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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1576
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rykkter57 View Post
    This is true! And I would be lying if I said that I didn't find that scenario hot, at least to some extent. She has said on numerous occasions that if she ever did follow through with it, she would most certainly find a way to preserve it and keep it on display, so that I would be constantly reminded that she took it from me. She also said shed make a mold of it before taking it, so she could always have a toy made that looked and felt just like it, for later use. Further, she is actually bi-sexual, and would love using the replica of me on another girl right in front of me, as if to use "my cock" to pleasure her.

    For now, we are having fun acting out different scenarios for how she would do it and what she would do with it afterwards. We push it pretty close sometimes, but I don't think we'd ever follow through with it. As I said before, she has a fascination, almost obsession, with my cock that prevents her from doing so. Who knows, maybe one day that will change and off it goes! We have actually talked about the "what ifs" and ultimately we have decided that if she ever decided she truly wanted to do it, I would let her. She is in the medical profession (surgical), and of course would do it correctly, while hopefully maintaining the sexiness of the act.
    Wow!.... her being a medical pro and wanting to do it!?!
    Not sure I could resist if it was me, I'd probably prod her into doing it.

    Best of luck whatever you two decide (sounds like it's her choice at this point).

    Just curious.... do you refer to it as "her" penis?

    It might help her decide what she wants to do with it if you actually give it to her so she knows it's really her property and can do as she pleases with it.

    I started a thread on the penis ownership thing here:

  2. #1577
    Junior Member Rykkter57's Avatar
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    Yeah, well it certainly adds a whole new element to the fantasy knowing that she could actually safely perform the procedure, medically.

    It's definitely her choice. She would still make me reassure her a million times over that I wanted her to do it, but the reality is if she ever expressed that she was ready, I don't think that I could say no to her! Especially during pillow talk when she tells me all the details of how she would do it, what she would do with it, what it would be like, etc.

    We don't actually refer to it as "hers" except in stories that I write to her about it, sometimes on our tumblr, and when she tells me about what she would do with it afterwards.

    I will have to ask her about the ownership papers concept, to see if that would be a turn on for her. If it is, and we do that, things might get interesting! haha

    Quote Originally Posted by hungry_pete View Post
    Wow!.... her being a medical pro and wanting to do it!?!
    Not sure I could resist if it was me, I'd probably prod her into doing it.

    Best of luck whatever you two decide (sounds like it's her choice at this point).

    Just curious.... do you refer to it as "her" penis?

    It might help her decide what she wants to do with it if you actually give it to her so she knows it's really her property and can do as she pleases with it.

    I started a thread on the penis ownership thing here:

  3. #1578
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    if we ever tango'd

    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    Sharing this fantasy, exciting. Experiencing this fantasy, terrifying.
    My best kept secret.
    i would gladly place my throbbing penis in your hand and a knife in the other...

    i would whisper sweetly to you that you had my permission to do whatever made you happy, rubbing it against your clit while you sliced it off as i came, let it get soft and take it from me while it's flaccid... however you wanted to do it.

    as the tension and passion of the act grew in your eyes i would enjoy the satisfaction of the look on your face when that moment came where you set aside all worry and the decision overcame you to take the hunk of flesh from me...

    then i would savor the moment as you ran the blade over the base of my shaft... repeatedly, squeezing and pulling, trying desperately more and more to cleave the cock from my body only to realize that the blade had been dulled completely. you would get the over-joyous experience of cutting a cock for a split second before you learned the truth of the matter and you wouldn't have to worry about whether or not you did something you would later regret...

    this would only be able to happen though this way... however if you want to experience the horror and sadness from a man i'd recommend turning the tables on your next boyfriend who is daring enough to let you partake of this fantasy...

    as him if he would let you play with his penis with a knife at the same time and if he said ok, dull yourself the knife of your choice, tie him to the bed and sadistically torture him mentally telling him you're going to remove it from him and then get to that point and do a hack or saw to it and then he will go through the fear and emotional strain but still keep his piece.

  4. #1579
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    anyone have a link to this video again. new computer need to re-up as much as possible on some good penis chopping videos

    Quote Originally Posted by bazza27 View Post

  5. #1580
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    You guys, so many questions.
    OK, the concept I truly lust for is to share the lasting pleasure with the guy that has no dick. Us both knowing that I took it from him, and no matter how horny we got for each other the penis would not be there to give and receive sexual pleasure. I am not saying there would be NO sexual pleasure. The pleasure would be increasingly intensified with time. Play time would begin.
    However, to actually slice off the penis would have such an overwhelming sensation, that could only be experienced one way. That experience is my desire.
    As far as your Wife, my thoughts on the subject are right here. I would like to hear hers. Have her jump into the conversation, maybe I wont feel so alone. And Yes, post your storries and photos..
    Now ownership papers, that is a sexy idea. It would be fun to call it my dick.
    And the dull knife idea? I do not know, that just sounds like a cruel trick if it were played on me. Played on him? It might be fun.

  6. #1581
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    ********* film

    in this film there are many scenes in which men are ********* after sexual intercourse

    I also look for the film it also full of castrations "twisted sister" 2006

  7. #1582
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    It wouldn't let me just post so I clicked "quote" :P

    Hey my first post!!! Hi everyone. :P I usually just hang around and read stuff because I'm a bit shy But I felt it was time to burst from my ballbusting shell, lol.

    Here's a short true story from my life I just wanted to share it with my fellow perverts.
    (If you're wondering "What does this have to do with Penectomy enthusiasm?" it's at the end.)

    Anyway many moons ago in high school I used to tease this girl I was in a few classes with, We'll call her "Demetra". long story short we became friends and I would tease her and come onto her, She obviously didn't want it because she'd get huffy and move farther away from me, but for some reason she still liked hanging out and talking with me. I didn't mind because she had a reputation for being a bit of a "Hand job slut" and I thought I could get some, (She was caught giving a HJ to a guy in class once, that was reputation enough for me and I'd remind her of it often... you know because everyone's dumb at that age) but it was obvious she didn't find me attractive at all.

    After school we walked a similar path home, I'd do things like grab her ass or try and squeeze her chest, but no matter what I could never get her to hit me in the nuts and for the life of me I don't know why (I was pretty young and obnoxious.) all I wanted was for her to squeeze my nuts.

    until one day I went to our art class where I always sat next to her. I remember she had a pretty low cut tank top on and for some reason when I walked behind her I decided I was going to do the most obnoxious thing ever. I reached my hand down her shirt, under her bra, and got a big hand full of nice soft boob, while doing this I bit into her neck (Just another thing I've got, lol) I don't remember if I did this for only a second or longer I was really nervous. She pushed me away and for the first time I could tell I crossed a big line, she wasn't my friend who got annoyed and moved out of arms reach, she wanted to jump up and claw my eyes out of my head.

    But like I said I was a young, dirty, socially awkward, ass so I just giggled and sat next to her. (At this point it's important to note that the class was about 1:45 long.) For about an hour I didn't even look in her direction I just stared at the teacher and pretending to take notes (There was some lecture going on.) while I awkwardly played with the paint brushes, cut paper, and assorted art objects. I didn't see her, but I felt like I could feel anger radiating off her.

    At that point she'd raised her hand and asked to be excused. She was gone for a while, or what felt like a while at least. And when she came back I got up the never to look pathetically in her direction and I was shocked to see her smiling and looking a little bubbly. She sat down and started whispering conversation like nothing happened. So I loosened up and told her about my day. As the conversation was petering out I finally felt like I had to say I was sorry and I told her I felt bad if I made her mad.

    She leaned over farther then normal, her shoulder touched mine and said "It's fine, I won't be mad for long." (I remembered that because to this day I use it as a joke when I'm messing around with friends, they still don't get what I mean. :P And in hind sight I should have been suspicious. Anyway back to the story.)

    So I smiled at her and went back to taking notes, before too long I felt a hand on my leg, looking over I saw that Demetra had both her arms under the table, I leaned back and saw her rubbing the inside of my leg. I remember being so happy I was finally going to get me some.

    I don't know how long she was teasing me but it felt like an eternity, I got excited enough that my hard on was visible through my jeans (A decent accomplishment, I was 6'2 310lbs back then.) so she started stroking it, I was about to cum and I think Demetra knew it. She stopped, when I turned to look at her she smiled over her shoulder at me and with one hand pulled my zipper down to fish out my raging woody.

    I remember looking at the wall clock and thinking "I've either got 25 minutes or 15 minutes left." At this point she started stroking and I stopped trying to hide what was going, I just laid my head back, and occasionally looked over at Demetra until suddenly she stopped.

    I remember grunting in frustration as I leaned back forward thinking that she was just screwing with me, I opened my eyes and she still had that big ol smile on her face. I traced her arm and saw it was still under the desk in my lap. It suddenly occurred to me that something was touching my dick and it wasn't her hand. I leaned over to the side to get a better look and I saw the scariest thing. Demetra had taken a pair of scissors from the desk and now had them gripping my manhood.

    Part of me was in shock, all I could think to do was lean over and ask Demetra what she was doing. I don't exactly remember what she said but it was something to the effect of "Stop moving or I'm going to cut it off. I haven't decided if I'm going to let you keep it." I don't know if she stopped smiling and resumed her pissed off look, either way I remember feeling that raiting anger again.

    My eyes shot straight forward, and thus began the longest couple of minutes of my life. I don't think I've ever sat as still as I did that day. I don't even remember if my cock stayed hard or it went soft. I do remember several times feeling those scissors tighten up, I don't know if it was her scaring me or if she got that close to removing my fun stick.

    Eventually the bell rang and in the corner of my eye I could see her packing her bag and feeling the metal still caressing me. Eventually I was able to relax when she stood up, I quickly fumbled to put myself away. (Now that I'm thinking about that moment, I think I was still hard, at least partly.) while tucking myself back in she leaned over and told me something like "Touch me like that again and I'm taking it off."

    So that's when my fetishes dove from ball squeezing straight to Penectomy, since then I get uncontrollably turned on when my manhood is threatened.

    There's more about me and Demetra's relationship after this incident, but that's the only time I've actually had a sharp object touching my wang.

  8. #1583
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barba72 View Post
    in this film there are many scenes in which men are ********* after sexual intercourse

    I also look for the film it also full of castrations "twisted sister" 2006

  9. #1584
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    Quote Originally Posted by barba72 View Post
    in this film there are many scenes in which men are ********* after sexual intercourse

    I also look for the film it also full of castrations "twisted sister" 2006

    Thank you.

  10. #1585
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    ... to share the lasting pleasure with the guy that has no dick. [...] Play time would begin.
    LilShelly, are so hot.

    All my manips:

  11. #1586
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    Love your fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    You guys, so many questions.
    OK, the concept I truly lust for is to share the lasting pleasure with the guy that has no dick. Us both knowing that I took it from him, and no matter how horny we got for each other the penis would not be there to give and receive sexual pleasure. I am not saying there would be NO sexual pleasure. The pleasure would be increasingly intensified with time. Play time would begin.
    However, to actually slice off the penis would have such an overwhelming sensation, that could only be experienced one way. That experience is my desire.
    As far as your Wife, my thoughts on the subject are right here. I would like to hear hers. Have her jump into the conversation, maybe I wont feel so alone. And Yes, post your storries and photos..
    Now ownership papers, that is a sexy idea. It would be fun to call it my dick.
    And the dull knife idea? I do not know, that just sounds like a cruel trick if it were played on me. Played on him? It might be fun.
    Love to hear your thoughts after the penis has been removed, when his left with full balls unable to release And be so frustrated, would you tease him more?
    Dress in sexy clothes most days? Would you take in a lover? Would you masturbate in front off him,
    Sorry for all the questions but would to hear a woman's view on this subject

  12. #1587
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rykkter57 View Post
    Yeah, well it certainly adds a whole new element to the fantasy knowing that she could actually safely perform the procedure, medically.

    It's definitely her choice. She would still make me reassure her a million times over that I wanted her to do it, but the reality is if she ever expressed that she was ready, I don't think that I could say no to her! Especially during pillow talk when she tells me all the details of how she would do it, what she would do with it, what it would be like, etc.

    We don't actually refer to it as "hers" except in stories that I write to her about it, sometimes on our tumblr, and when she tells me about what she would do with it afterwards.

    I will have to ask her about the ownership papers concept, to see if that would be a turn on for her. If it is, and we do that, things might get interesting! haha
    So what's the latest?

    Please post some of the messages you two send each other on this (remove names of course).

    Was thinking you may want to suggest to her that you could help her find a nice new cock before she puts yours (hers?) in a jar. That way she doesn't have to go without.

    PLEASE have somebody video the event. Would absolutely rock to watch her play with it after it's removed (maybe while getting screwed by new cock).

    Keep us updated!

  13. #1588

  14. #1589
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Talking dispositivo


    Alguien sabe cual es el nombre del dispositivo ese circular con pinchos que se acciona como si fuese una tijera pleaseeeee me interesa comprarlo para ponerlo en practica.

    fastriker gracias por el video saludos

  15. #1590
    Junior Member Rykkter57's Avatar
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    Nothing really new to report really, this isn't something that is likely to happen anytime soon. We have plenty of fun just acting it out for now.

    As for messages, I will see what I can do about posting some here. Most of it is her whispering to me during sex though, so I will have to start writing down some things afterwards, or ask her if shed be willing to write up her thoughts for me to post here.

    Quote Originally Posted by hungry_pete View Post
    So what's the latest?

    Please post some of the messages you two send each other on this (remove names of course).

    Was thinking you may want to suggest to her that you could help her find a nice new cock before she puts yours (hers?) in a jar. That way she doesn't have to go without.

    PLEASE have somebody video the event. Would absolutely rock to watch her play with it after it's removed (maybe while getting screwed by new cock).

    Keep us updated!

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