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Thread: Punishing The Minions ( Story )

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythical Pain View Post
    Excellent! Very good to hear! Did you guys have any favorite moments from the first part? Or any reason in particular you enjoyed it so much?
    Those are mine:

    “Yes,” the dragon whimpered. He lifted his head to peer back over his wings at the woman standing behind him. He could clearly feel her fingers against his most private parts. They still ached from the kick, every little touch seemed to make them ache just a little more. “They hurt a lot…please…just…be gentle with them.”

    “You’re crying!” Avira said in surprise, grinning to herself. She strode around to the front of the dragon to confirm her suspicions. Sure enough, wet tears streaked the black scales of the dragon’s face. “Oh, how delightful, I never even thought dragons could cry. Yet here you are, sobbing like a little baby over your precious balls.”

    “Just…go away,” the dragon said, practically pleading with her now. He tried to curl up even tighter. His balls both throbbed steadily in his paws, sending little lances of pain shooting up through the beast’s guts. Oh, he’d never thought such parts could ache so badly. His muzzle scrunched up so much his fangs were bared. His eyes were squeezed shut, eye ridges knit together and still tears squeezed their way out. “Awwwh, Gods, my poor balls. Please…just go away.”

  2. #17
    Senior Member sacr007's Avatar
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    sorry for the delayed response
    really like this story
    how is the idea of ball-busting monster hunter

  3. #18
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sebi40 View Post
    Those are mine:
    Thanks for replying! Yeah, those were some of my favorites too hehe. And when she squeezes the gnoll.

    Quote Originally Posted by sacr007 View Post
    sorry for the delayed response
    really like this story
    how is the idea of ball-busting monster hunter
    Thank you! Very glad you enjoyed it. Any favorite moments?

    And I like the idea of a ball-busting monster hunter! Are you just talking in general, a woman who goes around busting all the balls of the monsters she hunts?

    Or talking about the video game Monster Hunter? Cause that game has tons of monsters that could definitely use their scaly/leathery/furry balls busted!

  4. #19
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    At first I was dubious but I love this story! I'm a huge kicking fan and love squeezing and kneeing. I'd love more of the same!

  5. #20
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickpom View Post
    At first I was dubious but I love this story! I'm a huge kicking fan and love squeezing and kneeing. I'd love more of the same!
    Awesome! Glad to hear you've been pulled into the dragon ballbusting fold, lol. She will definitely get to give the dragon's testicles some serious squeezing in the near future! And I imagine the gnolls and lizardmen will get some kneeing, too.

  6. #21
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythical Pain View Post
    Probably be posting some more of this soon, if anyone's interested!
    Is it "soon" yet?
    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  7. #22
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Anaconda, A1 View Post
    Is it "soon" yet?
    ::laughs:: Not quite yet! I need to get that done. Been working on my other stories lately, plus a little side project. Dragon testicles will definitely get kicked in that too, though lol.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Wow, that's certainly a different kind of story, nice job.

  9. #24
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnus View Post
    Wow, that's certainly a different kind of story, nice job.
    Thank you! First time reading a BB story where a dragon gets nailed in the balls by a woman? ::Grins:: I do enjoy different. Anything you liked about it or any favorite moments?

  10. #25
    Senior Member sacr007's Avatar
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    I spoke in monster hunter in general, a woman who hunts monsters

  11. #26
    Big Supporter Takkyuu_tama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mythical Pain View Post
    Gaalgraryl flashed her a hurt, confused look that told her all she needed to know. “Ah, I’m a little surprised. Smug as you are, I was certain someone would have kicked you already.” She laughed again, shaking her head. “But I bet you’re not so proud of those silly things now, hmm? Now, show them off.” She smirked. “Show your eggs, dragon.”

    Hesitantly the dragon released his balls from the protective grasp of his forepaws. He slowly rolled over onto his belly, fighting rolling waves of pain and nausea that washed from his balls to his guts and back again. With a pained groan, he slowly pushed his hind end up into the air. The pain that still radiated from the dragon’s nuts caused the claws of his back feet to dig into the grass. Nervously, the lifted his tail, exposing his heavy testicles to the human woman who stood behind him.

    Avira grinned to herself. “My, my, dragon. Look at them dangle.” She reached out and gently touched the scales of his inner thighs. They were warm, and pebbly. “Spread them, dragon. Hind legs apart.”

    With a nervous whine, the dragon did as she asked. He slowly spread apart his hind legs, crooking his tail to hoist it a little higher and better expose the sac hanging beneath it. Now Avira had an excellent view of the dragon’s black scaled rump and the balls dangling under it. The broad scales on the outside of the dragon’s hind legs gradually gave way to finer, more pebbly scaling along his inner thighs. The black coloration also slowly gave way to the color of ash. The dragon’s genitals held no scales at all. Both sheath and testicles were simply covered in soft, smooth skin, mottled in pale shades of gray. The dragons testicles were perhaps a little larger than those of a stallion, each ball about the size of a large apple. The left orb was also clearly a little larger and hung a little lower than the right.

    Brazenly, Avira reached right out and hefted the dragon’s sac in her hand. The dragon’s testicles felt heavy in her grasp, the skin of his draconic scrotum was very soft and smooth, quite warm. The dragon’s breath caught, and she realized the beast was trembling as she held his eggs. She rolled one of them around her grasp a little, causing a soft whimper to escape the dragon’s long throat.

    “Do they hurt, Dragon?” Avira sneered her question, the cruelty in her voice a contrast to the currently gentle way she handled his delicate glands. She couldn‘t resist teasing the frightened and humiliated beast a little more. “Do your balls hurt? Are they just aching?”

    “Yes,” the dragon whimpered. He lifted his head to peer back over his wings at the woman standing behind him. He could clearly feel her fingers against his most private parts. They still ached from the kick, every little touch seemed to make them ache just a little more. “They hurt a lot…please…just…be gentle with them.”

    “Mm, it’s rather nice hearing a dragon beg me for mercy,” Avira said, laughing to herself. Avira tugged the dragon’s left testicle towards her until it was bulging out against the mottled gray sac, showing off its fat oval shape. “Do you think your balls deserve mercy?”
    Yeah, that's awesome right there XD

    I don't suppose she'd want to put a leash or collar on them...?

  12. #27
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    I love this story. I hope you find the time to do the next part soon ^^

  13. #28
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takkyuu_tama View Post
    Yeah, that's awesome right there XD

    I don't suppose she'd want to put a leash or collar on them...?
    I suspect she'd love to put a leash on the dragon's balls! ...Then laugh at his yowls when she yanked on it without mercy, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by leofalchi View Post
    I love this story. I hope you find the time to do the next part soon ^^
    Thanks! I keep meaning to write it, and it keeps slipping my mind, or ending up on the bottom of my writing queue again lol. I'm glad you found this, though. I tried to find it recently myself and couldn't, lol.

    I think in the next one, Avira is likely to squeeze the dragon's testicles. Make him beg, squeeze harder...then probably kick his eggs around again, lol. Maybe step on them. Yanno, fun stuff like that!

  14. #29
    Registered User Razorbill's Avatar
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    Busting dragon eggs!! Great story, plz do another piece!

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