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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #166
    Supreme Poster chewbally's Avatar
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    Jeeze you guys are sick! It seems that many who visit here are not too fussy when it comes to weird sex. Presumably, y’all arrive at this place as you have an interest in the finer arts of BB. I find it amazing that in two days near a hundred of ya download my Mom’s home Wookie sex movie - I guess this says it all.

    I hadn’t really appreciated that such a big percentage of the population (admittedly in this case a population of self-selected perverts) would have an interest in such freaky stuff. It’s all falling into place now. It makes sense now why ‘Freaks of Porn’ (OK sicko’s here’s the web site ) have offered BF 2000 bucks a day just to fuck a bevy of beauties on film. I think I managed to convince him that it would be a bad idea but you never know with BF – he’s a vulnerable guy. I just hope he stays on the straight and narrow. He went completely off the rails for a few years after Mom died and said he couldn’t face society. He spent near a decade living in the woods running from paparazzi and the like. I spent a long time trying to track him down and rescue him. I finally managed to find out where he was via a Nam vet called John who mistook me for BF when I was out looking for him.

    BFs doing OK nowadays; I’ve managed to find him work on the Star Wars convention scene etc. There’s often too much stuff for me to do so BF stands in. I’m very proud of the progress he’s made. I worry he inherited some of Mom’s exhibitionism and I hope that he doesn’t get tempted by the big bucks on offer from the Freaky sex scene.

    Talking of which - and apologies for sounding completely hypocritical - would and of you BB film makers out there be interested in making a BB movie with a Wookie on the receiving end?

  2. #167
    Big Supporter Knave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by try
    Knave, just seen your new site and very impressed! I know we have spoken before about a cartoon site, and if its ok with you I will soon send something to your site. I will be sending some new pics to this forum soon to, which will involve deleting the first couple of my drawings as I have reached the maximum quantity allowed.
    Something I have got to mention. I've joined a number of Yahoo sites, of which there are many about BB, and there are thousands of pics and files there. I've managed to find a lady into BB with whom I now have correspondance and she is a real enthusiast, telling me in loving detail of her real and imagined experiences. And she loves my drawings! I'm feeling ok!
    So I really recommend Yahoo to BB fans.
    I look forward to your e-mail try!
    I'll take a look at Yahoo!


  3. #168
    Big Supporter David_B's Avatar
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    2 Japanese Cartoons

    Here are two cartoons of Japanese origin, which I thought were very interesting. The word in the background is 'Kinderqueen'. When I looked up the word in Google I found this Web site:

    Although the main galleries seem to be off-line at the moment, if you click on the stories link on the menu page, there are some more drawings.

    David B.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails kyozey.jpg   kyozey2.jpg  

  4. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by David_B
    Although the main galleries seem to be off-line at the moment, if you click on the stories link on the menu page, there are some more drawings.
    Here are a few more salvaged:

  5. #170
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macra
    Hi Melrak,
    You cannot post attachments the usual way on your first post (or download other people’s attachments). However, you should be getting full access to the system by now vBulletin is the best. Thanks for sharing the pics. It’s a real shame that so much of the BB anime seems to have been censored. I guess there must be original versions out there somewhere. Anybody know where?
    Thanks again,
    In Japan, showing boobs, naked butts, and all kinds of stuff that is regulated here, is unregulated for all (?) ages -- showing genitalia in print media and film, etc., is banned -- for all ages. A private individual can draw a picture of anything s/he wants, including dicks, balls, pussies, and pasta noodles, but selling said pictures commercially would be Trouble. Well, except for the pasta. You can film udon and show it and the regulators won't hassle you.

    There ARE, of course, nekkid pitchers sold in Japan, **** tapes, etc., but I hear that all has to be sold on the black market.

    In anime, monsters often have things like, oh, tentacles, which end in what looks mysteriously enough like the head of a penis. In Iczer-One, for example, I remember an evil alien guy's penis-looking tentacle going into a woman's mouth and down her throat, and coming out a bit later and blasting her with some white fluid.

    Another movie (name forgotten), where two demons grab a woman, and one shoves a tentacle (that looks like a giant dick) into her crotch, while the other shoves a tentacle (that looks like a giant dick) down her throat; and they tentacle the woman while squeezing her nobs -- showing a *penis* is regulated, showing a tentacle from a demon (that looks just like a penis) jammed into a woman's mouth is unregulated. Perfectly innocent, too.

    Everyone who wants to move to Japan, raise a tentacle.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  6. #171
    Banned A Rill's Avatar
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    So wots the Japanese hang up with public hair all about then?

    We risk going very dangerously off topic here – something punishable by death in the former regime. Nobody appears to care anymore; but just in case I’ll get us back to BB toons with the beauty below. Its one of my all time favs
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Got+him+by+the+gonads.jpg  

  7. #172
    Big Supporter Knave's Avatar
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    Kinderqueen was oftentimes too brutal for me. These are also excellent dom cartoon sites that feature bb frequently:


  8. #173
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Rill
    So wots the Japanese hang up with public hair all about then?
    Let me confess first of all that: I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWER TO THAT. I know, I know, I don't say that often enough and, truth to tell, it was hard to squeeze out. However, I would suspect the same law; probably says, "The male and female genitalia and/or public hair are unfit for broad commercial media distribution..." -- only, yanno, in Japanese.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Rill
    We risk going very dangerously off topic here – something punishable by death in the former regime.
    Yeah, but can you honestly say that you don't think we deserve the highest penalty? I'm just hoping they hand the instrument of carrying out my sentence to EvilGrl. Woo hoo!

    And asking questions about bb cartoons ("Why don't the Japanese draw dicks on these guys?!?") is something that I think you, I, she, and maybe even some of the people of Nippon would agree is appropriate for a thread on bb cartoons.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  9. #174
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    Don't forget the high lord of testes-centered hentai, babel.

  10. #175
    Big Supporter Knave's Avatar
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    Babel is indeed king of BB hentai. I wish he spoke English, or I Japanese, so I could thank and praise him properly.

  11. #176
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knave
    Babel is indeed king of BB hentai. I wish he spoke English, or I Japanese, so I could thank and praise him properly.
    rumors says that babel should be a girl... does anybody know it for sure?

  12. #177
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nibelheim
    rumors says that babel should be a girl... does anybody know it for sure?
    Check for boobs. If you grab her chest ad no boobs, then either it's a guy or the gender is irrelevant.

    Helpful hint: I am going to HAVE to find a feminist and try that line...
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  13. #178
    Registered Member
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    London, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by David_B
    Here are two cartoons of Japanese origin, which I thought were very interesting. The word in the background is 'Kinderqueen'. When I looked up the word in Google I found this Web site:

    Although the main galleries seem to be off-line at the moment, if you click on the stories link on the menu page, there are some more drawings.

    David B.
    Hi guys, am new here, but loving this forum so far. Who'd have thought there were so many like minded souls out there? It's great!

    Has anyone found any more of these Kinderqueen pictures then? I've been doing standard searches, but all they come up with is Japanese sites with fonts that I can't display, but which I think are all just link sites anyway...

    PS while I'm here, I'd just like to give a BIG hand to Knave. Love your work man! I'm having to check back everyday now just to see what piece of genius you come up with next.



  14. #179
    Big Supporter Knave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolecrunch
    PS while I'm here, I'd just like to give a BIG hand to Knave. Love your work man! I'm having to check back everyday now just to see what piece of genius you come up with next.
    {blush} thankyou. It's good to know the dancing bananas of the world approve of my message. BB toons are HOT!

  15. #180
    Supreme Poster
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    Knave, your The Nutcracker Suite version is great!!!

    But, remember, its a suite with two acts ;-)

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