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An interesting story from the Middle Ages: The nun of Watton
Source: Robert Bartlett, England under the Norman and Angevin kings, 1075-1225, 2002, p. 438-439.
"The report goes that a nun, who had been placed in the house, quite exceptionally, as a child oblate, was, when older, made pregnant by one of the lay brothers. When this became apparent, the brother fled and the nun was left exposed to the fury of their fellow nuns. Controlling their urge to burn her or flay her, they simply tore off her veil, whipped her and then chained her in a prison on a diet of bread and water. Finding out from her by trickery where her lover might be found, they informed the canons, who arranged an ambush for the man, using as a lure one of their number disguised as the nun. Once the lay brother was captured, the nuns 'eager to revenge the insult to virginity', asked the canons 'if the young man might be sent to them for a little while'. Once he was in their hands, they ****** the pregnant nun to ******** him. One of the senior nuns then stuffed the man's testicles into the girl's mouth."
Might this be a possible background?