope for your very very very expedited progress.

  13. #673
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    386 Hehehehe. You should like that one, Poiu.

  14. #674
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    Heh, yeah, I'd say so -- I wrote a story based off it :P FELLarts and Faithry both have some fun ideas.

  15. #675
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    Ready for something really out-there and really awesome? A friend of mine gave me permission to post this comic, though I'm unsure if he wants his name attached to them, so I'll keep him anonymous for now. It involves a pair of Disney-like dolphins with some interesting powers, put to interesting use :P

    There's some graphic popping ahead, so be warned. Also, these are big pics, so it'll probably take a moment to download. Anyway, enjoy! I think this is pretty damn original :)

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