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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #3016
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    Quote Originally Posted by srzl View Post
    A korean woman bit off her husband's penis and testicles during an argument, police said on Wednesday. She was in police custody in Seoul and might be charged with causing grievous bodily harm, said the officer in charge of the station.
    The newspaper said she had bitten off Chairman Park's penis and testicles Sunday night after her 65-year-old husband slapped her.
    "Because I was so drunk she overpowered me and by the time my son came to my rescue, she had bitten off both my testicles and the penis," Mr. Park told the paper.
    jimenizgarcia that is crazy, she bit off both his testicles and his penis? that is extreme. im suprised he didnt die.
    Which got me thinking, about what would be worse. Women if you were goin to attack a mans genitals would you bite or cut? teeth, scissors or knife? head of penis? whole penis one testicle or both? How brutal would you be? Would he be awake or drugged?

  2. #3017
    Junior Member PlayfulSqueeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    well iam supprised i found this one but theres no actual cutting envolved just a sexy predicament that couldve happened to the guys in a machine that lops off there manhood
    I remember seeing that movie on tv back in the 80's. As a kid, I was like, "OMG"

  3. #3018
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    OK Boys, some more with my usual warning about possible creative edits.
    Please enjoy;

    Would-be ****** bitten
    Johannesburg - A brave woman took a bite out of a would-be ****** where it hurts most - and hospitals have now been warned to be on the look-out for the man.
    The 36-year-old woman from Mpumalanga earned cheers from People Opposing Woman Abuse (Powa), but the organisation warned that not everyone would get away with such a dramatic defence.
    The Mahushu-Trust village woman told Mpumalanga police she had planned to cut his manhood off with her teeth so he would never try to force his evil ways on anybody ever again.
    After she bit him, the man picked up his clothes and ran.
    The attack took place last week.
    The woman says that when she came out of the toilet, she saw two men standing between her and her house. They knew her husband was not home.
    They pounced on her, grabbing her by the neck and one of them instantly tried to force himself on her.
    She kept her cool and politely told the two that they need not use force as she was prepared to give them what they wanted.
    She led them inside the house where one of the men started kissing her.
    She kissed back and led both inside the bedroom. Inside the kissing continued.
    The woman took off all her clothes and one man did the same.
    She jumped on the bed. The suspect followed her and continued kissing her. The woman then took control and started kissing all over his body while the other guy was waiting for his turn.
    "She then sunk her teeth into his penis," police spokesperson Jiyela Lucas Sibiya said.
    The man screamed and his companion ran away.
    Sibiya said clinics in the area had been warned to notify police of any patient with bitten private parts.
    "We don't think this guy will go to traditional healers because the wounds will need to be treated at a clinic.
    Powa executive director Delphine Serumaga told Daily Sun the woman's clever tactics should be applauded.
    "I am glad that there is one less woman raped, but at the same time I do not want other women assuming that they can get away with what she did."

    Hertfordshire police state that this incident happened after she severed her boyfriends penis to the point where it needed major reconstruction surgery....and the cops were contemplating charging her with grevious or actual bodily harm....When asked why she bit his penis off, she claimed that her boyfirend, also a Kenyan, had ****** her to perform oral sex and she wasn't comfortable with it.....Neighbours came to the chaps rescue after unbearable screams were heard from the couples flat...and they called the police.

    But the investigating officer sought to understand what could drive such a docile looking girl to unleash all that anger at her boyfirends penis....He suspected that the forceful request for her to perform oral sex wasn't enough to bring out that kind of anger in her,
    Do y'all realise how much anger someone has to have to unleash to bite off a penis....

    A woman bit her former boyfriend's penis in anger after he told her he did not want to resume their relationship, reports Youth Daily.
    On the morning of July 2, Wang Lin and Liu Li (not their real names) arrived at Zhongshan Hospital. Wang told doctors his penis was bleeding, and Liu quickly added that it had been cut by a pair of scissors.
    But the examining physicians called police when they realized the marks on Wang's penis had been made by human teeth. Liu confessed to police that she and Wang had once been lovers but had broken up a year earlier.
    Liu turned up at Wang's place at midnight on July 1 to tell him that she was still in love with him.
    As it was so late, Liu ended up staying the night and the two had sex the next morning.
    Afterwards, Liu asked Wang if they could get back together, but when Wang refused, Liu suddenly bit his penis in anger.
    A gang ****** was jailed for life on Thursday for ****** a woman who was eight months pregnant.
    She had grabbed onto his testicles and wouldn`t let go, however, virtually paralysing him and enabling neighbours to catch him.
    Linda Maxwell Mohlokoane (26) of Mpumalanga township in KwaZulu-Natal was sentenced in the Pietermaritzburg High Court.
    His three co-accused were never arrested, however.
    They had broken into her house at about 11pm on Christmas Eve in 2001. While her husband ran for help, they dragged her outside and raped her in the yard. They also stole some household items. They then dragged the woman to a river and Mohlokoane raped her again. She then pretended she needed the toilet and, when Mohlokoane moved to let her go, she grabbed his testicles and screamed for help.
    Residents came to her rescue and found her still clutching Mohlokoane`s testicles.
    Taipei - A Taiwan woman, suspecting her husband was having an affair with another woman, cut off his penis on Tuesday and flushed the penis down the toilet.
    Her husband, a 51-year-old Filipino-Chinese, was rushed to hospital by his 17-year-old son and is in a stable condition after surgeons stitched up his wound to stop the bleeding.
    Police said the man, identified only by his surname Tsai, was sleeping at home in Tienmu, Taipei, when his wife cut off his penis.
    She flushed his penis down the toilet and fled. Their daughter, who was sleeping in another room, was awoken by her father's howling.
    "I ran into his room and found my daddy rolling in his bed covered with blood. So I called for an ambulance” she told reporters.
    Doctors at the Municital Yangming Hospital stitched up Tsai's wound and said he is in stable condition.
    The evening of July 21, Robert B. had a little party in his apartment. Two of his live-in lover's friends came to the barbecue. Around 11 p.m., B. decided to call it a night because his three children couldn't sleep. He asked his guests to leave. They were having such a ball, they didn't want to go home. B. again asked them to leave, a bit more forcefully this time, which provoked the guests.
    The three women attacked him, threw him on the floor, and pinned him beneath their bodies. The girlfriend ripped off his pants and bit his penis. After a short struggle, Robert B. managed to get the women off him and hide in the bathroom. When the women left the apartment, he called the police.
    "Robert B. isn't a Polish Bobbit because his lover only bit into his penis," says Lt. Marek Woźniczka, a member of the team of investigators at the Cracow-Nowa Huta police headquarters. "He was taken to a hospital where doctors dressed his wound and sent him home."

    July 13 2007 at 12:32PM
    Kupang, Indonesia - A woman in a remote Indonesian island village cut off her boyfriend's penis in an apparent jealous rage, Indonesian police said Friday.

    "The incident was based on jealousy because the victim was allegedly cheating," said Commissioner Marthen Radja, regional police spokesperson for Timor island.

    The woman, Erlin Mafefa, 22, had been arrested and was being held near the village, he said, adding it was still not clear what she had done with the severed penis.

    "What we know of what happened was they were playing around then suddenly the woman got angry and cut the victim's penis off and ran away with it," he said.


    When James tried to push Sarah's head towards his penis do you no what she did?
    She bit his penis constantly while giving him the blowjob and he bled and had to go to hospital. When the doctor, who was female, asked what happened Sarah said "He tried to push my head down" and then the doctor had a go at James and said he deserve what he got. He couldn't use his penis for sexual activity's for 3 weeks and it hurt when he used the bathroom. But they are still together an he hasn't ****** her in to it since.
    The funny thing is she was that sneaky aboutit he never knew she'd hurt him till he came

    Woman Bites Her Partner's Penis
    A night of lust turned into a night of horror for a young man in the city of Maldonado in Uruguay as the woman he was with violently bit his penis during, what was supposed to be, a night of passion
    The woman was a former girlfriend of the man. It has yet to be determined if if she bit his penis as revenge due to differences in their relationship, if it was a matter of excess passion or that she was ****** to do something that she did not want to.
    The pair was in a hotel room in Maldonado for the night. It is not known if it was the first time or one of many, when the unexpected suddenly happened. While they were engaged in oral sex, she suddenly bit his penis, apparently with such force, that the man could not contain his pain and let out a loud scream that was heard throughout the premises.
    The night of love had come to an abrupt end and the bleeding man was immediately taken to a local hospital where nurses couldn't believe what they were seeing.
    The man received seven stitches to the area, and was heavily bandaged. He then narrated the incident to the local police and provided them the issued medical certificate which consisted of details of the injury and treatment he received at the hospital. It has yet to be determined if the incident will be declared a criminal act.

    Woman Cuts Off Husband's Penis

    A Thai woman cut off her husband's penis after he asked her to make love one more time before he left her for another woman. Saithong Wantha, 53, then asked neighbours to take her husband, 35, to the hospital while she turned herself in to police.
    Nieghbours got a hold of the husband's sister but they could not find the severed organ. They had to call Saithong on her mobile phone, upon which she told them she had tossed it behind the fence in the front yard.
    Nearly two hours went by before surgeons could operate. Finally, they reattached Udom's penis, but said there was only a 50-50 chance it would function properly.
    She told police that she cut off her husband's penis in a fit of rage because he was leaving her. She hoped he would stop philandering and stay with her if he could no longer function sexually.
    "I love him and I don't want him to leave", she said

    Woman bites husband's penis
    March 2006
    Babianiha (B/A), Feb 27, GNA - A middle-aged housewife, Abenaa Abi, is assisting family members in investigations into why she almost severed the male organ of her husband, Mr. Kwaku Mensah, with a bite at Babianiha in Jaman South District.

    The incident was reported to have happened on the night of February 21 and Mr Mensah is receiving treatment at the hospital. The case has not been reported to the police.

    Briefing newsmen on the incident Mr Kwasi Ankamah, an eyewitness and a neighbour of the couple, said they heard continuous shouts for help from the direction of the couple's residence. When he and others got there they saw the couple struggling in the courtyard with the teeth of Abenaa, who was naked, deeply sunk in the husband's male organ.

    They intervened and released the organ from the woman's mouth and took him to the clinic.

    Mr Mensah told newsmen that the wife had of late taken to drinking so he informed her parents at Senase, near Berekum, to advise to stop. Abenaa's brother came in the evening and advised her against the habit but she did not take kindly to it and attacked the husband in the night.

    At a family meeting on the incident the following day Abenaa defended her action, saying it was the husband who first bit her vulva.

    Woman bit my penis, says police officer
    May 23 2006
    AFTER allegedly being punched, kicked, bitten and headbutted repeatedly by a writhing, naked woman he was trying to detain, Constable Anthony Jennings was distracted for just a moment as the door opened on the prison van.
    But that was all it took. As the Constable relaxed his grip on his accused attacker, she lunged and allegedly bit him on his penis.
    "I felt an excruciating pain on the end of my penis and as I looked down she had her head over the top of my groin and she was biting," Constable Jennings told the Maroochydore District Court on the Sunshine Coast yesterday.
    He was giving evidence on the first day of trial proceedings against Maria Klaus, 38, of Maroochydore, who is facing two counts of serious assault of a police officer while he was executing his duties. Ms Klaus has pleaded not guilty to both charges.
    The court was told that Constable Jennings and his partner, Senior-Constable Leonie Scott, were invited to enter the Beach Parade unit by a man, Kevin Hughes, believed to be Ms Klaus's partner. There they met a wet, aggressive Ms Klaus – wearing only a towel – as she apparently emerged from the shower
    "Klaus started to punch and kick and that sort of stuff and the towel just got dragged off . . . she was wet and she was naked and I couldn't get a grip anywhere," he said.
    Const Jennings said the first assault ensued when he placed his hand on Ms Klaus left arm and told her he was detaining her under the Domestic and Family Violence Act.
    He said he had trouble gripping Ms Klaus because she was naked and wet and the pair ended up on the ground.
    "It was a flurry of head-butts, bites, kneeing me and punching," he said.
    "There was ... gnashing of teeth. As her face was coming towards me she was snapping her teeth, chomping.
    "I actually felt her nose go into my mouth. When I was on the ground I felt my face, it was covered in saliva and there was blood."
    Const Jennings said he had to break his tie to release Ms Klaus' grip, whereupon she kicked him in the chest and shoulder with her feet.
    "She was yelling at me that she was going to get my balls," he said.
    "Even though she was small ... she was quite muscular and powerful."
    Back-up arrived after the pair eventually got handcuffs on Ms Klaus to help escort her downstairs to a van.
    Const Jennings said his attention was only diverted for a few seconds when he felt a sudden crushing pain.
    "I felt an excruciating pain at the end of my penis ... I looked down and her head was over the top of my groin and she was biting me," he said.
    "I was in a lot of pain, shock and I screamed."
    Barrister Steve Courtney suggested police were not invited into the unit, Const Jennings did not understand his detaining powers under the domestic violence legislation and Ms Klaus did not bite the policeman's penis.
    But Constable Leonie Scott backed up his claims when she took the stand.


  4. #3019
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Just some info on a topic covered here some weeks ago.

    New device gives women teeth where it matters
    Jillian Green
    June 07 2005
    A **** victim once wished for teeth "where it mattered". Now a device has been designed to "bite" a ******'s penis. The patented device looks and is worn like a tampon, but it is hollow and attaches itself with tiny hooks to a man's penis during penetration.

    "We have to do something to protect ourselves. While this will not prevent **** it will assist in identifying attackers and securing convictions," claims Sonette Ehlers, inventor of the device.
    Ehlers, of Kleinmond, who has worked for the South African Institute for Medical Research, said she had been seeking a way to help women since meeting a **** survivor 20 years ago who commented that she wished she had teeth in her vagina.

    "Over the past three years I have been working on this device. It is now completely safe and ready to be manufactured and distributed," she said.

    It had been designed with engineers, gynaecologists, psychologists and urologists. It was "hygienic - no human hands will be involved in the manufacture".

    In the event of ****, the device folds itself around the ******'s penis, attaching to the skin with microscopic hooks. It is only when the ****** withdraws that he will realise the device is clamped around his penis. As it is impossible to remove the device from a penis without medical help, hospitals and clinics will be able to alert police when assistance is sought.

    "This will rule out any possibility of the ******'s escaping arrest and speed up conviction."

    If the ****** tries to remove the device, it will only embed itself further.

    "He will have to be put under anaesthetic to have it removed. He will not be able to leave it as he will be unable to urinate."
    "I would encourage my wife and two daughters to wear this device. It would send a signal to would-be rapists that they won't have it easy."
    April 4, 2007 FOLLOW UP: he words of a **** victim - "If only I had teeth down there" - have inspired the design of a new anti-**** device.
    Rapex - dubbed the '**** trap' - is a product worn internally by women. The hollow inside is lined with rows of razor-sharp hooks, which are designed to latch on to a ******'s penis during penetration. They can only be removed by a doctor.
    The product will be on the shelves of South African chemists and supermarkets later this month. South African mother-of-two Sonette Ehlers developed the original prototype in 2005 but has struggled to get it patented and approved for sale.
    Some also fear that the sudden infliction of pain on the ****** could incite him to even greater violence.
    Ehlers, however, is adamant that desperate times call for desperate measures. South Africa has the world's highest rate of sexual assault: a staggering 1.7m women are raped each year. She believes the product, priced at one Rand, will be particularly useful for poorer black women who walk long distances to and from work.
    With state intervention frustratingly slow, Ehlers argues this ugly version of empowerment is justified. "I don't hate men," she says. "I have not got revenge in mind. All I am doing is giving women their power back."
    An older idea:
    Penis-Multilating Tampon Puts
    Rapists Out Of Business – Forever

    SOUTH AFRICA - An anti-**** device which chops off the tip of a ******'s penis has been invented by a retired anaesthetist in the Free State, South Africa.

    Jaap Haumann, 72, who now farms near the small town of Clocolan, has designed a "mutilator tampon" designed to lop off the end of a ******'s penis.

    Dr Haumann's extraordinary invention was prompted by the fact that **** has become so endemic in South Africa that a **** now is being reported every 26 seconds to police. Dr Haumann said he designed the device after speaking to **** victims -- and said he believed that at least a million South African women would flock to buy it.

    "It became clear to me that **** has a devastating impact on the lives of women, physically and especially mentally."

    He said in one instance, a **** victim had refused to leave her house, even nine months after she was raped. Her friends did her shopping for her.

    "We all know that South Africa has the highest **** statistics in the world. With this device I believe would-be rapists would think twice before attacking any woman in this country."

    Dr Haumann said the device is designed to be used in the same way as a tampon. "I designed a hard cylindrical plastic core which contains the spring blade, which slices when pressed against.

    "This plastic core is covered by soft material, the same as a real tampon. This is then inserted by the woman. When the ****** attacks the woman and penetration takes place, the point of his penis will touch the section containing the blade and it (the penis), or at least a part of it, is sliced off."

    Speaking of the danger of HIV infection from a bleeding ******, Dr Haumann said because **** was a violent crime, the danger of infection from semen was high in any event.

    Many South African women already habitually carry antiretroviral medication with them to prevent HIV-transfer in case they got raped.

    "But when a woman wears this device she would not resist and would not be damaged internally. So the chances of being infected by the blood from the ****** are, indeed, also less."

    Dr Haumann said the deterrent value of the device would be immense.

    "And this is really the idea. If this device makes rapists think twice about attacking women, we have already achieved something."

    But some women approached for comment, found the idea of carrying such a "tampon timebomb" absurd.

    "I would be extremely uncomfortable. Again the onus is put on the woman. Men who **** women should be jailed for life. Men should not ****, end of story," said one.

    Dr Haumann said the device was still in the design stage. "It would cost about R10 to manufacture one such device and I estimate at least a million South African women would wear it," he said

    Haumann's device was designed to resemble a tampon for ease of insertion, and consisted of a hard cylindrical plastic core containing a tensioned spring blade primed to slice when pressed against by the tip of a penis. Following activation, a portion of the tip of the penis would be removed, in effect performing a minor penectomy.

    More on Ms.Elhers device:

  5. #3020
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    wasn't there a picture or two of actual vietnamese woman who would ******** soldiers i was trying to explain it to somebody but they don't believe me if you could link or repost those pics be great thanx

  6. #3021
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    ********** Goddesses
    Last edited by Castratrix's pet; 03-31-2010 at 05:09 PM.

  7. #3022
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    I would love to be married to a woman surgeon like her and for her to roll up her sleeves and surgically ******** me then keep me as her personal eunuch slave/pet.
    Last edited by Castratrix's pet; 01-22-2011 at 02:38 PM.

  8. #3023
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    If your gonna tell a woman with "brutal" tendencies that it's all over, why on earth give her the chance to get anywhere near you 'tackle'?

  9. #3024
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeller6 View Post
    wasn't there a picture or two of actual vietnamese woman who would ******** soldiers i was trying to explain it to somebody but they don't believe me if you could link or repost those pics be great thanx
    Yes. She was nicknamed the Apache Woman by GIs for the way she tortured and ********* over a dozen soldiers. There is a biography, MARINE SNIPER by Charles Henderson. It is at Books a Million. There is a whole chapter about her and details of a long drawn out ********** she did to one of her prisoners.
    She was described as an attractive Vietnamese woman in her 30s. It alluded to in the book that she got off sexually ********** enemy soldiers. More is mentioned about her in the book ONE SHOT-ONE KILL. I have a tabloid magaziine from June 1968 showing pictures of a Viet Cong woman ********** a man. Not the Apache woman but the photos in the tabloid were inspired by her. I will try to find them.

  10. #3025
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    ********* by the VC Bitch !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by yeller6 View Post
    wasn't there a picture or two of actual vietnamese woman who would ******** soldiers i was trying to explain it to somebody but they don't believe me if you could link or repost those pics be great thanx
    She is one sadistic bitch.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ap1.jpg   ap2.JPG   ap3.JPG   ap4.JPG   ap5.JPG  

  11. #3026
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    ********** scene

  12. #3027
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    Quote Originally Posted by fullsett View Post
    She is one sadistic bitch.
    what did the actual article say?

  13. #3028
    Supreme Poster Lizzycat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srzl View Post
    Which got me thinking, about what would be worse. Women if you were goin to attack a mans genitals would you bite or cut? teeth, scissors or knife? head of penis? whole penis one testicle or both? How brutal would you be? Would he be awake or drugged?
    Hm...I'd bite! All the way down at the bottom, so I got the whole thing! Chomp!

  14. #3029
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    Imagine undergoing surgical ********** performed by one of these beautiful dominant women surgeons!
    Last edited by Castratrix's pet; 03-31-2010 at 05:09 PM.

  15. #3030
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    She is about to cut your nuts out!
    Last edited by Castratrix's pet; 03-31-2010 at 05:09 PM.

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