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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #5206
    Junior Member drewLikesItInTheNads's Avatar
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    Bryan and his sister

    Bryan was no stranger to being ballbusted. It even became kind of an open joke, amongst his female friends, that if you want to have sex with Bryan, you go for his balls. He's hooked up with a few cute girls.. and a few he probably wouldn't have gone for if he wasn't nudged into it.

    His first (and so far, only) girlfriend used to be physical with his balls too. Something about his cute, skater-kid appearance makes him a good target for nut busts I guess. So he sort of got used to it, and even came to conflate ball pain with sex. If a girl was going for his nads, at least he was probably gonna get lucky.

    But he'd never experienced anything like what happened when he visited his Dad's side of the family, and namely his 14-year-old half sister Sabrina, back in 2010.

    "I'm taller than you now!" Sabrina noticed, right as Bryan approached her for a hug.

    "Wow," Bryan answered, genuinely surprised. He was used to being on the short side, only about 5'7'', but being about 8 years older than Sabrina it surprised him to see her sprout past him. "I can still beat on you though, so don't get any ideas," he joked, as he put her in a playful headlock.

    The two half-siblings had a very playful relationship, which usually consisted of Bryan doing his best to torment his sister without actually hurting her.

    "No you can't," Sabrina responded, sweetly but confidently, after he let go of her.

    "It's so good to see you, Bry," Sabrina's mom Diane pipped in. "You're getting so cute. How long has it been? Two years?"

    "Ya I think so," Bryan answered, "back when this one was still a little munchkin."

    "Shut up," Sabrina laughed, pushing at Bryan. "I was never a munchkin."

    "Ya you were, you still are," Bryan told her, as he started to grapple with her.

    "You might have your hands full with her this time," Diane warned.

    "I don't t--," Bryan started to answer, before being interrupted by light flick to his nuts. "Oooof, dirty," he exclaimed.

    "I'm gonna go get dinner finished," Diane told them, seemingly oblivious to what just happened, even with Bryan hunched holding his hands over his crotch.

    "What's dirty?" Sabrina asked, giggling and obviously proud of the little nut tap she just gave her brother.

    "You're done now," Bryan joked, and tackled her hard against the ground.

    "BEHAVE," Diane yelled from the other room.

    "Not so tough now, huh??" Bryan taunted, as he pinned his little sister against the floor, holding her arms down and pinching her a bit. "You give up? Huh?"

    "Behave, please," Diane yelled again when she heard Sabrina squeal.

    Sabrina squirmed, trying to find a way to break free, and eventually twisted to where her leg was sandwiched inside of Bryan's legs, and then did what came very naturally to any teenage girl in her spot and lifted her leg up towards Bryan's crotch, smacking her shin against his balls.

    "Yes!" she exclaimed, as Bryan groaned and rolled over in agony.

    "Seriously? You fucking jerk," Bryan moaned, laughing a bit but not happy about what she just did to him.

    "Come in here, Mom, come here," Sabrina called, taking advantage of her brother's stunned body, putting him in an arm lock from behind.

    Bryan frantically scrambled away from her, not wanting Diane to see him pinned. "You little fucker," he told her, tackling her to the ground. But as they landed, Sabrina drove a hard knee up into his already hurting nads.

    "Oooooo," Bryan moaned, with his mouth wide open. "You fucking suck," he muttered, letting out a good-natured laugh or two but curling up totally deflated.

    Sabrina was able to get him into an even more convincing hold than she had before, just as Diane walked in. "I kicked Bryan's butt!" she proudly declared.

    "Oh... my," her mom replied, sort of speechless with her hand over her mouth.

    "I let her win," Bryan tried.

    "Ya right," Sabrina snapped, and then whispered so only Bryan could hear, "you just have weak balls."

    "Well let Bryan up," Diane laughed, "dinner's almost ready."

    (sequels linked to below)

  2. #5207
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by slavecherie100 View Post
    as i said earlier i am a writer and giggles i have a story about 10 pages i would like to post but along with ********** and things common to this thread it also has snuff in it is it acceptable to post it here giggles.

    I own the copyright so that is not a problem
    I'd love if you posted it!

  3. #5208
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    yes but is it gonna be alright with the site is what i meant giggles

  4. #5209
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    ok giggles i will start posting it and add a little every day until its done giggles


    Mistress walks in on the 22nd of December as Boi Candice is finishing putting decorations on the Christmas tree and says Candice come with me I want to buy you a special outfit for Christmas. Boi go get your leash and Candice runs from the room and returns carrying her leash and Mistress clips it to Candice's collar and heads out the door and Candice follows and they get into the car and drive off. They pull up in front of the store and get out and Mistress leads Candice into the store and is met at the door by the owner and she says its all ready Amanda and the mistress laughs and says boi go with her and get the packages and Candice follows the woman and comes back with a great big box and carries it outside hearing the woman and mistress say something about New Years as she goes out the door and then they both laugh and she follows him out the door and watches as he loads the box in the backseat and runs back to Mistress and drops to his knees in front of her awaiting instructions. She leans down and pulls him up by his chin and smiles and says sweet Candice relax its almost Christmas time for fun and grabs the leash and leads him back to the car. They get in as the woman comes out and hands Mistress some change and says Merry Christmas and Happy New Year laughing and they drive off and home.

    At home again Mistress says Candice bring in the box and put it on my bed and wait for me their while I get the bitches started on making pies and stuff for Christmas laughing as shew walks away and Candice smiles and grabs the box and carries it into the house and to Mistresses bedroom and places it on the bed and drops and awaits Mistress in the kneeling slave position. In a few minutes Mistress comes in and says Candice come sit on the bed beside the box laughing and Candice gets up and sits beside the box and watches as Mistress grabs a knife from her boot top and with two quick motions cuts the box open and replaces the knife in her boot top and starts pulling clothes from the box all leather and sets them on the bed and then pulls out a pair of thigh high stiletto boots and smiles and says this is for me to wear for New years laughing and then she pulls some more woman's clothes out and says Candice its been awhile since I dressed you up as the whore you are laughing and I want a Christmas whore so tomorrow we will get you ready since Christmas eve is when we celebrate Christmas here we shall get you ready to be my whore for Christmas and Candice giggles and says yes Mistress. Mistress unpacks some more clothes and pulls out a brand new strap on and then a couple dildos and some interesting looking metal clamps and Candice looks at them and wonders what they are for and Mistress sees him eying them and says would you like to try them someday Candice and Candice answers if mistress wishes giggling. Mistress looks at him and says maybe for New Years Candice and bends down and pecks him on the cheek and finishes unpacking the box and says lets go eat sweetie and they leave and go into the dining room and he kneels beside the table and waits as the other slaves serve Mistress and he is awaiting his dog dish and Mistress leans down and says sit at the table with me Candice you will eat with me until further notice and he starts to worry this isn't like Mistress but says thank you Mistress and stands and slips into a seat at the table and the other slaves put a plate ans silver in front of him and he is almost afraid to eat but he does and cleans his plate. That night he is allowed to service Mistress and stay in the bed and sleep with her and he spends most of the night wondering whats up Mistress has never been this nice to him before.

    When he awakes in the morning Mistress is sitting on his dick and fucking herself on it and she even bends down and kisses him on the lips as she is having fun and she reaches down and pulls his arms to where they encircle her and whispers shhh quit shaking I don't bite Candice sometimes I just like top make love and relax and he is scared but goes along not sure if he will ever be allowed this freedom again he relaxes and enjoys himself and as they make love a servant enters and draws a bath and then leaves and Mistress leans down kisses him and whispers you may cum in me sweet Candice laughing at the surprise on his face as he cums at her words. And he notices she is cumming also and he keeps cumming more and more and then when they are both done she stands on the bed and steps forward and sits on his face and whispers now eat your cum from me whore laughing and he does and when he is finished she stands and sits on the edge of the bed and takes his hand and leads him to the bathtub and steps in and pulls him in after her and they take a bath together and when they are finished some of the other slaves come in and dry them with nice fluffy terry towels and he just looks at them and they ignore him and after a little bit he decides they must have seen this before and are not surprised so he decides to just go with it and relax. Mistress barks an order to the slaves and they run out and return carrying a table and set it in the bedroom and Mistress says Candice climb up and lay down and he does and another slave comes in with a basin and hands mistress a straight razor and she starts at his feet and shaves him from the toes to the top of his head and then says turn over Candice and he does and she starts back at his feet and shaves him all the way until the only hair on his body is his eyebrows and lashes .and then she barks some orders and another bath is drawn and she leads him to the tub and says get in and he does and she snaps her fingers and the slaves wash him again and dry him and she runs her hands all over his body checking for stubble and smiles and says smooth as a baby's ass laughing. Mistress snaps her fingers and the other slaves come running and start rubbing this lotion all over his body and rubbing it into his skin hard and after it is on every inch of his body except his eyes they all step back and Mistress inspects him carefully and smiles and says good job now go start cooking for tomorrow all of you and they all run out and she laughs and says Candice come sit in front of the mirror and he does and she plucks his eyebrows and he winches at each one she pulls and she smiles and says its painful looking great whore laughing and Candice just smiles and then she hands Candice a pair of tights and a shirt and says now don't get dirty today sweetie laughing and she walks out. Candice sits there and is served his meals in the bedroom and after dinner Mistress comes in and checks and makes sure he is still clean and then pulls him naked into bed with her and says after some sex we will be getting up at 5 am so sleep well sweetie and goes to sleep.

  5. #5210
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    When they are awakened in the morning it is still dark out and Mistress fucks him in the ass and then rides his dick and again allows him to cum inside her and then she drags him to the bath and they bathe and are dried by the other slaves and she leads him to the chair in front of the mirror and then pulls out a blonde wig and centers it on his head and then puts a couple spots of glue on his scalp and places the wig and centers it and presses it into the glue and laughs and then combs the wig out and then she kneels and paints his toenails and then glues fake nails on his fingers and paints them to match and then leads him to the bed and plays with his dick and gets him hard and puts a cock and ball ring set on him and hands him a garter and stockings and watches as he puts them on she smiles and hands him a pair of lacy red panties that match the garter and stockings and he slips them on and has a tent in the front of them and she laughs and then she pulls a long dress out and holds it open and says Candice step into this dress and Candice slips her legs in and Mistress pulls the dress up and slips the halter top over Candice's head and pulls her hair from under it and then walks behind him and starts zipping below his ass and all the way up to the middle of his back and he realizes he can barely move his feet as the dress is tight all the way to about 2 inches above the ankles and Mistress laughs and says now that's a good little whore and she shoves him backward onto the bed and puts a pair of red matching strapy 5 inch stiletto heels on him. Mistress then pulls him to his feet and slowly leads him back to the mirror and proceeds to put makeup on him and then helps him put a pair of shoulder length red fishnet fingerless gloves and a collar also red studded with sparkling gemstones and a leash with a red leather handle. Then Mistress proceeded to get dressed and was dressed as all Domme and he giggles silently at the beautiful sexy sight. As she grabs the leash and very slowly leads him to the big room with the Christmas tree and to a table and another slave helps Candice to where she is on the table at Mistresses instructions and once there Mistress laughs and says Candice sit up and lean forward please and he does and she slips a 4 inch wide leather strap under his thighs and buckles it in place over the small of his back and he is puzzled but says nothing and then Mistress slips another identical strap under his knees and leaves it there and puts handcuffs on him and then another set on his ankles after running the chain over the top of the handcuffs so that his hands and ankles are cuffed together. Mistress then says whore open your mouth and he does and she shoves a ball gag in and ties it behind his head tight so he is actually having a little trouble breathing bent this way and she leans down and kisses him on the forehead and whispers bye bye whore laughing and she then buckles the strap under his knees and pulls it tight and buckles it in place and then adds one around the legs and the back of his neck and pulls it tight. Then she goes from strap to strap tightening them 1 at a time until he has passed out from the pain. While he is *********** he is put inside a red rubber bag that they have to stretch to get him in and shje sticks two tubes one in each nostril and then ties the rubber bag tight with just the tiny straw sized tubes sticking out and they put a ribbon on the package and a bow and tag and slide it under the tree.

    He wakes in extreme pain everything hurts and its dark and he cant move and its very hard to breath he is inside something but has no idea what the last he remembers is the straps being tightened. He hears voices and knows that he is still at the house and hears guests arriving and chatter and laughter and then he hears presents being unwrapped and then he hears a woman's voice close to him saying so is this my present dear and he hears Mistress say yes Ma'am special present just for you and the New Years and she laughs and he can hear Mistress whisper hes a useless piece of shit whore but will suffice for New Years Ma'am and the woman laughs and says how big is his dick and Mistress says small Ma'am only about 7 inches and she laughs and says that's why I figured would be good for New Years laughing and the woman laughs and says Yes we will take care of that laughing and he feels himself being dragged across the room and out and can no longer hear anything and feels himself being tossed onto something hard and then an engine start and hes in something moving and is for quite awhile and finally the vehicle stops and he is pulled out and left on the ground he knows because it is hard and uneven under him, After awhile he wakes up as someone moves him and he feels himself being carried by a couple people because he is swinging back and forth and then dropped again this time on a floor. He goes back to sleep much less pain when hes asleep. He wakes when he hears the woman's voice and doesn't have any idea how long its been only knows he has to pee and shit and is starving and so thirsty he almost wishes he was dead. The woman's voice booms and says okay get my present up on the table and unwrap it so I can see if its still alive laughing and he feels himself lifted and put on something and then he sees a little spot of light as whatever he is in opens and it gets a little bigger. His eyes blur at the light at first but then he sees a very beautiful face looking in and the woman's voice says well ill be damned it lived laughing, okay get it out of the bag and he feels the enclosure being peeled off of him and then he sees hes laying on a table and knows hes tied double and then the straws are yanked from his nostrils hard and he winches inside from the pain but can breath a little better and the woman says hang the piece of shit so I can have some fun laughing and he is picked up and carried into a small room that has a curtain hanging across it and he is hung by a hook through a link in the handcuff chain and he slowly spins and sees he is in a small room with racks and things for torture and sighs guessing hes gonna be used when he feels a hand stop him from spinning and he hears the dress tear and then screams silently into the gag as he feels a dildo shoved deep in his ass and he is bering fucked hard and fast and the dildo was not lubed but after a minute or two it starts feeling good and he can feel his excitement rising and he is almost instantly in sub space from the pain and pleasure combined and is wondering why he cant feel his dick and doesn't even realize when it stops but realizes it when he finds himself staring into the beautiful face of a woman and in the voice he has heard she says you are mine now whore laughing did you like that and she slaps his ass hard and then she undoes the strap around his neck and legs and drops it on the floor and then the one around his knees and back and then the one around his thighs and lower back and he hears each one hit the floor and then his feet drop free from hos hands and he passes out from the pain as his feet drop and he is hanging by his hands and the pain in his back jolts through his body.

    When he wakes up this time he is tied and hanging and the woman is standing there holding an ammonia capsule under his nose and he is gagging on the smell but cant gag because of the ball gag and she laughs and says now now my whore must stay awake for my pleasures laughing cant have you missing my fun now whore she walks away and comes back with a long sharp knife and with several quick moves has cut the dress from him and it falls to the floor on top of the straps with a soft rustle and the woman looks at him and says whore I am your new Mistress if I decide to remove your gag you will always answer me with yes Mistress Tanya Do you understand whore and Candice nods slightly , The woman smiles and says good Boi and yells for a slave and one appears and picks up the straps and pieces of dress and runs out and returns with a large piece of plastic and spreads it under Candice and then puts a bucket on it and hands the woman a long piece of plastic tubing and she grabs his dick and shoves the tubing into the pee hole and keeps pushing but he feels nothing and looks down and sees his dick is almost blackish in color and the other end of the tubing is stuck into the bucket and he realizes that his bladder is emptying into the bucket as the pressure leaves his stomach area and then the woman snaps her fingers and the slave runs back out and comes in pushing a cart and the woman takes a bigger hose and sticks it in his ass and he feels his belly filling with liquid cold liquid being pumped into him and he looks down and his belly is growing in size and then the hose is yanked out and he hears the liquid rushing out and pouring all over the plastic and the woman does this over and over and he watches fascinated as his belly gets a little bigger each time. The woman stops and leaves and a couple slaves enter and he sees them cleaning the floor and removing the plastic and the woman comes back in and leaves the bucket and hose in his dick and she reaches up and unties the ball gag and removes it and takes a squirt bottle and squirts a foul tasting liquid in his mouth and shoves his mouth closed and says swallow whore and he doe. and then she does the same thing about 5 or 6 times and then looks at him and says good boi. Mistress Tanya steps in front of him and smiles and gently kisses him and then looks at his dick and says kinda small whore and laughs and then inspects each ball and smiles and says well they are big enough and we will make them all bigger laughing and then she snaps her fingers and a slave comes running in with a glass filled with a yellowish liquid and Mistress Tanya takes it and holds it up t his lips and says drink whore and pours a little at a time into his mouth until he has drank the whole glass and she asks whore do you like the taste and he looks at her and says yes Mistress Tanya kinda tastes like a spice drink. And she laughs well that because it is whore and that's all you will get to drink and eat fro the next few days laughing. So get used to it and he just nods and thinks well it doesn't taste bad at least. Mistress Tanya smiles and says you will get 1 of these every hour and a half unless I am playing with you whore laughing but because I know you haven't eaten or drank anything in over two days you will get 4 glasses now from this cuntslave while I eat dinner don't worry your pee is going into the bucket laughing as she walks out. A woman comes to him and holds a glass for him to drink and as he does he looks into her eyes and sees nothing but pity there and wonders why. He slowly drinks all four glasses and although its spicy it takes his thirst away and he is happy and the female slave leaves.

    After awhile another slave comes in and gives him another drink and he knows an hour and a half has gone by and then another drink and then right afterward Mistress comes in with a woman pushing a cart behind her and the cart stops in front of him and Mistress says whore I am gonna gag you for awhile and stuffs a new ball-gag in his mouth and ties it and she nods to the woman and the woman grabs the tube in his dick and jerks it out but he doesn't feel anything and he watches as the woman takes another tube and slowly works a metal tube inside it about 15 inches long and then takes the tubing with the metal tube in it and shoves it back up his pee hole but he feels nothing and then all of a sudden he feels it inside his body not his dick, his body and passes out. When he wakes the woman is gone but the cart is still there and the rings he had seen at his previous Mistresses that had aroused his curiosity are on the cart. Two smaller ones and a larger one each tow rings separated about ¼ inch with a small thin piece of metal and Mistress sees hes awake and she smiles and says ah yes she did say you asked if they could be used on you so I wanted you awake when I use them whore laughing and she picks up a smaller one and walks to him and clamps it on behind the already ball-ring on and starts tightening it and he screams at the pain but the ball-gag makes it come out as a light groan and then she does the same to the other ball and he blacks out again from the pain. When he wakes she is laughing and holding the large one and says now for the fun one and he blacks out again almost immediately as she clamps it on the base of his dick.

  6. #5211
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    When he wakes this time there is something tall and long standing about 5 feet in front of him covered with a blanket and she removes his ball-gag and says whore I have a big surprise for you laughing and she comes to him and whispers in his ear I don't like men with dicks and balls and you are going to lose yours as a special way of showing your new mistress that you love her as she removes the ball-gag and says now whore you will be my whore for the rest of your life and you will have a pussy only and she pulls the blanket off of the thing in front of him and its a full length mirror and he gasps in horror at the sight of his cock and balls they are all black and as he gasps a slave comes in with his drink and she takes it from the slave and holds it to his lips and smiles and says yes whore they are dead and useless to you now but not to me yet they have a special use for New Years for your Mistress laughing as do you whore now they look nasty now whore watch and learn as I watch in the mirror Mistress inserts a needle into the base of the top of the dick and then another into the base at the bottom and then hooks aline to them both and then a syringe filled with some kind of liquid and starts pumping it into the dick and then a second syringe and the dick grows where she pumped it in and she laughs and says watch it whore and leaves and as he watches the lump goes down and around where it was the black turns back to flesh color and then she walks back in and holds his drink up to his lips and he drinks and she pumps mpere of the liquid in another three syringes this time she sits and watches as it does the same and this goes on and on except for the times she leaves and brings him a drink she works steady until the dick looks normal all of it and she laughs when she is finished and then she does the same thing to his balls and when done she sits back and smiles and walks out and comes back with a little pen like thing with an electric cord attached and she plugs it in and gets on her knees in front of him and pulls out the bottom needle and touches the pen like thing to where the needle was and I smell skin burning and then she stands and laughs and says okay that enough for tonight whore tomorrow I start teaching you laughing and she walks out and he dozes off and is woke up every hour and a half with another drink.

    He loses all track of time just knows its daytime when Mistress comes in again and she first makes an adjustment on the rings she put on him the night before and then she starts slowly pumping a yellowish liquid into the dick and then the balls and as he watches slowly all day the dick grows and the balls grow a little and she stops doing it to them but the dick she keeps coming back every time she brings him a drink she pushes some more of the liquid into his dick and finally she stops and laughs and gets a tape measure and measures the dick and smiles and says didn't know your dick was capable of being 13 inches long did you whore laughing to bad you will never use it again and she leaves him hanging there her words ringing in his ears. He just sits and stares at his dick in the mirror and finally accepts he has no dick or balls anymore and wonders whats is going top happen next. As another slave brings him a drink and holds it while he drinks it and leaves. He gets drinks about 3 more times and then Mistress walks back in two slaves are with her his legs are tied apart and the two slaves shave every inch of his body and remove his wig and even shave his eyebrows off and then they rub some lotion all over his body again like his mistress had before and then they leave and two male slaves enter carrying a long steel bar about 20 feet long and carry it to behind him and they are doing something and he feels the bar stand upright against his back and then hears and feels it sliding as it seems to fall into a hole and burns a little as it runs down his back and Mistress laughs at the puzzled look on his face and says it a special treat for you my worthless whore as it stops with a thud and then he sees the slaves come in front of him and kneel at Mistresses feet and she says that's all for now and they rise and leave and she laughs and says a very special treat for you and walks away and pushers a new cart up and turns and holds up a huge metal dick shaped dildo that bends 90 degrees at the base and has a metal clamp attached and Mistress says its gonna feel good whore and she walks behind him and starts pushing it into his asshole and its ice cold and she slowly pushes and pushes and whispers now you know why I didn't let you eat the last few days whore laughing and she keeps pushing and he realizes this thing is going in farther than anything has ever been in him and it hurts but she keeps pushing and he groans in pain and she laughs and pushes iut farther and then it stops and she laughs and her hears her doing something and then she gets a wrench and nut off the cart and he hears her tightening the nut on something and then she ets a ladder and puts it behind him and climbs the ladder and he watches as she puts two metal cuffs on his wrists and tightens them until they are tight and and then attaches a short bar to each with a bolt and nut and then he looks up and sees she is bolting the bar to the long bar but she is pulling his arms totally straight before she tightens it and says there whore as she climbs down and puts the ladder to the side and then unties his ankles and the full weight is now on his arms and the dildo in his ass and his legs numb from being tied so long just dangle and Mistress holds a metal hook in front of him and says you like these whore laughing as he watches she inserts the hook into his calf and pulls the leg to the bar and wraps the leg around the bar tight and ties the wire attached to the hook and he watches fascinated as she doe it again and again all the way up his calf and then she dopes the same to the other leg and his legs are wrapped around the bar and held tight to it and the bar now is in the crack of his ass and she laughs and she gets a vibrator from the cart and turns it on and walks behind him and touches the long bar and the metal dildo in his ass vibrates and she laughs as he gasps in pleasure the pain ignored as she does it for a few minutes and the says enough pleasure for you whore back to mine and she gets more hooks and starts up his back wrapping them tight around the pole and tying them alternating sides on his back and up to the back of his neck and she stops and says okay that's enough for right now drink up and holds a drink for him and laughs as he chokes a little and then when hes finished she says now for some fun and she claps her hands and two slaves carry in a large pot filled with a gooey substance and start rubbing it into his skin everywhere and he smells it and it smells nice kinda like a bunch of spices mixed together and then Mistress grabs a bunch and cakes it around his dick and then his balls and smiles and watches as they rub it into his head and face and he tastes it and it doesn't taste bad at all and when they are done she makes him drink another drink and then walks out and then comes back in with his previous Mistress and they stand in front of him and Mistress Tanya says hes ready for you Mistress and his first Mistress inspects him and smiles at him and says I see your ready for your surprise laughing. You are being given a great honor whore for having served me well and today is New Years eve whore so its almost time for your surprise. By the way whore Candice you are my slave still I just let Mistress Tanya prepare you for your treat laughing and she claps and three strong men come in and pull the pole out and drop it and carry it with Candice out of the room and outside and onto a small stage and drop him and the pole back into another hole so they are standing upright again and he can see a little dining table set right in front of the stage and then behind it is rows of chairs and wonders what is going on and the chairs start filling up with people and after a little while they are all filled and a few are standing around the sides when Mistress co9mes walking out in nothing but a white corset and stockings and long flowing see through white robe and knee high stiletto boots white also and she looks like a goddess. To him as he watches her slowly climb the steps to the stage and come in front of him and she whispers Candice you are going to give me my breakfast and first I need to draw a little blood for my drink and she snaps her fingers and iv is handed to her by a naked slave and he feels the prick as she slips it into his shoulder and sees blood slowly flowing down the tube and into a goblet that has something in it and she smiles and says its wine to keep your blood from clotting Candice laughing real quietly and when the goblet is full she fills a second and looking real close into his eyes a third and then stops and pulls out the needle and he is weak weak as hell but alive and she kisses him on the lips and says and now you will give me the rest of my breakfast whore laughing and she is handed a knife and she grabs his dick and slices it all the way around between the clamps and he realizes as he watches that they were not connected with metal but plastic as she holds his dick which is not bleeding and slowly slides it off of the metal rod with the plastic tube still inside and when its off the metal tube she takes pliers and crimps the tube at his stomach and then does the same with each ball slicing them off and setting them beside the dick on a plate being held by a slave and as he watches a small charcoal grill is wheeled in front of the stage and the slave steps off the stage and he watches as his dick and balls are smothered in BBQ sauce and cooked and Mistress leans close and says thank you for breakfast Candice and goes off the stage and sits at the dining table in front of him and after a few minutes they are cooked and placed on a plate and he watches as she eats them slicing them and eating a little at a time and sipping on one of the goblets of his blood. He wants to scream but he realize she took just enough blood to make him unable to move but be awake. She eats smiling up at him making sure he sees her eat every bite and when she finishes she slowly stands and walks up to the stage and laughing holds her glass up and says cheers to the worthless whore she has found what she is good for and and she turns around and kisses his cheek and then grabs his jaw and breaks it lose smiling and whispering my pig whore needs an apple and she is handed one and shoves it in his mouth and then takes a metal ring gag and places it outside the apple and ties it behind his head and he can feel its tied with wire because one end is digging into his scalp and he realizes for the first time he is gonna be cooked as she whispers whore Candice you are about to be BBQ for everyone's diner and yes I know you know what I am saying and yes by taking that much blood I knew exactly what it would do to you laughing and she snaps her fingers and the pole is pulled out and he is carried off the stage and placed on two forks about 4 feet off the ground and as he hangs there he thinks well at least I am serving my Mistress but this is gonna hurt and as he is thinking he feels something being slopped all over him and then they slop BBQ sauce across his face and head and some gets in his eyes and it burns and he wants to scream but cant and he realizes this is what is coming and tears start flowing but then his eyes clear and he sees Mistress and she is watching as they put a big comfy chair just a few feet from his head and it has a dildo sticking out of the seat and he wonders whats this for and then Mistress comes to him and kisses his cheek and says whore your going to make me a very happy mistress I am going to sit and watch the life flow from your eyes as you cook and once I have watched you die I will cum and then they will take you down and gut you and cook your heart for me to eat while they stuff you with those veggies and sew you up and cook you until your just right you see whore you are everyone's dinner laughing as she walks to the chair and pulls the robe off and straddles the dildo and lets it slowly slip into her ass as she sits and then is handed another dick shaped dildo and it has a mount and she slips it into her pussy and mounts it to the chair in front of her and then is handed two vacuum tubes and has one on each breast and hooks up the hoses and turns it on so it is slightly sucking on her breasts and is handed a goblet filled with his blood and she takes a sip and signals with her free hand and a slave comes and turns on the vibrator and then the slave reaches under and he can hear another hum join the first and knows that they are both vibrators and then he feels the heat before he sees it as they pull a cart filled with hot charcoal under him and he screams at the heat and feels himself being turned slowly over and over but he never takes his eyes off of his Mistress and she sips and watches his eyes and smiles as she watches and mouths good boi to him as he starts screaming silently from the burning and bears it as long as he can and watches Mistress getting closer and closer to cumming and then he dies and she cums as the life fades from his eyes and she keeps cumming and then signals staying in the chair enjoying the feelings she is still highly aroused and watches as the coals are pulled from under him and and she stands and pulls on the white see thru robe and walks up and takes a knife from a slave and inserts it in the clamp and pulls of the clamp and then slices straight up the belly and watches as the belly spills out and then reaches in and with several quick motions cuts his heart out and puts it on a tray a slave is holding and then hands the knife to a slave and says prepare dinner our guests must be getting hungry slave and walks over and hands the plate to a cook standing by the small BBQ grill and he plops it in and Mistress sits back at the table and waits as the heart is cooked and put on plate and set in front of her and watches as Candice is stuffed and put back on the rack and the coals brought back under him and Mistress silently eats on the heart and sips her blood wine smiling as she watches him cook for her guests and then she stands and walks to crowd with a little blood still on her lips and says inside the banquet table is set and he will be ready in a little while guests and grabs a slave going by and says follow me and leads her to the chair and makes her lick both dildos off and then says take them and clean them properly and place them in there place cunt and walks away and inside.

  7. #5212
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Once inside she goes into the main dining room and takes the last goblet and stands and says to whore Candice a worthess whore but a filling meal laughing and everyone raises their glasses in the taost and drinks and yells to whore Candice .

    The End

  8. #5213
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    giggles just decided to post the whole thing enjoy and sorry if its to graphic for some giggles huggs cherie

  9. #5214
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    if anyone likes it let me know i have more similar ones giggles

  10. #5215
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    definitely slow in here giggles

  11. #5216
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    WOW giggles guess i know how to kill a thread sorry giggles

  12. #5217
    Big Supporter Youthmane's Avatar
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    Exclamation time

    Quote Originally Posted by slavecherie100 View Post
    WOW giggles guess i know how to kill a thread sorry giggles
    no, I've need this, just hav`ant had time to read yet, & Comment after, I will.

  13. #5218
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2011

    Kudo"s on the Story..

    Actually, its a very erotic and dark story. Kudo's for sharing this with us!

  14. #5219
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    united states
    how do you cut off a hillbilly's penis?..........kick his sister in the chin

  15. #5220
    Big Supporter Youthmane's Avatar
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    USA, New York

    Smile Nice

    Quote Originally Posted by nefarious View Post
    how do you cut off a hillbilly's penis?..........kick his sister in the chin
    Nice one, funny. He shouldn't had it in her Mouth.

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