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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1891
    Junior Member Davidson's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by growlf View Post
    Can I just ask something off subject for a second? Why are there so many people on this forum that are so critcal about other people's fetishes?
    If critcal = critical then in the case of animal mutilation its a simple matter of there being no possibility of informed consent.

    How would most people feel about somebody that got off by watching cats get legs amputated? Ask yourself deep down how you'd feel about that. Are you going to argue that that this is somehow fundamentally different?

    I have no problem with what sane people agree to do to each other but animal cruelty just sick - although admittedly a cat with no legs could double up as a pet and a draft excluder.

  2. #1892
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidson View Post
    If critcal = critical then in the case of animal mutilation its a simple matter of there being no possibility of informed consent.

    How would most people feel about somebody that got off by watching cats get legs amputated? Ask yourself deep down how you'd feel about that. Are you going to argue that that this is somehow fundamentally different?
    Neutering animals is sick?

    You are an idiot if you think so, and obviously don't know many vets.

  3. #1893
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    You Are Ruinin'!!!

    Really, I cannot jo to any of these latest post!!!

    Let's get off the soap box, and back into the gutter, please, let see some hot human male ********** stories/pics!!

  4. #1894
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    A little story

    Quote Originally Posted by needingmilking View Post
    Let's get off the soap box, and back into the gutter, please, let see some hot human male ********** stories/pics!!
    How about this?

    I only glanced at her but apparently that was enough. I saw the contempt in her eyes and that only made me more interested in her. I don’t think she quite understood that.
    She crossed the smoke filled room, walked right up to me and with her face merely centimetres from mine, grabbed me by the nuts and twisted hard. I winced.
    I don’t think you’re man enough to satisfy me, she hissed, then turned and walked away. She looked over her shoulder. It was an inviting look, though with a sharp edge. This woman clearly meant business.
    As well as I could with my hard on scraping uncomfortably against my zipper, I followed her. She left the building and I followed her into the car park.
    “What, some kind of fucking pervert are you?”
    I just grinned.
    “Bit of an idiot too, I see. O.k. then dick wit, get in.”
    She got into the car and I got in on the passenger side; I always like it best when the woman drives. I don’t know where she drove to: the intensity of my lust distracted my brain too much for me to notice what was passing outside the car. I stared at her.
    “What the fuck are you looking at, bitch?”
    That sent a tingle up my spine. A woman calling me a bitch always does that to me.
    She reached across, tried to undo my zipper. She couldn’t do it with only one hand. I wanted to help her because she scared the shit out of me, and I’ll do anything for a woman who affects me in that way. But more than my fear I was affected by the pain. The exquisite pain of the zipper rubbing against my knob, which I was sure must be poking out the top of my underpants. I wasn’t sure whether she knew she was hurting me that much, but I fantasised that she did. If only she were as turned on by inflicting pain on me as I was by being hurt by her I would be in heaven. She became frustrated and backhanded my nuts.
    “Will you fucking do something you worthless fucking worm,” she screamed at me as she struck.
    I gasped and curled over in pain. It felt like my balls had been punched up through my stomach to my chest.
    “Pathetic! Call yourself a man?”
    When the pain had subsided enough for me to come up for air I reached for my zipper. If she wanted it down I wouldn’t frustrate her any longer.
    “Put it back in your pants, fuck nut,” she snarled as she turned in to the driveway of a large property.
    I followed her into the house. She said nothing, not even turning back to insult me. She led me down into a cellar. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she stepped sideways and tripped me. I landed face first, hard enough to knock me out.
    When I came to I found myself tied up. I was completely naked and my legs were spread so wide I felt as though my hip joints were going to pop out. I looked around. With some trepidation I noticed that the walls were all padded; sound proofing. Shit! The light was uncomfortably bright. I think that was intentional, so that I would see everything. Everything!
    I felt a slap across the back of my head and turned to see her standing behind me, unsmiling. She walked around in front of me, slapping my nuts as she passed. She walked around till she was standing between my spread legs. I noticed that to one side of me, a little lower than the level of my body, was a table. On the table were three things. Cord, a strap on dildo, and a cut throat razor. A few feet above my nuts, within reach of the woman, was a butchers hook, hanging from the ceiling. The sight of it and the three implements on the table instantly aroused me. She looked at my hard on with contempt:
    “You think you could satisfy me with that?”
    I just stared back at her.
    “Just like a man. Brain in your dick. You really don’t know what’s about to happen to you, do you? Fucking men! Fucking pathetic!”
    If only she knew that I understood exactly what she intended, and wanted it! Of course I knew it would be agony, but that wasn’t stopping the pre come dripping from the tip of my knob.
    “Well, let’s get started then, bitch.”
    She put on the strap on, spat on it a few times:
    “Not so it doesn’t hurt you so much, you understand, bitch. Just to make it slide in nice and smooth.”
    It was so big I thought I would explode. She started pumping slowly, then gradually built the tempo and the depth of her thrusts. I wanted to scream out. I had never felt so violated in all my life. My dick was so hard it hurt.
    She saw that I was getting aroused, and that made her angry. She slapped my dick hard and I gasped. She pumped viciously, and I could no longer restrain myself: I started screaming. A smile spread across her face and she pumped even more viciously. Then she stopped. She looked at my erect penis with disgust.
    “What the fuck does a girl have to do? This is about my pleasure, not yours, bitch.”
    She reached for the cord. She tied my nuts up, tested the knot by tugging and was satisfied with my yelp of pain, then she tied around the base of my cock, then around both cock and balls together.
    She started bitch fucking me again, and this time she fucked so hard I thought she would gut me. But still my arousal only increased. She had tied the cord with a clever combination of slip knots, and now, whenever she thought my body was going to gain pleasure by ejaculating she yanked the cord a little bit tighter, choking off the orgasm. She fucked harder and harder, tightened the cord more and more, and slapped my dick so aggressively it bled, and all the while a torrent of abuse poured from her mouth, the foulest language, screamed at me with genuine anger.
    When her anger reached a peak she saw that no matter how hard she bitch fucked me my hard on would not go down, no matter how tightly she drew the noose on my cock and balls my body strained towards orgasm, and no matter the violence with which she struck me that orgasm would soon result, bringing with it a fountain of sperm.
    Pleasure for me: she couldn’t allow it. She wouldn’t! The pleasure was to be all hers. She looped the cord over the butchers hook and yanked on it, nearly lifting my whole body into the air. Tying off the cord, she reached across my thigh towards the low table, one last time. My lungs screamed “no!” but my brain screamed “yes.” The arching of my back caused by the cord suspending me from my genitals felt like the arching of your spine as you pass the point of no return. I felt my whole body straining towards an orgasm that promised to be the most intense ever experienced by any man. The tingling, the leaden feeling in my legs, the imminent explosion of bliss, of pleasure and pain. On the verge of happening. And I was suspended there; suspended physically in the air, suspended in the moment before coming.
    I saw the flash of light along the blade of the knife. I saw the blade moving in slow motion. And then with almost exquisite precision she cut. Cock, balls, the lot. All came off. My body collapsed, released from the cord. But it immediately strained back upwards, as though trying for the orgasm that now would never come, that now never could come. My body wanted pleasure, but only felt pain; the most intense pain imaginable. I wanted to scream, but choked on my own spit, then passed out.
    When I came to, she was walking around from behind me again. I saw she had some implement in her hand. It was a cow brand. I looked down at my body. Saw blood everywhere, nearly passed out again. Then she was between my legs, pressing the red hot brand against the wound, marking me as her property – pathetic, unmanned.
    She threw aside the brand when the wound was fully cauterised. I felt woozy.
    “Now the pleasure will always be only mine, bitch.”
    Never again would I be anything more than a toy for her to torture. My mistress; my goddess.
    She smiled, and patted me.
    “Now I think I can like you. Now you’re the kind of thing I can enjoy fucking.”
    And that was how my mistress broke me. That was how I became her slave.
    Last edited by Jooby; 01-25-2008 at 08:25 AM. Reason: grammatical errors

  5. #1895
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Staying on thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    This is not the thread to be discussing pedephilia and pedephiles.


    If anyone wants to continue this discussion I think they should make a new thread just about this and leave the other threads for the subjects they were made for.
    Very good point. As important a topic as it may be, this is not really the place to discuss it as this thread is about ********** fetishes.

  6. #1896
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    Quote Originally Posted by growlf View Post
    Can I just ask something off subject for a second? Why are there so many people on this forum that are so critcal about other people's fetishes?
    I can't believe how many people point fingers at everyone else while indulging in their "normal" kink.
    Why can't we recognize what a blessing we have in this site and be happy with that?
    Don't be so judgmental.

    that's certainly a fair point. though obviously it depends who or what is harmed within whatever people describe.

  7. #1897
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidson View Post
    Fuck! Did I just join and animal mutilation forum?
    No, but I think when they can't get enough images of human ********** they go for what they consider the next best thing. Since animals are frequently ********* in veterinary procedures there are a lot more images out there of animal ********** than human **********...unfortunately. Not that I would want anyone to be unwillingly *********, but it would be nice if those who have it done willingly were more exhibitionistic about it. And of course it wouldn't hurt if the surgeons just happened to be increadibly hot women too.

  8. #1898
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davidson View Post
    its a simple matter of there being no possibility of informed consent.
    The procedures are presumably carried out for authentic veterinary reasons. There just happen to be pictures taken of it. The images, if I'm not mistaken, are not of animals being ********* purely for the voyueristic pleasures of fetishists such as frequent this site, therefore the moral issue you state is irrelevant.

    If these procedures were being carried out purely to satisfy the desires of fetishists, then it would be a clear case of a morally repulsive act.

  9. #1899
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    Quote Originally Posted by frostbyte252252 View Post
    If I was to ever be ********* I would be banded. It is sexy as hell when you woman watches your balls slowly die and your tied down so you can do nothing about it. Also its mess free
    But isn't the messiness part of the fun?

  10. #1900
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by HKG7 View Post
    These pics are made with daz studio. That is for free but you have to pay for content. I have made a series, where a guy is kicked by a girl from behind, enjoy!
    Any chance of you doing a series where they're both naked and she hacks both his dick and balls off with a cutthroat razor?

    By the way, I especially like the image you've made where she and he are both squatting, and it looks like she could be wanking him off, if only there weren't so much pain on his face. That kind of ambiguity is great; pleasure and pain, sex and punishment. Mmmm...

  11. #1901
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armagid View Post
    Girls ******** cat.....
    Very nice ones. And the girls are smiling....!

  12. #1902
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    I like this Pictures. Are there more of this Pictures?
    I wonder how these veterinary-ladies spends their Christmas, ect. parties.. Boyfriends/husbands in danger...???

  13. #1903
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrgent View Post
    I wonder how these veterinary-ladies spends their Christmas, ect. parties.. Boyfriends/husbands in danger...???
    Most likely they chose their profession so they can ******** animals all day. They are probably addicted to cutting off balls and think off ********** men all day when they ******** animals.

    hahahaha. I love this forum.
    Pornography = boring.

  14. #1904
    Registered Member
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    east coast

    Whatever happened to the ORR website? It appears owns it?

    Does anyone have any good ORR pics or vids to share?

  15. #1905
    Senior Member
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    orr videos i posted

    i had a few orr videos
    I posted them at this site as they had a large enough upload site to
    accommodate these large videos
    this is the link to my page where i put the videos

    after joining just search the site for ....orr...


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