Grapple, get to a dominant position and then just rain down punches on whichever part you can access. If she defends her chest, punch her balls; if she defends her balls, punch her tits. That way she gets to decide in a way.
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Oh yeah, a catfight would be over pretty fast if one girl had a big ol pair of targets right between her legs, huh? Any t-girl who picks a fight is kinda just asking to get her balls crushed.
Or ripped off. Get a nice good grip, squeeeeze, and then pull with all your might! :D
Given that I had a shemale at my disposal, we would definitely do ballbusting mutually, but there would be tit-busting too :)
There should be a contest between man and shemale. They each grab the other's balls and whoever's balls turn into a useless pile of mush first loses. And for the winner... Well... Fuck the winner, we'll crush those balls too!
And in the process we can throw in some dick snapping and tit mushing as well :).
Did I mention? Two shemales assfucking? You can get two birds with one stone(or should I say 4 stones with one hand?)
I'd love to grapple with a transwoman who has testicles... having a ballbusting competition with one would be pretty hot too. The fact that I want to keep mine and she might be thinking of getting the chop anyway would mean I'd be pretty intimidated knowing that although the pain is the same for both of us, she wouldn't have long term consequences to fear. So no doubt I'd give up first and be humiliated for it.
One From the Vaults, you've given me an idea. Ballbusting tournament between shemales! Each round is won by destroying the other shemale's testicles. The rounds would probably get shorter as the winner's progress, due to the sustained damage on their testicles. I'd imagine the winner of the tournament would either:
Get to keep their nuts
Have their nuts destroyed by Snoodle
Either way sounds like a victory. Oh yeah, prize money, too. And a trip to the beach.
I betcha I would... And hey, at least you get one last orgasm in.
Awww, thanks... I don't think most of my stories are all that original though, 'cept for that last one I did. I'm working on it.
Second one, please! :D This has got to be a spectator sport, too. Think we could get it on ESPN, with instant replays?
Oh! Speaking of stories, I've got ideas for a few more, but I was just wondering. Would you guys rather read something from the point of view of the buster("I grinned and slammed my heel down into her swollen ballsack") or the bustee("She dropped her knee down into my crotch and I howled in pain, clutching my ruined nuts")? Just wondering, 'cause I could go either way. :jumpsmile
Either, as long as the focus is on affect rather than event. Anticipation, thought processes, emotional responses, description of pain, fear/humiliation, etc.
Using the trans thing as a base, you've got the opportunity of course to have it both ways, right? Like to write from the perspective of a trans woman busting someone, and being busted, in the same story. Would be a fun read.
bustee please
Fundamentally, I believe if you have balls, they should never be peacefully at rest and un-noticed. Rather, they should always be the center of your focus, in pain all the time. Balls were made to be kicked. Unfortunately the world isn't that perfect ;).
A fantasy I have would be to build an arena, and pack it with the following people:
55 men and 55 shemales, and 100 females (Or an equivalent ratio)
50 of the men are tied up to pillars on the east side of the arena. The remaining are put in a cage behind them.
The shemales are set up on the west side of the arena the same way.
Each man or shemale tied to a pillar has an assigned female. The female's purpose is to break both of the balls of their assigned person as fast as they can.
The first team to lose all of their testicles loses. If the shemales have all 100 of their testicles(assuming 2 per shemale) destroyed before the males do, they lose. The losing team's remaining 5 members are then busted ceremonially and gaudily. (Aka interesting displays and shows for the breaking of the last 5 pairs of balls. )
The people on the winning team who still have at least one ball will get the reward of *drumroll* being recycled into the system for more ballbusting ;).
It would be an amazing contest of strength between a shemale and a male. One which I believe will be won by shemales. Since shemales are more feminine than men, and female=domination ... then I'm guessing shemales have a better chance. But since they have balls, they are in no way escaping the busting! :)
I'd like to see gladiator situations between a shemale and a male. Just imagine this situation. You're in an arena, people are screaming and cheering for pain. Not necessarily your pain, they just want pain. You know that if you try to make attacks toward anything but your opponent's balls, you will be killed on the spot. Your opponent is dragging you by your left ball and constantly punching the right. You reach for her balls, but you can only barely make contact with her scrotum. You manage to get a hold of one of her balls, but it slips. At this point, you're starting to lose touch with the world. The pain in your balls is starting to numb, and you're sensing that this fight will be your last. You feel the pressure leaving your left ball; hoping that its over. Your legs are pulled up and your balls flop on the sandy ground. You manage to open an eye just to see your vanquisher's supple breasts, undamaged balls, and erect penis. You feel your right ball being torn into by a rock on the ground as she stomps them down. After a split second of pressure, your balls mush down audibly with a sharply painful ripping sensation. The sound of the cheering crowd fades away to nothing, and all you can see turns to white.
EDIT: I'm sorry about writing a mini-story about this. I noticed Amber and Makarov were talking about the same subject just in the last page. Arena ballbusting has always been a huge turnon to me and I didn't mean to babble on about your ideas, but I already finished my little rant so I don't want to get rid of it.
I'm almost sure Snoodle is gonna like that:
big balls
I hope this isn't a repeated post.
This is one of my favorite pics
On the flip side, if she keeps flopping she might bust the dude.
Dammit, but that is hot! What are you guys doing to me?Quote:
Originally Posted by Snoodle
I never liked tranny's (mostly too masculine), but that Mariana's almost like a real-life futa! And that cock is fair-sized as well :) Gotta stop picturing her beating my balls with it . . . *shudders*
Snoodle, you're ruining me :)
Dang, wish I were big enough for that. You keep giving me the best ideas, Snoodle... That would be tons of fun to do to some random asshole in public. Get real close to him, whip it out and swing it right up into his nuts. :D Usually I'd rather be the one getting busted, but that right there sounds like loads of fun.
Maybe while I'm standing there gloating, his girlfriend can grab my nuts from behind and dig her fingertips in, make me beg for mercy, and then drag me to the ground by my balls. Ooooh, yeah, that sounds fun...
Came across this pic and had to share.
Now these need some busting!
And then a big ol' knitting needle skewering the balls? I can just see it now, waddling around in the middle of the park with just a stump of a cock and ruined shish kebab nuts, sobbing for someone to call 911. :Baahaha:
Damnit, I just masturbated and now I'm hard again... :wooow