He don't know me too well do he? (eh!)Originally Posted by HellzFlame
Here's 1 4 him!
He don't know me too well do he? (eh!)Originally Posted by HellzFlame
Here's 1 4 him!
Last edited by cutponies; 11-28-2006 at 03:58 PM.
cool pictures!
I don't remember where I found this but it's a nice knee.
that one is nice! what site does it come from?
When my computer crashed followed by my hospital stay. I forgot all about it. The scenario is historically accurate.
Celts fought in the nude and painted themselves blue.
Because the Romans had raped Queen Boadiccea [ pronounced Bo (as in Bo diddley) Th (as in thing) Is (as in this) See-ah, (emphasis on SEE) NOT BOO-DIK-A] and her daughters,
The Celts *********, with a war hammer, every Roman captive that they took
Can anyone recognise the setting? it is a specific place. eh!
Last edited by cutponies; 11-28-2006 at 03:58 PM.
Hi again cp,
Glad to see your keepin FD members well entertained with your excellent pics! And I take it your recovering well from your recent illness. All the best on that.
As regards my own promised pics of Emma Peel in BB form, it is coming. But I have been so busy with catfighting pics, and remember I get paid for these, so that does give them priority.
And I've been practising depicting leather, like Mrs Pell used to wear, and have, I think, got the hang of it. So it will still be a few days before I actually send in pics of our leather clad heroine kicking nuts, but it will be worth waiting for.
"I'm Oriental and would like to see 4 hookers kicking me with spiked heels. One of them has stomped my scrotum so hard that she's ********* me. Serves me right for not paying for a trick"
In answer to CP's question Stone Hedge quite a good seeting for this sort of thing.
Latest studies suggest that it is pre-Druid, at least in part. eh!
so far so goooood
I need to know
1) Would you prefer to be ridden or pilling a cart.
2) If pulling a cart would you like a second pony beside you?
3) If yes 2 2 above, how about a pony girl?
4) You're nude of course (horses don't wear clothes), but is your rider/driver?
4b) What race is your driver?
5) And most important, do U want 2 B a Stallion or a GELDING in this pic?
Assuming that you'd pick the second choice, I'll save some time and have you ********* right now (eh!)
Last edited by cutponies; 11-29-2006 at 02:46 PM.