Don't know if anyone has spotted this yet
Don't know if anyone has spotted this yet
jajajaja buena web lastima que sea de pago aunque por ahi me parece haber visto algo de esos videos por otras web de castastrix aunque no recuerdo donde jajaja buen aporte.
La pena es que lo que dicen de ella sera mentira porque para ser miembro piden dinero asy que es fingido
_____________________________es lo mas problable que sea videos actorales por lo que dices pero no me acuerdo mucho de esos videos hace un tiempo que los vi de todas maneras si los veo comento, pero reitero que es lo mas probable que sean actuados con efectos.
1. To remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate.
3. To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate.
1. surgical removal of the penis
... there's a difference..
if you MUST post content that contains penectomy, please post in this thread
thank you![]()
Oh, come on.
Don't be such a sissy on this.![]()
All my manips:
I think I should repost a few pictures from side three of this beautiful thread, posted back in year 2005:
I think "**********" is also generally usable and used as removal of ANY MAIN PART of ANYONES genitalia, even if I had very strikt oppinions about which of both I would enjoy and wich not. And I have.
All my manips:
No, he has a point. I'm quite into many forms of testicle removal, but penectomy does absolutely nothing for me. When I come to this forum and see this thread has been updated, I'm often hopeful. When it turns out that someone has again ignored the perfectly-available-yet-often-ignored penectomy thread on this board, it gets frustrating.
Sometimes it's an honest mistake, especially if the poster is not a native speaker of English, but at least as often, it seems to be attention hounds who want praise and recognition by posting in the higher-traffic thread.
As a parallel, imagine someone who gets turned on by seeing pics of normal penis-in-vagina sex coming to see a thread devoted to such, only to find that the new pics are all anal. Close enough, right? Not to some.
Amazing share....
Once again I agree.
Penectomy is not ********** !
********** is not penectomy !
Is it so hard to see the difference ?
I am also not at all intrested in penectomy, of any kind !
If people don' t know the difference between a boat or a ship. OK
I would not make a point there, because who cares ?
The penis and testicles are both genitalia, agreed, but only removal of the testicles is called ********** !
Also I find people ignorant who don' t know the difference between people from India and people from Africa. Yes they are both black and poor, but getting back to genitalia, there is also a huge difference !
Pornography = boring.
What's your problem? You are not pledged to watch the penectomy clips.
Esto lo digo en mi idioma....porque estoy hasta la polla del puto ingles ¿vale?. Por supuesto que se la diferencia de castrar a penectomizar,pero lo que no sabia era que habia que dividirlo en categorias segun el tema a tratar y ponerlo en su debido sitio, pues yo entro en e foro a traves de ********** fantasies.... xq no me he acostumbrado ha hacerlo asi,no se preocupen que por la zona de castracion ya no me van a ver.
a nerdy girl goes crazy from being picked on by school kids and decides to go physco and has her nerd bf hold a guy while she goes down on the guy shes taking revenge on and bites his junk off
I have to admit, penectomy is my favorite and I love that thread. However the cock & balls being extremely close in proximity, taking one out might damage the other as well. So I check both threads because the stuff we have on this forum is really nowhere else. Personally I like them all mutilated, ground up, set afire, electrocuted, or brutalized in any way. Keep up the posts!