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Mythical Pain
Mira yelped in pain as she landed upon her black furred butt against the hardened earth. That was the third time in as many minutes that her brother had pushed her down, and she was getting fed up. Just because the male wolf was older then her, that didn’t mean he could bully her any time he wanted, did it? Certainly not! At least, she didn’t think so anyway. The older male seemed to think otherwise given that he kept laughing each time he shoved her down again.
Not that fighting and sibling rivalry were anything new for their people. Their particular tribe of wolves had always lead a rough life. They lived off the land, hunting most of their food. The rest they obtained through a mixture of farming, gathering, and occasionally bartering with other tribes. Though, unlike the coyotes who were often known for their nomadic lifestyle and their affinity for trading, the wolves were not afraid to raid other tribes when the time called for it, either. As such, all the tribe’s members were taught to fight as they grew so that when the time came for them to claim new lands, or defend their homes and families, they would be ready. They were not war mongers by any stretch, but neither were they afraid of battle.
Mira’s older brother Gorl had already been through a few combat training classes along with some of the other young tribe members both male and female, though Mira herself had only begun attending such lessons. And so far, it wasn’t helping her much. Gorl still managed to get to bully her almost at will; shoving her around, yanking her tail, twisting her ears, pushing her down. It just…it made her wanna kick his furry butt! Or, maybe kick something something even more tender then that.
Mira slowly stood up, glaring at the taller wolf who leered down at her. The two wolf siblings definitely bore a strong resemblance. Many of the wolves in the tribe had fur of silvery gray, dark tans, rusty reds and white. Mira and Gorl however, were both covered in fur of striking ebony, like they’d been wrapped since pup-hood in darkness itself. They had a few markings here and there, a white ear tip for Mira, gray striations along Gorl’s tail. The two young wolves each had eyes of yellowish amber, with Gorl’s a little darker golden then his sister‘s.
Gorl was a few years older then his sister, and though she’d recently begun to grow taller he still had a couple of inches on her. His body was thickening up, the young warrior in training putting on a bit of muscle lately beneath his silken ebony fur. He folded his arms over a chest that was about halfway along a journey from scrawny to powerful. Like most of the wolves in the tribe, he wore little much of the time, and that morning was no exception. Gorl wore just a simple woven loincloth tied around his waist, the cloth dyed an indigo blue with some silver stitching around the eyes. He tapped dull claws against his furry biceps, baring a few fangs as he sneered down at his sister.
“Aw, you look angry,” he said with a smirk twisting his lupine muzzle. “Gonna cry?”
Mira growled at him, balling up her fists at her sides. “Why are you so mean lately! How’d you like it if I bullied you?”
That only made Gorl laugh. “You couldn’t bully a coyote pup!”
Mira fluffed up her bushy black tail in growing anger. “I could so! I mean, not that I would, but…I’d kick your butt!”
“You?“ Gorl just smirked down at her, sizing her up. “Kick my butt? You couldn’t kick a stick down the trail!”
Mira’s body was a little leaner then his own. Where Gorl’s lupine head was broad, his muzzle powerful, her head was a little sleeker, her snout a little more elegant and cute. And while he’d begun developing muscle a few years back, she’d begun developing curves. Her muscles were growing nice and lean, too, most female wolves made excellent warriors because while they were still plenty strong, they were also faster and more agile then the males. Though at the moment, the young male wolves had mostly begun to notice Mira because of the sleek feminine curves that were starting to make themselves known along the wolf’s body.
She was rather proud of her growing thighs, and her increasingly heart shaped, black furred rump, as well as the black furred mounds now contained within a simple halter-top woven from the same simple fabric as her own loincloth. Like her brother, and like most her tribe throughout the summertime, she kept her breasts and privates covered but little else. Warm as it was in the summers, and simple as her tribe was, there was little need to cover their bodies with anything more elaborate in their day to day lives.
The wolves’ village was located across several rolling hills where the hot, vast plains abutted up against the cooler, forested mountains. It provided them with ample game to hunt, wood to build shelters and homes, and stone to build tools, and to house primitive forges. Several streams that cut through the area also provided plenty of fish, water to drink, and water to bathe in. It was only a little while ago she’d slipped from her simple home in the village, intent on joining a few of her friends for some swimming.
At least that was her plan before he brother intercepted her along the packed-earth trail that cut through the ferns and underbrush of the forest. Mira bared her fangs and growled at him. “You’re such an ass lately!”
“Ooh, big words, but little girls aren’t supposed to swear,” Gorl teased her, reaching out to tweak one of her pointed, black furred ears.
Mira yelped, and lashed out to try and punch her brother right on his wet, black nose. Yet Gorl was ready for it. He simply caught her little fist, twisted it around until she yelped a second time, and then once more shoved her right back down onto her furry butt.
“Ow!” Mira yelped, whining. “You’re gonna bruise my butt!”
That only made Gorl start laughing even harder, his bushy black tail swaying from side to side in amusement. “Aww, your poor little butt. How will you sit on your ass all day doing nothing?”
Mira sniffled a little, her throat tightening up, her ears burning scarlet inside. He was just so damn mean, lately! She felt like she was gonna cry, she hated crying in front of him. It made her feel weak. Why couldn’t he be the one crying for once? She lifted her black furred hand to wipe at her eyes, trying to gulp down the growing lump in her throat. She pinned her ears back against her head, sniffling once again.
Gorl scoffed. “Don’t be such a crybaby. Yer not a little pup anymore, you gotta toughen up. Ya tried to hit me, that’s a start. Too bad for you yer not strong enough to really fight back. Guess I’ll just make you eat a bug again. Or some mud!”
Mira gasped, and Gorl laughed at her. He turned around, and began to survey the ground for something he could force his little sister to eat. He’d done it before, when they were younger, and teased her about it to this day. No way in hell she was gonna let that happen again. Mira was suddenly thinking about jumping to her feet and running away. She was faster then Gorl at least, always had been.
Now that he was turned away from her, Gorl bent forward to lift up a small log and see if there were any nasty looking grubs under it. Sure, the wolves sometimes ate things like that, but they cooked them over a fire, first. He’d make her eat one raw. Hah, she’d hate that!
When Gorl bent over in front of her, Mira made a face as she found herself presented with her brother’s black furred butt, his tail swaying over it. Of course, in that position Mira also couldn’t help but spot the older wolf’s ebon-furred testicles dangly freely beneath his furry butt. She pressed her paw to her muzzle in surprise, her golden eyes going wide. Soon she’d pressed her other hand to her snout as well to try and stifle her growing giggles.
Mira knew what males had there, more or less. After all sometimes the younger male pups in the tribe ran around naked, as did the females. And with only loincloths covering them much of the year, there was bound to be a peek here or there. But this was the best look she’d had at the things, really. Like the rest of him, the young male wolf’s testicles were well into their development, like two black furred eggs now dangling loosely beneath his rump. They looked a little silly, and quite vulnerable she thought.
In truth, Mira just couldn’t believe how wide open her brother left himself. He must have thought she wouldn’t dare kick him there, and really, he was only bent over for a second or two as he reached for a grub before Mira decided to act. She knew where to hit a male to really make him hurt long before that female instructor in her combat training class told the females where to aim their knees. But she’d never had such a wide open shot before, this was gonna be great.
Sitting on her butt with her loincloth puddling on the trail between her thighs, Mira leaned back onto her hands. She lashed out with her foot, driving it upwards as swiftly as she could, right up under her brother’s butt. With him bent over, it was surprisingly easy for her to aim for those hanging lupine nuts. Female toes collided with vicious sharpness against adolescent wolf testicles, the striking impact marked by a very loud THWACK!
From her position, Mira could see the impact play out almost in slow motion. Her bare footpaw smashed into the bottoms of the wolf’s black-furred balls, lifting them up against his body. As if seeking escape, the two oval shaped canine glands smushed out to either side of her foot. The right one nearly escaped, but the left lupine orb took the full force of her kick. It felt almost rubbery against her foot for a moment, even as she felt it flattening out against him.
Gorl’s puppy makers bounced from the impact, and things quickly returned to full speed for Mira. The instant her foot made contact with the older male’s most private parts, the wolf screamed in shocking agony. He doubled over the rest of the way, and Mira could clearly see both his hands shoot down between his legs and under his loincloth to grasp his suddenly aching balls.
“AAAAAAAAAAHH!” Gorl stayed in that position a few moments. His butt stuck out, his tail began to tuck, and he kept his hands around his balls as his high pitched wail slowly melted into a tortured groan. “Aaaaaaaaahhhh, ooooooooh!”
Finally, he simply topped to the ground like an ancient tree felled in a windstorm. He hit his side hard, curled up into a nearly fetal position, and then began to roll back and forth on the trail. Dust soon coated his black fur front and back as he writhed in purely male anguish, his young wolf testicles aching worse then they ever had in his whole life. His face was completely scrunched up, his ears pinned back against his head, fangs bared in a grimace of young wolf ball pain.
Mira stared in shock for a few seconds before she burst out laughing. Nearly shrieking in glee she jumped to her feet, and began to dance around her fallen brother. Finally, she won! Finally, she sent him to the ground, finally she was the one embarrassing him! And embarrass him she did! She pointed at him as he rolled from one side to the other, giggling away at him.
“I got you, I got you! I got you right in your furry nuts Brother, right in your nuts! How’s it feel, huh?” She turned around when he tried to look up at her, shook her bare black furry butt at him, and swatted her rump with a hand. A rather rude, and playfully teasing gesture among her tribe. “Right! In! Your! NUTS!”
“Shut up,” Gorl moaned, sniffing as he rolled around in the dirt, still clutching his balls. “Gods and spirits, it hurts sooooo much!” A few tears were rolling down his cheeks now, leaving little wet streaks in the dusty fur. “Oooooh, Gods, my balls! My baaaaalls!”
“Oh, your balls, your balls,” Mira mocked him in a teasing, high pitched voice, twisting his own words from earlier. “Your poor little balls! How will you ever sit around playing with them all day? Or are you gonna go home and cry to mamma that your little sis kicked you in your precious nuts?” She laughed at that, wouldn’t that just be humiliating for her older brother! “Tell you what…I’ll even admit that I did it to you…and then I’ll kick you there again, right in front of her just to prove it!”
“Don’t you dare,” he whimpered, more of a plea then the threat he’d intended.
“Shut up, cry baby,” she snarled at him, stomping her foot. “You’re the one crying on the floor now, not me! So don’t think you can boss me around, or bully me anymore.” She walked over to him, and kicked him in the butt as he squirmed in pain. “Cause when you do? BAM!” She drove her foot down against his clenched hands, driving his own fingers into his testicles and increasing the wolf’s hot agony. As he howled in pain, his back arching, she smiled at him. “I’ll get you right in the nuts again.”
Mira backed off a few steps as the older wolf curled up, crying to himself, trying to protect his fiercely aching canine testicles from any further abuse. For the next ten minutes or so, Gorl cried, moaned, whimpered, and squirmed in the dirt. And for those same ten minutes, Mira laughed her tail off. For the first time in a while, she was feeling empowered instead of picked on. And for the first time, well, ever, she was actually hoping he tried to pick on her further. Because she just couldn’t wait to do that again.
“Well, Gorl,” she said with a giggle, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Enjoy your aching nuts. I’m going to go swimming with the girls. And I’m going to tell them exactly what I saw, and just how hard I kicked it!”
With that, she skipped off down the trail, still laughing. Mira couldn’t wait to till all the girls she’d finally given her brother what he had coming. And who knew, maybe they’d even ask her to give them a demonstration.