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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #691
    Junior Member
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    Thank you fastriker.

  2. #692
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Ahora trato de encontrar esta pelicula que tambien debe de estar bastante caliente,pero no veo nada¿alguien hecha una mano?

  3. #693
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Unhappy OJo puede que no sea Pelicula

    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    Ahora trato de encontrar esta pelicula que tambien debe de estar bastante caliente,pero no veo nada¿alguien hecha una mano?

    Pues mira trate de encontrar esta pelicula pero no pude al parecer es solo una pelicula de fens es decir algunos montajes de imagenes manipuladas que alguien hizo y luego de ahi corrio el rumor de que era una pelicula. asi que no creo que sea una pelicula que este disponible si alguien sabe en donde se pueda ver o bajar se agradeceria igual

  4. #694
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Ps que putada tio!! tenia buena pinta... habra que investigar que mas pelis tiene que haber por hay escondidas.bye

  5. #695
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    No os vais a creer este foro y la seriedad que tiene respecto a la castracion o penectomia o incluso completos.

  6. #696
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    Probably the oldest picture about!

    Hi all

    Although this may not be everyones idea of erotic, I hope it will be of interest to some. This print dated c.1534 shows a Nymph mutilating a Satyr. Satyrs were, according to source, disciples of Dionysus and simply loved to drink and chase the ladies. Nymphs also were followers of Dionysus and were equally as lustful, the difference being that Nymphs killed their lovers before moving onto the next!

    In the picture the Satyr is seduced by the Nymph with an untied rope round his wrist symbolising he is bound to her by lust, and totally helpless in the situation. Apparently the print would have been used to ward off guys having sex before marriage. Think if i saw this when i was younger I’d be a monk right now!

    What I find interesting about the picture is that the Nymph isn’t looking at what she's doing to him but appears to look at the victims reaction with an almost glee about her face! I think if the artist were around today he'd be reading this forum!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Nymph1.jpg  

  7. #697
    Junior Member a881drq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutitoff View Post
    Attachment 17733snip snip snip
    i had a ex do this to me as she sucked me off... best orgasm ever! i only wish she cut it off right before so i could shoot blood and cum all over her face she would have loved it too she was as into cock chopping as i am

  8. #698
    Junior Member chuckedcck's Avatar
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    A Few From Movies

    Here are a few from the movie(s) Dead Girl, which happens so fast you almost miss it, and from Tomboys, which is not the clearest either. I have some from the movie Sick Girl, which isn't realistic because of the blood... but, here they are anyway.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DeadGirl.jpg   DeadGirl1.jpg   DeadGirl2.jpg   Tomboys.jpg   Tomboys1.jpg  

  9. #699
    Junior Member chuckedcck's Avatar
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    A Few More

    Here are a few more. I have some videos, but not sure how to load those. Some of these are a bit dark, but that is how the movie was shot. Also, the last one is of her torching his johnson, not sure if that falls in this category or not.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Tomboys2.jpg   Tomboysweenieroast.jpg   Tomboysweenieroast1.jpg   Tomboysweenieroast2.jpg   Tomboysweenierost3.jpg  

  10. #700
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    Criminal Shoots himself in his PENIS

    This stupid fuck is now the most popular guy in prison now known as "shorty".LOL

    Meet Otis Lockett, whose penis Milwaukee cops received judicial permission to peruse photographically.
    Lockett, who was shot in the groin early Sunday, told police that he was fired upon “by an unidentified person behind him,” according to a Circuit Court filing, which notes that the 27-year-old was treated at Froedtert Hospital “for a single gunshot wound to his penis.”
    Since hospital workers reported that the bullet’s trajectory was a “downward 45-degree angle,” cops suspected that Lockett accidentally shot himself. Which means that the convicted felon, who is on probation, was illegally in possession of a handgun.
    So, as first reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Detective Gena Malanche Wednesday filed for a search warrant seeking permission to have medical personnel “safely remove any bandages in the area of Lockett’s groin to facilitate photography of the area.” The resulting photos, Malanche added, would help investigators establish that Lockett was a felon in possession of a firearm.
    The warrant was approved by Court Commissioner Barry Phillips, who authorized cops to “photograph the penis of Otis Lockett for analysis by the proper authorities.”
    Lockett’s penis was, in fact, photographed Wednesday evening, though court records do not identify the name of the shutterbug. A Milwaukee Police Department property inventory notes that a CD of “photos taken of Lockett’s injuries pursuant to warrant” had been logged.

  11. #701
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    Hi, I'm new and a shy guy, but I'd like my cock to be bitten off by a woman.

  12. #702
    Registered User ml0388864's Avatar
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    Really good stuff right here

  13. #703
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    Penectomy play

    Hi friends !
    i love the thought off funny consentual penectomy plays like on the pic - just a question: how can i post photos ?

  14. #704
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Us and mx

    The real thing

    Woman arrested for cutting off husband's penis

    GARDEN GROVE, Calif. (KABC) -- Garden Grove police arrested a woman for allegedly tying her estranged husband up and cutting off his penis with a 10-inch knife.

    Authorities responded to a condominium complex in the 14000 block of Flower Street about 9 p.m. Monday after the woman, identified as 48-year-old Catherine Kieu Becker, reported a medical emergency. When officers arrived, they found a 60-year-old man tied to a bed and bleeding profusely from his groin area.

    Police said the woman drugged the man during dinner to make him sleepy, tied his arms and legs to a bed with a rope, removed his clothes and attacked him. The victim woke up as she was cutting off his penis with a knife.

    "The officers immediately called for paramedics, untied the victim from the bed. The wife at that time made the spontaneous statement that he 'deserved it,'" Garden Grove police Lt. Jeff Nightengale said.

    The woman allegedly tossed the penis into the garbage disposal and then turned it on. According to police, officers and paramedics were able to recover pieces of the penis and transported them with the victim to University of California at Irvine Medical Center in Orange.

    The victim underwent surgery and was listed in stable condition and is expected to survive.

    According to the Orange County Sheriff's Department, Becker was placed in the medical ward of the Orange County Jail to be evaluated.

    Police say the two are married but are going through a divorce.

    Lourdes Painter, who lives in the unit below the victim's, said the couple was married in December but never heard the couple have problems.

    Asked if she ever heard any trouble coming from the condo, Painter said, "No, nothing at all. No scream, nothing."

    She described him as a nice man who was the president of their homeowner's association.

    "I was very surprised that she would do that kind of thing since their relationship seemed strong, seemed like they got along well," said another neighbor, Phuong Anh Pham.

    Becker was arrested for aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit felony, poisoning and spousal abuse. Her bail was set at $1 million. She is due in court Wednesday.

    If convicted on the aggravated mayhem charge, she could be sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole.

  15. #705
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    Life in prison in exchange for a 51 year old dick? Does not seem fair. LMAO

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