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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4741
    Big Supporter
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    Dec 2007
    Unfortunatlely its not working. Only sound no picture!
    Please post again, i am searching for this clip a long time!

  2. #4742
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pegama78 View Post

    Bien ese link ya lo habian puesto en otro post desde haceeee un buen de tiempo pero de todas maneras se agradece la intencion.

    Pues no sabia nada con el tiempo que estuve navegando hasta encontrar este y lo tenia aqui mismo. Ahora estoy buscando una escena de la peicula "laro sa baga" que va de que al tio se lo corta una chica y luego la madre le cura o algo por el estilo ¿sabes donde lo puedo conseguir?

  3. #4743
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gadeto View Post
    Unfortunatlely its not working. Only sound no picture!
    Please post again, i am searching for this clip a long time!
    It plays fine on VLC Media Player. It's a free download at their site. It's the best audio and video player that I've found.

  4. #4744
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Pues despues de dar cientos de vueltas por la red aqui os traigo las escenas que he podido capturar de la pelicula "LARO SO BAGA" en la que la chica se enfada con el tio y le intenta cortar la picha pero falla, y el tio escapa para que se lo cure otra mujer que no se quien es.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Captura.JPG lara2.JPG   Captura.JPG lara4-.JPG  
    Last edited by fastriker; 05-11-2012 at 04:27 AM.

  5. #4745
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Smile link please

    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    Pues despues de dar cientos de vueltas por la red aqui os traigo las escenas que he podido capturar de la pelicula "LARO SO BAGA" en la que la chica se enfada con el tio y le intenta cortar la picha pero falla, y el tio escapa para que se lo cure otra mujer que no se quien es.


    Link de la pelicula si se puede con sub en español mejor ajaja bueno se que es mucho pedir pero seria bueno si asi fuese jaaja bueno link, link

  6. #4746
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by krissss4 View Post
    Японочка мучает яички и видео с поджаркой яиц:

    I only got audio.. there's no video file?

  7. #4747
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    Quote Originally Posted by sani40 View Post
    I only got audio.. there's no video file?
    These are video files. You should look for codecs or try with some other player.

  8. #4748
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pegama78 View Post

    Link de la pelicula si se puede con sub en español mejor ajaja bueno se que es mucho pedir pero seria bueno si asi fuese jaaja bueno link, link

    Yo solo pude econtrar este que tiene subs en ingles si te vale

  9. #4749
    Junior Member
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    Catrated by a group of japanese female soldiers

  10. #4750
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    I saw this wild horny ,funny , mean article that is supposedly true. Recently Dr. Phil had this guy on TV that ran an experiment where college students were assigned to be guards or prisoners. as time progressed even though it was not real those in power started to be mean and strip the prisoners etc and he had to stop the experiment . he said it illustrated how the US solders turned sexually mean to Iraqi prisoners when they were stripping them etc. did you see that photo of the female soldier and the naked prisoners? any way On a comments page i ran across this article posted by this gal that said this was even true years ago She said that she had obtained an old diary from the slave years in the US . she said she added words here and there to make it read better but it was basically true. It occurred in the start of the civil war when it looked like the South would win and most of the men had been called off to war. Mrs. Carson, a recent widow, had purchased a young stud breeder slave who claimed to have been a prince in Africa. He refused to breed as he said in his religion he needed to be circumcised first. So Mrs. Carson sent a note to the vet who was now the vets wife as he was at war saying she needed a slave "cut" When the vet arrived she said so you need a slave gelded. Mrs Carson said no not gelded , circumcised and explained the situation . They convinced the slave that even though he was volunteering for the procedure they should tie him up so he didn't jerk and get really cut bad. He agreed and stripped down and was placed on a birthing table and tied with his knees bent and his legs wide apart. They gagged him even though he protested. Both women commented on how well he was built and what fine equipment he had for his future job. The vet tied a string around the foreskin pulled it out then snipped it off. the slave winced and trembled but never cried out. Then the vet scooped up his testicles with her hand and said are you sure you don't want him gelded? Since we already have him all trussed up , I would only charge you and extra dollar. Then the slave really started to struggle and yell through the gag. First they both laughed at his panic and discomfort , then Mrs. Carson reached down an cupped his testicles and said no those big balls are gong to make me a lot of money and they freed him. I thought that was a horny and hilarious story , Ill bet that was one nervous buck ha ha. Hey maybe we lived in the wrong time, i can see both of us enjoying that if we were the gals in that story, you the one with the knife of course hahahahaha so what did you think of the story pretty wild for being true , if it really was true Karen well maybe i should have felt sorry for the slave for making him nervous , but thats all that really happened that was bad right? Karen

  11. #4751
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Cool GrACIAS

    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    Yo solo pude econtrar este que tiene subs en ingles si te vale


    muchas gracias por el link solo espero que no necesite pass jaja bueno algo es algo ojala traiga los videos separados no importar que sean en ingles luego los traduzco. Gracias por el link fastriker

  12. #4752
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pegama78 View Post

    muchas gracias por el link solo espero que no necesite pass jaja bueno algo es algo ojala traiga los videos separados no importar que sean en ingles luego los traduzco. Gracias por el link fastriker

    De nada! para eso estamos !compartir es vivir¡ yo necesito ayuda con este video para saber lo que dice esta chica que tiene pinta de ser muy caliente,pero cono no se tanto de ingles como para traducirlo necesitaria alguien que me lo escribiese pero se que es mucho pedir !estaria muy agradecido¡**********/

  13. #4753
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellboy47 View Post
    Catrated by a group of japanese female soldiers

    Wow! This vid is hot but, i need to translate it. These girls are obviously modern day Japanese female soldiers, i wonder who they thought he was or what he did or perhaps they just wanted to have some fun with a man.

  14. #4754
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    Pues despues de dar cientos de vueltas por la red aqui os traigo las escenas que he podido capturar de la pelicula "LARO SO BAGA" en la que la chica se enfada con el tio y le intenta cortar la picha pero falla, y el tio escapa para que se lo cure otra mujer que no se quien es.
    cuanto tiempo de la película es la escena en la que ha llegado hasta el todavía pctures de?

  15. #4755
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Cool ok tratare de verlo

    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    De nada! para eso estamos !compartir es vivir¡ yo necesito ayuda con este video para saber lo que dice esta chica que tiene pinta de ser muy caliente,pero cono no se tanto de ingles como para traducirlo necesitaria alguien que me lo escribiese pero se que es mucho pedir !estaria muy agradecido¡**********/

    Pues segun entindo ese video es de un travesti que se da placer por ultima vez antes de cortarcelo por que que segun ya no le sirve asi que pa que lo quiere pero si veo el video tratare de hacer algun sub.

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