Bryan was no stranger to being ballbusted. It even became kind of an open joke, amongst his female friends, that if you want to have sex with Bryan, you go for his balls. He's hooked up with a few cute girls.. and a few he probably wouldn't have gone for if he wasn't nudged into it.

His first (and so far, only) girlfriend used to be physical with his balls too. Something about his cute, skater-kid appearance makes him a good target for nut busts I guess. So he sort of got used to it, and even came to conflate ball pain with sex. If a girl was going for his nads, at least he was probably gonna get lucky.

But he'd never experienced anything like what happened when he visited his Dad's side of the family, and namely his 14-year-old half sister Sabrina, back in 2010.

"I'm taller than you now!" Sabrina noticed, right as Bryan approached her for a hug.

"Wow," Bryan answered, genuinely surprised. He was used to being on the short side, only about 5'7'', but being about 8 years older than Sabrina it surprised him to see her sprout past him. "I can still beat on you though, so don't get any ideas," he joked, as he put her in a playful headlock.

The two half-siblings had a very playful relationship, which usually consisted of Bryan doing his best to torment his sister without actually hurting her.

"No you can't," Sabrina responded, sweetly but confidently, after he let go of her.

"It's so good to see you, Bry," Sabrina's mom Diane pipped in. "You're getting so cute. How long has it been? Two years?"

"Ya I think so," Bryan answered, "back when this one was still a little munchkin."

"Shut up," Sabrina laughed, pushing at Bryan. "I was never a munchkin."

"Ya you were, you still are," Bryan told her, as he started to grapple with her.

"You might have your hands full with her this time," Diane warned.

"I don't t--," Bryan started to answer, before being interrupted by light flick to his nuts. "Oooof, dirty," he exclaimed.

"I'm gonna go get dinner finished," Diane told them, seemingly oblivious to what just happened, even with Bryan hunched holding his hands over his crotch.

"What's dirty?" Sabrina asked, giggling and obviously proud of the little nut tap she just gave her brother.

"You're done now," Bryan joked, and tackled her hard against the ground.

"BEHAVE," Diane yelled from the other room.

"Not so tough now, huh??" Bryan taunted, as he pinned his little sister against the floor, holding her arms down and pinching her a bit. "You give up? Huh?"

"Behave, please," Diane yelled again when she heard Sabrina squeal.

Sabrina squirmed, trying to find a way to break free, and eventually twisted to where her leg was sandwiched inside of Bryan's legs, and then did what came very naturally to any teenage girl in her spot and lifted her leg up towards Bryan's crotch, smacking her shin against his balls.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, as Bryan groaned and rolled over in agony.

"Seriously? You fucking jerk," Bryan moaned, laughing a bit but not happy about what she just did to him.

"Come in here, Mom, come here," Sabrina called, taking advantage of her brother's stunned body, putting him in an arm lock from behind.

Bryan frantically scrambled away from her, not wanting Diane to see him pinned. "You little fucker," he told her, tackling her to the ground. But as they landed, Sabrina drove a hard knee up into his already hurting nads.

"Oooooo," Bryan moaned, with his mouth wide open. "You fucking suck," he muttered, letting out a good-natured laugh or two but curling up totally deflated.

Sabrina was able to get him into an even more convincing hold than she had before, just as Diane walked in. "I kicked Bryan's butt!" she proudly declared.

"Oh... my," her mom replied, sort of speechless with her hand over her mouth.

"I let her win," Bryan tried.

"Ya right," Sabrina snapped, and then whispered so only Bryan could hear, "you just have weak balls."

"Well let Bryan up," Diane laughed, "dinner's almost ready."

(sequels linked to below)