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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #61
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kerry
    He's lying again! He's not lying when he says he's a lightweight when it comes to BB though
    Kerry and Those Few Who Care:

    Artists all tend to find their work awful; most of us are perfectionists and cannot bear the sight of our own work.

    Trouble used to work as a cartoonist (I lampooned politicians before I joined 'em); most people told me that my artwork sucked (not like I felt differently), but I kept at it. I remember a time or two that someone found things that I had drawn impressive and/or well-done. I still thought that they sucked; if it ain't perfect, it sucks.

    I've been thinking of doing some bb cartoons but a) they'll uck (in my opinion, and very likely in everyone else's, also; and b) the scanner here is busted, and not in the kicked-in-the-nuts kind of busted. That's probably a good thing; now I won't have to wear a bag over my head because some of you have seen my artwork.

    PS: Kerry, keep working on him. You'll turn the ol' softie into a heavyweight.
    Last edited by Trouble; 05-12-2005 at 11:08 PM. Reason: Ach! Meine trademark colours! I forgot!
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  2. #62

    Mr. T puts me in my place (again)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamakeri
    Why yes, actually, TLCnet hosts the California Mean Girls site among about a dozen others.
    Whoops I missed that (sorry). How do I ‘get to’ the others?

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by kerry
    He's lying again! He's not lying when he says he's a lightweight when it comes to BB though
    Oi! What about the code-of-conduct? Remember my digital nuklear arsenal?

    The 'art' to which dearest Kerry (name and address withheld ) is referring was either not completely original or was not produced in an unaided fashion (its amazing what Photoshop can do with a photograph). Were she to see my original art in an unaided form I think she’d agree it is shite!

    I’m all embarrassed now.

  4. #64
    See wot I mean? I spent 11 hours drawing this

  5. #65
    Big Supporter David_B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    Femdom/femsub I likes it ALL so I don’t generally gear surfing to any particular aspect.
    Interesting, I'd completely forgotten that it is possible to like both. Does this extend to your own personal partipation, at times taking the dom role and the sub role at other times? Do you have a preference, or does this change?

    David B.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by David_B
    Interesting, I'd completely forgotten that it is possible to like both. Does this extend to your own personal partipation, at times taking the dom role and the sub role at other times? Do you have a preference, or does this change?
    I really do like both sides of the coin. I used to do a lot more femsub stuff (surprisingly its easier to find partners for that). I only properly began exploring my submissive side a few years ago. I’ve since found that this starts and ends with my testicles. I get nothing from anything else including penis stuff. As I’ve said before somewhere here, I think part of the kick comes from the ‘trust’ side of it. I do get a kick from being restrained and vulnerable but I’m usually too apprehensive to take it that far. I also like the thought of being busted as much (more?) as actually being busted (Kerry’s right, I’m a lightweight!). As for preference, it depends on what mood I’m in and who I’m with. I get nothing from dominating a girl that doesn’t want to be dominated. The key to it all is to make sure its fun and involves plenty of laughs whichever way around it is .

  7. #67
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    Whoops I missed that (sorry). How do I ‘get to’ the others?
    TLCnet's "portal" is

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Tamakeri
    TLCnet's "portal" is
    Oh I see. I was aware of groinkick but unaware of its connection to tlcnet.
    many thanks for straightenig me out again.

  9. #69
    Junior Member
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    Funny pic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Divorce_small.jpg  

  10. #70
    Registered Member
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    There is a comic in there on the russian site from someone called "Ironwood". Any idea where you could get the entire comic? I have tried looking for it, but all I get is a series called "Ironwood" by some other guy. Any info would be appreciated.

  11. #71
    Big Supporter David_B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    I also like the thought of being busted as much (more?) as actually being busted...
    I suppose it's a strange paradox that even when I'm laying on my back getting trampled I still feel in control somehow. I agree that the fantasy side is as or more important than pain itself. What I really like is the thought that a women is being cruel and doing these things to me. It is the woman's decision to trample or kick, even though she knows how much it will hurt me, that I find so exciting. I always think if someone just wants pain alone, they may as well just slam their own hand in a door, or whatever. For me fantasy adds so much more to the experience.

    David B.

  12. #72
    Anybody know who this is by?

  13. #73
    Junior Member
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    does anyone know who the artist of these two pics is?

    I think he's from japan, I saw a site with many bb pics of him long time ago, he/she did many high quality pics of this kind plus some others that I didn't understand much.

    Have anyone got anymore bb pics of he/she?
    What do you think of these? hope this is not a repost..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails castigo+severo.jpg   Got+Ya.jpg  

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by i-quv
    Anybody know who this is by?
    I think her name is Anne R Tist

    Sorry, couldnt help myself

  15. #75
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie18nz
    I think her name is Anne R Tist

    Sorry, couldnt help myself
    OOH! Just for that, I say we kidnap Julie, drag her out into the woods, tightly bound and gagged, grab her by the cervix, pull it out, whack it with a hammer, and--

    Wait a minnit.

    I almost fell for that! She'd LIKE US to kidnap her, tie her up, gag her, grab her by the cervix, pull it out, and whack it with a hammer, plus the dozen other things I was about to put down! I almost got tricked! We co9uld have wound up, out in the forest, with Julie on the ground in a foetal position, trying to stuff her much-abused cervix back in! A lot of work, that, and she would delight in it!
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

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