I now have a question for anyone that feels like answering it
I was watching some re-run on TV the other night. It was an old AFV or something like it. One clip had this little boy, about 7 or 8 walking across this plank and he slipped and a leg went on each side of the board and he fell on his balls, the camera panned over to his mum and she was in hysterics, laughing like crazy as he fell off the board holding his crotch. You then saw the audience and they were pretty much the same. A few men were holding their crotches in sympathy and laughing and the women were almost as hysterical as the mother. Then the mother walked across the board to show the son how it was supposed to be done and she slipped and did basicly the same as her son, but neither she, nor the audience thought that was in the least bit funny at all, not one single person laughed and when you saw the audience they looked like statues.
I have never found watching people in pain the least bit funny, especially if its children. Pain, to me is a sexual thing, between two consenting adults.
So I was just wondering if someone could explain to me why it was so funny to see that little boy in so much pain, yet it was a serious thing when his mother did the exact same thing.
Any, LOGICAL, help on this would be very much appreciated