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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #841
    Supreme Poster Just Hanging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tkm1 View Post
    i had a keeper years ago.

    the poor girl was tortured by an ex boyfriend and it really was sad but it twisted her mind sexually to quite an enjoyable effect.

    i used to ask her to play with me while saying what she would like to do to my cock if it was the other guy's and she'd be very seductive then pull out a knife and slide it up and down my shaft and get very violent -you know when you put your bottom teeth out and bite down hard and growl angrily when you talk- yeah she'd do that and slam the knife into the base of my shaft from the bottom up and say things like "i want to cut his cock off right HERE!" and pull up really hard with the knife on it to the point that a few times i got cut and thought with just a little more effort, barely any, she'd have actually taken it off

    a couple times she really hurt me where she would do random attacks on me.

    once while i was doing the dishes she came in behind me and started very nice and then slid my pants down and pulled my cock across the rim of the basin holding it pointed into the sink with the head and then pulled out a serated steak knife and pushed it down against my shaft and the metal sink so hard that i had 9 holes in a straight line about a half inch from the very base.

    she said "how would you feel if i just pulled the knife away really fast and this cock of your came off in my hand?"

    i was surprised because i was still soft at this point and we only played like that in bed so i said i like playing but i dont want her to really cut it off and she pulled the knife away, pulled me cock toward her and placed the knife under it and said she wanted to cut if off and feel it in her hand and watch my expression while she did it.

    i think that was what really ended the relationship for me. as much as i'm all for some really hard playing and threats, i dont want to lose my best friend
    Wow, what an erotic girl friend. Can you get her back? Is she still around? She probably still has the same fantasy. The only thing not perfect is she is thinking about some ex's cock. Other than that she deserves to have her desires fulfilled.

  2. #842
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    I have something for you


  3. #843
    Supreme Poster Just Hanging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    Never get tired of this stuff.

  4. #844
    Supreme Poster Just Hanging's Avatar
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  5. #845
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Aqui van unas imagenes calientes para mi la mejor en la que usa las tijeras

  6. #846
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    Aqui van unas imagenes calientes para mi la mejor en la que usa las tijeras
    Pues no se que ha pasado con el en lace volvere a buscarle para ponerle lo malo es que de momento no lo encuentro

  7. #847
    Member joeysatan's Avatar
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    love this stuff, heres one of mine, enjoy

  8. #848
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    New here too

    Hi, I'm new here too. Never thought id be accepted to I have always fantasized about cutting off a guys dick. Not to be mean or hurtful, but to be intimate and romantic. When I meet a guy that I like, I will know if I really like him because all I can think about is cutting off his dick. One thing I know for sure, if I want to chase away a really good boyfriend, all I have to do is tell him I want to cut off his dick. Hopefully someday I will meet Mr. Right, and he will make the commitment to be my guy forever. And I will be forever grateful.Shelly.

  9. #849
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    Hi Im new here too.

    Quote Originally Posted by buckrix View Post
    Hi im new here and was wondering how many of you out there are interested in penectomy type stuff either as well as ball busting/********** or without? In particular I'd like to ask the females here as I've always found it difficult to find women who are interested in cock chopping/ball crushing etc and willing to discuss it. In particular I'd like to ask what it is you like about this, is it the chopping itself, the feeling of power involved, or the after effects on the guy? Or all three? Of the men here I'd like to ask if they see it as a fantasy or an a hopeful one day reality (or maybe current day).

    Hope I haven't been too forwards. How do I post pictures here? I have a small collection I think people here would enjoy.
    Hi, I just got joined up here, and this might be my first post that actually goes through. For the most part, I have had a booring sex life, never had a S&M partner never got tied up, never did it in the public. But I do have a little secret that I am into penectomy stuff all fantasey of course. When there is a guy that I like, all I can think about is how bad I want to cut his dick off I dont know why. I do not want to hurt anybody, I do not want to make anybody mad or get in trouble.
    It is from our mother I know, when we were little my brother had something that I didnt have, we called it his weiner. She used to spank our butts so hard if we wernt wearing clothes it would sting very bad and she used to say she was going to cut off his weiner. She even spanked him on the front side. I asked her what happens if she cuts his weiner off and she said it will grow back like no big deal. I always wanted to see her cut his weiner off so I could watch it grow back but she never did.
    That is why all my life when I like a guy, I wish I could cut his dick off. My first boyfriend I loved so much, It took so much courage for me to tell him that I wanted to cut his dick off but he didnt understand and he broke up with me. I have never told that to another guy.

  10. #850
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    Looking for a movie

    One question: Does anyone know where one could watch that movie "Die 7. Sünde - Ehebruch"? It seems to be German, and I think it deals with a penectomy.

  11. #851
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    All new to me

    Hi, I ended up here somehow. I am not a dominatrix, and Im not onto S&M. Just a regular probably just kind of boring girl with a little secret. The word penectomy is new to me, but it describes something that I have ben into most of my life.
    It all goes back to when we were little, my brother had something that I didnt have, we called it his weiner. Sometimes when he wad bad our mom would say she was going to cut off his weiner.
    Now when I meet a guy I like I always think about cutting off his dick. Not to be mean or hurtfull, I dont know why it is just something I want to do. My last boyfriend that I loved very much, I told this to, and he broke up with me right afterward. I will never tell that to another guy.

  12. #852
    Join Date
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    United States

    Penectomy With Racial Humiliation Spin

    Penectomy With Racial Humiliation Spin (Audio Only)

    This a penectomy audio only clip with a racial humiliation twist to it. Its very graphic. And the language is very vulgar. So if you don't like it, I understand and I'll take it down.

    But I am black and my Mistress made this clip for me. And i just wanted to share it, since i think She did an excellent job. So I thought I'd share.

    Here's the transcript:

    Hey sexy!! Glad you could make it!! Come on in!! I'm so glad we finally get to hook up after all these weeks. The moment I laid eyes on you that night at the bar, I knew I wanted you. I was so happy when you came over and offered to buy me a drink, because I love black men. They have such nice bodies and such BIG DICKS. And while we talked I couldn't help but notice that bulge in your pants. It was quite impressive. Were you hard? (giggle) You weren't?! Oh my!! Then you're gonna be exactly what I was hoping for. What's that you say? Why? Oh, you'll find out later.

    In the meantime, let's have a look at that body of yours. Wow!! Very nice. How often did you say you work out, again? Five times a week. Well, it's paying off. Your body is exquisite. But, it's hard for me to see all those bulging muscles with all that clothing on. Would you mind taking off your shirt? No? Good. (shirt is removed) Very nice. Look at those pecs and that washboard stomach. And those arms. My goodness, they're bigger than my legs. Very nice. Now, baby, would you mind removing your shoes and pants? No? You don't mind? Wonderful. (pants/shoes removed) Mmmmmm. Such strong muscular legs. Are you some sort of bodybuilder? No? Well, you should be, baby. What's that? You played football in college? What position? Runningback? Very nice. And I see that bulge again. Are you SURE you're not hard yet? Because, that thing looks MASSIVE! No? Prove it. Take off your shorts. (underwear removed) HOLY SHIT!! That's the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen!! That's gotta be at least 8 inches. And you weren't lying, it's still limp. Not even semi-hard yet. If that's what it looks like flaccid, I can't wait to see it hard!! My goodness. (pause) Now just stand there for a moment and let me get a good look at it. Don't touch it. I don't need it hard quite yet. Mmmmm. Now turn around real slow. Lemme see that nice firm ass of yours. I love black men's asses. Mm, mm, mm. You ARE quite the specimen. Okay, baby, you can turn back around, I wanna show you something. You and that massive penis follow me.

    Where are we going, you say? It's a surprise, but don't worry, baby, we're almost there. (pause) And here we are. What's this, you say? Well, it's my dungeon, sweetie. You ever seen one before? Only on the internet? (playful laugh) You're so cute. Well, this is where I play with all my little slaves. You ever been tied up before? No? Would you like to try it? You would? Excellent! I love men who like to try new things. Go ahead and hop up on that bench over there and lie down, face up. OK, now let me tie your hands down first. (pause) OK, the right hand is secure. (pause) Aaaaannd now the left hand is secure. Excellent. OK, now let me strap down your thighs & ankles. (pause) Aaaalright, there goes the right leg. (Pause) Aaaand now the left leg. Wonderful. [Are] you getting nervous, strapped down naked to my bench like this? No? Good. Alright, I need to strap down your torso now. (pause) There we go. Comfortable? Yes? Great. Struggle a bit, let me see if you can get out of the restraints. No? Excellent. OK, one last thing, let me put this blindfold on you. Why you say? Well, for your surprise, sweetie. You don't wanna ruin it, do you? No? I didn't think so. You like surprises? You do? Me, too. Let me go ahead and slip this blindfold on you. Lift your head for a second. There we go. OK, you can set it back down now.

    Well, we're almost ready for the surprise. First, let me get that big nigger cock nice and hard. What's that? Oh, you like when I call it that, huh? A big black nigger cock? whoa, I guess so. Looks like it's coming to life. Holy shit, it's still growing!! Looks like it's a show-er and a grow-er. (giggle) God damn, baby. That nigger cock has got to be well over 10-11 inches now!! And thick too!! I'm just gonna stroke that big nigger cock just a little bit more, to make sure it stays good and hard for the surprise. Mmmmmmm. That is a beautiful nigger cock!!

    Ok, baby, so you ready for your surprise? You are? I can tell. You're already dripping pre-cum from that big nigger cock of yours. OK, well, remember when I said you were exactly what I was looking for and you asked why? Well, I wanted a big black nigger cock. The biggest I could find. You want to know why? Because I want to cut it off. (pause) That's right. You heard me correctly. I..Want..To..Cut..Off..Your..Big..Nigger...Cock. What do you mean, am I serious? Of course I am. Does it sound like I'm joking? Why?! What do you mean, why?! Because I don't need you. Just that big nigger dick of yours. What do you mean please don't? There's no talking your way out of this, baby. I knew the moment I laid eyes on you at the bar, I had to have your big nigger cock. Literally. (giggle) My pussy's been wet all day just thinking about cutting off that big nigger cock. And don't act like you're not into it, 'cause I see your dick is still hard. And I stopped stroking it like two minutes ago.

    Anyways, let me go get my blade. Stay right there. Don't move. Oh, That's right!! You can't. (giggle) Be right back, sweetie. (pause) Alright, I'm back with my blade. I had to get an especially sharp blade since you niggers have such thick, muscular dicks. This blade is ten times sharper than a scalpel, and can easily slice through all the muscles, tendons, and blood vessels at the base of that big nigger cock of yours. Anyways, enough of the formalities, let's get started, shall we?

    OK, sweetie, now I need to grab your penis about half way up to stabilize it. And I'm going to place my blade right at the base of your penis. I wanna make sure I get every last inch of it. OK, and now I'm making my first incision. Oooooh, I've broken the skin, baby. We're on our way. Ooooooo, I've sliced the first blood vessel. My, my, you're startin' to bleed a little bit. Aaaaawwww, is that a little tear I see streaming down your face? (sadistic laugh) Don't worry, sweetie, it'll all be over soon. Now I'm cutting through all the spongy tissue surrounding the penis. You know, I don't know why you niggers get to have the huge cocks, anyway. I mean, you don't appreciate them. And you run around and stick your big nigger dicks in anything with a pulse!! And I knew you were gonna hit on me too, since you niggers love white women with big asses. Okay, now I'm cutting through the first corpus cavernosum.(pause) There we go. I mean, you fucking niggers think
    your God's gift to women because of your big nigger cocks. Well, that's gonna change today, because YOUR big nigger cock, is gonna become MY big nigger cock. Now, I'm cutting through the second corpus cavernosum .(pause) There we go. Almost finished. Damn, this is a meaty cock. OK, Now it's time to sever the corpus spongiosum , that's the final major blood vessel in your penis. (pause) ....aaaaaand THERE WE GO!! (as if holding the severed penis up victoriously)

    I'm gonna remove your blindfold so you can see it. (Pause) There we go. You see it?? (like you're showing me my severed penis) You see your penis!! Look at it!! Your big nigger cock is now MY big nigger cock, and you know what I'm gonna do with your big nigger cock?? I'm gonna put it in a case on the mantle above my fire place, so I have it close by any time i need a big nigger cock to fuck. And don't worry I'll treat your dick far better than you ever did.

    Now I'm gonna untie you and I want you grab your clothes and get out of my house. Now that I have your big nigger cock, I have no further use for you. You know where the door is. Let yourself out. And try not to bleed all over my hardwood floors. Goodbye and thanks for your cock, sweetheart. (sadistic giggle)

    The End.

  13. #853
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    Some penectomy captions have been posted to tumblr.

    They were originally on cuckold place, got chased off there, were on extreme board for a while, were lost when it crashed, were on imagefap for a while, got chased off there, and hopefully now have a permanent home.

    But given past history (this fetish must really bug site admins for some reason--even admins on extreme sites!), you might want to grab them quickly to download.

    You might be able to find the link by googling for: imagefap penectomy tumblr

  14. #854
    Big Supporter sicko666's Avatar
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    tkm1 thank you for the pics now if only we can get her the same amount of fame as "Tomb Raider" maybe they will make a film!!!

  15. #855
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    South Africa

    Try this...Very risky

    Quote Originally Posted by sicko666 View Post
    tkm1 thank you for the pics now if only we can get her the same amount of fame as "Tomb Raider" maybe they will make a film!!!
    Go to ur browser type manual+biltong+slicing machine

    You will find a wooden device with manual handle and sharp blade....I decide a while back to try and put my penis under the blade and let the blade fall...Very risky but very exciting I wish had chick to control the drop of blade...anyways...the result...some blood but no permanent damage to the shaft....

    Awesome scary and first...but love the challenge!!!

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