View Full Version : Introductory Posts By New Members
09-22-2004, 01:22 PM
Hello all Mistresses and slaves.
I am a slave in chastybelt the last 2 years. And whitout cum in the last 3 weeks, mi ex-gilrfriend is the keyholder and only permit my release 12 :cussing: times in the year.
EXCUSE my bad english :)
10-03-2004, 04:38 PM
I would love to see some pics of your ex-girlfriend... maybe with you beside her in your caged cock.... :D :D :D
11-23-2004, 01:03 PM
Hi all,
i have just joined here and i would like to tell a little about myself.
i am a 35 year old male and i love the idea of giving a Female pleasure by taking pain for Her or doing something gross for Her amusement.
i have performed as a urinal for three Female so far and would love to do it again, i have not experienced ballbusting but it really excites me thinking of it.
i will post some pics and videos (if allowed?) but one video i would love to see is of a Female putting a lowly male thru pain or some gross act while She brings Herself off watching (does that exist?)sorry if this is too strong.
i have no wish to offend.
12-11-2004, 10:57 AM
Just wanted to introduce myself. i've been a collared slave to my Mistress for about 6 years now, and we have just expanded our play to include all forms of CBT. i'm hoping to learn and explore more in the forums here - thanks for allowing me to join.
Enjoy life,
12-11-2004, 08:37 PM
Well, ve sure to check out the Ballbusting World forum! I tell yah, I learn something new every day. And, sometimes, that something turns out to be some tidbit I read in that forum!
Also: be a Good Boy and let your Mistress set up an account here, as well. We hear too infrequently from the busters. Be cooperative and don't force her to get rough with you -- wait, what am I saying?!? Invite her to create an account, then cling tenaciously to the keyboard until she beats you off of the thing. Bad boy! Bad!
12-15-2004, 09:24 PM
Well i want introduce myself saying i love to be kicked in the nuts
12-17-2004, 08:05 AM
i'm new here. i want to say hello to everyone
01-05-2005, 09:20 AM
Hi all,
i have just joined here and i would like to tell a little about myself.
i am a 35 year old male and i love the idea of giving a Female pleasure by taking pain for Her or doing something gross for Her amusement.
i have performed as a urinal for three Female so far and would love to do it again, i have not experienced ballbusting but it really excites me thinking of it.
i will post some pics and videos (if allowed?) but one video i would love to see is of a Female putting a lowly male thru pain or some gross act while She brings Herself off watching (does that exist?)sorry if this is too strong.
i have no wish to offend.
pot4fem.Dude, I wont judge you but damn, its one thing to
like feet and ballbusting and all that but for someone to piss on you, how the
hell does that turn you one? 3 women urinating on your face, that's some sick shit man...
Sorry but I just dont get it.
01-05-2005, 11:16 AM
Dude, I wont judge you but damn, its one thing to
like feet and ballbusting and all that but for someone to piss on you, how the
hell does that turn you one? 3 women urinating on your face, that's some sick shit man...
Sorry but I just dont get it.He'd probably wonder how some of us could like being kicked hard in the balls.
I guess we're just different.
01-05-2005, 04:39 PM
. . . . . . .
i will post some pics and videos (if allowed?) but one video i would love to see is of a Female putting a lowly male thru pain or some gross act while She brings Herself off watching (does that exist?)sorry if this is too strong.
i have no wish to offend.
Welcome to the Forums, 'pot4fem' :)
Yes, you're allowed to post pics and links to videos.
A very important thing to keep in mind when posting pics or links to video clips is to post them in a Forum and Thread where they will be on-topic.
You created a new thread for your above post, which was the correct thing to do. Introducing yourself and describing your fetish is good.
And don't let any negative comments discourage you. The member who was critical of your fetish in his post above ('bojan1') has been banned. I banned him, not because of his comments to you, but because of another even more negative post he made, which I mention in this same post of mine a bit further down.
Don't let that (ex-)member's post discourage you. His posts were all negative. Your posts are more welcome here than his are.
For the type of pics and video clips that you mention, you should start a new thread, as well as mention how it's associated with the theme of the Forum you post them in.
Posts that are off-topic will be deleted, so think about how to make them on-topic by mentioning how they can be combined with the theme of the Forum you post them in.
Each member is allowed up to a total of 2.0 MB of attached images.
You can attach them when you're writing your post, straight from your hard drive.
If you only have the video clips on your computer, you'd have to upload them to some site first.
That's because videos can't be "attached" to a post. Only images (.jpg, .gif, etc.) can be attached and stored on our servers. Video clips have to be posted as links.
If you have your own site that allows hotlinking, fine.
Otherwise, upload them to a place like (
(That site may be gone now, but there are others.) You can upload your video clips there and they will email you a link that you can then post here.
They also send you a link to delete your uploaded file if you ever want to. It's free (supported by ads) and their file size limit is 20MB. You can upload as many files as you want but they'll delete your file if nobody downloads it for 30 days.
Visit the site to read more about their service if you're interested.
(Thanks to Tamakeri for info on this file storage site.)
There are other file storage sites that you could use for hotlinking too, if you search for them. In the threads for video links in our "Ballbusting World" forum you can see which sites are currently being used by members for file sharing.
Your posts will be welcome as long as you start a new thread, and provided you post in a Forum here where your posts won't be off-topic.
Dude, I wont judge you but damn, its one thing to
like feet and ballbusting and all that but for someone to piss on you, how the hell does that turn you one? 3 women urinating on your face, that's some sick shit man...
Sorry but I just dont get it
I'm glad you say you won't judge him. ;)
Physically, ballbusting is more potentially harmful than "golden showers" or whatever name getting pissed on is called.
Also, these Forums are all fetish related.
Most people don't understand or appreciate any fetish that they aren't personally interested in. That doesn't make any particular fetish 'wrong'.
Since all members here are interested in certain fetishes, we should remember to be tolerant of other member's fetishes.
Bojan1: Your second post today was at the Ballbusting World forum at a thread you started entitled "this forum sucks", at: (
I answered your comment there, as did 9 other members so far! ;)
He'd probably wonder how some of us could like being kicked hard in the balls.
I guess we're just different.
Exactly right, 'me_no_wimp' :D
And we should respect the fetish related interests of others.
The strictest restriction here about fetishes is that they shouldn't be illegal. No child pornography for example!
- Sara :)
03-24-2005, 03:09 AM
I am a newbie here and as I understood the rules, I should introduce myself at first and than post pics.
So I am Leon from Germany, male, 39 years, 178cm, 81kg, quite attractive and sporty. I have a girlfriedn and sometimes we play a little bdsm and footgames. But not as often and intensive as I would dream of.
I hope that's ok at first for you and hope to find interesseting postings and pictures here. Femaledom I like very very much, especially, because they have extremly beautyfull girls there !
So what have I to do, to post also pics ?
How is this possible ?
Have a good time (happy eastern !!!)
03-26-2005, 07:08 PM
Welcome to the forums, Leon :)
Yes, you're right about not being able to post attached pics in your first post.
And thanks for the introductory post. :D
The forums are set up to allow Registered Users to be promoted to Registered Members within one hour of their first post.
A Registered User can't attach pics to their post.
A Registered Member can post attached pics.
Now that you've posted, you're a Registered Member.
Since your post was made over an hour ago, you should now be able to post attached pics.
Please try to post any pics in a thread and forum where they'll be on-topic. That would save me the time and effort of moving your posts to a place there they would be on-topic. ;)
We're glad to have you here as an active member, and I'm sure that there will be members interested in seeing the pics that you'd like to share with us on these forums.
- Sara :)
03-27-2005, 05:35 AM
A good rule I think - means you can allow in genuine posters and keep out those who are going to come here to spam.
Not everyone has to fit in with fixed stereotypes and this forum has welcomed in those whose fetish is slightly different to those of others. The attitude is generally that your fetish is just as valid as ours.
Is it not as intensive as you dream of because your girlfriend doesn't want to hurt you too much? Perhaps your girlfriend is not really into BDSM and just does it to please you. That is pretty much the way it is with me too.
Anyway, I hope you will take a more active part, particularly in the foot-fetish forum.
04-11-2005, 02:19 PM
I'm new to this site, in fact, it is the first fetish site I've actually signed up for. I was wondering, if in fact, it is unacceptable to post pictures relating to the appropriate board, as long as there is no copyright infringement. These pictures are not for any company, and the parties involved give their consent... What's the ruling on this?
04-11-2005, 06:03 PM
I'm new to this site, in fact, it is the first fetish site I've actually signed up for. I was wondering, if in fact, it is unacceptable to post pictures relating to the appropriate board, as long as there is no copyright infringement. These pictures are not for any company, and the parties involved give their consent... What's the ruling on this?
Welcome :)
I'm wondering why you're asking.
Of course it's OK to post pics that are on-topic in any of the 5 forums here.
No copyright infringement? Good.
In the "Ballbusting World" forum, for example, there are entire threads such as "Ballbusting Pics - Attached":
( ( ) where ONLY pics of the type you're referring to are acceptable. Text-only posts (without pics) are not acceptable in that thread.
Having said that, there are limits. You already agreed to the " Forums' Rules" when you signed up. (Nothing illegal, no child pornography, etc...)
The same Rules state that we "have the right to remove, edit, move or close any posted message or thread for any reason." That permits us to remove any material that we find "objectionable".
By the way, please read the thread "Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators" at: (
That thread has other useful tips and advice.
Happy posting!
- Sara :)
04-11-2005, 08:03 PM
Just asking because I think I'd be able to contribute quite a few pictures that all members can enjoy, for all the boards :) Can't wait! :D
04-11-2005, 11:18 PM
Just asking because I think I'd be able to contribute quite a few pictures that all members can enjoy, for all the boards :) Can't wait! :D
OK. Great! :D
Happy to have you as an active member.
- Sara :)
05-01-2005, 10:45 PM
As a new member, it is nice to see straight away a post indicating tolerance for varied fetishes.
For myself, mine would be considered "common" by those who practise such scenes, but are also disdained by the local BD/SM community as far as I have investigated.
My fetishistic desires are such that they overwhleming my desire for "vanilla sex", though they most often work in combination. However, it can be a strain on a partner that doesn't derive personal enjoyment from them, as they get quickly bored with repetition that gets me excited without fail.
As an example, I speak of a girlfriend that I had that was quite accepting of me, but not into it for herself. I enjoy being facesat, "******" analingus, "******" cunnilingus, headscissors, trampling, and long walks on the beach. heh heh
She would do the routine. I'd role play the chavaunist pig, and then the wrestling would begin. At first I would "win", and tell her she should "know her place", but that was all a setup for "the revenge", which generally involved having my head squeezed between her thighs and against her ass as she "******" me to recant all my statements, admit inferiority, and beg for mercy.
The novelty wore off, as it always has for my partners, and it became a chore for her eventually. Sex would laways follow, which was where she would rather have started.
That is where I relate back to my opening statement. It is not easy to match your interests to somebody else, and I am sure all are familiar that submissive role males outnumber dominant role females by a vast amount.
So, when you are ****** to search out liked minded people, and are met with revulsion at the nature of your fantasies, I can see where some people would be hurt, and perhaps sadly not pursue what drives them passionately out of the resulting fear.
I know it took me many years to accept these things, as I am not submissive by nature, but yet have these fantasies. I have my theories about where they came from, but for an initial posting I have rambled on long enough.
I have admired the women of this web site for quite some time, so it is nice to see this forum running, with respect for all the rule of the intelligent, compassionate, sophisticated, and stunningly beautiful women in charge here.
Oh yes...I also love kissing ass. heh heh
06-14-2005, 01:23 PM
Hello everyone, I look forward to posting some of my art for you all and look forward to seeing what others have to offer.
08-15-2005, 07:10 PM
well i just wanted to say hi to everyone here, and present myself, i love ballbusting, bare feet, kicking, kneeing, punching and squeezing, i'm somehow new to it, but i'm learning lots of things here :-)
08-18-2005, 09:10 AM
I just signed up yesterday and want to say hello. I'm kind of new to the bb fetish but the more I leran about it the more I feel drawn to it. Can't wait to read more / meet people.
Bust'em nude!
09-16-2005, 11:37 PM
Hello, just joined a few days ago, love the site. I love to watch ballbusting, especially with clothed ladies and nude males. Please add more clips and pics as soon as you can, I can't wait of the updates. :D
09-17-2005, 12:38 AM
Hi to all of you new guys,
I hope you will all like it here and do some posting with all the great
members of this forum.
Many of them have been here for a long time and can add some interesting ideas suggestions and opinions to your questions or experience about ballbusting Foot fetish trample and facesitting....they are acutally really nice so dont hold back on posting on the forums ;) :bananawin
09-24-2005, 07:38 AM
hey guys and girls, just signed up, i to am new to the bb fetish but look forward to getting into it more, well all the best everyone
09-25-2005, 11:33 AM
Hello, it is finally great to meet and discuss with other people Female domination and especially testicle play (bondage, torment, chastity, etc.) I hope to add some posts that will provide information and amusement to others of the forum. Cheers.
10-09-2005, 12:43 AM
Just a note from a new user... great forum. I wish I had something to offer content wise, but I'm just a bystander who wishes for a vanilla life but at the same time gets turned on by ballbusting and **********. Can't say why, as I certainly don't know.
10-14-2005, 05:48 AM
Hello, i am new here so be nice :)
10-20-2005, 05:25 AM
I am a new member and just want to say that i love ballbusting and femaledom is a great site...
10-20-2005, 02:44 PM
hello everybody.
i'm a ballbusting lover. Ballbusting for ever to practice and talk about ;-)
10-29-2005, 06:33 AM
Hello, all i am new to this.. and well hopefull i may contribute :)
10-30-2005, 09:08 PM
Hi everyone. I fantasized about girls hurting my testicles since I was 12 or so. It's by far the thing I've fantasized the most about. My sister had a friend who kicked and grabbed my balls but it wasn't a good experience. I still think about women having their way with my nuts almost every day.
10-31-2005, 07:09 AM
greetings all!
I am kindof new to the domination scene and have a girlfriend who is reluctant to indulge my fantasies. I am mostly in to facesitting, but also find genital domination to be of interest.
Looking forward to what I learn from this board!
11-02-2005, 01:46 PM
Hello everyone. I am new to this whole scene, so I am still learning all about it. My favorites are ballbusting, trampling, facesitting, and foot worship.
11-09-2005, 01:26 AM
Hi guys and gals
I'm new here - of course - have just joined. I Have only been abused by one lady some years ago for a short period of time, but it was wonderful. She would force feed me her shaved pussy while she gave my groin a working over. If I didn't make her come pretty quick - well I was in for it! She liked a bit of cuntbusting from time to time too - which I REALLY enjoyed.
I hope to enjoy the company of you all!
11-19-2005, 12:56 AM
Morning all,
just wanted to say hi. :)
I am new to the board . I am 32 ( 33 tuesday, gutted ) and from the uk.
My wife does participate in some light BB but I go more for the dom side of the scene.
For me, it all started when I was at school in the 80's. I can remember sitting opposite many girls and taking the piss so that they would put their foot up in my lap and squash my dick.
Twas the best thing at school :ibow4u:
11-19-2005, 03:11 AM
Hi every one
I'm a 28 year old guy from UK, who is into female control, chastity and ballbusting!
I've had some experience of thes over the years but never been in a chastity device, but I hope to have a keyholder one day *grin* - who knows - I might not be smiling so much then lol
11-20-2005, 07:05 AM
Hello all. I am a part-time slave to a Japanese mistress. My primary interest is in ballbusting, but I am interested in most aspects of BDSM.
11-21-2005, 06:49 AM
Hi All, :bananawin
Just thought I would say hi as a newbie to this forum. Personal preferences include having my balls squeezed or crushed under boot :)
Must dig out some of my old pics sometime ....
Take care
11-21-2005, 10:57 AM
I am new to the group. I have been slowly convincing my wife that stepping on my balls in heels and good hard squeezes are not "weird". I luckily came accross this group and hope to share pictures and also show my wife that I am not the only man in the world that likes these things. She is the type that believes in "safety in numbers". So if other women do this, it's OK. Meanwhile I understand that I cannot post a picture until after this post is sent. How do I download pictures I see in the various forums?
11-23-2005, 05:00 PM
This forum seems pretty ctive so I thought I'de join. In general I joint to share my experiences and share in others experiences. One thing though, I'm a slow poster and it can be quite a long time between posts, is this alright?
11-23-2005, 06:35 PM
Hi all
New Member here, 50 years old , this looks to be a very interesting forum so i thought i'd better join, Testicle squeezing is about as far as my wife will go but hopefully with the info i'm gaining from this site i can convince her to go a little further than that,
nice meeting you all and keep up the great posts and pictures
take care
11-25-2005, 04:06 AM
Hello everyone
I'm new here, 51 years old, I've been involved in BDSM relationships for the last 15 years or so. I'm submissive, more a bottom really, in my current relationship. CBT is my favorite activity, ball torture is my favorite, especially hitting and crushing. I make most of my own toys and furniture and am starting work on a CBT chair. As soon as I get it finished I’ll upload some pictures of it for all to see.
take care
11-29-2005, 12:49 PM
Hi Everyone
I'm into squeezing and crushing, nothing too extreme, although my wife isn't ! For me, the most erotic form of this would be where she is hugging me, kissing me passionately and telling me how much she loves me - and at the same time crushing my balls with her hand. It is the contrast that turns me on ! I also have ********** fantasies - usually in which the victim has a huge erection, because although he dreads what is going to happen, he is also turned on by it.
12-01-2005, 12:18 AM
:bananawin Hi to all from Auckland New Zealand. I'm a 47 Kiwi male who's been lucky enough to find an awesome woman who loves to torture my balls in various ways. As the name says I like to see every thing she chooses to do to me especially when she is squeezing, hurting and squashing my nuts until they turn several shades of blue. I love nothing more than when she decides to either wake me up with a server squeezing and stretching of my balls or sends me off to sleep in the same manner. Luckily she really gets off on all sorts of ball busting and cbt and enjoys making me cry out against my will. Occasionally when the mood takes she will place my balls into a ball stretcher attached by a suitable bungy cord to angle straps and milk me using a suitable dildo. The combination and helplessness to her brute force is simply heaven for me. Ok that’s enough of that as its all to much writing about it. As we can we will post some pics of our games.
Anyway we found our way here from ntcweb, now back on the web again, and smakmynut's site, and have to say what an excellent site this is you have, with an excellent collection of pics, vids, links and posts. Certainly lots of ideas and things to look forward to trying and/or being subjected to. Well maybe lol
Anyways keep up the great work people, and thanks for a fabulous site. :ibow4u:
12-03-2005, 06:27 AM
I like to fantasize about a variety of ball tortures from trampling :bananajum up to and including **********. Though, the reality of that would be a bit too final. I have been subject to needle play, which tends to be a bit... juicy but compelling nonetheless.
12-04-2005, 02:06 PM
Thank you for allowing me to join this forum. It is one of the best I have ever found. I really like the ballsbusting forum threads and feel I will have a lot to offer in contributions if I can figure out all the things in this forums. My particular interests are of grabbing and squeezing and of course the ********** threads. Have many pictures and videos to share with the members. Being an older male myself, I have been through it, seen it, and probably done it in my many years.
Thanks again for allowing me to join- if I can just figure it out.
12-06-2005, 06:47 PM
Greeting to any who happen to check this thread. I too am pretty new to forums and pretty old to feet, heel and shoe games. I really hope this forum pans out to be a place to make friends and share my kinks! Thanks for letting me join.
12-06-2005, 06:48 PM
Duh! I guess I should have signed that huh? lol!
Be well all,
12-13-2005, 07:26 PM
hello all I'm new here, this place seems really cool so far
kick me
12-14-2005, 04:54 PM
This is my first post on anything like this but I need to women kick & stomp me.
Im looking for somewhere to start. Any sugg.
12-23-2005, 05:45 AM
Finally I am able to post a message here and introduce myself. I look forward to contributing to this excellent site.
12-23-2005, 10:22 PM
Hi all, just wanted to say hello :) happy bustings
12-27-2005, 07:48 AM
I have been into cbt for years and had no idea there was a lable for it. I am one to have my balls stomped with the lady holding my legs in the air. I am also into being trampled though again I've always thought of it as just being stepped on. In Hawaii its part of a massage and really does feel good.
12-27-2005, 04:06 PM
hi, I'm gatsu from swiss!
12-27-2005, 04:49 PM
Very glad to find this forum, thank you!!!
12-27-2005, 05:09 PM
Thank you for allowing me to join this forum. It is one of the best I have ever found. I really like the ballsbusting forum threads My particular interests are of grabbing and squeezing and the ********** fantasies. Have many pictures and videos to share with the members. Being an young male myself, I just fantasying about through it and want to try it! Thanks again for allowing me to join- if I can just figure it out.
12-27-2005, 10:14 PM
It's official - I like ballbusting. I love to watch women kick and slap and squeeze hard, but am still tender in the bag. I can take the squeezing alright, but the impact stuff is too much at this point.
Anyway, a good ballbusting video is an art form if you ask me.
01-02-2006, 11:51 AM
Hi to all, new here but what i have seen so far looks great.
Got into this after getting nailed in the balls by a girl at school when I was 14.
Here are a couple of new yahoo groups I have just found :-
Hope the links work and that I have put them in the right forum.
01-02-2006, 01:57 PM
I am a new member...Always have a fantasy to be kicked in the groin by a hosed lady since I was very young. Glad to be here.
01-02-2006, 08:47 PM
Hi all,
I'm very interested in all kinds of ball busting. I never realized there was a great site like this avaiable but I'm cretainly glad I found it. Along with bb, I especially like the idea of milking men until they are completly emaciated. I enjoy seeing guys cocks and balls bound and abused. I hope to learn some tricks in this forum.
01-02-2006, 10:56 PM
hello everyone - new here. looks like a great place! i personally enjoy hard bare-hand slapping while she ****** me to offer ownership of my balls to her. CastraKatie, you sound like a dream!
01-03-2006, 01:16 AM
Hi all, I've been into bb off and on for years. Remember Scrambled Eggs, and GerryUK.... *sighs*, ah good times, good times. Got into CB within the last couple of years, because it is greater to give than to receive and have been following Julie's various threads with interest. So, I like both forms of groin abuse, but I'm not as into it as I used to be. Was always a frustration-relese thing for me, and I'm getting that out in more constructive ways. Anyhow for the time being, here I am.
01-09-2006, 12:31 AM
Hello, my Name is Tinchen
I am a girl from Germany, and I am into BB and CBT since I found out that this is really the one thing that turns me on. Some years ago a friend of mine wanted me to insert needles into his balls. First i didnt want to, but after he showed me how to do with one needle I used his ballsack as a needle cushion and inserted one by one until there were no needles left. This was the most intense moment of my life...
I' m trying to post the first message now, but since I am more in sexual things rather than computers it is always a challenge...
This sites seem to be just what I've been looking for. Great.
strippoker mick
01-10-2006, 01:06 PM
Hello--my name's Mick-i'm from the west midlands in England-i have to admit i have a few fetishes-1 of them playing strip games on the net for pics-hence the username(is that a fetish??-hehe)-obviously another is being kicked/kneed/squeezed or whatever in the balls-i think this is a fantastic site with some great posts that i've read so far-my girlfriend likes to gently squeeze my balls during sex but i think is frightened of being too rough-even though i tell her i don't mind it rough-i can't bring myself to ask her to squeeze me harder as i scared she think i'm a freak-i just tend to try and make more pleasured noises when she does grip them harder and grind them together a bit so as to give her a bit of a hint that i really like her doing it(or i say-mmm-that feels good)-do other guys on here go through the same routine if they not prepared to just ask straight out to have their balls squeezed or beaten? Sorry in advance to the girls on here like SadisticSara who would prefer me to be feeling a lot more pain than i do pleasure-haha
01-13-2006, 04:49 PM
Hello. My deal is that for many years I fantasized about ball busting. Gradually over many years I got my wife into it. Just plain old positive reinforcement - when she would squeeze harder, I would praise and thank her. The some threshold was passed. She get suddenly much rougher that before but still not up to some in the group here. Mostly squeezes but she can lay on a mean one-nut-in-each hand squeeze. Slapping is just being introduced. My favorite is when I get on hands and knees and she works on them from behind. For some reason, she is rougher then. Maybe it is more purely sexual. Also, some good lube helps. She will pull my nuts down and then let the slip through her fingers. This gets my attention. My favorite is this: We have reflective film on our bedroom windows. They are huge and overlook a river with lots of wildlife. I stand in front of her while she is on a chair. I am facing the window. She then works my nuts over. Squeeze, pull, and slap. A little penis stroking in between. The other one I like is what we call nipples and nuts. She works my nuts over with one hand while gently playing with my nipples.
I have no interest in the kicking/ hard impact stuff. I have seen injuries, ruptured testicle from a knee. Case settled for >$1Million. (guy had the bad luck that the other testicle had chronic inflamation and was already sterile.)
Anyway, I am a believer in Safe, Sane, Consensual.
01-17-2006, 11:03 AM
hello to everyone.
i'm new in this material and curious about you
01-19-2006, 01:35 PM
sup yall I have just found this site and i must admit its pretty cool. Look forward to talking to yall.
01-19-2006, 02:25 PM
I am sorry I forgot to mention a bit about myself I am into bb, facesitting and almost anything is acceptable if the lady is wearing jeans. My biggest thing is for women wearing tight jeans or pants (Oh if only I was alive in the 60's and 70's). I am kinda new at forum stuff so please do bear with me. Where was I? Oh yes jeans. I am not sure why but women wearing jeans is to me what naked women is to hugh heffner(not sure of the spelling) Any women who wanna kick me gotta have jeans cuz otherwise I just won't enjoy it as much. Ok enouigh posting for now I am going to go explore the forums. take care
01-20-2006, 11:20 AM
I Have Been On This Site For About A Week And I Am Amazed At The Varieties Of Abuse That I Hear People Talk About! My Personal Favorite Is Being Kicked In The Balls And Humiliated At The Feet Of A Woman But Obviously There Are Many Other Ways To Find Pleasure And Relief. I Have Never Enjoyed Ball Crushing, Squeezing, Needles Inserted Etc... But What Ever Turns You On And Works For You And Your Partner Is All That Matters! Certainly Most Of My Pleasure Has Come At The Feet Of Women But My Very First Experience Was When I Was Twelve And A Japanes Boy In The Neighborhood Liked To Show Off By Using Karate Kicks And Judo Flips On Me. I Didn't Realize What Was Happening To Me But I Knew I Enjoyed It! Later On In High School I Knew What I Needed But Girls Of That Type Were Scarce Back Then And I Found Another Boy Who Also Liked To Show Off His Martial Arts Fighting And I Let Him Practice On Me. Since Then I Have Been Able To Find Females That Are Willing And Able To Kick Me And I Derive Much More Sexual Pleasure From It! I Have No Interest In Males Kicking Me Now But Back Then - Any Port In A Storm!
01-23-2006, 12:19 AM
hi all. i'm new here, and stopping in to write my first post; this is a great website.
01-26-2006, 03:41 AM
Another newie here - awesome website,the girls are - what can I say - magnificent
01-28-2006, 12:27 AM
Subject : Introduction
Hello Guys,
I'm Rambo, from Bombay, India. I chanced upon this board while searching for facesitting and cock and ball torture pics on the internet. Didin't know that there were so many people who like this fetish. I fantasize being facessat and dominiated by plus sized women.
I haven't come across any dominas in Bombay so haven't experienced any of the exicting things being discussed on this forum. I would really love to experince it though
Would like to post some pics.... is it ok to post pics which I pick up form sites on the internet?? Have got a pretty good collection of pics which are available free on the internet. Have also got a sizeable colelction of videos.
Hope to get a reply soon.
H Rambo,
If you've got pics send some in. Love to them.
02-07-2006, 05:26 AM
hi great site..first post
02-14-2006, 05:22 AM
I'm from the Netherlands. I've been reading this forum for a while and it's so nice to see that other people have the same interest as me: CBT. :D
It's a relief, cause not many women seem to like. Not in my neighbourhood unfortunately.
So, let's have a nice time here with all of us :)
02-15-2006, 11:25 AM
hi there! Just a test :)
02-18-2006, 09:12 AM
Im Natasha. Im 35, blonde, and discovered domination and sexual control of men about 10 years ago.
i love it. i love having complete control over my sad submissive sissy husband. Ive locked him in a CB3000, and control very carefully when hes allowed to have an erection, and when he's allowed to come. I whip him regularly, because I get such a thrill from the power of having a male cowering over a whipping horse, squealing and writhing while i stripe his back and bum with a schooling whip. I love his humiliation when i enema and anally **** him. I make him dress as a sissy little girl, and do the housework in a pretty maids dress. Sometimes, just to be cruel, ill prostate milk him.
I love every second of it. Hes totally dominated and controlled. He darent even breathe without my permission. At whats more, ive discovered the ladies are far better at sex than men. In fact having sex with men isnt worth the effort. All men are good for is serving and worshipping us ladies. And i intend to make him spend the rest of his life grovelling without mercy under the heel of a superior woman - ME !!!!
02-18-2006, 11:09 PM
hello all. great site. I have been into ballcrushing foa long time. now interested in ********** hoping to here from others with same desire thanks:bananawin
02-19-2006, 06:24 AM
hi all,
i'm from italy and i like when a girl crush, or squeeze or knee my balls, i love when she increse the pressure on my balls with her bare feet.
this site is very good
bye at all
crush me
02-20-2006, 10:44 AM
Im Natasha. Im 35, blonde, and discovered domination and sexual control of men about 10 years ago.
i love it. i love having complete control over my sad submissive sissy husband. Ive locked him in a CB3000, and control very carefully when hes allowed to have an erection, and when he's allowed to come. I whip him regularly, because I get such a thrill from the power of having a male cowering over a whipping horse, squealing and writhing while i stripe his back and bum with a schooling whip. I love his humiliation when i enema and anally **** him. I make him dress as a sissy little girl, and do the housework in a pretty maids dress. Sometimes, just to be cruel, ill prostate milk him.
I love every second of it. Hes totally dominated and controlled. He darent even breathe without my permission. At whats more, ive discovered the ladies are far better at sex than men. In fact having sex with men isnt worth the effort. All men are good for is serving and worshipping us ladies. And i intend to make him spend the rest of his life grovelling without mercy under the heel of a superior woman - ME !!!!
What a lucky slave your sissy is. While my cock isn't small, i'm sure that i'm no match for your Female Lovers.
Still, i can only imagine the rush of seeing the two of you coming down into the cellar to uncage me and begin your fun.
we're simply not worthy.:ibow4u:
02-20-2006, 06:30 PM
just a quick message to say hi, and to make sure it works
02-25-2006, 06:22 AM
Hello to everyone,
first of all let me say, that this is a great forum and I'm glad that I have found it. I hope that many women from Germany who are into femdom, cbt, ballbusting and -squeezing will find their way to this forum, too.
I'm 32 year old hetero man and live in southwest from Germany (near Karlsruhe). Femdom, cbt, ballbusting and -squeezing is in my mind for several years now but I still haven't found a woman who is into that, too. My problem may be, that I'm a little bit shy and that I'm waiting for a woman to do the first step. So if YOU are into that topic, too and if you like to exchange or make (new) experiences, let me know this ( and let me be the object for your fetish.
03-06-2006, 01:04 AM
OK. I'm also new in here. I live in Berlin, I'm 23 years old and I came in touch with ballbusting the first time when I was about 10 years old. That was the time, when the girls thought it was funny to kick someone else in the balls and in realized that it turned me on when watching such scenes. I have to admit, that I was only kicked once by a real hot woman when I was about 15, so it has been a long time ago since I had last been kicked. Anyway, I think I'm also a bit too shy for it (like Michael_32) who posted before.
life is pain
03-09-2006, 10:44 PM
Hello, I just joined this forum yesterday and it's I got to say it's some what relieving to openly talk about ballbusting without it coming out as if I'm going to an AA meeting. I used to have a membership with this site and I would frequently bounce back and forth between here and the footfighters site until it became apparent that I just couldn't maintain the cost of a membership with either at the time.
I can't really remember why I got into ballbusting, I guess it just progressed from the standard footfetish for me. While it may not matter too much to most, i'm finding a preference more for the sole of a woman's foot making contact with my balls and dick rather the instep. Especially when it's arched ( my ex girlfriend was in ballet and calls it a 'c'). Anyways, that pretty much concludes my introduction, but got to say again that it's great to be here.
03-10-2006, 04:48 PM
I'm Santiago, from Brazil. I came to this forum through the main site, the best ballbusting site on the internet. I am 30 years old and I've been busted since five years ago, by brazilian girls I knew. I'm a member of a brazilian ballbusting forum and I intend to know people from other countries who enjoy this fetish.
I'm very glad to be a member of this forum,
Thanks to all!
03-15-2006, 03:53 PM
hello, been into ballbusting and pantyhose all my life, great site here
hello, been into ballbusting and pantyhose all my life, great site here
Hi there,
When you say your into pantyhose (which in the UK we call tights) does that mean that, like me, your into wearing them when being busted by a girl? I think they are great for balbusting as they are humiliating on a guy, make the girl laugh, and of course she can see her target.
03-18-2006, 01:22 AM
Hopefully it works...
03-18-2006, 01:38 PM
hi, i'm new here and i would say this is one of the best sites on the net! hope we all can go on! :)
03-19-2006, 08:51 PM
This has always been interesting. check this out
04-09-2006, 10:10 AM
hi, does anyone know the best links for handjob sites, but with nuts getting licked?
04-15-2006, 11:40 AM
Hi there ,newbie here ,this is my 1st post and like a lot of dudes on here i love a swift kick in the balls by a nice pair of heels to keep me on the straight and narrow:) :)
Glad i found this brilliant site:thumbup
04-16-2006, 04:25 AM
Hello, my Name is Tinchen
I am a girl from Germany, and I am into BB and CBT since I found out that this is really the one thing that turns me on. Some years ago a friend of mine wanted me to insert needles into his balls. First i didnt want to, but after he showed me how to do with one needle I used his ballsack as a needle cushion and inserted one by one until there were no needles left. This was the most intense moment of my life...
I' m trying to post the first message now, but since I am more in sexual things rather than computers it is always a challenge...
This sites seem to be just what I've been looking for. Great.
my WIFE loves you, Tinchen.
This is a first post, but this is a bit different from most in that i am a slave-husband to my WIFE, and SHE is a lifestyle, dominant FEMALE who will also post here under this login.
SHE has instructed me to write a brief introduction and to begin the daily post that we will share to chronicle our daily life.
SHE is thirty-eight and i am forty. We met in Florida in 1999, and we discovered our passion for a lifestyle Female-Supreme relationship in 2003.
i have signed a contract that gives HER everything i own and earn, and in return SHE ties me up and beats me until i bleed.
i work all day while she relaxes at home. when i come through the door, i strip completely and lie on the floor before her feet, face down, hands behind my back, until SHE decides to pay attention to me.
Sometimes SHE will take me up and whip me senseless; other times SHE will decide to simply ignore me for hours as SHE rests her little feet on my face.
Every night for the past three years, since i signed my name to our contract making me her property, i have received a daily punishment before taking my place on the floor at the foot of HER bed to sleep.
i am footlicker jim. Sometimes, i am toiletjim. SHE is MISTRESS LINDA. i have embraced and worshipped these past three years of learning about and practicing the philosophy of Female Supremacy, and i live for the daily degradation and pain of my life of slavery to HER. Our contract was signed on August 29, 2003.
I am Mistress Linda, and my slave/husband has posted the introduction I wanted him to post above. I am a dominant woman who found out that I enjoyed being a little bit sadistic (and a lot controlling) when my slave asked for a spanking one night in a hotel room while on vacation in Hawaii.
I really liked spanking him, and we moved quickly into the Internet world of Femdom until we reached the delicious point we're at now.
I began to test his limits and found that my desire to dominate, control, and inflict pain were as deep as his need to accept torture and degradation.
We live in southern New York and have very much enjoyed couples parties with other similar WIFE/slave marrieds.
We will be posting a daily log. Every day, no matter what, we have found a time for the daily punishment I give jim. The first time, he got a few little whacks from a purse strap. Lately, I've been testing his limits with a single-tail and ball-kicks.
04-16-2006, 03:26 PM
Just like to say hi to everyone, really glad I found this site, I've been into ballbusting for years and thought I'd done it all, but I've already got many new ideas from the discussions :jumpsmile
04-25-2006, 04:40 PM
I am a newbie here and as I understood the rules, I should introduce myself at first and than post pics.
So I am Leon from Germany, male, 39 years, 178cm, 81kg, quite attractive and sporty. I have a girlfriedn and sometimes we play a little bdsm and footgames. But not as often and intensive as I would dream of.
I hope that's ok at first for you and hope to find interesseting postings and pictures here. Femaledom I like very very much, especially, because they have extremly beautyfull girls there !
So what have I to do, to post also pics ?
How is this possible ?
Have a good time (happy eastern !!!)
Germany? i'm from germany to :D
I wonder, where is femaledom located? :D
04-25-2006, 10:23 PM
I wish to humbly thank you for allowing me the honor of joining your forum. If anyone wishes something of me, I am very willing and capable, so please ask.
04-25-2006, 10:52 PM
i'm Gerry. i'm 39 from Tulsa, new to this. hi.
04-26-2006, 06:49 AM
My name ist Steven. Great site.
04-26-2006, 07:16 PM
Hi all.
I suppose one could classify my interest here as a "guilty pleasure" or a "private fantasy", not really dying to take it out of the realm of mental excitement.
I'm going to scour the rules before posting any pics, but I'm kind of an amateur self-CBT photographer, and would like to share some pics that might amuse.
04-30-2006, 01:33 AM
After much surfing, I've come to realize that this is my home. So, hello to you all.
hello to you all :bananawingreat site
05-03-2006, 04:18 PM
great site! keep it up
05-04-2006, 07:23 AM
Hello I found this site and its very interesting to say the least.any problems placeing personal ads in here?i am interested in becoming a owned slave and have had no luck else were.
05-06-2006, 11:11 AM
My first post. This is a great website. Heres my pic.....
05-09-2006, 12:53 PM
Not really new here but this is my first post, great site
05-09-2006, 04:47 PM
25 yr old male here. I have a moderate amount of experience with BB in real life, though have spent many an hour staring glossy eyed at posts, pics, movies you name it.
probably the most interesting thing about me that has some BB significance is that I'm actually a male stripper. Thus I have many more opportunities to be sexually adventurous than in other ocupations. It is a little odd though because I'm by nature more submisive and my job requires being able to play a strong dom role pretty often.
05-17-2006, 11:55 AM
Just wanted to say Hi, and thanks for letting me join. x
05-18-2006, 01:31 PM
Hi, I have just found this site and I enjoy many of the fetishes covered here. I enjoy manipulating drawn images to suite my own take on the action. For example introducing ball pain into an image where it did not exist. I have not got a web site and but I have allowed others to freely post my images on their (free) sites at their discretion. I have got the
images over the years from the net and they were all in free circulation. Some of my pics will be on topic here and I will post what I think is relevant. Hope you enjoy them:)
05-28-2006, 12:25 PM
Hi, My name is Eunice (not really). I am a mature (50) male who is interested in ballbusting, CBT, enforced male chastity and masturbation prevention, cuckoldry, humiliation and generally any activity which allows the female to exercise her natural superiority and dominance over the weaker male.
These activities are mostly the subject of my fantasies althoughI have had a few real experiences with having my balls busted, some mild CBT and a considerable amount of humiliation. I don't know how I came to acquire this point of view in life. As in all things, it likely started in childhood. An often-absent father, strong-willed mother and older sister, hellacious tomboy younger sisters.
While my wife figuratively wears the pants in the family, she refuses to indulge any of my fantasies with me. As she points out, they are my fantasies and as the superior being, it is not her place to please me.
Does anybody have any ideas about how I might have my itch scratched, so to speak? If I were to write down some of my fantasies in story form (which I have never done before), would anybody want to read them?
Thanks you for giving me this place to speak.
06-10-2006, 12:24 PM
Hi, I'm a 30 year old male. I just found this site a few days. I browsed a little bit the sites and was very delighted to found so much about the fetishes I am also keen on. Especially the thread about ball banding and ball biting which are also one of my favorites.
Great site.
06-11-2006, 11:15 AM
I'm a 24 year old dude, seems like a nice place here.
See you around!
06-15-2006, 12:08 PM
Another new member saying Hi. And thanx , this looks like a great place to share the coolest in femdom art and photos and I'll be back soon.
06-16-2006, 08:54 PM
Hello everyone. I'm new here and looking around to learn how the boards operate and understand the posting rules.
Nice collection of forums!
06-17-2006, 09:39 AM
36 yr old from chicago - looking forward to contributing
06-17-2006, 09:41 AM
Now that I have figured out that I can post - a little about me. I have been ballbusted by an old gf a lot - she could be really vicious. She left the country and we split up. My wife now does some BB, but more domination. She's not as vicious.
06-17-2006, 05:44 PM
Hello All
Thanks for letting Me join.I enjoy reading all the posts,and the pictures.
I have been into CBT for sometime now,It's good to see more people
enjoying this fetish.Looking forward to seeing and learning new things.
Hope to make new friends here.
06-18-2006, 06:47 AM
Hi Everyone, Ive been into dominant women since I was young, when I was caught in the shower at a friends house by his sister and her girlfriend. They busted in and after after my initial embarassment they played with my cock and squeezed my balls. I ended up jerking off for them. I am not into the really painful stuff but when you see pics of a smiling women with her hand wrapped around a guys balls, the look on her face says it all.
look forward to posting
06-24-2006, 10:13 AM
Hi. I'm new. Just wanted to introduce myself. Cutponies (I ********* colts on gramps farm, Mom taught me how)
06-24-2006, 10:19 AM
Oh, by the way, I'm quite a graphic artist. Sample\temp\sample.gif
06-30-2006, 02:56 PM
Hi. This is just a short message to say hi. I'm a male and find this subject interesting.
07-02-2006, 08:45 PM
She shook the spill of blond hair out of her eyes, and grinned. Her breathing was accelerated. Her pulse beat with the rhythm of lust. And she could almost taste blood. But not her own blood. The blood she hungered for had testosterone swimming in it. And she was going to take out the source. The male had blood running down his lip. His left eye was swollen. There were bruises purpling his ribs and stomach. Up till now, though, his groin and its dangling weapons were untouched. He clearly expected her to attack him there, so she took advantage of that. She’d been patient, evading his clumsy lunges and kicks, countering with swift brutal efficiency. He staggered and shuffled as they circled, his eyes searching her graceful countering, hoping desperately for her to make a mistake. He had been so confident at first. He outweighed her by a good sixty pounds, and his nude muscular body displayed very little fat. Her own body, clad in a black lycra two-piece, was lean and agile, the body of the martial artist that she was. But her pixie features were deceptive, the startling blues eyes and button nose made her look like a baby doll, not an amazon warrior. Until she attacked.
She feinted a kick to his midsection, and he reached out to block it with a forearm. Instead of following through with the kick, she brought it down, planted and spun. The heel of her other leg hammered his jaw, and blood and a tooth sprayed from his mouth. He staggered from the blow, his eyes went glassy, and his hands went to his face. And she made the move the man-hating audience had been waiting for. In a flash, she stepped in and took hold of his manhood by the root. She locked onto everything, balls, cock, and pubic hair. The male forgot his aching jaw when he saw the evil in her blue eyes, and the wide grin on her cherubic face. She twisted brutally, and his world spun out of control. The agony was blinding. He reached feebly for her shoulders, feeling their tautness, as she had both hands in his groin now. He didn’t look down to see what she was doing. He didn’t really want to know. He tried to push her away, but she drew him into her by his own sex. The agony buckled his knees, but she wouldn’t let him fall. Her nails dug into his scrotum till they felt wet, and she hoisted him onto his toes. He tried to wrap his fingers around her throat, but she looked in his eyes and snarled, “Don’t!” His hands fell to her shoulders again, trying to take some of the weight off his balls. Suddenly she released him, and he let out a reflexive gasp of relief. But she took a sharp step in and rammed up with her knee. His feet left the ground, and he shrieked as his testicles flattened against his pelvic bone, She took a step back, and he dropped to his knees, coughing and retching. The bloodlust in the female audience thundered in their ears. She laughed, and grabbed a fist of his hair, and yanked him upright from his crouch of agony. Her knee cracked his chin and he reeled backward. She put a heel on his chest and the next moment he was sprawled on his back, one arm flailed outward, his other hand still cupping his bleeding crotch. And then he saw her bare foot flash toward his face, and his brain shut down. Eventually he heard a rhythmic chanting, drawing him up from the darkness. He couldn’t make out the words, but it was a large chorus of female voices repeating something over and over. And then, what he saw, as his eyes fluttered open, was a firm feminine ass bobbing inches above his face. His eyes followed the thong line between her tan cheeks and saw his opponent’s lean, supple thighs astride his chest. He became painfully aware of her knees, pinning his arms at his sides to the canvas floor. Her feet cradled his head. Looking down between her thighs, he saw her voluptuous upper torso looming over his rippled trembling stomach. He could feel her blond tresses tickling his inner thighs, just before she took hold of his shrunken organ. Her gentle chuckle made his spine freeze. And when she squeezed, he became oblivious to everything else.
07-13-2006, 08:59 PM
Great site.:letsplay
07-19-2006, 04:56 PM
Hi just joined so i am going to introduce myself.
I am 18, turning 19 in august this year (same day as Sean Connery).
I have been interested in female domination for years and every bit of it turns me on and excites me. I esentualy am trying to find a young or older woman who will give me a chance to be there slave. I want chastity, full humiliation and bondage and anything that pleases the individual lady. As a slave i would like to be ********* and offer these to my lady (When the lady see's fit, if ever). Is there anyone out there that is interested in somone like this or maybe in the future? Or where i can find such a lady.
I would like the ********** to be undertaken in safe conditions. With the "ORR" which is situated in belgium and perform castrations with a fully qualified and legal doctor.
07-20-2006, 02:21 PM
Hi everybody
New here, just want to say hello.
I'm the (sub) male part of a couple active in the female domination scene.
Hopefully, will be able to post some pics.
Bert :)
07-29-2006, 05:51 AM
Hy all. i thiks this is the best BB forum on the i_net!!!!
but now i must train my english!! (german)
greeez to all members :thumbup
07-29-2006, 04:01 PM
Hello Everyone
Being a reader of the forum I decided to post some as well. My experiences... Well - I get kicked in the nuts often and I trunly enjoy it. I have some tollerance to it now of course that means that I probably have had some damage done down there too, but that goes with what we do. My girlfriend (and some of her friends) make clips for the Suburban Sensations clip site so I get lucky if you know what I mean. Anyway I just wanted to say hello.
08-02-2006, 04:40 PM
Just joined the forum great site just looking through now
I just wanted to make a post to see how it looked
08-03-2006, 01:02 PM
Being a new member I'd ask to ask if it's allowed to ask the female members here if they do any online bb sessions? I didn't see this covered in the rules.
08-06-2006, 10:30 PM
I'm new here...I've never actually been hit in the balls by a girl but have always found the idea to be erotic....
I imagine myself wrestling with a girl, possibly in a serious confrontation, when she gets a gleam in her eye and tries to reach for my crotch. I know it will be agony if I let her get her hand there but I also find it arousing that she wants to touch me there. I also like the idea that she knows exactly what to do if she reaches it; she knows exactly how to hurt (or please) me...she would just grip hard and then stop struggling, because she knows there's a only a second or two delay where I could still resist and then WHAM, nothing else matters in the world but getting her hand off my balls....
Anyway, just saying hello
08-07-2006, 04:47 PM
I just joined and I hope to find others would like ballbusting. I like having my balls worked over and abused. Someday I would like to be ********* by the right female.
08-08-2006, 02:04 PM
Hello. I'm a new member. I'm also a slave to being trampled under high heels. I would love to see photos, viedos, of a slave under a desk of a Mistress and she useing her heels on his face while she works. I'm new at useing all the things here but I'll learn. Thanks.:ibow4u:
08-09-2006, 04:43 PM
Hello all, really enjoy this forum! Only had once experience with BB and loved it, looking for more!
08-11-2006, 08:41 AM
Hello all,
I'm new here, Just joined yesterday and looking forward to contributing to this wonderful forum.
Special thanks to the staff for making this possible.:bananad: :D
08-12-2006, 09:12 PM
hello, lost my internet for a while and seemed t have been locked out due to inactivity
squash 'em
08-14-2006, 11:53 PM
This is my introductory post - My main interest is ballbusting and I'm excited about finding a forum where that can be discussed. Looking forward to contributing.
08-16-2006, 05:51 AM
Hi there,
I've been looking such a long time for a site like this and and I have to say this one is really amazing. :ibow4u:
So, hello to everyone and I'm looking forward to explore this forum.
Hallo everyone! glad to see that our fetish has more and more fans :)
08-29-2006, 04:05 PM
Looking to meet women in the midwest that I can service and adore. I want to be owned and have my nuts crushed and tortured by her. I'm 35, good looking and very healthy. My balls are your's for the taking...take them.
08-30-2006, 05:48 PM
i would like to introduce myself as fan of ballbusting. My favourite type of bust is the grab.
08-31-2006, 11:13 AM
hi to all:)l,
steve jobs
09-03-2006, 10:02 PM
hello everyone
Hello everyone! :D
Am very new to all this and looking around.
09-05-2006, 08:48 AM
i am a submissive male that loves to be completely controlled by a Woman. i enjoy floggings, canings, sissification, chastity, oral and anal strapon training, humiliation, bondage, discipline, golden showers and complete servitude. After a Woman tires from years of controlling my penis making it rise and fall on Her command i even fantasize about a Woman eventually ********** me when i have proven myself to be a worthy servant for life. i would love to be serving Her and Her friends in my French Maid’s uniform and lifting my petticoat on Her command for all to smile and laugh at the sight of my limp useless pee pee hanging there. It is all about RESPECT for Women and complete trust. It is a wonderful experience to be a Woman’s sex toy and watch Her celebrate and enjoy the strength and beauty of Her Femininity. i love frequent canings that leave bruises and pain so that 24x7 She is on my mind. men’s sexual release needs to be completely controlled and strictly limited by a Woman for him to become the best he can be for Her. :ibow4u: to all Women
09-10-2006, 08:52 PM
Hello all, I am obviously another new member just introducing myself.
I am a sumbmisive male, 25 years old... have an online Mistress that I have known now for 3 years.
Won't bore you too many with details...would just like to say this forum looks very interesting and informative and look forward to exploring and contributing.
09-13-2006, 05:45 PM
My name is Alex, I am 45, from the Chicagoland area and i am bigtime into ballbusting. I just love having my "boys" getting slapped around by the girls.This is an absolutely incredible site. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences with you all in the future.
09-14-2006, 05:00 PM
Hi. I'm a longtime fan of BB. My favorite is the grab.
09-16-2006, 05:36 AM
i'm New here. i want to say hello to everyone. my first impression of thi forum, Its Amazing.
09-16-2006, 05:01 PM
Good evening to everybody!
I'm Temroc, a submissive guy from germany. I'm a writer of erotic femdom stories. For month I'd visited the, but I don't found the forum. Now I'm registered. I hope, I'll be a worth member of this forum.
09-19-2006, 10:41 PM
:) hello all :wooow
09-20-2006, 04:52 AM
:) hi! nice to be here!
I just want to say HELLO to everyone!!!
bleep master
10-03-2006, 07:10 AM
hi there,
thank all of you for creating a platform like this..
i am a 25 year old musician, live in a relationship with some SM elements and i look forward to talk about all kind of stuff with u.
also hope to find some openminded friends
Just love this forum/site
10-06-2006, 08:21 AM
Im new here,joe from the uk,just saying hello to everyone here.
10-06-2006, 04:41 PM
hi all!!!! glat to meet u :-)
Princess Kiki
10-06-2006, 08:31 PM
I am new as well. I just joined 1 minute ago. Hi all!
10-07-2006, 04:16 AM
Greetings and welcome to our little corner of the world.
I am new as well. I just joined 1 minute ago. Hi all!
10-09-2006, 05:39 AM
Hello all, just joined this fantastic forum - will be posting pics soon if thats OK?
10-10-2006, 06:41 AM
I'm a slave, I like to be humiliate by a girl, I prefer CFNM in public place and balbusting.
I'm italian, there are other italian boys or girls ?
bye !!
10-10-2006, 03:11 PM
I am a newbie here. I enjoy getting busted by socks, sneakers, flip flops, sports sandals, dancing shoes, and ballet shoes. Does anyone know of any sites where there is some ballet/dance shoed women busting?
10-10-2006, 11:14 PM
Love the site. Just figuring our what's what.:)
10-11-2006, 07:39 AM
Well I´m 26 years old, and I love to be kicked in my balls
10-13-2006, 03:50 AM
I love ballbusting in pantyhose
10-13-2006, 05:38 AM
Hi, I am a 30 year old Male from Germany and am totally in ballbusting. Ladies, kick me!
10-13-2006, 12:38 PM
Hey all, i'm a fan of ball biting and hard ballsucking.
Hello everybody,
I joines a few minuts ago and I hope that this group is more interesting then a lot of other groups. I normaly don't have much time to surf on the net, but I try to do my very best to keep this forum alive.
Hello Im Jo.
I am a new member who like Ballbusting from Girls.
Sorry for my engl. but i am an Austrian.
10-23-2006, 12:17 PM
Hi, new here today.
While my wife/Mistress isn't into ball 'kicking', she does enjoy ball, spanking, paddling, streching and most forms of CBT... this is most often combined with long periods of T&D until I'm begging to do what ever she asks...
We love it!
new here. i love the idea of this forum and femdom i general.
10-24-2006, 07:06 PM
just a hello and hope i can bring some cool posting here:letsplay
10-25-2006, 12:05 PM
Hi. I like the concept of female domination. I do belong to several forums.
And I like to play as well. I'm hoping to also participate in this forum with clips and whatever I can contribute.
PS. I've also launched my new yahoo group this week. It's more of a place to come and find other links in our lifestyle. This forum is in my link section. My links will be just another portal to Cyber space. :) (
Submissive male here, name's Joe. Been into this stuff for about 4 years, lovin it every day more and more.
10-30-2006, 08:11 PM
Hi there. I'm new.
10-31-2006, 10:21 PM
Hey everyone.
I am very very interested in female dom, but have never experienced a femdom relationship. I'm very interested in chastity, because I'm a chronic masurbator and just can't help myself.
11-05-2006, 09:43 PM
Hi, I'm Brian, I've had a ballbusting fetish most of my life, sadly, i've never been busted.
11-06-2006, 04:55 PM
I've just joined today, and I've been a closet BB fan for a long time. I'm not really into the extremely vicious or kinky stuff... but anyway, I must digress here.
I don't get online often, but I look forward to being part of this forum.
I'm also having problems viewing attachments - it says that I don't have permission to view them. I would also ask how Quick Reply works .. it tells me that I need to hit an Icon (one that I can't find) in order to use it. Most forums I go to can Quick Reply in a very simple manner.
11-06-2006, 07:22 PM
The problem is solved. I closed my browser and re-opened it to the site.
However, the Quick Reply and the lack of an Edit button for posts is something that I've yet to discover. My appreciation in advance.
11-07-2006, 05:43 PM
well just a small post to say hi i guess ...
11-08-2006, 07:49 PM
Just like to open up by saying how good it is to be sharing this platform with so many like minded individuals...if not just a tad strange. :) what a shocker, never in my wildest could i have imagined there were so many guys out there who got off on this kinda stuff, so i say this to you right here, right now....GOD BLESS THE INTERNET. Always, as no doubt most of you, been, aware of the more obvious forms of Dom i:e. Dungeons, whipping, shackles etc,but this stuff Ballbusting, Facesitting, and my fave,which by the way borders on obsessional Trampling i thought it was just me, or at best a small band of us, i kid you not.
You see that there is my point, prior to the world wide web, where would we have gone to quench the thirst, scratch the irratation so to speak, images videos, non existant for the most part not unless that is you were a regular visitor to one of those seedy backstreet sex shops, well thats how the're percieved over here, probally struggle to obtain it even then, something i personally would never have done. And as for actul first hand experiance forget it, i mean just picture the scene, you've saved up your dough, set up your date with a so called, lady of the night,she looks at you and says
" how do you like it love" to which you cant help but reply nervously,
"yeah...if you could kick me in the cods, then beat me senseless till i collapse on the floor, and finally whilst i'm lying there could you please walk over my back, oh and if you could leave your heels on, i'd be ever so grateful"
I suspect the only roughing up you might be getting on that night,matey..would be courtesy of the boys in blue, that's the coppers by the way, not the crappy boy band, still point made i think.
So i say to you my dom loving friends next time you.. LOG ON, just take a moment, think about the dark days and then...............REJOICE.
11-08-2006, 08:04 PM
Hi, just introducing myself. Love CBT themed art--hope to share some, too!
11-08-2006, 08:35 PM
Is it just me or does anyone else get incredibly aroused by the line on the home page which says
All run and updated by ballbusting girls.........Just thought i'd ask.
Girls rule now and 4ever. :ibow4u:
11-08-2006, 09:03 PM
Curious about the bald headed guy whos in about 99% of the photo shoots everytime i see him he's either,
Being ;Scissored by Angel's perfect pins (Wow)
;Sat on by Shania (oh god yes please)
;Neck-Pinned by Nicole in high heels (lucky swine)
Much respect my friend,your living the dream. :ibow4u:
11-08-2006, 10:20 PM
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 601px; HEIGHT: 164px" cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=601 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>pr</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right width="5%">ADJECTIVE:</TD><TD vAlign=top>1. Inordinately interested in matters of sex; lascivious. 2a. Characterized by an inordinate interest in sex: prurient thoughts. b. Arousing or appealing to an inordinate interest in sex: prurient literature. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
11-09-2006, 05:24 PM
does anyone know why i cant access attachments?
11-09-2006, 10:44 PM
does anyone know why i cant access attachments?
This is your first post so wait a bit and you can see them (It's in the rules).
11-10-2006, 04:46 AM
Im not sure if this first post is in the right place or not? but I would like to pose the following hyperthetical poser,many of us here enjoy the idea,or in reality being on the receiving end of testicle pain, or CBT,delivered by women,or men depending upon an individuals persuasion.
I abhor women being hurt or subjected to violence,I help old ladies across the road(whether they want to go or not) I am kind to animals.considerate etc,But if I read about dream about,,or witness,women committing mild or atrocious acts of sexual violence on men,then boing boing boing,!! it results in an intant rageing hard on (erection for non English speaking people)
It may be a base animalistic desire,as its the norm in the animal world when species mate, to bite and scratch etc when procreating or in native English parlance having a bonk,
I have always been afraid of disclosing my "secret" in past relationships, consequently denying my partner,and myself mutual pleasure.
Now I am mature so to speak I concede I do not have an answer,neither am I looking for one now,Ive just accepted it,non the less I would be interested other peoples opinions both Men and Women,why is this so? whats the kick? (pardon the pun),or succinctly, why do we wallow in the concept of a women making a guy scream? and groan and the louder the scream the harder it becomes?
My apologies for such a philosophical first post,the tits, bums,:):o:D and bollocks material will follow later if I am not banned for being to boring,
11-10-2006, 09:44 AM
I figured this would be a good first post for me. Call me a newb but is 'femdom' females dominating males or females being dominated?
I often see it being applied to both, which causes my confusion.
11-10-2006, 10:37 PM
Hi.. I am a new member. Have always enjoy femdom, cfnm, ballbusting, orgasm denial even when i was in my teens. Love to be part of the group.
11-11-2006, 08:06 AM
New member of the Forum today. Moderator rules want active participation to keep from being banned. But the rules at the bottom say I cannot post attachments. Not sure what is expected of me as a member...any help please?
11-11-2006, 03:49 PM
Thank you, that it is possible for me, also be a meber of this forum.
I like facesitting, but have no possibility to have it in real life.
hello to all, I am glad i found the community where i can share my fantasies
11-14-2006, 06:12 PM
Hey all what's up...
11-14-2006, 07:28 PM
Even AFTER reading the directions. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
11-17-2006, 12:19 PM
Hi, I'm a newbie.
I am somewhat embarrassed when it comes to acting it out in the real world. Not sure I will tell my gfriend about my fantasies.
Anyway, just saying hi.
11-17-2006, 04:24 PM
Hello to all. I have been into trample for a while now but I am very shy about it. I did not even tell my wfe until we were married for 2 years because i thought she would leave me for it. Now she does it but very very rarly but at least she does it.
11-24-2006, 01:06 PM
Hi @ all
I'm happy to fond this community!!!
11-24-2006, 11:17 PM
Greetings All,
thanks for letting me join your forum. Just getting in to bb with a new g/f. I found this awesome site through google. Im 36 and from Down Under. BB is not that big here so i have to find stuff from overseas.
Can't wait to get involved in this forum
See ya
11-25-2006, 08:27 AM
i'm new here. i want to say hello to everyone.
why i can't see attached pictures ?
11-25-2006, 12:21 PM
Hi @ all
I'm happy to fond this community!!! Ya, this is one of my first times on here. It seems really good. I'm totally into this stuff.
11-25-2006, 12:40 PM
I just joined and look forward to talking about Female Domination and Ball Busting. It is good to find like minded people. :)
11-25-2006, 06:24 PM
hello all, im excited to discover this forum! :)
11-26-2006, 01:38 AM
I come to this group by way of numerous others with femdom themes. I grew up with two sisters, of whom the older was and remains a very strong personality. My mother was also very strong, but in a quiet and supportive way. I have always been attracted to strong, self-confident women. I married one, and my daughters are strong and self-confident.
But I am not a submissive, I am an egalitarian. In most matters, I am reasoned and generally well informed. However, like most men I know, I have been uncomfortable with my own emotional make-up for much of my life. Only in the last few years have I achieved a reasonable level of self-acceptance. Which is good, because there are some significant kinks there.
Now I'd like to check out a few pictures and do a bit of reading.
11-26-2006, 01:44 AM
Hello! First time poster, long time fetish-er. I've had an interest in ballbusting for quite a while, and an interest in fem domme for quite a while, so joining this site makes sense. Hope to post a bunch in the future!
11-26-2006, 11:22 AM
Hi, everyone, just found this forum, and I had to join. I'm a 28 year old male switch, interested in all forms of pain. I don't have a lot of real life experience, but ball torture is a great turn on for me.
I'm hoping to meet a lot of interesting people on this forums. Great to meet you all.
11-28-2006, 11:05 AM
I'm new here. Awesome site. It will take me a while to look at all of it.
Gotta go.
11-29-2006, 02:40 PM
[quote=newport348;22406]Hi. I like the concept of female domination. I do belong to several forums.
And I like to play as well. I'm hoping to also participate in this forum with clips and whatever I can contribute.
PS. I've also launched my new yahoo group this week. It's more of a place to come and find other links in our lifestyle. This forum is in my link section. My links will be just another portal to Cyber space. :)
This is an update to my group. I've since changed the name. Hence the problem that did ocuur. It's now corrected.
11-30-2006, 01:41 PM
Hi all,
I am first time here. I wonder how it took so long to find here, since I have read for years such web sites like and bme. This forum makes me enthuastic.
11-30-2006, 02:06 PM
I'm new as well. Found those forums by accident. (very lucky one)
I like mixed wrestling and bb/cbt as in clips and stuff.... but haven't tried it really yet.
Anyway, i'm glad that i found you and that i'm not alone hehe.
12-10-2006, 02:02 PM
Hi, I'm male, 32 years of age, and I am delighted to have found this place.
I see this is an active forum with a wide range of topics discussed. My own personal favourite is facesitting, although I am sure I will find lots of other areas of interest to me here.
Princess Kiki
12-12-2006, 03:18 AM
welcome newcomers!
12-18-2006, 06:24 AM
I'm an artist, I have some sort of fantastical femdom pieces but nothing involving ballbusting just yet. Its on the list though.
People's fetishes don't always overlap and translate well. It seems to be basically true what I read somewhere online that what's sexy about the fetish object or action isn't at all obvious to anyone except those to whom it is entirely obvious, those who have it.
So what's not obvious to me are what I call "hardware" These are chains and weights, masks, clothespins, leather for its own sake and lots of other stuff.
What is obviously of interest to me are soft, rounded or wet biological things. For instance barefoot busting, biting, sucking, women pissing in a man's mouth.
I wrote a story, let me find the story forum on here for posting.
12-26-2006, 02:20 AM
Hi, I am new. Its nice to see a forum like this, thats not all spammed up like most other sites. kudos.:D
12-27-2006, 11:15 AM
Hello, everyone. I too am new (evidenced by my post count) and I hope this forum is as good as it looks (above poster is right. No spam?!)
Any type of femdom is my favorite, but all my past girlfriends have been so submissive... I hope my new membership here will try to make it up.;)
12-27-2006, 04:37 PM
Hi i'm new here & was wondering if there are any females with MSN & webcam who would liek to order around etc... if so drop me a message thanks..
01-01-2007, 05:05 PM
It is good to see a site like this given the disappearances of similar communities in the past.
easy goer
01-01-2007, 07:23 PM
Hello all: this is my first. I hope I can open some of the pictures here, after posting this. I have to admit it is probably the pictures that are most appealing to me but, anything that touches the emotions this strongly is likely to have dynamics to it.
I dont have a lot of photos to contribute to this site, but I hope to provide some stories for the future. I try to write stuff that really happened and reads like it really happened. I guess that is a turn on to me, I dont like restraints, or weapons, or stuff like that. PLain old female feet and especially knees. Panty hose, bikinis, fishnets, heels, all have their place. Thanks.
Jeezus why is it so hard to post a quick reply? I tried to type this in quick reply and it kept asking me to click on a quick reply box above. So I did, I found a quick reply box (not so obvious) clicked on it and then tried to post my quick reply. Still nothing. Gee whiz, how can a simple interface be this hard?
01-02-2007, 04:00 AM
Great forum!!!
01-02-2007, 05:15 AM
This year I shall stop luring and bring my fantacies in to the open. Besides, the rules say you are supposed to post and femdom doesn"t work if you don't do what you are told!
01-11-2007, 06:54 PM
Hi all,
I have been registered in several gyno/femdom/femcan forums, but none of them looks so well managed like this one. Fast, well organized, nice people, no bad mud, etc...
keep on,
01-16-2007, 01:49 PM
hi alll!!!! great forum!!
01-17-2007, 04:11 AM
I just want to introduce myself and ask a few questions.
I am a 33 year old male who enjoy facesitting, kissing and licking a woman wherever she wants, ball and nipple biting, and a few other things. ;-)
I have two questions i hope to get answered.
1. For those of you who have tried tasting urine, what does it taste like?
2. How do you do practically to find women who are "sexually compatible" with your preferences?
Regards groda12
01-17-2007, 01:20 PM
Hello Everyone.
This is my first post.
I have found this forum recently, it's very interesting :thumbup
after some time i have found this board again and the login was still working.
I would like to say all members of the board hello.
01-23-2007, 12:00 PM
This is my first post on any sexual oriented site. My main interest is CFNM but I love the control aspect of that and this plays vividly into that genre.
I'm curious how many guys out there actually get there balls busted and how many women actually bust. I'm guessing that most don't actively participate but this is just a guess.
Great forum!
01-23-2007, 03:08 PM
I am a life long submissive male.
Thank you for hosting this forum.
My interests are probably limited to fantasy, but as I have never had the chance to test my limits with a really willing dominant partner, who can say for sure?
01-24-2007, 02:00 AM
Thank you for allowing me to join this forum. It is one of the best I have ever found. I really like the ballsbusting forum threads and feel I will have a lot to offer in contributions if I can figure out all the things in this forums. My particular interests are of grabbing and squeezing and of course the ********** threads. Have many pictures and videos to share with the members. Being an older male myself, I have been through it, seen it, and probably done it in my many years.
regards s0me0ne:bananajum
01-25-2007, 08:49 PM
Hey, thanks for letting me join the forum. I'm 22 and fairly new to most of this stuff, but it's always fun exploring. Hopefully I can contribute to the site at a later time.
01-29-2007, 03:03 AM
this is brilliant. a ballbusting forum
01-29-2007, 10:24 PM
Hi, I'm new here and just wanting to learn about femdom. I'm very interested with some of the stuff I've seen around the web.
02-04-2007, 08:34 PM
Hey what's up? This is my first time posting on any site ever. I think I'm doing this right. This isn't meant to be a meaningless post, but I seriously don't know if I'm doing this right. If this works I'll post something slightly more interesting... seriously. Ok I guess the smiley face is a good choice. Now "submit reply".... nope better preview first ok cool. Ok now I think this will let me edit what I just wrote. Ok great apparently it works. Ok well I do have a question, perhaps relevent to this forum, perhaps not.. Has anyone here heard of any cuntbusting sites? I remember them from several years ago, one in particular called cuntbuster's anonymous, and it seems to have disappeared. What's up with that? And also what's the deal with some of these Japanese sites, I can't read anything at all. Is there some kinda program that can translate them???
02-05-2007, 01:16 PM
I am a male switch, like my name here implies, I'm interested in some aspects of Femdom; bondage including C&B, sounding, orgasm control, facesitting/oral service and CFNM scening. Have some limited real time experince as well as online.
02-06-2007, 10:08 PM
Hello all! This is my first posting. I'm excited to find out more about how others enjoy femdom, and hopefully learn some techniques for my wife to try. I like light CBT and ball play, especially handjobs while c&b are tied, and vibes. Breastworship & tittyfucking are my favorites.:thumbup
02-07-2007, 06:32 PM
:ibow4u: my balls are youres.
02-09-2007, 09:24 PM
This is one conprehensive site!
02-13-2007, 05:55 AM
I'm new & I thought that I would find woman abusing or humiliating men here. What I have found instead seems to be men posting how they would like to get off with the help of a woman. I'll keep reading & see what else is in the forums. Later: fadentime:o
02-14-2007, 04:04 PM
Hi fadentime,
You are right, as on many (trying to be) similar sites, there are many more males looking for Mistresses than Mistresses looking for subs!
Despite this general situation, there are a few Ladies posting and taking care of what male subs think or feel. But it's a tough competition to get their attention. Good luck!
03-14-2007, 12:45 PM
Greetings. Just signed up in the past couple days. Been reading posts to get the lay of the land, so to speak. An interesting group. Time to introduce myself, or at least my fetish.
My fetish is obscure. Made more so by its specificity. I want to be made the eunuch slave of a virgin princess. In addition to duties such a being her valet, laundering her cloths and toiling at other chores for her around the palace, I help ensure she remains a virgin. I do this by servicing any and all men who come in contact with her, and thus have their lust inflamed by her hyper feminine charms. At night, I sleep on the floor at the foot of her bed. I kneel at the side of her throne as she attends to the affairs of the day. She orders me to service any man who makes his desires known to her. And, when we are alone, I keep her sated with my tongue, ever so gently as to not damage her maidenhead.
The princess is tremendously pleased by her absolute control over me. She enjoys exercising this control in extreme ways. Like occasionally having me shackled over night, on my knees, next to the urinals in the guards’ barracks. She sleeps comfortably between her warm silk sheets, pleased in the knowledge that the hundred plus men of her palace guard are being pleasured through the night.
Obscure. But it works for me.
03-14-2007, 04:11 PM
Just new to the forum and as everyone posting here; I guess so should I!
So just a big hello to everyone ...
I am not really sure that I am into femdom - but it does interest me; so I am here at this time just to see what it is like and if i'm into it.
Thats all for this post; have a good day/night all :)
03-26-2007, 02:31 AM
Hello everyone!
03-26-2007, 04:16 AM
Hey everybody. Glad to be here
I have a ballbusting & female foot fetish. Hope to be satisfied!
03-29-2007, 04:46 AM
I'm new to this forum but I've had an interest in femdom for quite a while now especially all things CFNM related.
I'll post a few of my favourite CFNM pics when I get a chance.
03-29-2007, 01:07 PM
Hi all,
also I am new to this forum, but I am expecting a lot as I love
facesitting and smothering:thumbup ! Cheers.
03-30-2007, 12:41 AM
hello, i new here. i am 30 bisexual sub male. i am owned by male dominant but He occasionally gives me away to His female friends. i have some experience with BB, and i joined this forum to share my experiences and learn from yours.
see you!
04-05-2007, 04:56 PM
Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm 23 years old and i dont have a lot of experience with femdom.
I am doing ballbusting with my girlfriend and we both enjoy it.
Besides, this is a great site. :D
04-07-2007, 02:43 PM
hi welcome
04-07-2007, 06:10 PM
Hi, I hope I will have a lot of fun here.
04-11-2007, 04:14 AM
Hi, I'm leo. I came to this site for the great pictures, and I hope that I will be able to contribute.
04-17-2007, 05:36 PM
Hi all, yet another new member here. Im a 24 yo male who has always had femdom fantasies to include CBT, ********** and orgasm denial. It's nice to finally have found a place where there are others like me.
04-18-2007, 12:34 AM
Nice site, very unique and special
04-18-2007, 02:16 PM
Hi to everybody, i´m new here and i want to introduce myself.
i´m from spain and as you can see i don´t speak english very well, anyway i ´ll try to post as clear as i can.
thanks and see you in the forum!
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