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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1606
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by tkm1 View Post
    i wonder how many lindens it costs to purchase... i may have to look into that
    L1295, someone else had posted about it and I looked into it before.

    Now the Panther's revenge furniture looks pretty entertaining. And claims to have a ********** animation. Might have to pick that one up. =)

  2. #1607

  3. #1608
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    oh my! was that cum spurting from his stump or blood? It kind of looked white but I can't really tell. If it is cum it was quite a big load. That should be done to all rapists, just turn the fuckers over to the women they wronged. The substance hitting the floor did look darker than what squirted out of the stump maybe it was his big load shooting off!

  4. #1609
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOdyssey View Post
    L1295, someone else had posted about it and I looked into it before.

    Now the Panther's revenge furniture looks pretty entertaining. And claims to have a ********** animation. Might have to pick that one up. =)
    Look up Sinestra Sterling's stuff while you're at it- better animations, and more of them, at half the price, if you ask me.

  5. #1610
    Member cunni's Avatar
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    My new girlfriend

    My new girlfriend

    - sorry! uploads problems ! I'll try later...

  6. #1611
    Member cunni's Avatar
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    File ready?

    ... again..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails NewCunniGF.jpg  

  7. #1612
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    Quote Originally Posted by cunni View Post
    ... again..
    Very nice, she can hold my cock like that any time... well once.

  8. #1613
    Registered User
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    Accepting the gift and keeping it useable

    Instructions for turning him into your special dildo..
    even though this thread may be medically and physically possible, it is only fantasy
    Frst you will need to reroute his urethra so that he has a new peehole at the very base of him.
    his urethra should be dialated with sounds daily until a 5/8" rod can be slid all of the way to the base of him without resistance.
    Once his urethra is permenantly stretched, the gromet insertion tool is used to punch a hole in the bottom of him while simultaniously installing a 1/2" grommet. bleeding should be minimal when the punch is pulled out as the tissues will be distended around the gromett. after healing, if desired the grommet may be left in.
    At this point if desired his penis can be stretched by affixing a half inch rod a couple of inches longer than he is to a bench. he can then be slid down over the rod, being completely stretched his butt will be a couple of inches off the bench. as you slowly and gently ride him over time his length will increase to dramatic proprtions, if you stretch him too quickly though he will begin to loose sensation,and risk rupturing his cavernosa... best to go slowly enough that the tissues have time to heal.
    when the length is to your liking, his shaft will need to be filled with artecol or similar pmma microsphere based permenant cosmetic filler. further stretching at this point will cause distention of the erectile tissues, this is the time for you both to enjoy. he will constantly hard enough to cut diamonds, super sensitive but you must always remember to have the rod in him during penetration to prevent fracturing. multiple applications of filler are going to be necessary to ensure the desired degree of rigidity as the absorbable portions of the filler disappear . the stopping point is when there is no noticeable loss of rigidity when the blood flow is stopped ( is he still hard enough to cut diamonds even when fully relaxed? ). This will be permenant so from this point forward it will be up to you to take care of his needs.he won't be able to go out in public like that
    this technique will enhance his sensitivity as well as his perception of pain, so if you don't want to hurt the man that is giving you the greatest gift he can give as a lover, be gentle with will be the last woman he ever cums in and will remember for the rest of his life so make sure those memories are the best..
    there are several ways, even a pairing knife will do but you want to be sure the cut is quick, clean and painless as possible, you don't want to have the slicing happen after that magic moment when he is in "that place" one of the super sharp ceramic knives work the best. or you can use a mechanized cutter like the one sold on cleancutter dot com. the use of this device is described below.
    When you are both ready and committed, it is time..some things to be decided beforehand, stump or no stump, skin pulled up over stump and sewn or exposed cavernosa as there will be new tissue built up inside of his cavernose from the artecol there should be nothing more than a small amount of capillary bleeding if you expose and tie off or cauterize the arteries at the base before you slice him.they lie right at the top under a tiny amount of skin. banding should be considered if you are not sure you can completely seal off the arteries or don't have someone who can assist you. if you band him though he will quickly loose sensation and you really want him to feel every moment of the last time he will feel the inside of you. you will then need to rod him for the last time to ensure that he will be stretched to his maximum length. The cutter is then slid down over his shaft with the keyway in the cutter mating with the rod inside of him allowing as much of a stump as you want to remain.
    Slowly and gently lower yourself onto him trying to feel his level of excitement as soon as you feel him getting close, reach down and pull the safety pin out of the cutter.try to make it last as long as you can, backing off as he is getting close. you will be the last woman he ever cums in so make sure that it is worth the gift that you are about to receive. keep your hand close to the release button but don't touch it as the trigger is very sensitive, it only takes a few ounces of pressure to release the blade, the moment you start to feel him start to cum, gently push the button, the razor sharp spring loaded blade will sever him instantly very cleanly and completely. all that is left to do at this point is rotate the cutter around th rod one full turn slicing through the tiny amount of remaining tissue on the underside. You can now pull up off of him, his cock buried to the hilt in you. allow him to see the exposed cross section inside of you.
    cauterize any capillary bleeding that has not stopped on its own.if you are not pulling the skin up over and sewing, paint the exposed end of his cavernosa with with liquid skin (or a cyano acrylic adhesive such as super glue) insuring that the skin is pulled up even with the edges of his cavernosa, place a plug into his exposed urethra to keep it from healing shut, if you want to be able to see him cum out of the stump.
    slide the cut to size retainer into the base of his urethra stretching it fully so his penis retains it's straightness and slide the retaining band around the base. clean well and place into the freezing acetone following the guidelines for the silicone s10 procedure.
    a little rtv silicone can be injected at a later point to correct for any depressions.
    treasure the part he has given to you...use it as much as you want as it is now "plastic"

  9. #1614
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    Quote Originally Posted by flursxy View Post
    Extreme hot Glansectomy
    OMG Thats Awesome... I woulda though there be more spurting blood tho..

  10. #1615
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    [Here is a nice gallery of ways I would love to lose my cock to.

  11. #1616
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    Penis after penectomy

    Does any have any pics or vids of a severed penis after its been removed?

    If you had a medical penectomy or volantary penis amputation, what happens to the penis?

    On penectomy tribes none of them have it.

    Would it be taken off you? If I lost mine I'd want to har it kept preserved in a jar or case.

    There are some horrendous videos online (violent sick ones)
    but not many of a clear penis amputation.

    There are two ok ones- one a surgeon with a knife on a penis with a rig through it the other a young man tied to a bed very sexy but bad quality.

    If you have any other REAL penis removal please share.


  12. #1617
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    Quote Originally Posted by srzl View Post
    Does any have any pics or vids of a severed penis after its been removed?

    If you had a medical penectomy or volantary penis amputation, what happens to the penis?

    On penectomy tribes none of them have it.

    Would it be taken off you? If I lost mine I'd want to har it kept preserved in a jar or case.

    There are some horrendous videos online (violent sick ones)
    but not many of a clear penis amputation.

    There are two ok ones- one a surgeon with a knife on a penis with a rig through it the other a young man tied to a bed very sexy but bad quality.

    If you have any other REAL penis removal please share.

    where did you even find those ones?

  13. #1618
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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  14. #1619
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    buena esa

    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post

    Hola fastiker tiempo sin verte por el blog de relatos de eunucos jajaja buen link ese que pusiste saludos y seguimos en contacto.

  15. #1620
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    ya.. esque trabajo muchas horas al dia y no tengo tiempo cuando llego a casa de ponerme con el ordenador.saludos tambien

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