c0ntinue the st0ry?
Yes of course you should continue the story you fucking idiot!
You did not even finish it!
You never even wrote an actual bust!
Well that escalated quickly.
Yup, Ru is the best! Speaking of Ru and BB:
I stopped because nobody read my story. They prefer a male wolf grabbing, sucking the balls of onehter male wolf. That is the only thing I have seen it this forum.
Yes, apparently most furries are gay (or at least it seems that way from how much our kind of fetish art is dominated by gay picures and stories among furry artists (meanwhile vanilla furry art is still predominantly straight), but why do you care? The gay (or at least bisexual) posters are all in this thread, while the Ballbusting Cartoons thread is still overwhelmingly heterosexual. And besides, you know I read your story. Maybe the others like regular hetero stuff as well but just don't think about congratulating you at every turn.
Don't write stories to get praise, write stories so that you can read them and wank to them.
Alternately: if you want people to congratulate you for your ballbusting stories, perhaps next time you should consider actually finishing your stories. Or at least writing them up to a point where you have written at least one ballbust.
And I'm sorry, but your drawings will not do. They are ugly, not sexy, and impossible to masturbate to.
I dont think ive ever laughed harder at a comment, this has to be a prank. A try to get a rise or something. Lol dont let it bug you about your stories, if you dont feel praised here maybe put them up on a blog or a furry forum or something.I I thought they were pretty good, but i think alot of stuff on here is good. Do as you wish
The TV screen showed a tall, brown hair, smiling woman wearing a red evening gown and holding a microphone.
“Welcome to the craziest pokemons Championships. I’m your hosts Sofxx. I am pleased to be here with you tonight. I think that over a two hundred pokemon trainners are in the field in right now. ”
A boy pokemon's trainner dressed in tight blue gym clothes was leading a group of male pokemons. He was showing his big package between his legs. He was wearing a t-shirt with the phrase “Balls rules”
Then a sizeable number of female pokemons, at least 20, marched into the stadium as well. Unlike the boy pokemon trainner a girl was leading the team, who was dressed in a revealing athletic clothing. Her outfit was all solid dark black and wore heavy boots coming up to her knee. She was red-headed and pulled her hair back into ponytails.
“The rules are quite simple”, Sofxx explained. “The pokemon trainners choose one of their pokemon and you know, they have to fight. It is going to be a pokemon battle of the sexes.”
“I will show you one of the new generation of female pokemon . I will show the Super Class A Mega woman monkey” said the girl trainner while she was looking at the tight dark blue gym short. She was looking his balls in his super tight lycra gym shorts and she said “I see you have big balls as your pokemon … ha ha”
“Big balls rules you will see that .. “said the boy.
The girl trainner watched her beautiful woman monkey pokemon fighter, marveling at her incredible beauty and strength.
The girl pokemon trainner continue speaking “My pokemon monkey will have something new..... Something different....some type of …..something special”
“Ok, girl. I think we will see that” said the co-host Soxx “But you boy ….choose your male pokemon now...”
“I will choose the monkey rugbier pokemon” said the trainner pokemon boy.
A big monkey like king kong appeared. His balls were super big like two soccer balls.
“Incredible” said the co-host “I have never ever seen such a big balls in my pokemons progrramms”
One pokemon gir nurse entered the stadium. She was young — maybe 23, maybe even younger — blond, tanned. She was in good shape, she was buil, like a fitness model with powerful legs and arms. She was wearing a tank top and cutoff blue tight jeans shorts with crossfit boots, displaying her awesome physique. Her arms were incredible,massive biceps, awesome triceps. Her legs were more impressive than her arms.
“Fight!!!!” the nurse pokemon shouted. She was the referee of the match.
The two pokemons fighters circled each othe making a few tentative moves but nothing definite. Then the female monkey tried to grab the male monkey hear, but missed.
“I hope this new type of pokemon figher show some aggression” Jessica a reporter winked at her camara. Her male reporter looked at her and smiled. “I do not think so. I think male pokemon will rule. Testicles are the future!”
“Mmmmm.” she confronted her face.
The male pokemon slammed the female into the wall and grabbed her throat and he started to squeeze it.
The female trainner shooked her head and then took a few steps back. "Girl, what're you doing?" asked her female monkey.
“Look at those swinging big ugly balls”, the trainner shouted. “knee those pretty hard and make them flat as pancakes…” She was raising up her knee showing what the monkey pokemon had to do.
"Oh yes!" Jessica the reporter shouted in a maniacal tone. “The female monkey will go for the male weak spot”.
“mmmmm... I don't think so... the female monkey is out of breath...and she cannot watch her trainner” said the male reporter.
“No... something different is happening look...” shouted with proud the female reporter.
In the cage ring the female monkey looked at her trainner and now she knew what to do. But she was in too much pain to fight well, but she tried. So she didn’t waste any time and raised her right knee up so high to the moon well aimed for the male’s low hanging monkey balls. But the male monkey was ready and blocked the female monkey well placed knee. Then he tried to grab her leg but she could freed.
"Great...she missed them!" shouted the male reporter .
"Damn it! What a piece of shit!" shouted the girl reporter.
“Good boy” shouted with proud the boy pokemon trainner.
The girl pokemon trainner stopped kneeing the air and then she shouted to her monkey “Grab his balls like this” And she showed what the female monkey had to do.
The female reporter looked at her colleague and smiled. “This will be awesome!”
The male monkey slammed the female monkey into the wall and grabbed her throat and he started to squeeze it.
"Girl, what're you doing?" asked her pokemon trainner.
“Look at those big hanging balls” shouted the pokemon trainner. “knee those and make them flat as pancakes…” She raised her knee showing again what the female monkey had to do.
Then the female monkey slammed her knee hard sharply up into the male big low-hanging monkey sack.
"Oh yes!" the female pokemon trainner shouted in a maniacal tone.
“Yeah, show him!”shouted the woman reporter while laughing at her male reporter “That must hurt...”
The male monkey groaned and slumped to the floor. He could not believe the pain, and he curled up in a ball on the floor. He slowly got back up and rejoined the battle.
“Balls of steel!!! what is happening here ….from that knee his balls must be bursted” the female reporter shouted with agriness.
not sure if people saw this yet.. i posted it earlier but i think it took a couple days to show up.
i made some colored versions of the nidoqueen + typhlosion pic, based off the original sketch:
(thought it was a quilava tho, my mistake)
Good mlp stuff
Wow, this is a goldmine!
Dunno if I'll ever get around to this or not, but been thinking about female dragon slayers lately.
Can't help but imagine they'd take immense satisfaction out of thoroughly busting their balls of their quarry before...well, yanno. Was thinking about a story or scene in which a female dragonslayer has captured a male dragon alive...specifically, because she wants to bust and punish the "wicked dragon's" balls a while first.