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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4006
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I wonder as of late what is the key to the destruction of a man's jewels. Is it to just inflict pain? Revenge? Or to sterilize? It's amazing how culture once told us that male were the superior gender when really so much of a flick of a finger on the right spot ends with a man down to his knees. That's funny.

  2. #4007
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by nightowltrekor View Post
    I just noticed a post by bookoo that was posted in 2007. This girl is torturing a guy's dick with pliers. I have a flik called prison island massacre, i'm wondering if it is the same flik? It is graphic and one can see blood about to drip out the end of his dick. The woman doing it, is a tall, leggy, dark haired prison guard and she has another man suck her prisoners dick till it gets hard, then places the pliers in the middle of his dick and starts squeezing with all her might. The man screams until finally, he passes out and the woman says in a sultry voice dripping with pleasure... ahhh he's fainted. Now, i'm not a doctor, but it would be interesting to know how bad the damage to his pecker would be. would it be temporary damage? or, possibly permanent? Any medical experts on this thread? Please let me know.
    If there is blood about to drip out of the end of his dick and she is squeezing the pliers with all her might, He probably will have a broken dick. That is a condition where the corpus cavernosum is damaged in some way. In a mild case he might just have a permanent crease and a bent dick at the point where the damage happened. In a worse case, his dick might get hard only up to the point where the pliers were cutting into it and stay soft the rest of the way.

    A similar condition can happen if a girl bites as hard as she fucking can into a hard dick for a while. Assuming, that is, that she does not bite it completely off.

    Love Betty-

  3. #4008
    Supreme Poster Jenny69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bettybiteoff View Post
    If there is blood about to drip out of the end of his dick and she is squeezing the pliers with all her might, He probably will have a broken dick. That is a condition where the corpus cavernosum is damaged in some way. In a mild case he might just have a permanent crease and a bent dick at the point where the damage happened. In a worse case, his dick might get hard only up to the point where the pliers were cutting into it and stay soft the rest of the way.

    A similar condition can happen if a girl bites as hard as she fucking can into a hard dick for a while. Assuming, that is, that she does not bite it completely off.

    Love Betty-
    What a Groovy concept Betty All I need to know know is where is that steamy video


  4. #4009
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    sorry no women castratrix just vidéo 3 men pffff!

    Copy and stick the link in the bar(helm) of address

  5. #4010
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    One can only imagine that the Mistress directed to slaves, who happened to be RN's , Vet's , or EMT's to do this. They took away too much of his pain!! Did you notice he was about to drop it in his mouth when the clip ended. i can imagine a Mistress demanding this. No re-attachment, it's gone.

  6. #4011
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    In My Pants

    Become A Eunuch Today!

    This pair of male ornaments are ready for **********.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails butter-nuts.jpg  

  7. #4012
    Supreme Poster
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    Great pair of testicle !

    Nice Photo, i never seen such a beautiful balls !!!

  8. #4013
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    They told me that in the TV series Rome there are scenes of **********, is not it? At what point?

  9. #4014
    Big Supporter bthauronite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny_cockNballs View Post
    This pair of male ornaments are ready for **********.

    Someone should latch on and just rip them off with their teeth.

  10. #4015
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny_cockNballs View Post
    This pair of male ornaments are ready for **********.


  11. #4016
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    "Luis Alfonso Sanchez Ortiz"

    That is all I have to say, just search the internet.
    Pornography = boring.

  12. #4017
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    not me

    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    For most men with femdom ********** fantasies I think it is just that, a fantasy, and that most of them would probably not go through with it or like it afterwards.

    But while they are very rare, I think there are a few such men who would really go through with it, maybe even enjoy it being done to them, and would be happy with it afterward. I think there are also a very few very submissive men who would let his mistress do anything to him she wants to do, even letting her ******** him. Very rare, but I think a few such men do exist.

    Even more rare, I think there are a very few dominant women who would really ******** a man against his will and enjoy doing it to him. Very very rare, but I think there really are a very few very dominant women who aren't interested in "regular or normal sex" but who's real turn on is to have total absolute omnipotent Goddess power over a man and that for a few such women her ultimate turn on would be to ******** a man against his will then make him serve her for the rest of his life as her personal eunuch slave and would be happy with it afterward. Again very rare, but I think a very few such women do exist.

    Do I think it has ever happened? I think almost anything we can think of has happened or been tried at least once.
    While it is extremely rare, I think there are a very few very rare cases where a very dominant woman like this has actually ********* her male slave against his will then made him to serve her for the rest of his life as her personal eunuch slave, and where both of them were very happy with it afterward in a lifelong mistress/slave relationship. Again extremely rare, but I think there are a very few very rare cases where it has happened.
    not for me i would want it done

  13. #4018
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    I can't believe there is a thread for my sick fantasy

  14. #4019
    Supreme Poster Jenny69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barba72 View Post
    They told me that in the TV series Rome there are scenes of **********, is not it? At what point?
    I hear about that too, but haven't seen the series yet, maybe someone here did, or better yet if had a clip from it.


  15. #4020
    Junior Member frankgoff's Avatar
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    My first post

    Hi folks, I'm new here! This site looks fantastic! I have never done any "ballbusting activity" but I have to admit that the idea of having my manhood under complete control of a woman makes me crazy... especially the idea that she could make my ball pop using her hands after a wild sex
    Hope to post again soon, bye all

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