Please go away.
Please go away.
Just my opinion
So, anyway, about shemale ballbusting...
Mick, did you know you were worthless?
If you can get past the fact that I will take away your manhood in a split second, you'll find that I'm an okay person!
Since when is it a crime to state your opinion ?
And it is political tactics to label people as homophobe when they criticize your unhealthy behaviour.
Just like the jews label everyone a nazi, when they receive any form of criticism.
I wish everyone would speak out their true opinion so you guys would come to realize you are gaylovers in a world where the vast majority is 'homophobic'.
Reality check !
Funny acronym, but lets stick to the facts.
I only posted a picture of Obama because he had 'fags' in his mouth.
Not because he is black. So who is the real racist here ?
And I am actually in favour of black people getting equal rights and opportunities.
Obama also tries very hard to prove that a black president can just as equally be a douche-bag.
But I have to admit its very hard to beat his predecessor in this 'competition'.
A few more facts why I am opposed to 'equal rights' for gay people:
In the Netherlands gay 'couples' can adopt children.
Fact: More than half of pedophiles victims are little boys.
And let it be no surprise to you that it aint women rɑping them.
Fact: Certainly less than 10% of men are homosexual.
So homosexuals are more than 10 times likely to rɑpe children.
Nobody can deny these facts, but some people still say it is homophobic to discriminate homosexuals.
So did the parents of the more than 80 children (aged 0-2) who were raped by this man:
He worked at the childcare center here in Amsterdam and lived together with his gaylover.
He videotaped and shared footage of the abuse with other gay couples.
But we dont want to be homophobic do we ?
Just keep sending your kids to these nice gay people.And ignore these stupid things called facts.
Pornography = boring.
Hmm, some gay people **** little kids. That MUST mean that the rest of gay people don't deserve equal rights. Slippery slope my friend! Some black people commit crimes. They don't deserve equal rights either. Oh wait! White people commit crimes as well! They don't deserve it either. There are people in every category who are both good and bad. You're a fool to want to deny the entirety of them equality, just from looking at the bad.
I know you've got to just be a troll, so I probably won't respond again. But if not, those are my two cents.
"Fact: More than half of pedophiles victims are little boys.
And let it be no surprise to you that it aint women rɑping them.
Fact: Certainly less than 10% of men are homosexual.
So homosexuals are more than 10 times likely to rɑpe children.
Now look here, Sarah Palin... You can't just put a bunch of words together and act like they make sense...
If you can get past the fact that I will take away your manhood in a split second, you'll find that I'm an okay person!
I agree with the sentiment expressed in the quote above and I seriously caution anyone else in adopting such an elementary mode of logic as micksl8ter. Honestly you should be ashamed to even jokingly put forth such a ignorant and illogical statement as you have. I sincerely hope that all of your statements are jokes because otherwise you are a very ignorant person and a force working against the decency of humanity. Everyone has different views and we are entitled to them, even you, but do not pretend that yours are based upon logic or scientific fact. You are prejudiced against homosexuals and conform statistics to justify your views. Your statistics are also 100% incorrect and they are basically non sequiturs because your deductions are nonsensical.
Mick Slater: Since when is it a crime to state your opinion?
Am I some kind of legal historian?
It’s my opinion that you will not print that post and present it to your local law enforcement authorities for their opinion.
Enough of your nonsense.
Again, what’s are you doing in a she-male thread?
Alec Anaconda
So I just found this image on another message board, and it made me think of this thread. 5 young girls with some very nice bulges... What do you think is about to happen? Think they're about to have a busting tournament where the last one with at least one ball left wins? Think a group of cruel biological girls are going to charge in and nail them all between the legs? Think one woman is going to somehow take them all down in a row? Or maybe 4 of them are about to gang up on one and take turns stomping and squeezing their poor victim's bulge?
Personally, I'm thinking the 3 on the left will gang up on the 2 taller ones and help them become less masculine... By taking away their manhoods whether they like it or not. I really just want them to be the victims 'cause I'm tall myself, and my hair is almost exactly like #5's... Anyway, how about you guys?
I think you would be the victim Snoodle, because you are the hottest girl in the group, and all four of them want to take turns pulverising your balls.