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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #3046
    Supreme Poster
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    Jul 2008

    Damnit just so ull shut up

    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    Any videos or video clips of femdom surgical **********? Something where a girl or a woman rolls up her sleeves and then she performs a ********** surgically the way a surgeon or a veterinarian would perform the surgery? Please.
    i made this one specifically for u castratrixpet cause ever since ur first post u say the same thing over and over gets old man i hear it too many more times iam just gonna block u

  2. #3047
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    this is from the 1980s movie demented a woman who isnt mentally stable to begin with is raped several times by some boys in mask so she plans to take care of them in this scene with one of the guys she talks him into takeing off his mask and she sticks some wire down his pants around his manhood and pulls hard not hard enough to make it severed and come off but she then taunts him in her already physcotic way and makes him get on his knees and beg like a dog her exact words and as hes begging she yanks real hard and cuts off his manhood (not actually seen) and then cuts him up with a cleaver
    Great movies !!! My boner still has not gone down. Please post more sepecially the wmv files.

  3. #3048
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    This is a movie called bobbit chopped off it has a lil about the trail and some nasty pics of what his penis looks like now and what it looked like when it was cut off i mean lorena knew what she was doing she took it off all the way at the base lol but i guess he still beats his woman and gfs and wifes so he didnt learn his lesson she shouldve destroyed his penis like maybe in a food grinder or something cause i guess he never learned his lesson and still beats women and has made millions off the fame he got from lorena that if i was her id be sueing for some of that money but anyways this is a short movie about what hes been through what it looked like when his penis was cut off and lorena bobbit side of her story talking about how she was driving holding his severed penis in one hand and a knife in her other hand while she was driving lol shes pretty hot it also shows all the supporters she had during her trail this movie is about 350mb total

    It looks like in the clip he had a penis implant put in for the movie frankenpenis. After the surgery it was very deformed. I know in the movie john wayne bobbit uncut, his penis was tiny. Jasmine Aloha who was in the movie said it took her almost 45 minutes to get him semi hard and his penis was "pathetic" LOL. Jasmine has a body that would give any man a "diamondcutter" erection in a moment. Now with the implant I guess he just squeezes his scrotum a few times and it expands. Poor little John Bobbit. LMAO!!!!!!!!

  4. #3049
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    Just a peice of a story I wrought Tell Me if you like

    It all started on a December night, I was just getting off of work from the beer factory when I decided I was going to out and have a drink, Ironic huh. My name is Shay and im twenty two years old, Id say im a pretty attrative guy, Im slender, around six one in height, brown hair and brown eyes. Im straight, but I havent had a girlfriend in years.
    I started walking down the dark street that night to find a sutiable bar to sit in but I was coming up with nothing, either to many people or not enough people. Some of the bars I check had nothing but men in them, seeing as I dont swing that way Id just pass them buy. After about an hour of trying to find a good bar I told myself," Srew it a bars a bar and a drinks a drink". I stopped at the next bar I saw and stepped in," Humm not bad lots of women in here" I thought to myself. I was to exausted to chat with anyone from all the walking so I grabed a bar stoll and sat down.Sitting next to me were to attractive females, one blonde and one brunnete, both had long and and both wore very attractive revealling outfites,"Hey," I said trying to be casuall, but both the women looked over at me then looked away as if unimpressed.
    " What a bunch of bitches", I thought to myself.
    " Bar tender", I yelled out.
    After a couple of minutes a very attractive ladie walked up to me and said " Hum and man... Whata you have?", "Straight Voka", I said. She walked away for a moment, just enough time for me to check out the tight jean shorts she was wearing, They were tight enough to maked out the shape of her ass and her camel toe, moments later She returned with a bottle of Vodka and a shot glasses and put them both down on the table infront of me," Injoy", She said with a smile. The bartender was cute, no she was hott, she must of had atleast Double D breat squeezed In that tiny pink tank top she wore, and those ruby red lips were calling out to me and another part of my anaonomy if you get my drift. I picked up my bottle and filled my shot glass, raising my glass of to the bartender and said,"cheers".
    It only took a couple of shot before I new something was wrong with my drink, I could barley move, my arms seemed to be nub. The only thinig I could move and fell easily was my lower half of my body. I looked around in a daze and only then did I notice my sorroundings, All women. There wasn't a man in the bar, In a rush to find a bar I must of stepped into a lesbian bar.
    "What y..o..u do to my d..r..i..nk you bitch," I mummble out to the bartender.
    “Me I did nothing, It was dumb ass that steped into a bar filled with man hatting women” She replied” Now the fun starts, HAPPY HOUR”. She screamed out the the other ladies in the bar.
    All the women in the bar stood up and clapped and started to yell out, One of the ladies in the back of the croud yelled out,” Lets see what the mans got”.
    “Yeah,” all the other ladies yelled out.
    “Well then I think its time you give the ladies what there want, wouldn’t you say,” The bartender said. She reached down and grabed my croch,” MMM this should be fun,” she said smilling down at me. She started to unbutton my pants, I didn’t now what to due, I could move I was helpless. What to due I thought to myself, I was about to yell when a ladie with dark long hair steped behind me and stuck some kind of ball in my mouth and next thing I new it was straped to my face, That bitch gaged me I thought.
    “ Sorry but we can’t have you making any noise while we have fun with you, now can we!!!”. She said.
    It was all over the bartender had my pants all ready unzipped and a couple of ladies were allready starting to pull them off,” stand him up,” The bartender said”, To ladies steped up and lefted me up on shoulders, Just hang there the women seemed to go crazy. They finished getting my pants off so now I was just hanging in my boxers. “ On three,” The bartender yelled out. “One…Two…Three” She pulled my boxers down to my nees, The room went silent.
    Last edited by sexyclyde; 01-23-2009 at 11:51 PM. Reason: messed up

  5. #3050
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  6. #3051
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkg-club View Post

    I m sure these pics were made with photoshop and they are not real

  7. #3052
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post

    1 Down, 1 to Go
    Starring Mika Tan
    Mika's slave gets caught hanging out with another mistress, so Mika feels it's time to teach her slave a lesson. After she puts SOUNDS down his urethra, CRUSHES his balls, BITES and CHEWS on his balls, she eventually CASTRATES one of his testicles with a BURDIZZO, but makes sure to leave the other one for future torturing.


  8. #3053
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    Aug 2008

    Why I like this pic

    This picture touches on many of my favorite themes:

    1. The tool pouch – the simple array of tools demonstrates that the procedure is fairly straightforward, on a par with performing a manicure. I also like the fact that it is well worn, indicating much use.
    2. Her clothing is casual and comfortable, signifying that what she is doing is neither remarkable nor significant – an everyday occurrence perhaps?
    3. Her expression is neither malicious nor blasé, although she does seem to rather enjoy her work, and the confidence she exudes leaves the viewer in no doubt that in about ten minutes those balls will find themselves floating in a jelly jar.

    All in all, an excellent piece of art: I only hope the story that it has inspired me to write will live up to it.

  9. #3054
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    Nowhere Man My Edited Version

    well this is a movie i edited about a woman whos about to marry a guy and he finds a video tape on his porch he watches the video to find that his soon to be wife was a dirty porn star lol anyways he is furious she never told him and he treats her like crap and even rapes her after he tells her to get out of his house and she refuses to leave anyways shes pist now and cuts off his penis and runs off with it and holds it ransom lol this version is my edit of the movie although u might wanna watch the whole thing

  10. #3055
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    Sidney Ohio

    early memories

    The first time I jacked off thinking about ********** was in high school. A conversation I'd overheard gave me fuel for fantasy. Evidently, some of my classmates had lied about their age and got into a "dirty movie". I remember sneaking in to see "the summer of 42" and that was only R then- mild by our standards- it would probably be shown unedited on t.v. today. They said a good looking, muscular guy was standing in front of an old dresser admiring himself in the mirror, flexing and primping. Suddenly, hands appeared with scissors (someone inside the dresser reaching thru drawer? image was unclear then to me as they described it). The guy fell back onto a bed, holding his mutilated crotch, and foamed at the mouth as he died. Anyone have any idea what movie this could have been. Sometime in the early 70's it played at the movies.

  11. #3056
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_Kahuna View Post
    This picture touches on many of my favorite themes:

    1. The tool pouch – the simple array of tools demonstrates that the procedure is fairly straightforward, on a par with performing a manicure. I also like the fact that it is well worn, indicating much use.
    2. Her clothing is casual and comfortable, signifying that what she is doing is neither remarkable nor significant – an everyday occurrence perhaps?
    3. Her expression is neither malicious nor blasé, although she does seem to rather enjoy her work, and the confidence she exudes leaves the viewer in no doubt that in about ten minutes those balls will find themselves floating in a jelly jar.

    All in all, an excellent piece of art: I only hope the story that it has inspired me to write will live up to it.

    I would love to see someone do a series of pictures like this one only showing the castratrix wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    Also a series of pictures like this one of a beautiful young woman performing a surgical ********** where each picture shows a different step in the ********** procedure. One or two or three pics showing the removal of the right ball, then one or two or three pics showing the removal of the left ball. While the left one is being removed the cut off right ball is laying in a dish, then a final picture with both balls in the dish and the castratrix has a satisfied but sadistic grin on her face as she sews up the empty scritum which she has just emptied.

  12. #3057
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    Oddly enough, you damn near guessed the title - The Empty Sack. But don't expect it real soon; I do have a life.

  13. #3058
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lizzycat View Post
    Hm...I'd bite! All the way down at the bottom, so I got the whole thing! Chomp!
    Any other suggestions for their method ladies? bite or cut? end or all?

  14. #3059
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    Sex Exspress

    dont wanna tell to much about this one id rather u watch it and tell me if u like it or not anyways i just edited this one i dont think its out there anywhere else so i used megaupload to upload it cause idk rapidshare to me sucks but ill say this is a penectomy video at 29.4mb big
    also in the windows media player format unfortuantley the videospin i been useing to edit these movies codecs are gonna exspire 2morrow so ill have to find the codec pack if i wanna make anymore cause this lets me convert any movie basically plus iam used to the videospin software now so hopefully i find a codec pack for it

  15. #3060
    Member Black Sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurts_so_good View Post
    Believe it or not, the furry image you posted is something I drew back in 2007. It's actually pretty shoddy work compared to the caliber of work I produce now (though I haven't drawn any penectomy/********** art since then). I was actually writing up a story with this (the penectomy was actually just a small part of the storyline), but I haven't gotten around to writing more on it...
    (Sorry about the rather late reply...)

    I think it's among the best compositions I've seen in a penectomy picture. I really like the addition of the lady to the right, her pose and her facial expression. The guy getting his penis cut off is not bad either, with his rather relaxed attitude and single tear in his eye.

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