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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #46
    Registered Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzybb
    Wouldn't cartoons be a good way to introduce a girl to BB? I think by showing her some of the cartoons and gauging a reaction is nice little way to find out if she's into it or not. Would like to see more pics like this floating around.
    I think so. I've been reluctant to bring up the subject with my gf, but have been slowly bringing things up like cartoons and that wakthesak game just to judge the reaction from that.

  2. #47
    Persoanlly, I feel, and this is just my opinion, you wouldnt be able to gauge her interest in BB from cartoons. Its too easy to disassociate them from reality, ie: you may find a cartoon of Bushes and Blairs heads on spikes in Downtown Bagdad very funny, or you may laugh like crazy at a cartoon of your Mother inlaw drving off a cliff. Neither of these things mean you actually want either to happen. In fact you may be repulsed if they did happen in real life.

  3. #48
    Big Supporter iron horse's Avatar
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    In my humble opinion:

    I agree that her reaction to such cartoons would not be the definitive guage of her interest in ballbusting...only a one-on-one conversation would do it.

    With that said, I do believe the cartoons are an excellent way to make the introduction of the topic and start the conversation. Breaking the ice to the next level is never easy. If her reaction is very negative about the subject matter of the cartoon, she probably wouldn't be into it. If she laughs and enjoyes the cartoons, you can show her more. One thing I've shown women is the free ball-slapping game "Wak the Sak", here:

    The game originally had a description saying it was for sadistic girls. The cartoon figure is of a naked man standing there with his exposed balls dangling. You use your cursor to move a hand and slap his balls. The faster and hard you hit his balls, the louder he screams and the higher your score - your finally score is presented next to his balls as they glow red showing the pain you've just inflicted on his balls.

    I've introduced it to a number of girls, and some really, really enjoyed it comparing notes as to who could slap his balls the hardest and make him scream the loudest. Although their delight in slapping a virtual man's balls as hard as possible and making him scream as loud as possible doesn't transcend directly into the same desire in real life, one could certainly make the argument it is, at least, and indication they enjoy the concept somehow.

    If she continues with interest and enjoyment of the subject matter, I'd think it would be easier to get into substantive conversations with her about it.

    Again, IMHO.

  4. #49
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    Exclamation Ballbusting comic

    What's this beautiful bb comic!?!?
    Something with "gold digger".....
    Anyone out there knows about it?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails gold_digger_jpg_01.jpg   gold_digger_jpg_02.jpg  
    Last edited by SadisticSara; 05-10-2005 at 12:16 PM. Reason: (Changed pics from inline to attached, without modifying full-size original pics.)

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    WI, Madison
    can we get the full comic or just the name of it

  6. #51
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by JASTA89882
    can we get the full comic or just the name of it

    THAT was the reason i posted it around

  7. #52

    So why is it?

    In my surfing I have discovered thousands of comics that deal with S&M, bondage, torture and the like. The vast majority of these appear to be heterosexually oriented (i.e. man/woman or woman/woman but likely (?) not aimed at a dykey audience). Curiously, those that feature women as the sub out number those where a man is a victim by over 100:1. From where I sit, this balance does not appear to be representative of the scene at large as there are a considerable number of men that are into FemDom. Why is this proportion not represented in the cartoon form? Within the small male submissive cartoon scene BB itself is very rare such that we are more-or-less left with just the few examples shown in this thread. I can think of thousands of cartoons that show women being hung by their tits, having spikes in their cunts etc. etc. Can anybody offer an insight as to the cause of the imbalance in the ratio of cartoons depicting men and women on the receiving end of punishment? I’m just Inquisitiv.

    PS. After years of searching, I do now have a small collection of comics that depict some BB I haven’t seen these on the web before. I’ll dig ‘em out sometime, scan them and post a few here.

  8. #53
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    Well, I think it has to do with the fact that most comics are drawn by guys. A guy into femdom knows what he wants done to him. A guy into femsub knows what he wants to do to someone. Drawing a comic where something happens to a character is much more like doing something -to- someone than having it done to you. So a guy into femsub is going to find it more satisfying to draw the femsub comic than a guy who is into femdom is going to find it to draw the femdom comic.

    At least, that's my best guess.
    For ball busting T-shirts, check out my shop.

  9. #54
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    What Smack said.

    Plus: there are plenty of men who would fantasize about hurting women, but actually doing so is taboo. While a guy can't actually hand the chick who just dumped him by the tits, he can sure as hell draw a reasonabke likeness.

    There is an element of domination in the sub (the "topping from the bottom" thing); consider that, in many videos, the girls wear flimdy outfits of traditional rashy/sexy things like fishnets. Drawing women like that, even if they are busting some balls, is exploitation of the female figure, and if the artist is a wee bit sensitive (many of them dang arrr-tists are), that's going to spoil the mood; it's not a scene of a man being dominated, it's a scene of a woman being exploited. If you fantasize about being dominated, it does not make sense to draw picures of exploiting others -- and, no, I don't think that people think things through that way, I think that there's a conflict that gets resolved that way.

    Artists (male artists) prefer to draw chicks. Oh, yeah. Chicks walking the dog, chicks standing there, chicks walking along the beach, chicks with superhero powers flying through the air and throwing Buicks at each other, chicks licking ice cream, chicks, chicks, chicks! And if an artist is going to draw someone nude or semi-nude, does that mean that he is more inclined to draw a nude woamn or a nude man? Exactly. Bring on the chicks!!!
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  10. #55

    Willing but not exactly able….

    Thank you for your input gentlemen. You present an interesting thesis smack. Perhaps I’m unusual as I would be well into drawing men getting busted. Unfortunately, I carry the handicap of being a really shite artist . I did play around with computer technology once and even made some movies that were OK (these were lost when my ex wiped my hard disk ) However, due to my handicap none of the material was truly original (i.e. I took somebody else’s work and adapted it). While I’m completely crap, I still gained some satisfaction from it.

    Of late I’ve turned my dried-up creative juices to a new topic: It turns out that Kerry from this very forum has a fetish for what I believe is called breath-play. She likes to be hung while she’s fucked. I have to say that this is a completely new one to me but boy does it turn me on to string a chick up like that! I quite like drawing pictures of this too as it turns out. Dolcett ( provides some great ideas and starting material (although I’m not really into spit-roasting lasses). [Julie you may (?) like that site although its v hardcore]

    Whoops, I risk going off topic there. So to return to BB: I thought the stuff jonoffen posted was great. Did this involve an art qualification or could a caveman like myself have a stab at this ‘Flash’ stuff? Where have the jonoffen/Knave pics gone (example below)? I loved them. Mimicry is definitely flattering and it didn’t appear that Knave was too bothered about your extension to his art (?). Altered originals or not, I think they’re great so keep up the great work jonoffen!!

    Other input appreciated,

    PS. Knave, you appear to be one of the few 'qualified' artists that draw in this area. Got any more stuff you could share with us?

    PPS. Yes I am inquisitiv in case you were wonderin but i exceeded me upload limit on that account so cannot post attachments

  11. #56
    Big Supporter David_B's Avatar
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    Where am I
    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    After years of searching, I do now have a small collection of comics that depict some BB
    Hello Inquisitiv,

    There's an awful lot of great stuff collected here on Legend's page that you might like (sorry if you have already seen the link).

    Part of the seeming disproportion between comics and real life (photos/videos of living models) femsub could be that real life femsub material exists, but you and I don't happen to be looking for it. Probably our Internet searches are more geared toward femdom, so that's mainly what we uncover. From what I can see there are far more bondage sites featuring women tied, than men tied, but on the whole I don't see very many of either, as I don't personally like bondage. I think it could be a question of perspective.

    David B.

  12. #57
    Hi David,
    Thanks for the link. I’ve seen a few of them around before but was unaware of the ‘collection’. Some of it is new to me I thought had given up the ghost. There used to be lots of good stuff there (I think it used to host velvet kick amongst others). Does it host other BB sites?

    Femdom/femsub I likes it ALL so I don’t generally gear surfing to any particular aspect. Even among the malesub material something like spanking vastly out numbers BB. I’m not sure whether this represents what sub men prefer on the whole (?).

    I for one would love to see a well-drawn comic about a lass that likes to torture testicles You can do so much more with art than reality.


  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by i-quv
    Unfortunately, I carry the handicap of being a really shite artist
    He's lying again! He's not lying when he says he's a lightweight when it comes to BB though

  14. #59
    Big Supporter iron horse's Avatar
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    Since this thread continues to grow in length, I felt it warranted a post I made early on. It identifies some websites with, literally thousands of femdom cartoons, and virtually any artist that is into it:

    Quote Originally Posted by iron horse
    Ballbusting and ballgrabbing femdom artwork, cartoons and comics are scattered about the Internet. However, most of this work has been consolidated on a few websites, most of which is free. All of the work I've posted on this forum is inclusive in these websites.

    There are some femdom cartoon websites that requires membership and charges a fee for joining. Since the owners of these sites are not the artists, and, since the artists are represented elsewhere for free, I will not add those links below.

    Here are the best sites I've found, and I welcome anyone to post any other links:

    FemdomArt - this is a Russian website. Dozens if not hundreds of femdom artists and comic illustrators display their work here, and I'm sure you'll recognize much of it. Click on the respective artist to the left to see his/her work. (You can use one of the many free Russian translation websites to instantly translate the text into English):

    The World of Mondo - An Italian website that focuses on sadomasochistic fetish, with numerous international femdom artists represented:

    Lastly, many of the artists identified in the two sites above have their own websites, such as Sardax, for example:


  15. #60
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    ... I thought had given up the ghost. There used to be lots of good stuff there (I think it used to host velvet kick amongst others). Does it host other BB sites?
    Why yes, actually, TLCnet hosts the California Mean Girls site among about a dozen others.

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