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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #586
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnek2me View Post
    Girls & guns - wish they'd threaten the cock & balls with those blasters
    Looks nice. Too bad the previews don't give you any idea of the actual content.
    Pornography = boring.

  2. #587
    Member cutitoff's Avatar
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    how awsome is this pic!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails images.jpeg  

  3. #588
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutitoff View Post
    how awsome is this pic!
    One of my favorite pics, ever. Not gonna lie. It's the tears.
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  4. #589
    Big Supporter sicko666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    Like cutting it into pieces...?
    That image, and the rest that were on imagefap are my favs thanks for adding to it

  5. #590
    Join Date
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    Tranny penectomy is especially amusing... But drawings and photoshop art is more interesting I think than some pics from reality.

  6. #591
    Member cutitoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    One of my favorite pics, ever. Not gonna lie. It's the tears.
    i would cry for you if you did that to me snoodle

  7. #592
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2008

    recent story with a pic i just found

    pic and story.
    as for the story. recently bought an industrial penis pump, showed my wife and she got a little giddy about it. i let her put me in it and start pumping but i refused to tell her when it started hurting.
    she knew it had gotten painful when pumping air out started to get difficult, but i just let her keep on pumping slowly. she stared at my engorged member intently asking me if it hurt (pump) does it feel good? (pump) then i said finally, yes it hurts. she got a smile on her face and pumped it slowly again. then again, and again. slowly causing me more pain and making it swell even more. it got so intense that she finally let it get the better of her and frantically started pumping it like crazy and she had this look in her eyes that she wanted to see it explode in the pump. she started giggling as she pumped it feverishly and it looked about ready to pop, dark purple, misshapen with bumps and bruises on it.
    at this point she grabbed the entire pump and started pulling on it. all i could feel was the base of my cock gripped so tightly in the suction start to feel like it was being bitten so hard as it created a bigger vaccuum. with a yell she yanked it as hard as she could and it felt like my cock was destroyed and it made an enormous pop as it finally came out. the skin was so sore on it and it looked so painful. she slapped it really hard and then strangled it with both of her hands. then she shoved about an inch past the head into her mouth and bit it as hard as she could short of taking it off.
    she giggled again and stared at me then ran into the bedroom. she came out with what looked like piano wire and looped it around my member at the base then she started pulling the wire from each end making it insanely tight around my penis' base.
    does it feel good? was all she asked, i didn't want to say yes but at the same time i wanted her to take my penis off. to slice it off with the wires so again, i didn't tell her when it started hurting.
    she ALMOST cut my dick off at that point. she pulled so hard that it started to bleed a bit at the base and for a moment i pictured her pulling til it came off then grabbing it and masturbating with it.
    all in all it's just a fantasy and i dont want her to actually cut it off, but there are days where i get so into it that i'm sure some day down the road i'll let her get too into it again and we'll have me sitting next to my penis in the hospital.
    i love my wife, but i love the fact that she loves hurting my cock even more.
    can't wait for her to get home, have a pair of scissors and a whip with her name on them.

  8. #593
    Join Date
    May 2008
    some bites off cock videos. please

  9. #594
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    ********** is fun

    i like to be ********* with a huge knife by a beautiful girl/woman blonde with high heel white stocking or socks and kitchen glove if anyone like this contact me iam ready

  10. #595
    Junior Member
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    those 2 links dont work but its an awesome fantasy

  11. #596
    Junior Member
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    here, there, everywhere

    Haven't seen this posted - surely the ultimate penectomy?

  12. #597
    Senior Member
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    I know a better way to do that scene - she has sex with him, she gets her vagina to bite down and bite his penis off, she gets off the bed and feels the need to pee. While he's holding his bed covers up to his bleeding crotch, he follows her in the bathroom and sees her moving to the toilet. She doesn't sit down but instead raises the lid and straddles the toilet and pulls up her nightie/lingerie, and she starts to pee in the toilet. First its a drop or two of blood from his severed penis and then you see the full force of her pee fall into the toilet. She reaches down and cleans herself with toilet paper. Then she looks at him and waves bye bye to him, reaches behind and pulls the flush handle and the toilet begins to flush as he is still watching hoping his severed penis doesn't fall out of her vagina into the toilet. Unfortunately his hopes go down along with his penis forever. His severed penis drops right out of her vagina and splashes in the toilet and she moves over to the side and watches the show with a evil smile. He drops his bed covers and tries to dive to save his penis but he gets to the toilet just in time to see his penis circling twice then sucked down and disappear along with her pee and toilet paper forever. She washes her hands and leaves the room with a little evil smirk leaving him at the toilet crying in disbelief.

    What does everyone think of the alternative scene?


  13. #598
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    cool pics I should say, but reality looks so real that kills all strange thoughts of mine. In my point of view drawings are more attractive.

  14. #599
    Join Date
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    Trying to post pictures...

    hmm... Can`t do it. Should learn how to add attachments.

  15. #600
    Join Date
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    One more try.

    Here are some pics I found. Drawings and Photoshop fakes seem attractive to me.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 04.jpg   56851_D113_bite_123_1126lo.jpg   1533230306.jpg   1777130198.jpg   1189589534889.jpg  

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