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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #8491
    Join Date
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    feminist are man haters and your not going to change anyone minds.

  2. #8492
    Supreme Poster
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    Leaving what I posted in a political post some weeks earlier, sadly cruelly needed... and no I don't speak of feminists kicking balls... because in the real world, that's not what they do...

    "Kinda disapointed again by the comment under, like when someone shared the caricature of Marsault. The ununderstanding of social and political issues from people that themselves are threatened by the right is so sad. While people brag femdom, fetish or SM is apolitical; that's feminists that actively defend sex worker's rights and possibility to survive out of stigma so you jerk off, that share sexual education, disindoctrinate women out of submission and men out of domination in society so that we're free in bed and intimate life.

    That's all those lefties that never stop saying consent is the key to everything as well as tabooless communication, that safewords themselves can have flaws that must be acknowledged.

    That's thanks to what these lefties of all kind created that the gentle femdom and and role-reversal communities could pop on tumblr and now Reddit where ACTUAL WOMEN show up unlike here; because they aren't expected to wear layers of leathers for the male gaze and perform cruel bitches all the time, they can just be themselves as sweet dommes and thanks to this, many sub men realized they didn't just want degradation and humiliation but care, acknowledgement and headpats (instead of giving everything to a dumb findomme, with an alternative incel account speaking of femoids and trying to suicide).

    And without all this that touches my feelings personnally, claiming fetish is apolitical is just plain ignorance of the ties between sexual deviance acknowledgement then democratization; and far-left, feminist, atheist, queer militantism, as well as scientific knowledge evolution (passing from repressives mythes originating from a norm and dogma in the XIXth century, to progressive knowledge in the XXth with the development of serious empiric and positivist research in psychology in the past century). Same as it's ignorance of the core values of the right in term of gender roles, male submission, order of things etc... "

  3. #8493
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    Quote Originally Posted by echiijanai View Post
    It's a bit of a double standard but I don't consider forcefully invading someone's personal space in a sexual way simply "doing something" someone "doesn't like." There are some radicals out there who have gone a bit too far, but overall feminism is still a very needed force for good.
    Well, in this scene of "Charmed (2018)" the two characters dance together. He just tells her something that she does not like. To show kids it is ok to kick someone in the balls ans cause extreme pain for that is real bad ethics teaching. We are not talking about fetish here but giving kids a moral standard that is dangerous. It is not self-evident you/a girl can hurt someone in his privatest parts if he does something that you/a girl does not like. I am surprised how blind many people got not no notice this.

  4. #8494
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    Quote Originally Posted by One from the Vaults View Post
    Feminism is not encouraging ballbusting as a means of dealing with things, as hot as that would be. In fact they're trying to empower boys as well as everyone else to be able to talk about boundaries and to have their bodily autonomy respected. If there's an increase in images of ballbusting it's more because we exist as an audience who enjoys watching it than because of anything to do with feminism. Some individual feminists are messed up of course but overwhelmingly the larger problem is the agency and boundaries of women being abrogated for the benefit of men. There's backlash against that, and backlash against the backlash, but the way forward is to help women feel listened to and not disrespected, and to support boys to grow up with emotional competence and with a clear understanding of the importance of not imposing oneself on another, but instead establishing mutual respect and reciprocity. There's a long way to go still but many feminist thinkers have contributed to that. Anyway don't blame them because some pervy animator catered to your fetish in a video that's ridiculous.
    Kicking someone in the balls is basically the physical equivalent of shoving something down a woman's crotch in the hopes of damaging their ovaries(which, sounds a lot like r-a-p-e to me). It's sexual violence, and it really shouldn't be taught to children as an appropriate way to deal with problems. Even if this guy was inappropriately approaching her(which is not the case in this context, as all he's doing is telling her something she doesn't like), this still wouldn't be an appropriate response. Imagine a woman getting in a guy's personal space or inappropriately touching a guy, and his response was to deck her in the face or punt her in the vag. This would be considered assault and excessive force by any regards and that guy would be going to jail.

    And, yeah, this is what a lot of female empowerment is teaching young girls; and feminist literature is full of misandry and emasculation/castra-tion fantasies. Feminism is not about equality, and they sure as shit aren't opposed to stuff like this. Even if this wasn't something that feminists would consider acceptable entertainment for young girls(which, they clearly do), their silence speaks volumes too. Mainstream media has been riddled with violence against men for decades(I challenge you to find a single movie, even a child's movie, that doesn't feature violence against men in some capacity), without the slightest peep from women or feminists against it. Feminism is inherently sexist and, worse, it caters misandric women(if not outright enables/defends them).

    Feminism does not empower boys, all the contrary, and it's scary that anyone could actually believe that it does. The harm that feminism is causing to young boys is dangerous, if not a global crisis at this point, and there is no excuse to be ignorant or complicit into it. Boys are growing up feeling disenfranchised, hated for their sexuality and vilified. Imagine being a boy and seeing society telling that sexual violence against you is okay, because you probably deserved it or had it coming(even if you did nothing wrong). Imagine being a boy and being told you are an oppressor, even as women walk all over you and are cheered on for it. Imagine being a boy growing up being virgin-shamed and creep-shamed for your sexuality; while women are celebrated for being as celibate or promiscuous as they want to be. Imagine being a boy growing up internalizing that level of misandry on that daily basis, and what effect that might have to his psych(something which could even be related to the rise of ballbusting/castra-tion fantasies in men, possibly even in the disparity between MtF and FtM trans, specifically over the past few decades).

  5. #8495
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorne7007 View Post
    Kicking someone in the balls is basically the physical equivalent of shoving something down a woman's crotch in the hopes of damaging their ovaries(which, sounds a lot like r-a-p-e to me). It's sexual violence, and it really shouldn't be taught to children as an appropriate way to deal with problems. Even if this guy was inappropriately approaching her(which is not the case in this context, as all he's doing is telling her something she doesn't like), this still wouldn't be an appropriate response. Imagine a woman getting in a guy's personal space or inappropriately touching a guy, and his response was to deck her in the face or punt her in the vag. This would be considered assault and excessive force by any regards and that guy would be going to jail.

    And, yeah, this is what a lot of female empowerment is teaching young girls; and feminist literature is full of misandry and emasculation/castra-tion fantasies. Feminism is not about equality, and they sure as shit aren't opposed to stuff like this. Even if this wasn't something that feminists would consider acceptable entertainment for young girls(which, they clearly do), their silence speaks volumes too. Mainstream media has been riddled with violence against men for decades(I challenge you to find a single movie, even a child's movie, that doesn't feature violence against men in some capacity), without the slightest peep from women or feminists against it. Feminism is inherently sexist and, worse, it caters misandric women(if not outright enables/defends them).

    Feminism does not empower boys, all the contrary, and it's scary that anyone could actually believe that it does. The harm that feminism is causing to young boys is dangerous, if not a global crisis at this point, and there is no excuse to be ignorant or complicit into it. Boys are growing up feeling disenfranchised, hated for their sexuality and vilified. Imagine being a boy and seeing society telling that sexual violence against you is okay, because you probably deserved it or had it coming(even if you did nothing wrong). Imagine being a boy and being told you are an oppressor, even as women walk all over you and are cheered on for it. Imagine being a boy growing up being virgin-shamed and creep-shamed for your sexuality; while women are celebrated for being as celibate or promiscuous as they want to be. Imagine being a boy growing up internalizing that level of misandry on that daily basis, and what effect that might have to his psych(something which could even be related to the rise of ballbusting/castra-tion fantasies in men, possibly even in the disparity between MtF and FtM trans, specifically over the past few decades).

    Ok, enough of all this bullshit, I come here to enjoy what is here, away from politics and bullshit. I held back when people got political with religious shit. Listen, go to another board, Facebook, or wherever this is more suited for. This shit is turning people off and will make people just turn away.

  6. #8496
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    Kicking someone in the balls nonconsensually is sexual assault, period. Feminists recognise that and are not teaching it as something to be used to resolve disputes.

    I agree I'd rather not talk about this bullshit on here. I don't want reactionary propaganda to go unchallenged though. If these guys wouldn't post lies about feminism then I wouldn't need to tell them they're wrong. Maybe if they tried actually talking to some feminists instead of assuming that what right wing propagandists present as feminist stereotypes are accurate they wouldn't be on here bitching about literally getting their fetish indulged in media. Seriously if you have a problem with images of people being kicked in the balls by girls what the hell are you doing on this forum? For that matter, how many feminists are on this forum? How hypocritical does someone have to be to compile many images of ballbusting, but then have the audacity to say it's something some other group are encouraging? You're encouraging it. You're glorifying and fetishising it. Any young girl who thinks ballbusting is hot could find this thread and see the images you post and want to do it even more. Stop projecting and blaming others for your own desires.

  7. #8497
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    Quote Originally Posted by lorne7007 View Post
    Kicking someone in the balls is basically the physical equivalent of shoving something down a woman's crotch in the hopes of damaging their ovaries(which, sounds a lot like r-a-p-e to me). It's sexual violence, and it really shouldn't be taught to children as an appropriate way to deal with problems. Even if this guy was inappropriately approaching her(which is not the case in this context, as all he's doing is telling her something she doesn't like), this still wouldn't be an appropriate response. Imagine a woman getting in a guy's personal space or inappropriately touching a guy, and his response was to deck her in the face or punt her in the vag. This would be considered assault and excessive force by any regards and that guy would be going to jail.

    And, yeah, this is what a lot of female empowerment is teaching young girls; and feminist literature is full of misandry and emasculation/castra-tion fantasies. Feminism is not about equality, and they sure as shit aren't opposed to stuff like this. Even if this wasn't something that feminists would consider acceptable entertainment for young girls(which, they clearly do), their silence speaks volumes too. Mainstream media has been riddled with violence against men for decades(I challenge you to find a single movie, even a child's movie, that doesn't feature violence against men in some capacity), without the slightest peep from women or feminists against it. Feminism is inherently sexist and, worse, it caters misandric women(if not outright enables/defends them).

    Feminism does not empower boys, all the contrary, and it's scary that anyone could actually believe that it does. The harm that feminism is causing to young boys is dangerous, if not a global crisis at this point, and there is no excuse to be ignorant or complicit into it. Boys are growing up feeling disenfranchised, hated for their sexuality and vilified. Imagine being a boy and seeing society telling that sexual violence against you is okay, because you probably deserved it or had it coming(even if you did nothing wrong). Imagine being a boy and being told you are an oppressor, even as women walk all over you and are cheered on for it. Imagine being a boy growing up being virgin-shamed and creep-shamed for your sexuality; while women are celebrated for being as celibate or promiscuous as they want to be. Imagine being a boy growing up internalizing that level of misandry on that daily basis, and what effect that might have to his psych(something which could even be related to the rise of ballbusting/castra-tion fantasies in men, possibly even in the disparity between MtF and FtM trans, specifically over the past few decades).
    I'm glad to read answers like this one. This was not the only one, but the most elaborate. Thanks a lot.

    I will not start any discussion now. I just know that most left-wing people are simply unable to see/understand reality, and there is no point in discussing. There is no end to discussions. It doesn't matter how much or how good you explain things, they just don't understand. Anyone who reads this answer by lorne7007 and doesn't immediately understand that he is 100% right, is simply hopeless, a lost case.

    There is no point in trying to discuss anything with anyone who, for example, doesn't understand the difference between posting things in a specific Internet forum and presenting groin kicks to boys in a mainstream cartoon film for children as a legitimate thing for girls to do whenever they feel there is any reason for that, no matter what reason.

  8. #8498
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    An now, back to our thing.

  9. #8499
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