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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1741
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    South Ky. for the moment.
    Thanks, Venator, for sending so many wonderful photos from Anastasia. I read and considered your offer to mail a cdr, and I would love to have one, certainly, as I love her work. I live in dialupville, but I have access elsewhere to broadband easily.

    This then brings up some interesting points. You seem to know her pretty well. How fortunate you are to have a friend like her. Would it be cool with her if I posted a large volume of her work? Can we work out those details in an offtopic dialogue?

  2. #1742
    Big Supporter silvia_lati's Avatar
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    this 3d is always the best

  3. #1743
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Peccato non averlo letto prima

  4. #1744
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    Dear Misterbill,

    Once again, my gratitude to you for your kind comments. Please do feel free to send me a message via the forum. We can then exchange e-mail addresses and so on, and I can send you a CD-R.

    I was a devoted member of Anastasia's site for a number of years. Once her server forbade her blood related pictures, I didn't renew my membership quite as consistently. She was also banned in countries such as Italy, probably because of the religious / heretical / blasphemous (depending on your point of view) content that her site likewise includes. I was one of the only people who really showed their appreciation for her work, and we would write to each other regularly. We also come from more or less the same musical subculture. I have been aware of her band for some time, but, when I saw a message from her project on the Myspace site of my favourite group fairly recently, it prompted me to dig out the photos and renew contact again. I am sure that she won't mind me quoting some less private parts of an e-mail that, interestingly, I received from her today after asking about why the site has been pretty much been in suspended animation for a while:

    "I haven't updated Anastasia's Lair in a while as I have no interest in doing that anymore. I'm more focused on my music. [...] I wasn't really appreciated by too many anyways and I had a few stalkers that still harass me to this day. Which is annoying. I just have no interest in it and sometimes regret I even did it. But what's done is done. I hardly even made money off of it. [...] It's there still and has been updated a few times. But I just don't care about it anymore and stopped doing it".

    There you are. Read it and weep. People often say that you don't know what you had until it's gone. Those people are right. The attitude of the idiots that she mentions speaks volumes. The fact that she sometimes even regrets the amazing, natural, humourous and incredibly erotic enterprise that is/was the Lair is sad. But, the fools that didn't value what she was trying to do, or, alternatively, stalked her only have themselve to blame. In my humble opinion, Anastasia's Lair was the best so-called "porn" site on the net, and by far the most inventive and receptive to user's wishes. It's a crime that it now (apparently) definitely will not be updated any longer.

    Warmest regards for now, and all the best for 2008 from


  5. #1745
    Senior Member cballs's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    such a shame about her problems Ven She has a great deal of talent but I guess these things hapen even to talented folk I saw a couple of her vamp pics years ago but had no idea who had done them. Its so sad to learn who did them only after she has had to give them up. they are still the best vampire pics I have seen even now.

    Well thank you for posting them it was great to see her in action again

    Happy new year to you, her and everyone else here

  6. #1746
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    A very short clip from the mainstream. It's from a movie call,
    "I Spit on Your Grave."

  7. #1747
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    South Ky. for the moment.

    My favorite perv movie of all time

    Quote Originally Posted by newport348 View Post
    A very short clip from
    "I Spit on Your Grave."
    I absolutely love that movie!
    It's from 1978, produced by "Meir Zarchi".
    Zarchi married Camille Keaton (the main lady),
    who is the extended relative (like great great grandaughter or something)
    of Buster Keaton.

    She's still signing autographs and doing horror movie conventions as of september of 2005, according to some things I read. I would someday like to meet her in person, just for a handshake and a smile.

    My other seriously favorite movie scene is from a cheesy vampire movie done by the respectable John Carpenter. We all remember John Carpenter's Vampires, but the next one "Vampires: Los Muertos" was filmed in Mexico and starred the famous rocker turned country Jon Bon JOvi. Yeah, Bon Jovi as the part of Van Helsing, the hunter, lol.

    There's a scene where a claustrophobic hunter refuses to sleep in the safe confines of a van, and sleeps in a lawnchair outside the van, and is seduced by the head (no pun intended) vampyress. She's giving him head, and while she's going down on him, her teeth come out. I love that scene. When the compromised hunter starts to turn, and they discover him as a traitor, his last words when killed are: "You ain't never lived until you've had head from a vampire." It's corny, funny and lowbudget, but it's done by big names like John Carpenter and Bon Jovi.....go figure.

  8. #1748
    Member Raghnall's Avatar
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    Sadistic Sara sounds like a fun date. I could go "nuts" about her.

  9. #1749
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newport348 View Post
    A very short clip from the mainstream. It's from a movie call,
    "I Spit on Your Grave."
    It is a nice scene, but it would be better if they somehow mentioned what she cut. If he would scream: "you ********* me !", or say: "You cut my penis !". Or she would say: "You are an eunuch now !". He just sits there and is horrified by the blood. And he screams: "What have you done to me ?"

    I mean if someone cuts off your genitals, you would know right ?

    So nice scene, but it could have been much better !
    Pornography = boring.

  10. #1750
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    One Nightstand With A Castratrix

    OK boys and girls, this is a great one. Happy new years!!

    A cocky muscular stud picks up what he thinks is another one night stand of fucking and sucking. Unknown to him, the girl, Lexi, is a merciless and experienced castratrix who intends to cum tonight when she takes her 21st set of balls - his!

    Lexi ties him down with a spreader bar, gets him to promise to do anything to please her, and then bites his balls, and facesits him while jamming a long metal rod down his cock to clear his prostrate. She face rides him till she cums and while she's cumming she beats his nuts - hard! Then she takes large wooden clamps and tells him she is going to crush the cum out of his balls while she flattens his testicles until one pops!! Damn!

  11. #1751
    Big Supporter Snakelinux's Avatar
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    United States

    Can't download!

    Please put on something else like rapidshare. They don't require that you are a member to download files over 500 megabytes.
    I'm sure it's great. Thanks vulkrypse.

  12. #1752
    Join Date
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    South Ky. for the moment.

    later in the actual movie....

    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    It is a nice scene, but it would be better if they somehow mentioned what she cut. If he would scream: "you ********* me !", or say: "You cut my penis !". Or she would say: "You are an eunuch now !". He just sits there and is horrified by the blood. And he screams: "What have you done to me ?"
    He starts with that stupid, "oh, that's so good it hurts...." and proceeds to "what have you done to me...." and then later says more... It's just not on this clip.

    I watched the whole thing on vcr some time ago... I hit rewind like...bunches of times, and he does specify a few seconds later... the clip is cut short. It goes on into an extended scene where he says more things, followed by her locking him into the bathroom, sitting down in a chair and listening to opera music on a vinyl record, as she calmly ignores his screaming.

    You can download the whole movie from peer-to-peer networks...It's worth it. Or just buy the thing from amazon used for less than 10 bucks. It's awesome and worth it.

    "I spit on your grave", 1978, meir zarchi, starring camille keaton. (yes, that buster keaton family, two generations later).

  13. #1753
    Supreme Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snakelinux View Post
    Please put on something else like rapidshare. They don't require that you are a member to download files over 500 megabytes.
    I'm sure it's great. Thanks vulkrypse.
    But a file can't be over 100 mb there.. But yeah, if vulkrypse would be so kind to split the file with hjsplit or something and upload to either Megaupload or Rapidshare so we would see it.

  14. #1754
    Supreme Poster
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    Jan 2007
    same problem as everyone else need to be a member
    would like to see this for sure

  15. #1755
    Supreme Poster
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    Jul 2006

    ********** video

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