Quote Originally Posted by poiu View Post
Ballbusting a pet just doesn't seem right to me :/ I mean, if it's in the realm of fantasy, whatever I guess, to each their own, but I hope that doesn't transfer to real life. Glad you like the poem, though :P

Also, to answer Johnni's question further: if you want to perform a text search on Yiffstar, you can use Google by putting "site:yiffstar.com" at the beginning of your query. For example, if I wanted to find all the stories containing "aching balls", I'd enter this into Google: site:yiffstar.com "aching balls". It can help you turn up some good stuff that people forgot to classify under C&BT.

Yeah, speaking in the realm of fantasy, I meant ^_^. Sorry for that confusion! . Simple fact is that ballbusting is consensual. But in fantasy, you don't have a choice