sorry didn't hit upload
sorry didn't hit upload
Last edited by Girthtron; 04-23-2007 at 07:12 PM.
Some more pics of women I'd love to be ********* by!
Last edited by Girthtron; 04-23-2007 at 07:12 PM.
sorry but I'm just experimenting here with uploads
Last edited by Girthtron; 04-24-2007 at 05:17 PM.
Here's a story I posted a couple years back to another site. Deals with ball busting, **********, and other topics discussed on this site. Plus some that ain't.
------------------- CUT -------------------
Helen made me call her “mom”, but she was not my mother. She and her three daughters traveled the US in a big tour bus, performing as the “Dixie Honey Bees”. They sang a mix of folk, country and gospel, mainly at military bases. But they played the occasional fair, rodeo and fraternal lodge. An act featuring four attractive young women went over big at male dominated venues. The only man on stage, way in the back, was my real dad. Dad had worked as the Bee’s accompanist and bus driver, till the law came looking for him one evening. We never saw him again. That was the day before my 12th birthday.
My dad had taught me to play piano. Even at 12 I was pretty good, and the old Fender Rhodes electric piano he left behind had such an easy action that even the undeveloped hands of a 12 year old boy roll out the chords and arpeggios real smooth and easy. Helen preferred having an all girl act. Her youngest daughter, Cathy, was just a couple years older than me. Helen dressed me in one of Cathy’s stage costumes, applied a wig and a little make up, and I looked like one of girls. My stage name was Sally.
I hated dressing up like a girl. Cathy and the other two girls, Alice and Vicky, teased me mercilessly. I tried to put up a struggle when it was time to put on the girlie stage outfit. Whenever I got too unruly, Helen would reach down, grab a handful of my nut sack and give it a hard squeeze. “It’s these that make little boys misbehave,” she would say.
The other girls picked up on this. Whenever I got too rambunctious, or worse got a boner, it was my nuts that got the punishment. The middle daughter, Alice, was the worst. She would kick or swat or squeeze my nuts just for the hell of it. Alice was just plain mean. I could see it in her eyes. When her eyes flashed bright and shiny, I knew she was in a mean streak, and tried to stay away from her.
While I filled my dad’s shoes on stage, albeit in a short skirt and pumps instead of a tux and wing tips, I could not drive the bus. Helen hired some cracker named Zed out of Mobile to drive the bus and lug sound equipment. The four ladies had private cabins in the rear of the bus, but Zed and I shared the fold down sofa bed in what would be the living room area in the forward part of the bus. Zed acted weird towards me from the start. But after he saw me in my stage outfit, he got really weird.
“Mom!” I whispered to Helen in her cabin while we were rolling down the highway one day. “Zed wants to stick his pecker in my butt.”
“So let him.” She answered. “You should be doing more than playing piano to pay your rent around here. What Zed wants from you was part of the deal. That’s why I could hire him so cheap. And still I’m paying you and him both to do the work of one. Until you’re older and stronger and can do the whole job yourself, you’ll have to take on what extra work you can. What Zed wants, plus doing the laundry, is the extra work.”
“But it hurts, bad.” I protested.
“So take it in the mouth,” she said looking up from her magazine.
“NO!” I shouted.
She grabbed my nuts and squeezed so hard I lost my breath.
“We’re going to take care of this right now,” she said, dragging me by my nuts to the front of the bus. “Pull over in the next rest stop, Zed.”
Helen was still squeezing my nuts when Zed parked the bus and landed his fat butt on the sofa. He knew what was up. He opened his fly and his already hard dong flopped out. All three girls had come out to see why we’d stopped. They were standing there in their night gowns watching Helen, Zed and me.
“Oh yeah!” Zed exclaimed, ogling the three nearly naked girls.
Helen finally let go of my nuts. I groaned in relief. She grabbed a fist full of my hair, and sat down next to Zed, ******* me down on my knees between Zed’s legs.
“Give the man what he wants, Sally,” Helen said sarcastically. “And Alice, I want you to stand back there and make sure little Sally behaves.”
“Gladly mother.” Alice replied as she kicked me hard between my legs. Alice didn’t need much encouragement when it came to being mean. It felt like my balls had been pushed up into my belly.
Helen pulled hard on my hair, positioning my mouth over Zed’s dong. When she tried to push my head down, I resisted. Alice laid into me a couple times with her bare foot. I was still trying to catch my breath, and resist Helen, when Cathy and Vicky took their turns. I don’t know how long I could have held up being tag teamed by the “Dixie Honey Bees”, but I gave up after the second round of polished toe nails flashing up between my thighs. I relaxed my neck, and Helen pushed my head down over Zed’s cock, burying it to the bristles. Helen worked my head up and down. At first I gagged at the bottom of each stroke, but I got used to it after a while, and the gagging stopped.
It seemed like Helen was working my head up and down forever. Even though I was no longer putting up any resistance, Alice would kick my nuts hard once in a while, just to let me know she was still there. I knew it was Alice by the electric blue toe nails.
Zed groaned, and something hot exploded in my mouth. I gagged and choked.
“There you go, swallow it all.” Helen said, pushing down hard on my head.
As soon as Helen released me, Alice grabbed hold of my hair and turned my head to look up at her. Her tits looked huge from that angle. Her nipples pressed erect against her thin night gown. I could feel a boner starting in my pants.
“When you’ve wiped that cum off your chin, crawl in to my cabin. I have a chore for you boy.”
I noticed as she walked away that she was wearing no panties. I was definitely getting a boner.
Alice was sitting on the settee in her cabin. She made me kneel at her feet. She pressed my face into her cunt and told me to lick. She had one foot resting ominously on the floor between my thighs.
What I did to Zed was disgusting, but this was nice. The warm scent of her aroused me, and soon I had a thumping boner. Then WHAM! Her foot came up and nailed me right in the nuts. I tried to straighten up, but she pressed my head into her with both hands.
“That’s to make sure you don’t get any ideas about sticking that dick in me when I’m done with you,” she said softly. Then she dug her toe nails into my nut sack. That really hurt.
When she was done with me, she laid me out on the floor of her cabin and stood on my chest in her bare feet. She told me her feet were sore from smacking my balls, and that I had to lick and kiss them. I was doing this when Vicky knocked on the cabin door. It was her turn next. Then Cathy, then Helen.
So it went. My duties were to play the piano dressed as a girl, then serve as sex slave to the “Dixie Honey Bees”, and whoever their bus driver was at the time. The “Zeds” came and went so fast, I lost track. And then there was the laundry. The act was dark Sundays and Mondays. All the stage costumes went to the dry cleaners, but every Sunday afternoon I got left off at the laundromat with sacks of towels, bedding and casual wear to be run through the washer and dryer. The bras and panties I had to wash by hand.
Alice left terrible skid marks in her panties. I think she did it on purpose because she knew it made it hard for me to wash them clean. Always, after I had folded and stowed the clean clothes, Alice would find at least one pair of her panties that she didn’t think were clean enough. She would cram them into my mouth and tell me to chew them clean. Sometimes she didn’t wait for me to wash them. Some nights, as soon as we got back into the bus after performing, she would reach up under her skirt, peel her soiled panties off, and make me chew them clean for her right there. When The Zed saw her peeling off her panties like that, it made him hot. I was in for severe skull fucking every time she did this to me, and she knew it.
Eventually I was old enough to drive the bus, and strong enough to stow the sound equipment in the cargo bays under the bus. So I traded my duties of sucking the cock of Zed of the week for driving the bus and lugging the heavy sound equipment to and from the bus. I still got passed around from cabin to cabin every night, until the women were bored with torturing me. I was constantly being kicked and whipped by the women as they kept my erections under control. But on stage, when the stage lights shown through their thin costumes, and the four of them appeared to be standing in front of me nude, well, I was thankful to have the piano in front of me so the audience couldn’t see the front of my dress lifted like a tent. Another problem was that I was having to shave before every show, and sometimes between sets. I think some in the audiences could tell I wasn’t a girl. Helen said we would fix that.
We stopped for the night in a rest area on I40 near Flagstaff. Helen and the girls were in a really good mood. They had a couple jugs of wine and a bottle of Jack Daniels. I had never had alcohol before, and I was falling down drunk in no time.
“Let’s go have some fun.” Helen whispered in my ear.
“OK.” I said. I tried to get up off the sofa, and fell back down.
The all helped walk be back to Helen’s cabin. Her’s was the largest of the four cabins, but it was pretty tight with all five of us in there.
“Whoa!” I slurred. “All four of you at once?” I was suspicious and scared, but my brain was to whacked to sort through to just what it was I should be scared of.
They laid me out on a small satin covered bench in front of Helen’s dressing table. This really spooked me, and I tried to get to my feet. But I was too drunk to put up much of a coordinated struggle. The four of them had me duct taped to the bench, my ankles fastened to the bench legs, and my pants down before I could muster the energy to move.
Alice said something to her youngest sister, Cathy, about not letting me scream. I started to protest, but Cathy sat on my face.
“If you want to breathe,” Cathy said, placing her woman hole over my mouth and squeezing my nose between her butt cheeks, “you’ll lick me out real good.”
Helen tied a thin wire around the base of my nut sack, and cinched it so tight I thought I’d been cut. This cleared some of the alcohol fog immediately. I became conscious of not having breathed in a while and panicked. Then I remembered what Cathy had said, and started licking her cunt again. She spread her butt cheeks, letting me take a few lungs full of air before clamping down again. As soon as Cathy clamped off my air, Helen hung a heavy weight on the wire. The pain was devastating. It felt like my lungs were being pulled out through my belly.
“We’ll let that stretch a while.” Helen said. “Just like my daddy used to geld his horses that weren’t any good for stud.”
Cathy moaned. My lungs were bursting. I stopped licking, and she remembered to let me breathe.
“Better get your nut pretty quick little girl.” Helen said to Cathy. “There’s three of us waitin’ to ride.”
Cathy finally came, with shudder, a gush of hot juices and a soft low moan.
“I’m going next,” Helen said. “I’ll have work to do while the last of you girls are up there. Vicky, you’re next, and Alice is last. Can you hold your surprise that long honey?”
“Sure can mama.” Alice answered.
Cathy stood. I sucked air like crazy. Helen handed something to Cathy. It looked like one of the 25 pound weights we use to counterbalance the microphone booms on stage. I felt like I was going to throw up.
“Drop this when I say, Cathy.” Helen sat down, squeezing off my air again with her butt cheeks. “Now, Cath. Drop it.”
I thought my nuts, sack and all, had been torn off. I tried to scream, but with Helen sitting there, all I accomplished was to blow some of my precious air into her, making a sound like a loud fart. Helen and the girls all laughed.
“Best settle down and hold on to that air as long as you can,” Helen said. “I can’t let you breathe till I know you’ve settled down and aren’t going to scream. So get to licking your mama like a good boy. It’ll take your mind off the pain.”
I complied. I thought I would pass out before Helen would give me air, but she opened her butt cheeks and let me gulp a few lungs full. By now, I knew my nuts hadn’t been torn off. The pain in my guts was too strong. But it was subsiding, and eventually Helen came with a loud groan.
“You’re up Vicky darlin’.” Helen stood, and I saw her pick up another of the 25 pound weights. “Just let me know when you’re settled in and comfortable.”
Vicky sat down hard. She wiggled around a while getting situated, giving me time to get plenty of air before she dropped her butt cheeks around my nose. My heart stopped as soon as I could tell she was comfortable. Then came the dreaded words, and I knew the next weight was going to tear part of me loose. But it didn’t. It hurt like hell. Not as bad as before. This time I kept my head, and kept right on pleasing Vicky with my tongue. Vicky was a moaner, so sometimes it was hard to tell when she had gotten her cookie. She lifted her legs, resting them on my chest and belly. She was so in to what I was doing with my tongue, she forgot to let me breathe. I was past panic. I was relaxed and ready to black out when, just like that, she stood up.
I barely got a couple gulps of air before Alice sat down.
“Lick!” She said, pounding a fist into my belly. “Drop the last one mama.”
The weight hit bottom. There was a flash of pain that subsided quickly. The pain was no longer localized. It had become a constant throbbing agony in my belly, lower back and thighs. The ordeal had sobered me up. I laid there pleasuring Alice, forgetting that I needed to breathe, and dreading what I knew would follow this last weight.
Alice got her rocks off, not once, but twice, and still she sat there. Helen or one of the girls kept having to remind her to let me breathe. Then she’d open her but cheeks just long enough to let me get a single breath.
“Looks like he’s ready.” Helen announced. “Alice, you douse any screams.”
With this, Alice slid forward a few inches, placing her butt hole right over my mouth.
“Lick.” Alice ordered. Then sat back down with her full weight.
I had been in darkness till now, my eyes and nose covered by girl butt. Now I could see Alice’s bare back, and her long hair splayed out over it. I was enjoying the fact that I was now able to breathe at will, and admiring the beauty of Alice’s skin and hair. Without warning, her butt hole opened and dumped a load in my mouth. I was so shocked that Helen’s blade was half way through the base of my nut sack before I knew it. And Alice’s load just kept coming. I had to swallow to keep from being choked. By the time she was done, Helen had taken my balls. They were gone.
“Lick me clean.” Alice order. She sat on my face, enjoying my tongue caressing her secret place, while holding my balls and scrotum in her cupped hands. “Damned, they’re heavy,” she exclaimed.
“They ought a be,” Vicky giggled. “The poor boy never got his rocks off.”
“He can still get his nut as long as he has that trouser worm.” Helen observed. With that, she pulled up on my cock and took it with one stroke of her knife.
“He sure won’t get his rocks off now.” Cathy chimed in. “Say, next time we’re in Billings, we should have Seth tan that ball sack. It would sure make a nice little coin purse.”
For the next few weeks, the girls let me rest, and didn’t make me lug the equipment. Over time I put on some weight in my thighs. I hardly ever needed to shave. The audience no longer suspected that I might not be a girl. I went on playing the piano, driving the bus, doing the laundry, lugging sound equipment, and pleasuring the “Dixie Honey Bees”. And the girls still brought by the occasional young man for me to service, keeping the new coin purse stuffed with cash.
Heres some more manips.
Last edited by finally; 10-24-2010 at 01:45 AM.
Love the burdizzo pics! Keep 'em coming!!![]()
any viedos????hahah
I finally figured out how to add captions!
Did you know, that most of the nerves inside the penis run along the upper side, opposite to the lower, weaker side where the urethra runs?
That fits exactly to my sensation.
I suppose my panic would to be at maximum, if a woman would unhesitantly start cutting into my penis from the lower side and not stop until it comes off.
Any other preferrences anybody?
I know, it's an academic question.![]()
Last edited by finally; 10-24-2010 at 02:36 AM.
random caption pics
Last edited by Girthtron; 05-26-2007 at 02:41 PM.
wow those are huge. do you have the original photo?
Here is a link to a story that is quite similar to what happened below.