if anyone can find any full lenght stories, those would be greatly appreciated
if anyone can find any full lenght stories, those would be greatly appreciated
Hi again cutponies,
You would be forgiven for thinking I had forgotten the challenge to draw Mrs Peel ballbusting, as its been so long. But I've been so busy doing catfighting pics for a couple of websites, for which I get paid, and distributing on other sites to atract custom, that I've had little free time. Catfighting might not be my first choice to illustrate, but the market is big, and my efforts have proved worthwhile in that I have just landed a big one, a project that pays quite a lot.
This actually gives me a little more free time as I'm now concentrating on one project, so I will be doing a Mrs Peel bust soon. I'm glad that you have been keeping the fans of BB toons happy while I've been otherwise occupied.
Hello Try,
Congratulations on your artwork commission. I'm sure it will be the first of many.
Be sure to post the links to the catfight material when it is finally done, as it is always a pleasure to see your work.
David B.
Hi David,
My catfight project, to which I referred, will be available in early October. Will give you the address then.
But my catfight art is already available at http://kirkhamsebooks.com/Art/Adult/Jon
Everybody please take note that these are catfight sites, no BB is available there.
nice toons
i cant see the image when i do click , why???
please some body help me
Hello Try,
Oh yes, I recognise your style of drawing, especially on "Well Aimed". It's nice that your work should get to a wide catfight/CB audience. I hope the project is a great success.
David B.
Thankyou David. I hope your site also continues to prosper.
Funny you mention you recognise my style of drawing, others have said that and I realise I do have a very identifiable way of drawing. It kind of makes me feel an extra responsibility, or perhaps even pressure to make sure all my art is the best I can do, as I know it will always be identifiable as mine. But I take pride in my drawing anyway, so I think I can handle that.
Sorry I was away for so long. First I had a major computer crash, then I crashed. An old cancer re-appeared,
and I've been in the hospital. I'm A.O.K. now and will soon be back with my 'toons
. Quite a backlog
Ciao Kemo-Sabes
Love the cartoons guys. Something about fantasy women thats interesting to me.
Ok...I'm still adapting to this...couldn't found where to put the attachment...but I hope I find the "attachment button" soo enough to post the pic! *Sigh*...