Does anybody knows who is the drawer of the first picture?? Thank you! =)
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Think I'll post some space jin
Takkyuu_tama, would you translate japanese stuff related to ballbusting that isn't just pictures?
ah right, you wanted some kind of text? what is it?
Oh, well, I know this is asking a LOT from you, and I know that I have no concievable way of paying you back for it, butcould you translate the stories that are on this website: please? I've been desiring to read them for years now, and I can assure you that ballbusting fans all over the world would be just as thankful as me if we could finally understand these works.
papaschlumpf, I love the Sorenutz stuff! Now I'm tempted to commission a series from him...
anuhsur odnet,
Ahh, these guys! I have their game "Yuffie the Hunting: Testis Crush!" Good stuff.
Do you mean the text in the pictures? Or the stuff on the linked nikukyu site?
The text below the pictures on the main site is just info about drawing them mostly.
I don't see any stories...? But I am admittedly a little drunk at present.
and eniplasic, thanks for posting those cartoons! Here's the first one, which took a long-ass time but it's great. Where did you find these again?
Here's the romanized text and my translation of this picture, which I'm sticking up on my Imgur for easy access.
choudoii koroai kashira ima made no mo juubun ni kurushikattaroukedo kyouseizai no okage de shisshin mo dekinai deshou?
this is probably the best time to do it. I'm sure this has been pretty painful already, but thanks to these strong drugs, you probably can't pass out, right?
saate...junbishiteru aida ni an wo ikutsuka kangaeta no
actually...while i've been preparing I thought of a few plans--
watashi no mahou de chaku ni koukan no saihou ni houwa wo okosasete fukuchousuru saihou hitotsuhitotsu ga zetsubouteki na itami wo
hassei sasenagara koukan wo uchigawa kara appaku shite...
I could use my magic to completely fill the testicle cells and expand them, causing each individual cell the ultimate agony as the balls are destroyed from the inside out...
paan (testing magic in her hand)
ato kuttsuketa mama wagiri ni shiteku no ato de zairyou ni tsukaeru kara iindakedo kore wa nanika monotarinai no yo ne...
Or I could just cut them into slices while they're still attached, and that way I could use them for ingredients too, but that seems kinda disappointing...
moshiku wa watashi ga mahou tsukawanaide chokusetsu keriagetari nigirishimetari shite tsubusu houhou...
Or I could just not use any magic, directly kicking and squeezing them by hand until they're crushed...
kore wa onna ni taishite zettaiteki kuppuku mo uetsukerareru kara nakanaka besto nandakedo...
I think that would really reinforce your total surrender to a woman, so that's probably the best.
mondai wa watashi ga tsukareru koto nanoyo ne...
Problem is, I'd get pretty tired doing it...
a...doremo pain wo kakete oku kara souzou shiteru yori zutto itai wa yo...
well, any way I do it, it's going to hurt more than I can even imagine...
saigo dakara doreka suki nano erabaseteageru...
But since it's the last time for you to have your balls, I'm going to have you choose how...
oh, just on gelboou
also, here's his pixiv
The stories can be found here: and btw can you pelase link me to your Imgur? Plus one last thing, could you also translate the pictures found here: I think they are fromt he same artist and have something to do with Yuffie: The Hunting.
Ah, the ballkillies report! Right. These are long least I don't have to squint at squiggly handwriting to figure out the kanji. Well, when I can, I'll try to pick out some to do...In the meantime, you might want to install the Rikaikun extension (for Chrome) or Rikaichan (for Firefox) to help you decipher a bit. Just toggle it on, and you can mouseover characters to see a translation.
I have a collection of images I've translated available here:
(Pretty much all Wakutama stuff right now, but I think I did some others before. Will add later.)
Oh man, I can't tell you how greatful I am that you are doing this!
Hey if your looking for things to translate just look up space jin on gelbooru theres plenty of pics there all very recent pic too
Holy shit Takkyuu_tama You have the utmost respect and reverence from me just for those translated pics i always was a fan of wakutuma hey iff you need other pics to translate look no further
I figured a couple pic were posted already but heres where you can find the rest
Soooo if you could im pretty sure youll have a special spot here that is if its not already reserved for what youve done already
Holy shit Takkyuu_tama You have the utmost respect and reverence from me just for those translated pics i always was a fan of wakutuma hey if you need other pics to translate look no further
I figured a couple pic were posted already but heres where you can find the rest
Soooo if you could im pretty sure youll have a special spot here that is if its not already reserved for what youve done already
Thanks! A lot of us will appreciate it. fucking incredible. Takkyuu, you're amazing.
Can I ask you one more favor: This old comic is the first thing to ever get me into ballbusting. I've never seen a complete translation of it. I bet I'm not the only one eager to read it in english. Thank you so much!
ahhh god my neglected project XD
ok.ok. i must do it, this is great practice with both GIMP and my lazy brain. well here, ok, I need some feedback, gang, for anybody who wants to actually read it (these are just large thumbnails):
First four rough images located here:
Anyone have text font/size advice?
Id love to see a translated version of the 'Soul Kick' series.
I know it got started alittle from stills somewhere in this thread but to know whats said in it fully would be something. Especially if it were possible to replace over the Japanese text.
Anyone know how it was done on what program and stuff? Surprised no one has ever done anything like it after all this time!
The fonst and your text look just fine Takkyu, at least as long as all text remains in speech bubbles and boxes it will be just great.As for those Soul Kick videos, supposedly they are Dreamcast machinima. Wether that means assets used from an existing game or original assets entirely, I don't know.But if I remember correctly there should be another set of those videos, a sequel series if you'd prefer.
Yeah it does kinda have that Dreamcast look about it, don't recognise the characters from anything so maybe they were just created from scratch?
Would be awesome to beable to just create our own scenes with this tho! I think there are 5 parts to Soul Kick looking at YouTube....some people have them in different parts but looks to be just 5 main ones. If there ever was or could be a sequel series that would be amazing!!
I just find it funny. The person that did it needs to do more!!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to post all your files. I'm slowly working my way through them to save the ones that "work for me". So many of the files are big to bring wonderful clarity to some pictures that I used to only have as second rate pictures. Thanks again.
Anyone knows the name of this manga?
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