bartender80 do you do with Emily yours stuff only to record clips or sometimes you play just for fun without cameras?
Also sometimes without cameras. But must say that I usually always want the camera there.
Even many years ago when we didn't think we would ever even sell, I still taped most of it. Well whenever I knew we were going to do something "weird" or kinky. I didn't even use them to upload. Just to videotape. I still have them and overthinking on what to do with them. A lot unfortunately are in terrible quality so I know I would never sell them. Would be bad publicity.
But for example:
We had sort of a tradition on vacation. Before going to sleep, I would get 10 really hard knees in the balls.
Well for something that quick I'm not going to setup cameras. Also not for anything happening spontaniously.
But when I know what we are going to do and think it might be worth it, I turn on the cameras first.
Sometimes it ends up being nothing worthwile ofcourse.
I now also have another reason though:
Emily said that last time she got this weird thought in her head. That thought said that in the heat of the moment she wanted to see what would happen if she really cut my penis off. Our initial agreement was that she would wait so that we find a way to atleast be able to sell such a clip(we do what we do because we love it, but getting some money to get a lengty vacation after such pain would be worth it). But last time the voice in her head said "Fuck it, just do it now and i'll see his reaction.".
Note that she told me this afterwards. So from now on I always (!) want the camera on. Because then if ever the moment comes again, I know the cameras are ready for it.
I hope I meet a woman who will cut my cock off and give me permanent blue balls
Emily now has twitter. And she is looking for "followers". She might not be the chatty type, but she promised to try and post something every day.
I think many of you will enjoy. Those who dont know her yet:
She's a nice girl in life with who gets a kick out of some fetishes. One of them is penectomy (lucky for us).
Twitter: @emily_perverse
Attachment 20595
Here a photomanip I did just for fun.
Attachment 20598
********** and penctomia:
and home **********:
Sorry, but isnt that the same clip you posted several times already in this thread? Just 1 page back for example?
What do you mean, is this a real story? I think that's illegal and I can't imagine that you would find any surgeon who would do this.
All my manips:
So guys, I've got a question:
Has anybody ever had his member medically numbed, a so called "penile block" or "dorsal block", where you get two shots into the sides of the upper base of the penis, to block the penile dosal nerve?
I'm very interested to know how much the penis is actually numbed by this technique and especially how much the surrounding area, like the balls, are affected.
Oh yes, I would certainly love to try it out.But it's not so easy for a civillian to get potent anesthetics in germany.
The situation is, that if my balls are put through a ring (not very thight, just so that the balls hang out and cannot retract into the body anymore) this little tension makes my ball sack so crazily sensitive, the slightest stroke, espeacially to the underside, even just holding the tightened balls ever so slightly between your fingertips, is like... a direct spinal-brain connection. A hit in the stomach. So near, so intimate, so naked.
And imagining that my penis was amputated and a woman would then touch my loaded balls that way, it is...
But anyway. I just learned that the penile dorsal nerve, which supplies the penis itself and which can be rather easily blocked, should not affect the feeling in the ball sack -> different nerves.
And, oh my god, if my penis could be numbed an amputated right before my eyes (a big turn-on, anyway) while all the time my balls are hanging there, loaded, at her mercy, driving me crazy at the slightest stroke of her fingers...
I need a doctor...![]()
All my manips:
bartender80, emily, the last video:
The way she ties a bow to the "stump" is just great!![]()
All my manips:
Thanks, finally! Great to hear! That was a personal fantasy detail of myself I wanted to act out. I have different fantasies. In one it's a dare, the other its sexual and again in another it's a sadistic one.
Tomorrow we're gonna do the sadistic one.
To make it a little more tense, we made a deal that if she ever cums during a session, the penis has to be cut for real on video right after.
So therefor I would actually like to know more about what you wrote about numbing the penis. Problem for me is that when she does it for real to me, I would like to be hard. I thought about ways of feeling less, but those would not give me an erection. And then it's more like an operation than anything sexual.
Personally, I wouldn't mind a certain, even an explicitly "medical setting", as long as the sexual aspect of this was adressed.
(Ideally for me, this would include me beeing tied up and not beeing able to stop her.)
I thought that well, most probably, if a woman was to cut it off, even my numbed penis will go erect, at times at least.
I mean, fuck, I fantasize having no penis, and having to cum with no penis anymore, and so I play quite a lot to arouse me without touching my dick, until I finally just cum without touching me at all. (I mean "playing" a lot, not cumming a lot...)
Funnily I learned only recently how horriblly sensitive my balls really can be to slight touching... Just a little ring around makes a huge difference to me.
Pain is not a big fun for me, at the penis it's ok in a way, at the balls not at all. I'm into lovingly slight touch.
So, even though most situations in which a penis may get detached, involving a woman approving it, are a turn on for me: For my own penis I always wanted it at least pain free.
I mean, realistically, the pain from your penis beeing really sliced away unnumbed, will spoil the fun for almost anyone, maybe exept a well prepared pain fan. The pain will be so strong it constitutes a life risk in itself.
Of course you could drug youself in other ways - painkiller etc. I'd say so: That would be better than nothing, BUT most pain killers thin down your blood, as far as I know! Not ideal. And potent pain killer will kick your brain out; I don't want to be "far out" in such a moment.
A local is pretty simple and the situation is absolutely ...petrifying, to me.
Not having a penis anymore will be the rest-of-my-life situation. And I'm absolutely magnetized by the thought of beeing brought into that situaton from one moment to another, without any big fuss, pains, hospital, it's just: You had a dick, now it's gone.
- I'm fascinated with the "penile dorsal block" technique where just the left and right brach of the "penile dorsal nerve" are blocked, which goe to the "inside" of your penis, espeacially the glans.
However, the needles have to be placed rather accurately at two points on very upper edge of you dick's base. You may google it.
- Another method is the "subcutaneous ring block", which means "under the skin", where you inject many small doses only just under the skin, all around the base of the penis.
This may be more simple, also as more people are familiar with subcutaneous injetions, and it may even be the "better" pain killer here (as it blocks all nerves that enter the penile skin from anywhere around the base).
But with our special motivation here..., I'd opt for numbing the main shaft, that has to be enough.
Both methods are realtively easy, they won't make much "hospital like fuss", they keep your head clear, and they are also medically "mild".
I like to hear from every first hand experiences, because I want to know if/how this really just numbs you penis, and if the area of the balls would really stay unaffected and sensual.
Because THAT would mean for me...
uh, cruel things. Hard things.
All my manips:
http://m.********************/video/...*******-threat Watch the last two minutes of the video. I want lilshelly to do the exact same thing to me, but actually go through with it![]()