bring more girls with scissors
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bring more girls with scissors
So is it a degrading position for a man to give oral to a woman? What do you think about man giving oral to a woman?
I LOVE to give oral to a WOMAN :) .
I just LOVE the TASTY of a woman pussy, it's like candy. I will do it at any time or the mouth and for as long as she would like it for.
Postet this also under castraiton thread cause it includes both.
Female Cannibale Comic-picture-storie ;D
Presentation: "An epidemic of penile amputations in Thailand"
For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:
(note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).
Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).
I must say that listening to a hot young female doctor talking about women slicing off philandering cocks was very arousing. The site will ask you to fill out an (optional) questionnaire after viewing, to see how you liked it. I thought it was HOT HOT HOT and after some "manual override" activity was entirely satisfied. Need to see more of Genoa, of course.
Big thanks to the individual over at EA site who found this. Enjoy!
That would be GREAT if a guy could really cum that much on his own. I know I can't cum that much even after a week or two. :(
I don't know if this is real or not, but it's pretty graphic.
Dude chops both his balls and dick off.
Not for the faint of heart!
I personally find this fascinating, especially oral penectomy.
[quote=buckrix;45686]Here's a few pics for ya'll and to get this thread going a bit here's a list of my favourite ways for a a guy to have his dick chopped off:
*With a big pair of scissors. I like the idea of being tied up and allowed to cum one last time before it's cut off in one quick slicing squeeze of the handles.
*ully erect it's triggered chopping it clean in half.
*And here's a slightly elaborate one I read somewhere that I thought some of you may like. "Tie him up and then tie a tight cord around the base of it (to prevent him dying from blood loss) then tell him its always been your fantasy to chop off a guys penis. Talk him into it by saying you'll take him to the hospital straight after to sew it back on and promise him a year of Anyone have any other interesting idea's? Please post them!
wow, the middel pic is the best, how she hold the knife and the cuted cock.
only from the open cock root must spreed two little fountains from the fresh cuted cavernosa arteries. i believe it would spreed a half meter, because the have a great pressure of blood for pumping on such a hot erected cock.... :bananawin
Well, just stop watching short before the end ... and dream.... ;-)
The penis cut looked very good, quite real indeed. The removal of the balls seemed odd and obviously faked as the testicles wouldn't just "fall out" of the body like that.
But fake or real - it's food for thought *gg*
:bananawin For anyone interested in having the lovely Genoa Ferguson in their files. Here is the video in .rm (you will need realplayer)
7.61mb no password sorry,this is the correct link. :o
Thank you v.m.
Love the last video
I'm new of the forum, but penectomy fantasy turn me really on evrey time.
Thanks to all posted the images :)
because my right halfcock didnt became hard enough, my sweethard would angry and began to slit off the whole cockhead! She meant than the rest-stump would get harder and better blood filled without the pit.....
my luck (or unluck??) was the circumstance, that no rope was nearby for tieing up the cock against bleeding. And she didnt wished her kitchen full with blood mud....haha!:bananajum
But i can say you, when the knife slit through the cock meat - in the inside was a wonderfull feeling suddenly!!! i believe the knife passed near by a nerv point in the middle of my halfcock, and when my sweethard moved the knife forwards and back, the nerv would massaged in a wonderfull way: as like im jerking off - so the exciting and rushing flouted through my body!!!! And i said to her: go along, go along, sweety - your knife-moving is wonderfull horny and amazing, it makes me cuming......!!! But than she stopped (because of the bleeding- i mean), very pitty... I believe with long enough knife pulling for- and backwards i had got a wonderfull great and little bit bloody splash!!! And in this moment i dont care of the possible loosing of my cockhead!!!
why is it that there doesn't seem to be many women into this ??
yeah, she stopped the slicing and so i want to shot a pic and had to hold the knife. yes with her hands at cock and knife it would be much more horny!!
you aer right - but you can imagine it and my amazed and horny feeling during slicing????:bananad:
but the imagine is horny, isnt it?;)
there i a guy on bodymod. org going to get his penis cut off by a woman. all he neededs is the paper to let her do it.:bananajum
i believe it will be only a horny fantasy!
She threatens to cut it off. Too bad she doesn't... :D