Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
Stand to what you say.
"...and to hell with the rest of your life?" tells your mind, that life is over without penis.
"your manhood only exists for one reason...to lose it?" tells your mind, that penis = manhood
I then sayed that I am not my penis.
Those statements were my attempt to ascertain how your mind works, and not any attempt on my part to give you my mindset.

Here is my response(again): Life is not over without a penis. A great part about being a man, however, is.

A lot of people use the term "manhood" as a euphemism for "penis" in the English language. I see that is where the confusion entered, so I will be more specific in the future.

You talk two minds: On the one hand you find it arousing, on the other you find it insane.
One mind. Arousal is just a sexual response. And I freely admit I'm messed up in that regular porn doesn't do that for me. What I wouldn't give to be a normal guy and just be turned on by the sight of a beautiful woman (without a severed penis in her hand, that is). What I find insane is the cold reality of actually destroying a perfectly healthy part of me, that never did me (or anyone else) any harm, and, in fact, has brought me (and certain others) a lot of joy. Once again, the differenciation is that fantasy, itself, causes no physical harm. OTOH, the brutal reality does.

The urge itself may actually be "insane" or at least seem so to our limited understanding. To want it to happen for real on the other hand is not more insane than to take great risks for any "fun" or to suffer great expenses for it, something many "sane" people do when driving motorbikes or skydiving or the like..
Non sequiter. Risk takers do not intend injury to themselves, rather they are trying to avoid injury while in their pursuit of their actual goal. You can say
Evel Knievel wanted all those broken bones that he received while performing his stunts, but I think we both know that's not the case.

Penectomy is a one time thing, ok. But it is such a big part of my sexuality, that I would call it a loss to end my life one day, without having had the chance to experience it, before I was too old for it...
OKAY! Now that makes sense to me!

And now cut it here please, I may answer in your poll-thread if I want.
And let you have the last word here? No way. But I still hope to see you there.