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Thread: Furry Ballbusting

  1. #1246
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SagaDC View Post
    Having given it a bit of thought, I can certainly understand where they're coming from on the matter, Alec. Just a little frustrating, is all. I'll probably end up going back to alter the wording in the stories eventually, but I was preoccupied this week with finishing up the final chapter of A Gryphon's Tail.

    All of my stories, both the ones that have been posted here and the three that haven't been, are available at:

    I have certain filters turned on, though, so you'll have to log in and make sure that your Mature/Explicit options are enabled.

    For those who prefer FurAffinity, my account is at:

    Thanks for the link!

    I’ve read final chapter of A Gryphon's Tail, and found it very good, if a little too gory for me.

    As I can’t tolerate the SF reading window so I copy into Word, I still need to return to Fav etc (as I do for the last MP DitD!).
    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  2. #1247
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    Appreciated as always, Alec. I think I agree with you on the matter of gore. I grappled with the scene for a while, before finally putting it to paper, in part encouraged by a few other folks who had stated that they liked the previous battle against the hunters. Of course, you're also not the first one who's commented about it being too bloody, so I guess I overdid it a bit. Tch, I'll admit, one of the most daunting things about posting stories in public is trying to cater to the unexpected variety of people who read them.

    To be honest, though, I'll probably avoid blood in the future. Maybe not entirely, but I'll definitely keep it toned down a bit. More fantasy, as it were. I've been experimenting a lot lately, and that's kind of thrown the style all over the place from chapter to chapter. With the next arc, I'm already going for a much lighter tone - although there will certainly still be magic, peril, and my awkward brand of humor. :P

  3. #1248
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
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    Tch, I'll admit, one of the most daunting things about posting stories in public is trying to cater to the unexpected variety of people who read them.

    It’s not humanly possible to please all of your readers all of the time; I suggest that you only write work that pleases you.

    I still enjoyed most of your tale.


    I think I agree with you on the matter of gore...

    If it’s too bloody for you...
    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  4. #1249
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    Just finished up the introductory chapter to my next series, "The Missing Lynx". It's a direct follow-up to both "A Gryphon's Tail" and the first four "Tales from the Cat House" shorts, but it's also a good starting point for anyone who doesn't want to read all the stuff that came before.

    This one is definitely going to be more ambitious, but so far I've had fun trying to smooth it all out into something readable.

    Story is up on FA and SF. I can repost the links, if needed.

  5. #1250
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    beside a large rock
    Saga – I've said this elsewhere, but you're absolutely killing it right now. Keep up the excellent work, my friend

    A few small deliveries from around the web, while I have the chance:

    Also, be sure to check out the unfinished comic that FallenArts posted over at

    I'm hoping I'll have something of my own to contribute again in the near future...probably not a new story just yet, but maybe something like the Underground League light? I've got a few things I'm playing with Hope everybody's doing well!

  6. #1251
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair
    Seriously tempted to write up a little woman on dragon ballbusting quickie. Or woman on gnoll and minotaur. But mostly leaning towards the dragon. Yet can't decide which of my many ideas for such a subject to go with, lol.

  7. #1252
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair
    Some of the woman ballbusting a dragon ideas in question:

    Sorceress punishing her dragon minion.

    Dragon playfully...or not so playfully...harrassing a girl in the forest.

    Farm woman defending her meager farm/livestock from the local dragon.

    Dragonslayer woman hunting the dragon.

    Dragonslayer/monster hunter type woman who shows up in place of the dragon's usual tribute.

    Village girl finding the local dragon all bound up via unknown magical trap.

    All would be fun ideas, I think.

  8. #1253
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    Tsk, honestly MP, you make them all sound like rather appealing scenarios.

    If I had to choose, though, I think I'd vote for the farm girl defending against a dragon. Or maybe the Dragon harassing a girl in the woods. I'm always a fan of 'the sudden reversal', and all that.

  9. #1254
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair
    Quote Originally Posted by SagaDC View Post
    Tsk, honestly MP, you make them all sound like rather appealing scenarios.

    If I had to choose, though, I think I'd vote for the farm girl defending against a dragon. Or maybe the Dragon harassing a girl in the woods. I'm always a fan of 'the sudden reversal', and all that.
    Lol, glad you like them all! Feel free to write your own versions of those stories, hehe.

    I had another friend vote for the farm girl too, so I think I may have to do that one soon. Same with the girl in the woods, always a fun scenario. I know what you mean about the sudden reversal. I imagine the farm girl would be a bit more playful of a busting scene, unless the dragon tried to kill her, and she had to get really rough...

    Speaking of rough, I ended up going with the sorceress idea just for fun. Wanted someone cruel who could give a more vicious busting. Of course in typical fashion I didn't get half as far as I expected too...she does deliver some wicked kicks and a grab, though...

    I think she's going to have to do some serious dragon-squeezing, though...::Grins:: In the next part.

  10. #1255
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair

    Punishing The Minions ( Story )

    Whipped up a little story tonight. A powerful sorceress has to punish some of her minions. Mostly her dragon. It's only a rough draft, and it leaves off with the threat of a much more intensive busting, so if people enjoy it, perhaps I'll continue it soon!


    Punishing The Minions

    Avira scowled to herself as she stalked across the overgrown courtyard surrounding her tower. The sorceress was angry. Her beast had failed, and worse, he was late to report back to her. The creature knew better, and she was getting sick and tired of his failings and his excuses. Today she had a mind to punish him. It was about time the dragon learned his proper place.

    Avira smiled to herself a moment, then set her hands on her hips, gazing around the courtyard. The courtyard itself comprised several acres of land. It included multiple gardens and streams, an orchard, outbuildings for storage and quarters for her minions and servants. Some sections of the courtyard were kept more orderly than others, some allowed to grow wild and free, flowers and thorny bramble vying equally for space and sunlight.

    The woman herself dwelled within the tower at the center of her lands. It crowned one of several rocky rises, a black monolith stretching towards the sky. Much of the obsidian structure was long since buried beneath legions of vine, bramble and ivy. Avira liked it that way, it made it seem part of the natural world. She had always held sway over nature, always thought her magic was part of the natural world. Why should her beloved tower not follow that theme? When she’d discovered the place in her youth, the tower was already standing, but she’d sculpted the vines and the gardens beyond it with her powers.

    Avira had always possessed great power. She was the daughter of a woman her enemies once called a witch, born deep in the swamp. Her mother had held sway over the beasts and plants alike in that swamp, and Avira inherited those powers as well. Yet as Avira had grown into a woman, her abilities had matured into something so much greater. Her mother would have been proud, if she were still around.

    Avira sighed. She missed her mother some days, but the past could not be changed. Still, she suspected her mother would have loved this place. The rugged moors in which Avira now lived far from civilization were every bit as wild and untamed as the swamp she grew up in. Yet her current home lacked the constant moisture and wetness that somehow seeped into everything. Avira thought her mother would have appreciated having so many minions here to kowtow to her every request, as well.

    Even if most of those minions seemed to be in hiding today. She could not blame them. After all Avira had been voicing her displeasure with her largest servant all day. The other various beasts and creatures who served her were wise to stay well out of her way lest they suffer her wrath instead. Still, she spotted a few of them here and there. A group of small, vaguely dog-like creatures worked steadily at cleaning up all the dead leaves and downed tree limbs wrought by a recent storm. Humans called the little creatures kobolds, yet Avira knew they had other names for themselves.

    Nearby sat a stolen carriage. Her minions had stolen it from some noble’s trade caravan. It was painted a beautiful sky blue, with gilded gold doors. A large, hyena-like gnoll was busy working alongside several green scaled lizard-men to unload all the chests of gold and other treasure that sat inside. When she saw the creature glance her way, she crooked a finger at him. The gnoll set down the chest he was carrying and began nervously approach the sorceress.

    Avira folded her arms under her breasts as she waited for him to approach. The movement caused the silken, dark purple blouse she wore to press lightly against her breasts. Silvery runes were etched across the garment. More silver threading hemmed the sleeves and ran around the collar. The black breeches she wore clung to her just enough to hint at the feminine curves of her rump and hips. More silver threading ran down the side of each leg. Even her black leather boots bore matching silver buckles, as well as steel-reinforced toes. Her black hair spilled down her back in a long braid.

    “I thought I told you all to have that carriage unloaded by the time the dragon returned,” Avira said, a hint of a snarl creeping into her voice.

    “Dragon…not back yet…” The gnoll offered, trying to plead his case.

    Avira smirked a little. She looked the nervous beast over a moment. The gnoll was a tall creature who stood upon two legs like a man, though the same was true of most of her minions. The details of his body were more like those of an animal than a man, though. He was covered in fur of various shades of gold and beige, with darker brown spots mottling his shoulders and his face. His head was like that of a hyena, right down to the canine muzzle filled with sharp teeth, and the pointed ears. He even had a little Mohawk like ruff of fur atop his head. He wore simple clothes, a brown leather vest and gray cotton trousers. A step up from the loincloth he’d been in when she first recruited him. The creature was leanly muscled and strong yet nonetheless it was fear that shone in his eyes rather than confidence.

    Avira could not blame the creature for that. Should he so much as raise a hand against her or try to draw a blade, she’d blast him apart with her magic before he even got close. Not that she had any such intentions. She held a certain affection for her minions. Even if she felt that they owed her in many ways.

    This gnoll for example. She had plucked him and his people from the mire of their tribe’s doomed existence raiding villages and travelers. It was only a matter of time before the local guards tracked them to their hidden lair and slaughtered them down to the pups. And what had she done? Brought them somewhere safe. Given them roofs and beds and foods and purpose. That was what Avira was to these creatures. She was purpose.

    “No,” Avira said, her plush but pale lips twisting into a smirk. “The dragon is not back yet.” She tilted her head, grinning at the gnoll. Her eyes were a purple so dark they were nearly black. They shone with a hidden fire like the flickers inside well-cut opal. “He is not. Nonetheless, you are behind schedule, just like he is. Perhaps I should punish you, instead of him.”

    “I will…work faster…” The gnoll offered. He gave a very canine sounding whimper. Despite being a good foot taller than her, he pinned his ears back in fear, not wanting to give her further excuse to punish him. “I go…do that now…ARP!”

    The gnoll gave a very canine sounding yelp when Avira suddenly lashed out with her hand and snatched the beast by the testicles. His dark eyes went wide and his muzzle dropped open as the woman tightly gripped his tender eggs through his soft trousers. The gnoll doubled over a little as a bit of sharp pain ignited in his twin furry jewels. He whimpered, resisting the urge to grasp at her hand.

    “You will do what I tell you to do, gnoll,” Avira said, rolling the organs around in her grasp. Avira enjoyed grabbing things by the balls. It made her feel oddly powerful in a way she couldn’t quite describe. She smirked to herself. She could clearly feel the gnoll’s testicles in her grasp. They felt like fat, oversized eggs in what she imagined to be a rather softly-furred purse. She squeezed tighter, pressing the canine glands against each other and watching the gnoll’s face scrunch up in pain. “What have I got in my grasp, gnoll?”

    “My…balls!” The creature squeaked out, doubled over against the sorceress. She squeezed a little tighter, making him cry out. “AAAH! My balls!”

    “Yes, that’s what I thought I had,” Avira said, laughing. “Now. As these seem to be of value to you, I suggest you start working faster. I’m in a bad enough mood as it is. If I have to discipline you again, these are going to end up in my hand for a lot longer. Do you want that?”

    “No!” The gnoll wheezed, shaking his head, blinking away tears. “Please! I will…work faster!”

    “You’d better.” Avira glared at him a moment, considering whether to release his jewels or not.

    Soon the growing sound of wing beats drew her attention. The dragon was back. That made her decision an easy one, because that meant she had someone else to confront about his failures. She scanned the skies without releasing the gnoll, enjoying the sound of his whimpers/ When she spotted the dragon coming in for a landing, she finally decided to let the gnoll go.

    Avira lifted her free hand and placed it upon the gnoll’s shoulder. As soon as she released his balls from her grasp, she stepped forward and jerked up her knee. No sooner had the gnoll’s testicles dropped back into their natural place hanging between his thighs than the woman’s knee crashed full force into them. A gleeful grin spread over Avira‘s face when she kneed the gnoll in the balls. She felt the fat glands crushed between her knee and the creature’s pelvis, and burst out laughing.

    “AWWWWHHHH!” Cried the gnoll, crumpling in an instant. His eyes popped out over his snout, his tongue protruded and his ears twisted back against his head once more. As he pitched over onto the ground, he grabbed his testicles in both beige furred hands, and began to writhe around in the dirt. “Ooooh, my balls, my baaaaalls!”

    Avira grinned down at him a moment. “Yes, your balls. Luckily for you, I’ve an uppity dragon to deal with now. You may lie there and squirm around until your worthless nuts feel better, and then get back to work. If I have to come over here to get you up off the ground later, your testicles shall end up in far worse shape. Understood?”

    “Y…yes…Sorceress!” The gnoll moaned, rocking back and forth. Tears wet the fur of his cheeks, his face contorted by the pain. Oh, Gods did his testicles ache. “Ooooh! My balls!”


    Avira stepped over the fallen gnoll and strode towards the area where the dragon always landed. All the rest of her minions she could see wisely kept their eyes averted from the angry woman. Otherwise she might well have left a string of crumpled, writhing creatures in her wake on her way to the grassy patch of courtyard where the dragon touched down.

    The dragon had served her for some time, yet he remained one of her more defiant minions. Usually she was willing to let the beast get away with just about anything, because he often provided excellent results. Yet when the dragon did occasionally fail his task and continued to act obnoxiously smug Avira’s patience quickly wore thin.

    As the sorceress drew near, the dragon settled himself upon his haunches, gazing over at her. The dragon was significantly larger than she was, larger even than any horse she’d seen. Still, was not the near the house-sized monstrosity some of the old legends spoke of. Much of his body was covered in ebony scales of various sizes. Across the dragon’s face and paws his scales were the finest, with an almost pebbly texture. The scales were larger along his body, with thick plates protecting his chest, and broad scutes across the front of his limbs. A few dark green highlights marked him here and there, speckled across his haunches and striping his tail. Gray mottling marked him all along his underbelly, as well as his throat.

    “You’re late, Gaalvaryl,” Avira snarled through grit teeth as she approached the dragon.

    Gaalvaryl lifted his wedge shaped head to glare down at the sorceress through eyes so blue they were nearly glowing. Ridged horns crowned his head, as did a circle of spiny crests. He flared out his spines, snorting. She must be mad at him. She only used his name when she was angry. Not that he cared how she felt. “Perhaps a few moments.”

    “Considerably more so than that.” The woman’s purple eyes shone all the more angrily, standing out against the soft, pale skin of her face. “And you have failed me.”

    “It was not my fault,” the dragon said, snorting. He shifted himself a little, settling his spined tail around his paws.

    “Then who’s fault was it?” Avira growled in frustration, digging her nails into her palms.

    “You bloody well know who’s fault it was,” the dragon said, snapping his jaws. He lashed his tail, the curved spines that tipped it dug into the earth near Avira’s feet. “Those idiot heroes again. I nearly had the girl in my grasp when they arrived!”

    “Then why did you not kill them?” Avira could have strangled the damn beast.

    The dragon cocked his horned head, baring his fangs at her. “Because I didn’t want a lance in my belly! I would not be the first dragon they have slain.” He rustled the his vast black wings a little, then smirked at the woman. “Besides, you seemed to be having fun playing with your dog’s balls again.” He smirked and gestured with a paw towards the gnoll, still rolling on the ground in the distance. “So my absence cannot have been that painful a wait.”

    Avira took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. She moved a little closer to the dragon, glancing along his underbelly. “It is not so much your absence that angers me but your failure, and your refusal to acknowledge it.”

    “I was not about to get myself killed for some bratty girl you wish me to capture,” the dragon said, hissing through his sharp teeth. Then he tossed his head, flicking his frilled ears back. “Besides, we shall get another shot at her. Now, if we’re about done here, I’d like to go and fill my belly.”

    “Not just yet,” Avira murmured. As the dragon sat back on the ground, she could not help but notice just how wide open the beast had left the only real chink in his armor.

    Gaalvaryl may be a dragon, but he was still a male. Avira had noticed the dragon’s testicles plenty of times before. After all, they looked rather like a pair of mottled gray goose eggs dangling between his hind legs. All it took was a swaying of his tail when he was walking away, and there they were. He certainly seemed proud of them, hoisting his tail as if to flash them at her minions whenever the mood struck him. Now as the dragon sat upon his haunches she could not help but notice they looked particular vulnerable, slung beneath the tube-like sheath that held the dragon’s penis. Like a lazy dog, the dragon’s balls were practically resting on the grass beneath him.

    “And why not?” The dragon said, growling. He tensed himself as if preparing to take to his wings despite her admonishment.

    “Because I have decided you deserve to be punished.” Avira smirked at the beast. “Unless you wish to admit you have failed, and apologize for your failings.”

    “Yet I did not fail, because it was not my fault,” the dragon insisted.

    Somehow, Avira knew he was going to say that. Rather than reply, she suddenly surged forward and lashed out with her booted foot, kicking the dragon in the balls as hard as she could. Her steel reinforced toe slammed directly into the dragon’s unprotected testicles, smashing them against his body. Almost as if in slow motion, Avira could see her boot hurtling through the air one moment, and colliding with the fleshy mottled gray sack the next, crushing the tender orbs within. The impact temporarily compressed the dragon’s gonads, knocking the right one aside and flattening the left one out against his scaly underbelly for an agonizing moment.

    “UURRRRGGHHHH!!” The dragon gave an inhuman yet oddly familiar scream of pain as sharp agony erupted between his hind legs. His brilliant blue eyes nearly exploded from their sockets, looking as though they were about to roll down his muzzle and onto the ground. His tongue curled inside his gaping maw, his spines all flared out around his head as though they too were startled by the sheer unexpected intensity of the intimate pain. Slowly, the dragon’s eyes began to roll back, and as Avira stepped aside, the beast pitched forward onto the ground with a tremendous groan of purely male anguish. “Aaawwwwwwwwrrrrrhhhhhhh!”

    As Gaalvaryl curled to cup his ferociously aching orbs in his paws, Avira burst out laughing so hard she ended up clutching her belly. “Oh, Dragon! You should see the look on your damn face. Absolutely classic. My, but that must hurt, hmm? What a shame. All that lovely armor, and yet with just one little kick I’ve sent you crashing to the ground seemingly in agony.” She smirked at him, still laughing. “I say seemingly, because as I don’t have a pair of those, I suppose I’ll never know.”

    The dragon curled up as tightly as he could, clutching his testicles in both front paws. His whole face was now a mask of scaly pain, his nose scrunched up, his eyes squeezed shut. His pebbly scales looked almost wrinkled as the pain washed over him in waves, contorting the dragon’s expression. Gods, it was humiliating. He could scarcely believe that she’d just kicked him in the testicles. Nor could he believe just how badly it actually made them ache. He wanted to curse her, he wanted to threaten her. He wanted to roar and scream.

    Yet all he could manage was a pitiful, laughable, whimpering moan. “Oooh, my eggs! My eggs, my poor eggs!”

    “Your eggs?” Avira giggled to herself again, tossing her braided hair over her shoulder. She quirked a brow. “Oh, is that what you call them, Dragon? Your eggs? I rather like that.”

    Gaalgraryl’s only answer was another groan of pain, this one deeper than the last. “Nnrrrrrrhhhhh!” The dragon began to rock back and forth on the ground, clutching his battered stones. After a few times rocking back and forth, the beast was full-on squirming. He rolled from one side of his body to the other, beat his wings against the grass a few times. Then he rolled back to the other side again, curling his tail and rubbing his hind legs together. Horrifically, the ache in his balls only seemed to grow and grow. “Oh, Gods! Oh, my eggs, my eggs, my aching eeeeeeggggggs!”

    That of course only made Avira laugh even harder. She damn near fell over she was laughing so hard at the dragon’s frantic squirming and pained pronouncements. “Yes, eggs! I think I shall have to start using that. They do look a bit like eggs, don’t they. Rotten eggs in your case.” She tilted her head, grinning. “Roll onto your belly. Hoist your haunches and lift your tail, let me see how they look from behind.”

    “No,” the dragon managed to snap at her, mid-squirm.

    “Oh?” Avira shrugged, smiling. “In that case I shall simply force you with my power. And then I shall bust you in the eggs again.”

    “Alright, alright,” the dragon said, whining softly. By now his blue eyes were wet with unshed tears. “Just…please. Don’t hurt them again.”

    “If I didn’t know any better dragon, I’d say that this was a new pain for you.” Avira folded her arms beneath her breasts, propping them up against her purple and silver blouse a little. “Is this the first time someone’s kicked you in the balls?”

    Gaalgraryl flashed her a hurt, confused look that told her all she needed to know. “Ah, I’m a little surprised. Smug as you are, I was certain someone would have kicked you already.” She laughed again, shaking her head. “But I bet you’re not so proud of those silly things now, hmm? Now, show them off.” She smirked. “Show your eggs, dragon.”

    Hesitantly the dragon released his balls from the protective grasp of his forepaws. He slowly rolled over onto his belly, fighting rolling waves of pain and nausea that washed from his balls to his guts and back again. With a pained groan, he slowly pushed his hind end up into the air. The pain that still radiated from the dragon’s nuts caused the claws of his back feet to dig into the grass. Nervously, the lifted his tail, exposing his heavy testicles to the human woman who stood behind him.

    Avira grinned to herself. “My, my, dragon. Look at them dangle.” She reached out and gently touched the scales of his inner thighs. They were warm, and pebbly. “Spread them, dragon. Hind legs apart.”

    With a nervous whine, the dragon did as she asked. He slowly spread apart his hind legs, crooking his tail to hoist it a little higher and better expose the sac hanging beneath it. Now Avira had an excellent view of the dragon’s black scaled rump and the balls dangling under it. The broad scales on the outside of the dragon’s hind legs gradually gave way to finer, more pebbly scaling along his inner thighs. The black coloration also slowly gave way to the color of ash. The dragon’s genitals held no scales at all. Both sheath and testicles were simply covered in soft, smooth skin, mottled in pale shades of gray. The dragons testicles were perhaps a little larger than those of a stallion, each ball about the size of a large apple. The left orb was also clearly a little larger and hung a little lower than the right.

    Brazenly, Avira reached right out and hefted the dragon’s sac in her hand. The dragon’s testicles felt heavy in her grasp, the skin of his draconic scrotum was very soft and smooth, quite warm. The dragon’s breath caught, and she realized the beast was trembling as she held his eggs. She rolled one of them around her grasp a little, causing a soft whimper to escape the dragon’s long throat.

    “Do they hurt, Dragon?” Avira sneered her question, the cruelty in her voice a contrast to the currently gentle way she handled his delicate glands. She couldn‘t resist teasing the frightened and humiliated beast a little more. “Do your balls hurt? Are they just aching?”

    “Yes,” the dragon whimpered. He lifted his head to peer back over his wings at the woman standing behind him. He could clearly feel her fingers against his most private parts. They still ached from the kick, every little touch seemed to make them ache just a little more. “They hurt a lot…please…just…be gentle with them.”

    “Mm, it’s rather nice hearing a dragon beg me for mercy,” Avira said, laughing to herself. Avira tugged the dragon’s left testicle towards her until it was bulging out against the mottled gray sac, showing off its fat oval shape. “Do you think your balls deserve mercy?”

    “Of course my balls deserve mercy,” the dragon said, growling under his breath.

    “Wrong attitude, dragon!” Avira released the dragon’s privates, watching as his nuts were quick to drop back into their natural position, hanging between his hind legs.

    Then just as quickly, Avira lashed out with her foot again, kicking the dragon in the balls a second time. Kicking a dragon in the nuts from behind proved almost too easy, her steel toed boot rocketed right up between his hind legs as if naturally drawn to the beast’s testicles. The already-aching glands were once more squished against the dragon’s pelvis, compressing noticeably for a moment. The impact of woman’s boot against dragon’s testicles came with a loud SMACK!

    Once again the dragon screamed in agony, his eggs bouncing around between his thighs. His front paws snapped back to grab his balls as his hind end crumpled right back down to the ground. This time the dragon did not squirm so much as he simply curled up into a scaly ball, screaming his horned head off.

    “AAAAAAAAHHH!” Gaalvaryl wailed, waves of unbearably sharp aching pain cascading through his fat draconic testicles and into his body. “MY EGGS! OH GOD! MY EEEGGGGS!”

    Avira began laughing all over again as the dragon lay curled and screaming. Oh, this was fun. She was going to have to punish her dragon more often if it was always as much fun as this. She could practically feel her anger and stress melting away with every swift kick she delivered to the beast’s silly dangling eggs. She kicked at his paws a few times, trying to get him again, though the dragon was curled too tightly. That was alright. She could always make him expose himself again if she desired.

    Soon, the dragon was making a rather distinctive new noise. A sort of strange coughing, choking, growling noise. After listening for a few moments, and watching the dragon’s wings shake, she realized that was the noise dragons made when they sobbed.

    The dragon was crying.

    “You’re crying!” Avira said in surprise, grinning to herself. She strode around to the front of the dragon to confirm her suspicions. Sure enough, wet tears streaked the black scales of the dragon’s face. “Oh, how delightful, I never even thought dragons could cry. Yet here you are, sobbing like a little baby over your precious balls.”

    “Shut up!” The dragon moaned through his tears, trying to twist away from her. He flared out a wing as if to knock her back with it, then rolled to the other side of his body. “It’s not funny. Oh, God! They won’t stop…aching!”

    “No, they won’t will they,” Avira said, laughing as she sidestepped the dragon’s wing. “That’s half the fun of kicking men and male beasts there. The pain simply seems to go on and on, and on! Isn’t it wonderful.” She smirked, tilting her head. “Well, its wonderful for me, anyway.”

    “Just…go away,” the dragon said, practically pleading with her now. He tried to curl up even tighter. His balls both throbbed steadily in his paws, sending little lances of pain shooting up through the beast’s guts. Oh, he’d never thought such parts could ache so badly. His muzzle scrunched up so much his fangs were bared. His eyes were squeezed shut, eye ridges knit together and still tears squeezed their way out. “Awwwh, Gods, my poor balls. Please…just go away.”

    “Go away?” Avira perked her brow, putting her hands on her hips a moment. With a thought, she drew a little magic up around herself, just in case. She could feel the warmth of it swirling around her like summer winds. “I don’t think you get to tell me what to do. Perhaps I should open you back up and kick you again, dragon. I don’t like being told what to do. Although…” She tapped her finger against her chin. “I really should go and check on that gnoll.”

    “Oh, thank the gods,” Gaalvaryl murmured, relaxing just a little when Avira took a few steps away from him. His breath came in heaving pants as he struggled with the relentless ache roiling between his hind legs.

    “Then after I’ve done that, I’ll come back here and show you how it feels to have your balls squeezed.” Avira started laughing as she walked off, leaving a whimpering dragon in her wake. “Perhaps now you’ll reconsider the importance of completing your tasks, and arriving on time!”
    Last edited by Mythical Pain; 07-21-2013 at 11:41 PM. Reason: Added Quote box

  11. #1256
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I like this story, it's direct, not much stuff around it but not too simple
    However, one thing is a mistake for me... I can't believe that a dragon never got a kick in the balls before. Especially the males are often fighting, so there would be a high chance to get them busted. But it's not grave, just maybe a little idea

  12. #1257
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
    In the dragon's lair
    Quote Originally Posted by Gugle H. View Post
    I like this story, it's direct, not much stuff around it but not too simple
    However, one thing is a mistake for me... I can't believe that a dragon never got a kick in the balls before. Especially the males are often fighting, so there would be a high chance to get them busted. But it's not grave, just maybe a little idea
    Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

    Hehe, I wouldn't say that's a mistake so much as it depends on the world in which the story takes place! In this world, male dragons don't really fight each other without good reason, for example. Not a whole lot of dragons in this part of the world, either.

    ...Perhaps even fewer in the future if Avira keeps busting Gaalvaryl's eggs, lol.

  13. #1258
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair
    Quiet around here lately eh? Anyone else enjoy the beginning of the minion's punishment? Thinking the dragon may be getting some serious squeezing next. And then, the farm girl fending off a dragon, perhaps...

  14. #1259
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythical Pain View Post
    Quiet around here lately eh? Anyone else enjoy the beginning of the minion's punishment? Thinking the dragon may be getting some serious squeezing next. And then, the farm girl fending off a dragon, perhaps...
    Could be your stole a few posts.

    Also SF etc.

    And it's Summer!

    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  15. #1260
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    Jul 2005
    beside a large rock
    Wonderful stuff, Mythical. Fun to see a sorceress who rules not with an iron fist, but with iron boots :P I imagine most men in her employ have spent a fair bit of time with an aching pair. A hazard of the job, I suppose.

    The farm maiden vs. dragon scenario sounds promising, too. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Also, here's a random crossover find on DeviantArt: Rarity (from MLP) bucking a Lucario in the groin. A few fun comments as well :P
    Also pt. ii:

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