Asian women can provide the most pleasure and the most sadistic tortures. Tha Viet Cong loved to turn their female soldiers loose on freshly captured GIs. Guess what their favorite body part to torture was??!!
Asian women can provide the most pleasure and the most sadistic tortures. Tha Viet Cong loved to turn their female soldiers loose on freshly captured GIs. Guess what their favorite body part to torture was??!!
I found these clips in the EA. Are they real?
the ********** (we cut the testicles) don't forbid to ejaculate, but the sperm will not contaisn sper, only pre-cum I think The other sexuals glands would be able to maintain the sexuals charaters
After, an euneuch is able to get a hard-on? I don't know
Take some testosterone and the hard ons will continue. I'd love to see castraed guy with both his sack and balls removed, have intercourse with a women. Any videos out there?
Testosterone can be applied via (depot) injection or simply as a creme.
And even without, it's possible to erect and even orgasm from time to time.
So the videos may be true or not, but the truth would look quite like that.
So, for a man who doesn't want children (any more) ********** isn't very much of a penalty.
I'd like to see videos of men without penis ejaculate...![]()
All my manips:
That is very interesting to see eunuchs ejaculate. I wonder how long they have been eunuchs and if they are taking hormones. They didn't squirt much cum so wonder if their volume is decreasing and maybe they will dry out? Dry orgasm would be truly "shooting blanks" because when you shoot blanks in a gun nothing cums out the barrel. Also, it looks like they do not get really hard enough to penetrate a pussy except maybe for a few seconds while they squirt their little wads. Are there any more vids of eunuchs masturbating, squirting, or fucking? Would be interesting to see if they get hard enough to really fuck.
Here a guy without his cock and balls ejaculating.....
There used to be a clip on bmevideo titled "Australian Eunuch Sex", featuring a nutless guy penetrating a girl. Since the girl was on top, the camera showed the guy hard yet without balls or a sac. Unfortunately, I think bmevideo has removed all old videos since its redecoration.
Kastration boy:
Castration fantasy blog
I want to see that blog but am cautios of downloading the language pack. Is it safe?
enter the url here at and select the translate from language as japanese. i too am wary of language packs
Thanks that works great
or she will cut his cock off!
Check out this truly erotic video on XHamster. If you can't see the link here, simply visit XHamster dot com and search for "better cum cock cut" or suchlike.
Best wishes,