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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #121
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    bring more girls with scissors

  2. #122
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurts_so_good View Post
    Let me play "devil's advocate" here and show you another point of view. I love oral sex, and my wife loves performing it on me. Neither of us view it in a degrading light, but actually the complete opposite. I'm a large, muscular man, and my wife gets a kick out of being able to control her strong husband through his fragile genitals. To her (and in my view), when she performs oral sex on me, it's actually very empowering for her. She has COMPLETE CONTROL over me. She knows while she's giving me head, she can ask for anything, and she knows I'll agree to it (I would most likely anyways, but she has a lot of fun asking/telling me to agree to do stuff [non-sexual] while I'm at the mercy of her mouth). Also, she gets a kick out of randomly biting down hard on my cock or my balls, to remind me every now and then of who REALLY is in control here. I never ask or tell her to give me a blowjob- she always initiates and volunteers to do so, because as I mentioned before, for us, it's actually ME that's in the submissive, compromising position, and SHE is the dominant one in control.

    If I told my wife I didn't want blowjobs anymore, she'd probably be disappointed/upset.

    Thanks for sharing a this view, it es different and interesting.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    OK srzl I even use dictionary again for this - I don’t seek to put a cock in my mouth much these days (when I was younger but not now) and what is the purpose to suck dick. It is a completely useless act. To have something that is only pleasure for one person, and an act where the giver is ****** into a subservient position, a degrading position at that, how can this be good? You have a situation where you take what you urinate with and you want to put it into a woman’s mouth, it makes no sense. I mean it is a sickening act and it should be stopped. I think it would be interesting to start a movement for women to be free from this degrading act. A ‘stop the head’ movement with T-shirts and a website. We could have a petition/pledge where women sign up, promising to no longer give oral sex to men. Where they emancipate them selves from this degradation, where they swear to their sisters that no penis will enter their mouths ever again. Sure go ahead and kiss, why not, but no sucking and no penetration into the oral cavity. That’s not what it’s there for. How about a shirts that says, “mouth are for eating not sucking” or “Danger Carnivore present” (with a picture of teeth) “go suck yourself”, “
    Chants at women’s sports “stop-the-head!, stop-the-head!” “No-more-BJs, No-more-BJs

    BTW: The negative thigs I say about oral sex are A) just my view and B) antagonizar, just for fun :-0


    So is it a degrading position for a man to give oral to a woman? What do you think about man giving oral to a woman?

    I LOVE to give oral to a WOMAN .

    I just LOVE the TASTY of a woman pussy, it's like candy. I will do it at any time or the mouth and for as long as she would like it for.

  4. #124

  5. #125
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    An epidemic of penile amputations in Thailand

    Presentation: "An epidemic of penile amputations in Thailand"
    For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:

    (note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).

    Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).

    I must say that listening to a hot young female doctor talking about women slicing off philandering cocks was very arousing. The site will ask you to fill out an (optional) questionnaire after viewing, to see how you liked it. I thought it was HOT HOT HOT and after some "manual override" activity was entirely satisfied. Need to see more of Genoa, of course.

    Big thanks to the individual over at EA site who found this. Enjoy!


  6. #126
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    That would be GREAT if a guy could really cum that much on his own. I know I can't cum that much even after a week or two.

  7. #127
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    please delete this account
    Quote Originally Posted by nickofshadows View Post
    I think one of the best parts was the back reviews on the book haha

    "This Book Should be Banned from Publication." George W. Bush

    Is it just me or did anyone else find that kinda funny?

    It is amazing to me how easy it is to scare alot of men away. a few cock biting/eating moments and they run for the hills.
    I thought it was an entertaining way to spend $13.50 myself but then I'm crazy.

    Still waiting for Betty to come to oregon for a bit of fun... if your still around Betty are you still using your same old yahoo address?


    What is name, and ISBN # of this book?


  8. #128
    Supreme Poster snakeskin's Avatar
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    I don't know if this is real or not, but it's pretty graphic.

    Dude chops both his balls and dick off.

    Not for the faint of heart!

  9. #129
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    Cock biting Book

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Menrhine View Post
    What is name, and ISBN # of this book?

    Dear Eric,

    The name of the book is The Adventures of Betty Johnson

    Love Betty-

  10. #130
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakeskin View Post
    I don't know if this is real or not, but it's pretty graphic.

    Dude chops both his balls and dick off.

    Not for the faint of heart!
    If you watch it all the way to the end, it says that they were fake and that you should sign up to see the real thing.

    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  11. #131
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    I personally find this fascinating, especially oral penectomy.

  12. #132
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    [quote=buckrix;45686]Here's a few pics for ya'll and to get this thread going a bit here's a list of my favourite ways for a a guy to have his dick chopped off:

    *With a big pair of scissors. I like the idea of being tied up and allowed to cum one last time before it's cut off in one quick slicing squeeze of the handles.
    *ully erect it's triggered chopping it clean in half.
    *And here's a slightly elaborate one I read somewhere that I thought some of you may like. "Tie him up and then tie a tight cord around the base of it (to prevent him dying from blood loss) then tell him its always been your fantasy to chop off a guys penis. Talk him into it by saying you'll take him to the hospital straight after to sew it back on and promise him a year of Anyone have any other interesting idea's? Please post them!

    wow, the middel pic is the best, how she hold the knife and the cuted cock.
    only from the open cock root must spreed two little fountains from the fresh cuted cavernosa arteries. i believe it would spreed a half meter, because the have a great pressure of blood for pumping on such a hot erected cock....

  13. #133
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    If you watch it all the way to the end, it says that they were fake and that you should sign up to see the real thing.

    Well, just stop watching short before the end ... and dream.... ;-)

    The penis cut looked very good, quite real indeed. The removal of the balls seemed odd and obviously faked as the testicles wouldn't just "fall out" of the body like that.

    But fake or real - it's food for thought *gg*

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    I read on this forum that some guy say to remove the penis but leave the balls es a more better punishment for ****** because he is still excited but has no penis to use. If you have no penis es it more humilation to be kicked in the groin, would you go crazy for no sex?

    you are evil, cut off the cock and 2 balls still attached that made men go nuts, no way to cum, that is a wrost torture to men.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by cornolandia View Post
    My pricipal fantasy is penectomies and **********. This forum is a very hot and now i reading all post.
    same here

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