Rats, cocks & video plates :)
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Rats, cocks & video plates :)
nuns again
rats, cock & mouse
An interesting story from the Middle Ages: The nun of Watton
Source: Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin kings, 1075-1225, 2002, p. 438-439.
"The report goes that a nun, who had been placed in the house, quite exceptionally, as a child oblate, was, when older, made pregnant by one of the lay brothers. When this became apparent, the brother fled and the nun was left exposed to the fury of their fellow nuns. Controlling their urge to burn her or flay her, they simply tore off her veil, whipped her and then chained her in a prison on a diet of bread and water. Finding out from her by trickery where her lover might be found, they informed the canons, who arranged an ambush for the man, using as a lure one of their number disguised as the nun. Once the lay brother was captured, the nuns 'eager to revenge the insult to virginity', asked the canons 'if the young man might be sent to them for a little while'. Once he was in their hands, they ****** the pregnant nun to ******** him. One of the senior nuns then stuffed the man's testicles into the girl's mouth."
Might this be a possible background?
Just like the stories that come out of the muslim world, where the male lover is ********* and the female is stoned to death. And for what? For engaging in "forbidden" love?
History is replete with instances where religion was used as the excuse for nasty people to release their inner bitch.:(
My christmas treat for all you cock chopping enthusiasts out there is a version of the film 'Teeth', condensed down into 4 minutes. I just took all the scenes of interest and ditched the rest. Hope ya'll like it.
I've always been interested in consentual penectomies and I've always wanted to find someone who would let me do it to them but most people who want one always want it done by a professional so it doesn't look like it'll ever happen.
I had a dream my lady cut off my cock n balls. I was sitting in a chair and she sit across of me in another chair. She is keeping my legs apart at my knees with her knees. She says a lot of things to me before cutting it off (but I wont put in here those words).
I explain this dream to my lady, and she calls me stupid as usually. :D
Later, we make this photoshop together. In my dream my spirit goes into the cut off penis and my body dies. She take my hopping penis as a pet. (I will finish more shading later, was getting bored with photoshop that time.)
(for sensitive people don't read this now! -- It is my penis in photo! :thumbup )
Here's an updated version of a video I made a while ago of all my favourite penectomy related clips.
Hope ya'll like it.
(you have to scroll to the bottom of the page)
You can view the 5th episode of the anime series "Eden of the East"
using the above link. It introduces a female character into the story who is a serial bobitizer. She uses a cigar cutter on her victims, then leaves them to bleed to death.
I apologise, it appears that filefactory is slightly shite site. Here's a link using rapidshare, which admittedly I probably should have used in the first place.
I think this might be my favourite penectomy pic of all time. WOuld Anyone by anychance know where I can get the whole set that it's from? Or more pics like it? Ya know,... girls with scissors? ;)
I apologise, it appears that filefactory is a slightly shite site. Here's a link using rapidshare, which admittedly I probably should have used in the first place.
Our system checks your IP-address in order to count the downloads. If you are getting an error message that you are already downloading while no downloads where made, then your IP is being created by a proxy-server. Proxy servers are placed by ISP's or network administrators to save IP addresses. This can lead to multiple downloads from one IP.
Only Premium Accounts can make multiple parallel downloads from one IP at the same time.
Thank you for your understanding."
Translation→ Give. Money. Now.
Thanks for trying. But it looks as though the internet will become all "pay per view" before too long.:(
Now there's a woman I like.
Wonder if she is looking for any more volunteers?
I enjoyed this- a lot! I've seen all of those clips, save one, nice to have them gathered into one spot. One of the clips features a girl I recognise as the star of "Hard Candy" (movie with excellent mock ********** mind-fuck) taking a man's penis. I wonder what it's from?