I didn't shorten it. It's OFF. I didn't do it, Jabba did! Don't worry it happened a long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away. The enclosed picture shows your true fate!
By the way. I see that some *&%^$#*& has started a thread with the same name as ours. Does he really think that he can compete with the Magnificent Silvia, Drop-Dead Gorgeous Snoodle, Wrong-Way Skipperbob, Fuzzy Fittizioh, The Millionaire, and His wife. The Movie Star, The Professor, and Mary-Anne here on ---- OOPS wrong thread!!!
P.S. Not to mention that brilliant artist C.P.
[quote=cutponies;30248]I didn't shorten it. It's OFF. I didn't do it, Jabba did! Don't worry it happened a long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away. The enclosed picture shows your true fate!
I enjoi my true fate, and the brunette Lady... much more. Thanks for giving me back a "reasonable size". I'm sure everibody will appreciate. By the way, it's not yet OFF, the litterature wideworld officially give a "till functioning period" in which... You know... something still may happen...![]()
Of what the eunuch in #1907 is thinking (as he looks at his erection*)
"The Queen can see it! My penis is doomed. Heaven help me!
* And that's why Harem Eunuchs were usually nulloed
Just to let the A** H*** know what of think of him for causing confusion!
he could at least have titled it "ballbusting cartoons 2
So now I'll post here just to balance
It's been quite a while since I did a picture of revenge for all the ballbusting we've suffered, so-
Most ask for **********. Nobody has asked for a ballbust 'toon for a while. I don't mind criticism. Whatever he thought of this thread, Richter had no right to steal, emphasise steal, the name that wasn't his.
By the way, Burdizzoing IS ballbusting!
P.S. "manly Eunuchs". isn't that an Oxymoron?
Our newer members might not know that I do photomanipulations too!
See below
That about these ones, aren't they nice?
Last edited by Selftailer; 12-23-2007 at 08:06 AM.
Pretty cool movie section.