A Real **********...Very Graphic
A Real **********...Very Graphic
omg this video is incredible *-----*
A mi la vasectomia no me va aunque si es una mujer quien la hace tal vez me parezca erotico e aqi una referencia http://ballbustingpornstars.com/ball...om-**********/
Pues por todo lo que se refiera a cortar lo guevos de una manera u otra, da igual conductos(vasectomia-castracion) o el saco y su contenido, no es una cosa que me agrade,ademas de que si te cortan los guevos baja mucho el nivel de ormonas y se te quitan las ganas de follar, tambien depende de la persona a unas mas que a otras.Un saludo PEGAMA
While the procedure is graphic and real. I question that there is for all purposes no blood and if this was a surgical procedure, where's the betadine and the surgical cloths. I think this was real however I think the individual was deceased. Appreciate the post however, thanks.
please watch this link ... its not a prostitue its a femdom from my landshe is very close to me only few of kilometers she make a medical sister at the hospital
and i mean she know alomst everything about CBT , ********** , TRAMPLE etc .. i was calling her by the fone she talks me about her experience with ball pumping with water pump getting needle´s trought the balls and piercing spikes trought the foreskin i got sayd her about my " favorite site " ... yes you mean right about this site... i wanna go to her for a lesson the next week maybe weednesday .... when i go to her i ask for some photos or maybe a video of what i wish to have doing at my testicles ... when he say ok i upload here some photos
... i was very glad to find her because its really problem to find strong dominant mistres wich like to make torture
sorry for my bad english
Alone_4ever, vel'a st'astia s Isabelou a dúfam ze sa podielas s nami tvoje zázitok.
Niet za čo Alone_4ever. Dve rokov skôr som študoval v Bratislave a aj ked' som zo španielska, myslel som sa učit' šlovenčinu bolo nevyhnuteľné.
Hey Guys and Gals
I am looking for ballbusting video..where the slave passess out during a session of ballbusting.....I just watch Megan Extreme Brutal ballbusting...very hectic...but no passing out
Thanks alot