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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1351
    Senior Member
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    I'll PM you now. No worries.

  2. #1352
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    I was unable to carry through. I get roughly 200 emails a day on my own, and I tend to read the ones that I know. Anyway, I decided to bake a cake and have a shower. Sorry. later!

    I rarely have time to post.

    Good chocolate cake, btw!

    Anyway, I'm going to bed.

    Night night.

  3. #1353
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    I will think my theories through a bit more. I am reasonably sure I am completely wrong about this whole thing.

    What have your theories been then?

  4. #1354
    Senior Member
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    Does anyone really care? Too Kleinian, with a bit of Jung. Echt Deutsch.

    Really must go to bed. Night night again!

  5. #1355
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    Japanese cartoon
    She says,
    "I drink its sperm directly from the balls.
    How do? Is it glad?"

  6. #1356

  7. #1357
    Junior Member
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    cool video you found vilma7oo, that looks like it would hurt. having two people pulling your balls by a rope . just wish i knew what they were saying...

  8. #1358
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Yeah really nice clip, I saw it a long time ago,

    This youtube movie is funny as well:
    At the end the woman filming says: Ok hold them up.
    And the woman who just ********* the cat holds up the severed testicles next to her ears as if they are earrings.

  9. #1359
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    Yeah really nice clip, I saw it a long time ago,

    This youtube movie is funny as well:
    At the end the woman filming says: Ok hold them up.
    And the woman who just ********* the cat holds up the severed testicles next to her ears as if they are earrings.

    The name of the woman performing the ********** is Mary. As she finishes tieing off the last testicle, something is said about Mary's boyfriend, then the woman filming it says, "Fuck Mary, and this is what happens."

    When I watch movies and clips of girls and women ********** I imagine I'm the male she is **********. I sometimes even get hard and have even masturbated while watching it imagining she is doing that to me.

    I'm not sure how to describe it, but there is just something about that kind of total power and omnipotence in the hands of women as a women's power. Again, even though I don't know how to describe it, there is just something about me being completely under a woman's power like that as if she herself is God.

    I like to see a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows because it makes her look and seem even more powerful, dominant, in control, and totally omnipotent.

    I like to see pictures and films or film clips like this of a surgical ********** being performed by a woman or by women and imagining that I'm the male she is ********** and that she is really doing it to me.

    I would love to see some where the woman performing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

  10. #1360
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    Yeah really nice clip, I saw it a long time ago,

    This youtube movie is funny as well:
    At the end the woman filming says: Ok hold them up.
    And the woman who just ********* the cat holds up the severed testicles next to her ears as if they are earrings.
    If you want to see some other clips like this one, on Google, type in "Dr Louise St Germain Medvet". The first item on the menu is in French "video diffusion". It is a website where you can see several such operations.

    One dog ********** and one cat ********** is performed by a woman veterinarian (Dr Louise St Germain). In the dog ********** she performs a woman maybe even Dr St Germain herself narrates in French.

    Guys who are into femdom ********** can watch these and imagine himself being ********* this way by a very beautiful dominant woman.

  11. #1361
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    Can someone write the dialogue down? It's kind of low quality and hard for a non-english speaker to get it all

  12. #1362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    The name of the woman performing the ********** is Mary. As she finishes tieing off the last testicle, something is said about Mary's boyfriend, then the woman filming it says, "Fuck Mary, and this is what happens."

    When I watch movies and clips of girls and women ********** I imagine I'm the male she is **********. I sometimes even get hard and have even masturbated while watching it imagining she is doing that to me.

    I'm not sure how to describe it, but there is just something about that kind of total power and omnipotence in the hands of women as a women's power. Again, even though I don't know how to describe it, there is just something about me being completely under a woman's power like that as if she herself is God.

    I like to see a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows because it makes her look and seem even more powerful, dominant, in control, and totally omnipotent.

    I like to see pictures and films or film clips like this of a surgical ********** being performed by a woman or by women and imagining that I'm the male she is ********** and that she is really doing it to me.

    I would love to see some where the woman performing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
    Unfortunately, mon ami, I was unable to play the YouTube vid to which you refer. I wonder if this is a firefox thing?

    You say that you don't know how to describe how you feel about imagining yourself in a situation in which you are dominated and ********* by women. Actually, I think you describe your feelings very well. Yes, I appreciate, having read many of your previous posts, that this is an obsession for you. But what I like about what you say, and I am not sure anyone else has picked up on this, is a sense of bewilderment about the fact that you feel this way. Good for you.

    Long sleeves? Yes, I have read the entire thread now (well, I speed-read it - it's bloody long and that is interesting in itself). But what is it about these long sleeves? Where does that come from? Some religious significance, maybe? Dunno. Interesting though, and that is almost a greater fetish for you than **********.

    Sorry. Not making judgements. I am simply interested and, believe it or not, I do care.



  13. #1363
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    Quote Originally Posted by zharn View Post
    She says,
    "I drink its sperm directly from the balls.
    How do? Is it glad?"
    This didn't work for me. Well, what I mean is that it didn't open for me. Anyone else have a prob?

    No, I refuse to use anything other than fuckfox (oh all right, firefox).

    So there!

  14. #1364
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    Quote Originally Posted by chasityx View Post

    What have your theories been then?
    Sorry to take time to reply. I have been a bit busy.

    The sad thing about theories (mine or anyone else's) is that they tend to generalize (well, they have to, because theories are generalizations by nature) and that means that an obsession as unusual and not-understood (as opposed to misunderstood) like a man's desire for ********** can get dominated by many issues (and overloooked, dismissed, ignored).

    What I mean by this is that most people, when told a man wants to give up his balls, will assume he is a woman in a man's body and this is a trans-gender issue. That is but one part of the whole picture.

    My theories are no better than anyone else's. To be honest, I come up with a great theory every day, and I dismiss it the next day when I see holes in it.

    What worries me is that **********-desire in men is being so over-looked. I cannot say it is a modern condition because we do not know how men might have felt in the 19th Century (or at the time of the building of the pyramids). Nor will I put it down to desire to be dominated. That can form part of it, but then I am already being specific, now, and I am running the risk of defining a condition rather than accepting that no one understands it by suggestion some reasons why a man might feel such a need. You see how difficult it is to define this life-choice? Hope so.

    You can research this topic (human male **********) on the internet and, apart from the shit porno links (avoid those because they are spammers and infectors with malware) you get the "sensible" medical articles which, almost always, wax lyrical about gender morphology and TG. No one, as far as I know, has confronted this as a real occurrence in the modern world, and a potential life-style choice.

    I am not recommending all men reading this immediately get their girls to band them! But I do think it is time this subject became opened out into the wider world so that we can all learn to understand it. It is time it stopped being so taboo.

    This is also what I meant when I said, in a previous post, that women might become more accustomed to ********** if they knew more about it and it became an every day life-style choice like a vasectomy. That is what I meant about the need for articles in their "Women's Magazines" on this subject. Feature-articles in the appropriate Women's Magazines might also help a poor girl who is suddenly confronted by a guy who wants to be banded/kneed in the nuts/********* etc.

    To sum up:

    I think this whole condition of male-**********-wish needs proper unbiased serious professional study.

    I don't like not understanding what I don't understand. It annoys me.



  15. #1365
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    I expanded the above. I wasn't able to save my edits because the host that supplies this board won't allow it.

    Here is my revised version of my post:

    Quote Originally Posted by chasityx View Post

    What have your theories been then?
    Sorry to take time to reply. I have been a bit busy.

    The sad thing about theories (mine or anyone else's) is that they tend to generalize (well, they have to, because theories are generalizations by nature) and that means that an obsession as unusual and not-understood (as opposed to misunderstood) like a man's desire for ********** can get dominated by many issues (and overloooked, dismissed, ignored).

    What I mean by this is that most people, when told a man wants to give up his balls, will assume he is a woman in a man's body and this is a trans-gender issue. That is but one part of the whole picture.

    My theories are no better than anyone else's. To be honest, I come up with a great theory every day, and I dismiss it the next day when I see holes in it.

    What worries me is that **********-desire in men is being so over-looked. I cannot say it is a modern condition because we do not know how men might have felt in the 19th Century (or at the time of the building of the pyramids). Nor will I put it down to desire to be dominated. That can form part of it, but then I am already being specific, now, and I am running the risk of defining a condition rather than accepting that no one understands it because I am suggesting some reasons why a man might feel such a need. You see how difficult it is to define this life-choice? Hope so.

    You can research this topic (human male **********) on the internet and, apart from the shit porno links (avoid those because they are spammers and infectors with malware) you get the "sensible" medical articles which, almost always, wax lyrical about gender morphology and TG. No one, as far as I know, has confronted this as a real occurrence in the modern world, and a potential life-style choice. Some men want to remain men, but without their testicles. This is not TG, gender-reassignment (same difference) or "my willie is too small". Plus, and sorry to dissapoint the fantasists who masturbate to the thought of being cut by a beautiful girl, it is nor is it a question of dominace in a femdom lifestyle. Some men simply want to have their testicles removed. For some reason, they see themselves as being more complete with the loss. And many of these people are not in sub-dom relationships. Many of them are not in any relationships. And I won't elaborate on some of the reasons people have told me for wanting to be a eunuch because I will have to write another book. But, for some people, this can (rarely, and I stress this) be desirable. Just think it through, remember that fantasy is not reality, and you will live with the consequences for ever - especially with EZie bander which is a one-way trip, so I am told.

    Sure, the thought of giving up ones testicles to the ********** cuttings of one's girlfriend is a wonderful sacrifice. But it is unlikely you will ever meet anyone who, in a loving relationship, really wants that. And remember the dangers of "Home surgery". However, I have read several articles on women who have eunuch boyfriends and they say they are the best partners in the world. Because their natural machismo has been "curtailed", they become much more sensitive, cerebral in erotic fulfillment and gentle. They also become better at oral, which is great for the lassie! Their male aggression is gone, they become kinder, more considerate lovers (the woman's orgasm comes to be cherished, apparently) and many of them can still get erections.

    There is a myth that ********** of a mature male (or even a pre-pube) leads to impotence. Not so. There is a very good book on Italian castrati in which the author clearly states that many of the castrati went on to have lovers and still got erections even though they were cut before adolescence. And a man, ********* after puberty, can more than often get a fully-functioning erection.

    I am not recommending all men reading this immediately get their girls to band them! But I do think it is time this subject became opened out into the wider world so that we can all learn to understand it. It is time it stopped being so taboo.

    This is also what I meant when I said, in a previous post, that women might become more accustomed to ********** if they knew more about it and it became an every day life-style choice like a vasectomy. That is what I meant about the need for articles in their "Women's Magazines" on this subject. Feature-articles in the appropriate Women's Magazines might also help a poor girl who is suddenly confronted by a guy who wants to be banded/kneed in the nuts/********* etc.

    To sum up:

    I think this whole condition of male-**********-wish needs proper unbiased serious professional study.

    I don't like not understanding what I don't understand. It annoys me.



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