this is really excellent work
this is really excellent work
Thank you, that is awesome work! I especially liked the last group.
And a very elegant lady she is!
Jimbo007 #2477:
I speak German.
Here's my translation of the online chat:
Song title: Beim ersten Mal tut's immer weh: It always hurts the first time (literally: It's always harmful the first time (I believe this is an intended pun on what a guy might tell a virgin he's trying to seduce)).
(unzensiert = uncensored)
fritzl69: Wie alt bist du denn? = So, how old are you?
rotaepfelchen15 (Little Red Apple 15): 15
fritzl69: Das gefaellt mir Wollen wir uns treffen? = I like that. Do we want to get together?
rotaepfelchen15: Warum nicht? Was wollen wir denn machen? = Why not? What should we do then?
fritzl69: Was schoenes. = Something nice. (Literally: Something beautiful.)
fritzl69: Hast du schon ein feuchtes Hoeschen? = Do you have moist panties yet?
Rotaepfelchen15: Scharf = Sharp
fritzl69: Geil = Great
Rotaepfelchen15: Lutschen = Suck
fritzl69: Ich werds [s/b: werd's] dir richtig besorgen = I'll take proper care of it for you.
Rotaepfelchen15: Oh ja. Ich dir auch... = Oh, yeah. I'll do the same to you
Paedomann (=Paedoman = paedophilic man): wie jung bist du denn? = So, how young are you?
Rotaepfelchen15: 15
Paedomann (=Paedoman = paedophilic man): Geil Wollen wir uns treffen? = Great. Do we want to get together?
rotaepfelchen15: Au, ja. Ich kenne da ein lustiges Spiel... = Oh, yeah. I know a fun game along those lines...
Hope this helps!
I posted my last item before I realized that something about the video referred to may lie outside the cultural understanding of some of the readers from various countries.
The entire premise of the video seems to be based on an American half news half reality television program called "NBC News Dateline", which occasionally runs a sub-series called "To Catch a Predator", in which adults chat online posing as underaged potential sex partners, for the purpose of engaging adults seeking sex with minors in criminally culpable chat. The adult then arrives at a camera-laden house, where the program presenter confronts him. When the culprit leaves the house, the police are waiting outside to arrest him on camera.
This program has been criticized for overdoing it, in that, once the sexual solicitation of a minor via the internet has occurred, the offense has been consummated without more, and the proper procedure would be to give the evidence to the detectives to allow them to procure, and then execute, an arrest warrant for the offender. The involvement of news crews who are not law enforcement officers may endanger the ability of prosecutors to press the cases, and the drawing of weapons in residential neighborhoods by the police when they arrest the offenders on camera endangers neighbors, passers-by, camera crews, the accused (who, under US law, is still innocent as a matter of law at this point in the proceedings), and the police themselves.
I would love to see a series of femdom ********** pictures where the man being ********* is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves. The castratrix is a very beautiful young woman and she is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. She is performing the ********** surgically the way a surgeon would do the **********. Perhaps there are a couple of other women watching her do the ********** or assisting her.
I have to say, after having seen you repeat this fantasy maybe 30 or 40 times so far, that that is a very specific image, one that I can only imagine is deeply rooted for you. Have you got any idea where this idea came from? Why long sleeve shirts? Are you remembering some TV show, some movie scene, some visit to the farm?
And are there absolutely no other scenarios that pique your interest?
hey bro... yuor simply great.
now i must ask you somehting. Are you going to continue that fantasy serie about that ancient amazon displaed in "battle went wrong" ?
Maby yuo dont notice but, THIS THEME IS DAMZ HOOOOOTTTT![]()
I cant stand at her enraged face while piercing my balls and cock, she is amazing, i feel to be destined to be cutted to her, i feel my legs tremble in front of her beaty body and angry face and she seems to not care and keep to cut me untill i bleed to dead... and maby she will fill my open mouth by her pee wayching me die like this omfg... i could cum in my pants only thinking at that... did u give yuo some hint? i hope so.... cant wait to see if id inspire you!
be well!
der togesting <brawo> nazi ********** hehe 4 th man very good
You are most welcome!
slow ********** of ******
Last edited by slim; 12-16-2008 at 04:06 AM.
Violent Girl