Fake ********** news story. Gets good around 1:40 and at the end:
This is a favorite fanatsy of mine, and I especially like the descriptions of various tribes of Native americans, and the tortures they performed on captives, and the penectomies after victories. There are several excellent stories of captives sufferieng ********** and torture at the hands of warrior women and the tortures they performed. I especially enjoy the tales of amazons and their exploits, and the fantasy of being defeated and then stripped and *********, as I ly there helples is so exciting. It was so exciting to hear from a woman who enjoys the other end of this fantasy.
How about stories of Viet Cong women cutting off the cocks and balls of their bound and helpless captives. The higher ranking officers were often taken to the Hanoi Hilton and tortured yes but not like others. The enlisted men and lower ranking officers were not as fortunate. They were often sexually taunted and their genitals skinned and removed by women for the entertainment of the other VC and NVA.
Hello, here are a few pictures that I came across. Hope there is something new for some of you.
heres a intresting one u dont get to see the cutters face so you cant tell if its a guy or girl doing the cutting so use ur imageination to whatever pleases you best a guy is makeing a type of bondage rope porno with his girl they hear something outside but hes a big dude he can handle whosever outside so he leaves her tied up in the chair and goes to investigate with a knife gets his wang cut off and the terror on his face is pretty belieavable and he passes out and the person who cut off his wang goes into the house where his girl is still tied up in a chair and as shes screaming the castrator shoves her bfs severed penis into her mouth and grabs her throat and chokes her with her bfs penis in her mouth interesting sounding right
Last edited by reedkritt; 05-16-2009 at 03:46 PM. Reason: misspellings, also havent watched the whole movie so it might not even be his gf could be a angry lover
Reedkritt does it again folks.
Dude, you are the man.![]()
This lady published a book on the subject of **********. She's very cute and in her biography, pulled a kid by his penis on her bike when she was 14. She's an erotic dancer now. The book is a collection of stories written mostly by her, but a lot of other people contributed. It's violent, but really good. There's a sample of it on the website. Highly recommended: The Adventures of Betty Johnson.
Isn't this the Betty girl who had a page about biting?
Betty Johnson is a fantasy, not a real person...
Extreme ball exposure....
jlj, if you have any of those stories (in your head, or from books) of Native Americans, can you share them with us? I would like to learn more. I recall reading that the word "scalping" was often a euphemism for "**********" to spare the sensibilities of women and children, when attacks were discussed in the newspapers. Any real stories of what happened?
In Yugoslavia's Serbian wars something similar happened. "In one incident, prisoners were lined up naked while Serb women from outside undressed in front of the prisoners. If any prisoner had an erection, his penis was cut off. The witness saw a named Serbian woman thus ******** a prisoner."
This is an intriguing account because it clearly took some planning in advance. Somewhere in Serbia is a woman who participated in this emasculation, perhaps in the planning. Was it her idea? Did she suggest it to the prison authorities and they agreed to set it up? What about the women who undressed in front of the prisoners, and presumably watched the ensuing cutting of erect penises? How were they convinced to participate in this? did someone explain what would happen, and they thought it might be exciting? Or were they deceived, and the cutting a shocking surprise?
Somewhere in Serbia there are some women I would really like to interview!