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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #5881
    Big Supporter
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    Sep 2004
    A while back, I posted a link from Menage A 3, a comic which includes a girl who has a weird condition that when she sees penises she imagines that they're tentacles and kicks guys in the groin as a result. We have two new comics where she does some groin kicking (plus one where it was implied). If you want to see the back story, you can back up further (but there isn't really that much bb in the comic, as a whole). In this little bit, she was set off by seeing a girl wearing a big strap-on. Here are three of the comics from that bit, in order:

    Implied groin kicking:
    Actual groin kicking 1:
    Actual groin kicking 2: (Note that what's being shown is that the same girl from the previous comic suddenly appears and kicks the guy in the groin, not the girl he's talking to)
    For ball busting T-shirts, check out my shop.

  2. #5882
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takkyuu_tama View Post

    "Wah, wah, shut up already!
    Even though you're just a kid
    you've got these HUGE
    balls just swinging, swinging--
    It's such an eyesore!

    "So? How about I just yank them right off? These...
    HEY! Stop struggling!

    "That's it, I've decided!
    For brats with big sex organs like you I'm going to
    SMASH them!
    **********, total emasculation!

    "I'm gonna crush you just like this with my bare hands.
    Oh oh, your ballbag is already about to burst!
    Are you ready to have your NUTS DESTROYED by a girl's hand?
    Thank you very much, Takkyuu_tama! Oh I'd like to ask you about almost all wakutama images, but it'd be some work for you...

  3. #5883
    Supreme Poster jonoffen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smackMyNuts View Post
    A while back, I posted a link from Menage A 3, a comic which includes a girl who has a weird condition that when she sees penises she imagines that they're tentacles and kicks guys in the groin as a result. We have two new comics where she does some groin kicking (plus one where it was implied). If you want to see the back story, you can back up further (but there isn't really that much bb in the comic, as a whole). In this little bit, she was set off by seeing a girl wearing a big strap-on. Here are three of the comics from that bit, in order:

    Implied groin kicking:
    Actual groin kicking 1:
    Actual groin kicking 2: (Note that what's being shown is that the same girl from the previous comic suddenly appears and kicks the guy in the groin, not the girl he's talking to)

    Thanks for these. I have no idea what is going on in the comic, but it is worth flicking through for the bit-titted blonde who always ends up naked. Great artist.

    I found another ball-bust in the comic here:

  4. #5884
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Takkyuu_tama View Post
    (boy with balls trapped under toilet seat)

    "'Hold out until Momo-chan finishes peeing'-game
    (no purpose)"
    boy: "Hurry!
    balls: 'squeeeeeeeeze'
    My' fairly crude, attempt to edit in the English text bubble.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 16.jpg  

  5. #5885

  6. #5886
    Junior Member
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    Sheesh, amazons?

    That's missing the point to me...

  7. #5887
    Big Supporter 2nutbuster's Avatar
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    Great photos. I love how the man is so in shape, muscular, strong, and has the balls to fight her back and threaten to **** her again. He is a very tough male, but she is of course tougher. She breaks his nuts open with her hands, and takes his male weapon he used to **** her, and cuts it off. He was a strong male, but as I said she was so much stronger, used his entire male anatomy against him. Go Girl!

  8. #5888
    Big Supporter kneefodder's Avatar
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    The once solidly male preserve of the gladiatorial arena becoming the hunting ground of female supremacist bands of man-slaying girl warriors? Unthinkable but true as in a climate of equality girls are allowed to compete with boys on equal terms anywhere and in anything. The problem with equal competition is just that, for in the case of the boys it seems they are not in fact equal at all, being subjected to defeat after defeat by those they regarded as the weaker sex until it is feared that unless the humiliation and slaughter can be halted boys will be no more. To this end for the continued enjoyment of the public and the sustainability of the sport the number of males allocated to the arena has been limited by quota. Not popular with the girls or their fans but.....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails SWScan00099.gif  

  9. #5889
    Big Supporter kneefodder's Avatar
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    Amazon defender

    No matter that she finds herself outnumbered many score to one by the attacking males a lone Amazon guard lays waste to her assailants heaping slaughtered masculinity about her as she neutralises the threat to her homeland. Following her victory she will adorn the gates behind her with the severed phalluses of the slain as a warining to others, then having taken some of their testicles (eaten raw) to make a welcome addition to her meagre rations of dried fish and biscuits the remainder she will dry and salt for future need.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 4444.gif  

  10. #5890
    Big Supporter kneefodder's Avatar
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    Attack repulsed

    Hearing that the women of Castle Femme away fighting for Amazonia have slaughtered the army of their fathers the Spartan boys raise an army of their own determined to take revenge against the women's stronghold. It's battlements defended by no more than a few dozen girls should be easily overcome by the advancing males who being counted in their many thousands outnumber the defenders by hundreds to one. However lured into a killing zone by a combination of their overconfidence and underestimation of a lesser but much smarter enemy the boys suddenly find themselves cut down in their hundreds. Girl archers and spear throwers high aloft the towers leave them no means of escape as those behind in their hurry to join the fray force their brother warriors back to their deaths. The slaughter continues until all that remains of the attacking army is a few stunned and confused remnants who fall easy prey to the girls that now sally forth from their bastion to triumphantly finish them off. As tradition dictates the girls adorn the castle gates with the severed cocks of their defeated enemy whilst preparing basket upon basket of testicles for the great celebratory feast planned for their mothers return.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails girls.jpg  

  11. #5891
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucys_sexslave View Post
    My' fairly crude, attempt to edit in the English text bubble.
    where is it from?

  12. #5892
    Registered Member
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    wow what websites do you guys frequent?

  13. #5893

  14. #5894
    Member joeysatan's Avatar
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    I really like the post with the Deviant Art comic, turned me on, BTW im new here hola im Thor

  15. #5895
    Big Supporter testycoles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pungdjur View Post
    I can only see the first one. When I try to open the others I get the following message: "Mature Content Filter is On (Contains: nudity and strong language)". WTF?!
    you have to get an account

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