I need help to see the pictures.I don´t know english.I am spanish.How can see it? Thank You very much.
You must be an active member and for this english is required. There's an sticky called "Why can I not see attachments?"
Tienes que ser un miembro activo, difícil si no hablas/entiendes inglés.
puedes verlas 24 horas despues de haber posteado tu primer mensage. creo que ya hay 1 tema que habla sobre eso, usa el buscador.
You know, I have dialup at home so I don't watch these video clips. But I had an opportunity to watch this one while I was on a high-speed connection. Anyway, the clip went on and on and on and on and it was boring until the very last few seconds and I finally understood why you liked it Rebecca. Me too, I must say. An intriguing bit of drama.
And you, Rebecca, are an intriguing woman.
My english is not well, I really like here
Here'a another short clip I found in another forum.
Hope this is a new information for you:
I truly love the dialog in this movie during the ********** scene, the part where she says about his testicles, "Lets see how high they can bounce!" But instead she drops them down the garbage disposal, and as they grind away she says, "guess they weren't made of brass after all."