Hi all
Although this may not be everyones idea of erotic, I hope it will be of interest to some. This print dated c.1534 shows a Nymph mutilating a Satyr. Satyrs were, according to source, disciples of Dionysus and simply loved to drink and chase the ladies. Nymphs also were followers of Dionysus and were equally as lustful, the difference being that Nymphs killed their lovers before moving onto the next!
In the picture the Satyr is seduced by the Nymph with an untied rope round his wrist symbolising he is bound to her by lust, and totally helpless in the situation. Apparently the print would have been used to ward off guys having sex before marriage. Think if i saw this when i was younger I’d be a monk right now!
What I find interesting about the picture is that the Nymph isn’t looking at what she's doing to him but appears to look at the victims reaction with an almost glee about her face! I think if the artist were around today he'd be reading this forum!