anche io sono .it
anche io sono .it
Italiano anch'io!
I know this photo, but i don't like it.
The photos I have seen have a caption with explaining words.
That story spoils the fun in my book.
This is my first time in this forum .I always noy play in forums but except this forum it's very good for me i hope i can be your friend
tried all the methods
burdizzo was safest
easiest and quickest and least messy.
only problem is doing it right
done wrong and you get to keep your testicles
It will leave a man looking like this after a while
not much bleeding..there is some bleeding from the crease in the second picture sometimes.
It will leave a man looking like this after a while[/quote]
yes it will and to many you look Perfect ,Thanks for all the insight into the clamp and being a farmer myself I know you are correct in everything you have stated thus far in here and in your groups .
In my femdom ********** fantasies, as she performs the ********** surgery on me, the castratrix becomes and is God Herself (to me God is female, God is Goddess). As if the castratrix is a living Goddess and through her The Goddess Herself is performing the ********** on me. Along with the physical, sexual, and emotional, to me there is also something deeply spiritual about ********** performed by a woman or by women, and ********** at the hands of a woman is a deeply spiritual experience.
Am I the only one, or have others here felt a spiritual aspect to femdom **********? Those eunuchs here who were ********* by a woman, did you feel a spiritual aspect to it while she was ********** you, did it seem as if the castratrix was The Goddess Herself? Those women here who have perfored any castrations, do you ever sense a spiritual aspect to it when you are **********, do you ever feel like you are The Goddess Herself when you are doing it?
Another short video:
Look what happens in 01:12![]()
ciao a tutti, speranzoso di conoscere donne capaci anche di fare non solo di scrivere, viaggio ovvio, baci vilma
anche io mi aggrego alla compagnia italiana![]()
Hello friends, here is another nice video!
what does that have to do with this thread