I suppose you could say I have been "lurking" around here for a while. No real artistic ability but would like to see more of the attachments...great artwork.
could somebody translate this one? would be very nice, thx ^^
"Wah, wah, shut up already!
Even though you're just a kid
you've got these HUGE
balls just swinging, swinging--
It's such an eyesore!
"So? How about I just yank them right off? These...
HEY! Stop struggling!
"That's it, I've decided!
For brats with big sex organs like you I'm going to
SMASH them!
**********, total emasculation!
"I'm gonna crush you just like this with my bare hands.
Oh oh, your ballbag is already about to burst!
Are you ready to have your NUTS DESTROYED by a girl's hand?
Quicker witted, smarter and more skilled in battle than we males even single Amazon girls are more than a match for any number of our sex. No matter how overwhelming the odds in our favour such a girl will always defeat us using our lust to lure us into a trap from which we will find only one escape, humiliation and death. This clever bitch has tricked me and my brother Spartans into playing a game with her which we cannot win since to do so requires that we deny our balls and don't ejaculate. Despite the prize of her virginity, should we resist the stimulation of her hand, one by one I watch boy after boy succumb to spurting forth and in so doing have to submit to have his cock and testicles cut off before hauling his emasculated remains away to expire in shamed humiliation. No matter I and my brother males should be able to overcome her we are all so enslaved by our lust that the more of our brothers we witness being de-cocked and ********* by our tormentrix the more eagerly and impatiently we await our turn. As the last one to submit myself to the challenge I know that in order to salvage some pride for my sex I must ignore the aching of my over loaded balls and deny her to cause me to evacuate them. My resistance is futile. The girl who now has me firmly in her grasp has de-cocked and de-balled every one of my brothers surely she deserves to take mine too and enjoy total victory over my sex. Why should I resist, even if I could I am surely not worthy of taking her virginity anyway. Girls are superior aren't they, we all know that I mean nearly two hundred of us mere males have just willingly let one cut all our fucking balls and cocks off just because she said we had too. If that doesn't make girls superior to boys I don't know what does so fuck male pride I’m going to squirt it up my belly like the rest of them even if it does mean she’s going to….No No please girl mercy, mercy not my ....Auugh!!!
Another take on girls being superior to boys.
i like the style ... keep on guys great forum!![]()
[QUOTE=kneefodder;101859][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]
"Quicker witted, smarter and more skilled in battle than we males even single Amazon girls are more than a match for any number of our sex. No matter how overwhelming the odds in our favour such a girl will always defeat us using our lust to lure us into a trap from which we will find only one escape, humiliation and death."
How true!
Fighting girls stories and art